Is there a plan?, Captain America steps forward. Autistic Avengers - I love this fic, I really do, and sadly it is still a WIP, mostly because I don't know where to take it next. No you didnt. Time for them to learn to listen. CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over fifteen years now at CBR (primarily with his Comics Should Be Good series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). Time to see how his improvisation skills have held up. His fingers brush the bottom half of the page and he pauses at the indents he feels there. And how youve been avoiding everyone since. Something cold rushes through Matts veins, causing him to freeze in place after a massive flinch. What do you mean? The Black Widow asks in a tone as measured as Matts was. Hasbro Announces Avengers 60th Anniversary Figures and More I think Id rather the sticks and stones . Being called illiterate shouldn't hurt, not when he knows he's not, and it's not like he can tell them the truth. Almost. The Road to Phase 5: Daredevil's Past and Future in the MCU Unless?, Yeah, theres something Im not saying. Clint sighs again. Just because I choose to act outside the law doesnt mean I condone others disregarding procedure and basic privacy laws., You know, for an illiterate guy, you have a way with words. Starks words feel like a blow and Matt turns his head away. Its nearly 4am!, I fucked up, Matt whispers as he staggers to where he thinks theres an alleyway. Matt gives into his weakness and falls. Its the perfect cover and Matt cant figure out why the very thought has his chest feeling tight and his eyes wet. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You got a pen? Matt just stands there, staring at Clint in disbelief at the question. Why would I leave a note for police knowing Id be mocked and ridiculed for it and that they wouldnt act on it immediately because of your rumors? Barely out of his range. He needs somewhere a touch more private to examine what hes found. Matt sniffs and realises its some kind of tablet a StarkLet? But Foggys no idiot. Theyve managed to convince the very reluctant cops of Hells Kitchen that this is an Avenger matter and shooed them back a few buildings - out of range of most guns, if not out of sight. She pushes Matt back into his seat and takes a position on the couch beside him. To not be listened to I remember being in your place and Im disgusted at myself for forgetting. But it wouldn't be a Marvel show without your fair share of Marvel . Sloppy. Yes?. Matt laughs. You can be all I am the night and hide in shadows. Stark sounds highly amused and Captain America only sighs at his co-Avenger friend maybe? Matt was the 'anti-hero' named Daredevil and he is 19. Fans have been longing for the avenging angel that is Frank Castle aka The Punisher to join The Avengers on the big screen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He cant be here. Man really is stubborn. How Well Does 'Daredevil' Handle Disability Issues? - Vice Got it. What are you going to do with him?. Theyre followed by a man, who can only be Tony Stark judging by the amount of noise hes making. Its what Foggy would want him to do, its the smart thing to do. But I always refer to . Take that mask off and Ill get us beer to cel - HOLY SHIT! He is the singer of Sam and Cat's favorite band of the same name. Inside the bank, any issues? Matts attention snaps back to the table when Steve turns to the Black Widow. They are nothing. Because I refuse to let you kill this man in my city. Matt flinches internally at the slight slur to his words but the trafficker had managed a few good punches to his jaw before he subdued him enough to consider an interrogation. You do realise that now I know your secret, youre a shit liar? Matt cant help the flinch at the sting but just gives a small nod. Good question. I dont need improving, he snarls, ready to offer a passionate defence. And I can tell you, that aint it., But aint you heard, Sarge? the male rookie asks. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book series with another writer. Come be my hero. Shell not escape her punishm-. Seems like were working together for this one., Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and the atmosphere on the roof seems to relax. Like neat handwriting has anything to do with intelligence. How 'Daredevil' Connects To The Marvel Cinematic Universe And 'Agents If theres a new gang in town, Matt wants to know now. Mr Matt Im blind and cant let them know it Murdock, Matt cuts in and Foggy hisses in realisation. Please. Useful to him only in terms of people he might not have to watch out for. But theres no way for him to tell whats on it without asking for help. But Matts not going to take it. A long moment passes before Matt can gather himself to focus past the noise - something he realises is high pitched and probably beyond regular human hearing - and push the button again, cutting it off. Despite leaving her days as an assassin behind after becoming Daredevil, some Avengers still think of Elektra Natchios as a violent, impulsive killer. He runs his fingers over it, not surprised to realise that whatever is on it is printed. Its okay, Matt lies. Spells Hydra on a standard telephone keypad. Steve says, turning to him. Matt stands there frozen, as the conversation descends into bickering over how fast a person can learn to read (fast, so long as theyre willing to work at it seems to be the consensus) and if they should be forced to do it at all (yes as the consensus, but Clint and the Hulk are the only ones really arguing that maybe forcing is an awful idea, though Thor is saying nothing at all). Matt feels like bouncing on the spot. No matter how far out of his way it is. Good. Stark?, No cameras and theyre all muddled up with the hostages for heat signals. Stumbling into his apartment, he cant stop a stray thought. So youre going to work with us? Stark - Iron Man but Matt cant help but think of him as the name he knew first - says, surprise in his voice. Work Search: Rookie by the smell of the polish on her badge and gun. This has all the trappings of a bad situation to walk into alone. Excuse me if I dont believe you.. Go ahead, Steve says but theres a note in his voice that makes Matt want to raise his shoulders and leave. With . Any close?. Clint slides up to him. Thought I was losing it for a second there. Theres a smile in his voice and a relieved sigh in his breath. And we all realise we fucked up. Matt huffs in disbelief. Tony? He turns to leave, trying to quell the sudden fire in his veins at the hint he might need help to protect his city That gets Matt to pause. So. Eileen Gonzalez: : Yeah, not sure what the purpose of that was. But its not a hospital either; its lacking lacking the cries of the injured and the scent of the dead. Clint waves as he passes but doesnt move. Matt carefully notes how he doesnt say Matt is wrong. The moment hes on the street, he pulls out his burner phone and presses at buttons with a prayer in his throat. We might be a bunch of loose cannons following an out of time icicle in a pantomime of a team but we get to bother each other so no one complains. He finds Matt on a roof, listening to the city. He touches his ear and turns around, so hes not facing Matt. ", Eileen Gonzalez: : Also "Clint is not allowed to talk, ever.". Not that the truth would make much difference. If they all do, Matt can definitely work with this. I need him alive., Hawkeye hops down from his perch, the thump of his landing on the fire escape loud enough Matts sure its audible to the whole world. Promise, Falcon says and the relief steals the last of Matts fighting power. This is awesome., Its a briefcase, Matt deadpans. Captain, Matt answers, leaping onto his roof as the Captain closes his book and slips it and the pencil into his pocket. Steve puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles, a piercing noise that shuts everyone up and has Matts hands flinching towards his ears. Everyone seems to tense but Captain America nods. He listens and smiles when he hears Clint herding them to safety. Shit. The man loudly jumps onto Matts roof as he turns to face him. With no reason to continue lying around, he tries to rise. More information is good and its not like hes going to engage. I I really dont need it. But theres a waver in his voice, some of the frozen fury and hurt hes feeling creeping into his voice. Another hand, this one softer with the hint of nail polish and blood, is placed under his other arm. What did they say?. Matt hates to jump to conclusions if he doesnt need to - shouldnt make another shot. Good work, he repeats, in a robotic voice. Matt Murdock has been the victor of some brawls with Wilson Fisk, but the Kingpin of crime isn't an enemy that can be beaten into submission. It seems to be their meeting place and theyre going to have to meet to discuss all the damage he did last night. Hearing about his genius is nothing like being confronted with it. I dont need to be fixed, he repeats, to a general sigh from the room. When another week passes with no sign of an Avenger, he feels himself starting to relax. Eleven? Matt knows everyone is staring at him, the heat of their gazes boring into him but he just holds his heavy head as high as he can and waits. But hes never been one to run from pain - more one to run to pain if you ask Foggy - so he gathers his shaky thoughts and claws through the darkness. What did he do? No wonder youre so confused. Try that again, without the lying please., Steve huffs a slightly disbelieving laugh. What? they say, almost as a single voice. Steve who moved down the hallway in the space of a stumble. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. If you dont finish your fight soon, Matt cuts into the arguing. I've tried to be as careful and respectful as I can be but I'm not disabled and if I've screwed up, I apologise in advance. He cant be sure if their backs are to this door so his first step is going to be to take out the buzzing light he can hear. With a final nod, Steve walks away leaving Matt to follow his heartbeat out of Hells Kitchen. Matt is hovering on a rooftop, feeling the temperature drop as the sun sets behind him and listening to the scene below him. Nothing, Matt says and he senses Steves nod. Basically. None? Only the familiar voice stops him lashing out at the hands as their owner checks his pulse. Okay. What people think of him doesnt matter because hes not real. Yeah! Hes pretty sure hes the only person here getting the full story. Then its just Captain America and himself left, crouching out of sight on a roof. That right?, Realising Clint is holding his phone out for Matt to inspect the number he nods carefully. The man who lived up to his name and made Captain America look sensible in the process., Steve whirs around to face Stark as Matt bristles and tries to rise. Are you following me for a reason or just looking for entertainment?, Matt tilts his head, aware Hawkeye cant see his raised eyebrow. Why?, Matt smirks back at him. Lights out is his biggest advantage; shell have to cope. The Black Widow rises from her seat in an almost silent movement, with only the click of her heels a sign shes moving. Alley., Avenger Tower, nearby alleyway. Once an idea is out there, theres no stopping it. Somehow, Foggy always cuts to the heart of an issue. Is he working with the Avengers? Hydra is actually robbing a bank? Stark says, confusion in his voice. EDIT The AMAZING Badfinch has made a Podfic for this fic, available here! Fans think that Scott's deep moments of anxiety in the ending montage are actually his mind screaming that the world he's now in is wrong, and that he feels the unseen hand of Kang(s) on his shoulder. Thats fine, Matt doesnt need to use them tonight. Falcon, I presume?. Please dont let them kill you. Lifting his head and shoulders causes something sharp and painful to race through him and for a moment the stale room vanishes and he is on Claires soft couch, her gentle hands trying to keep him still. Follow him on Twitter at @Brian_Cronin and feel free to e-mail him suggestions for stories about comic books that you'd like to see featured at! Like hes feeling them through a pane of glass instead of in real time. Auction in progress, bid now! Well hed be more sympathetic if she hadnt left him behind. He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed and other pop culture features at Pop Culture References. Technically every marvel hero and antihero even some foes like sandman is called an avenger since they joined them at one point. Overall I think there are at least around a few hundred, maybe close to a thousand, Yes. Say it then.. Hed been busy both with setting up Nelson and Murdock and beginning his vigilante activities at the time. He pauses as he feels a slip of paper, folded in her pocket. Hey, I promise. To celebrate six decades in the comics, Hasbro today revealed a lineup of Avengers 60th anniversary figures. Nat might make it but shes just one person. Next:Captain America Finally Explains Why He Let Wolverine Join the Avengers. I know. He takes a path that puts him behind Clint, relying on his abilities to help him sneak up on the archer. I I remember what its like to be ignored. I can hear you, you know, Matt snaps. He stops at Clints side and steels his spine. Silence drops over the room, smothering and heavy. Daredevil and The Avengers - StarkStevePeter - Wattpad Youre going to have these men out of my city by daybreak. Matt can hear how Captain Americas heartbeat picks up at the cold tone in his voice but hes beyond caring. But Foggys only ever bought one of Matts lies - a big series of lies, but a single lie really - and that is because he never could have imagined it. Right now theres still a few Hydra men to deal with. Eileen Gonzalez: : It leaves the issue feeling a bit unfinished, without a definitive "the end. Daredevil | Creators, Stories, & Origins | Britannica If Daredevil needs to warn the police or deliver someone to them, he goes to Brett. Because this? I wasnt worried about that., Uhuh. Steve takes a step towards him. Bursting through the doorway, Matt throws his stick with the uncanny precision that Stick relentlessly drilled into him. She should spot him in three, two, on-, Got you, she says, her voice echoing in his ear a moment later. I need my hands to read a piece of paper and thats very obvious. He cocks his head at her. Being called illiterate shouldn't hurt, not when he knows he's not, and it's not like he can tell them the truth. Like you need fixing.. Thanks Daredevil, Ste- Captain America says, and yes, theres that note. Theyre walking, almost silently in the case of two, but he can hear that two of them - one of which is still somehow managing to move quietly - are carrying something. He can make it work. Ah, that makes a lot of sense, Falcon says and Matt resists the urge to bristle. Good symbol. He can smell papers on the desk to the right; probably important. He lands a solid kick to one of the womens ribs and feels them break; the crunching noise doing nothing to distract him from the feel of bones giving when they should not. Joke, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Its a good plan. Theyre all a moment away from shouting at another and no one is even talking to him. Who seems to have lost his battle to stay conscious. Dozen men at most, looking for a quick buck.. But then again, it might have just been a lucky punch, as his next attack is a tackle in the wrong direction that ends up being more of a belly flop at thin air. Its easier to know it by heart than to have to look it up.. Avengers: How Daredevil Earned His Place Among Earth's - ScreenRant Three; none of which sound slow enough to be the booming Thor or the raging Hulk. 41st and 11th; 43rd and 12th; and 40th and 10th. Matts being ungenerous though. Time 5 - Thor "Friend daredevil" Thor boomed "greetings" . Oh?, Okay this is worse than I thought. Matt waits thirty seconds, just long enough so that shes out of sight, before following. Yes, the Defenders should be in Avengers: Infinity War. Stark hums in acknowledgement, as does the man by his side - his deep, thundering heartbeat has Matt thinking this is the Hulks human form - while Steve and the Black Widow nod in agreement. Hes lying on a soft surface, in an unfamiliar room. You okay?, Im fine, Matt says in a deadpan voice. But while some of the memories of that night have a fuzzy haze over them, the memory of the speed with which Steve can move is not. Daredevil Will Reportedly Join The MCU's New Avengers This one is actually confusing because at the time Danny Rand was actually filling in as Daredevil and I believe the Civil War comic may even name Daredevil during it as Danny Rand, however when Tony Stark arrests some of the heroes and Daredevil is part of the group, he calls Tony a Judas and his whole demeanor and saying that line at all seems like it was intended for Matt Murdock. TNT. Slowly Matt makes his way back across the roof. My turn to talk. Almost. Behind him a woman jumps lightly onto the roof making nearly no sound. I thought I asked you to stop helping., You did. Theres guilt in every inch of Steves body; from the way hes holding his shoulders to the soft breaths hes taking. Turning back to Steve causes the walls to spin with him, his head as heavy but yet light as it is when hes been drinking. Okay, Matt manages. Sitting at the table would be a clear sign he considers himself a part of their team, when he really really doesnt. He shifts, unsure of how to ask why. Its hard and his knees nearly buckle again but he makes it, even through the lightheadedness making his world sway. Which Matt is grateful for as it means he cant see the look of well whatever look is on his face. card as a thanks for what hed done. Finally they reach the stairs to descend to the lobby. Steve. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. But how he wishes he could scream, break the dead silence of this room with more than his measured words. To read ., Female rookie starts laughing even as something heavy and cold settles into Matts stomach. Then hes gone, blaring off into the night sky with a roar of his repulsors. haze of his thoughts, Foggy is a ray of sun, whispering in Matts ear that hes coming and hell be there soon. In their look at Avengers history, CSBG's Eileen and Brian see the Avengers celebrate their victory with Daredevil, but not getting his blind jokes. Of course he should have checked the walls but there wasnt time. Coulson brings out papers (recruitment) and then realises from the way Clint reacts that he is borderline illiterate. They think you'reilliterate. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. Hes surrounded by cries of shock as the lights go out with a smash and for a moment Matt has to smile at how well his plan is going. Its not right., Says the man who was beating him up earlier., Hawkeye takes a deep breath then sighs. Its a familiar scent to Matt, after all his years working in various office like situations. piffgram lipstick alley Fucked up. The problem was that when he teamed up with Daredevil, one of the only other free heroes, Panther was captured, as well, so Daredevil was by himself. They stop a moment later with a squealequel of brakes and are out of the car in nearly the same moment, guns drawn and pointed where Matt had been. Its kinda comforting where it is. Youve not lost the right to call me Mike, he finally says. Why then does it feel like hes just faced a thousand opponents and barely gotten away with his life? My my problem?, Stark waves a careless hand. Clint is perched on top of the table, beside the Black Widow while Thor seems to have claimed the side furthest from the door as his own. 1 Even If DD Wins The Battle, The Kingpin Never Loses The War. He shuffles through them, nodding on occasion. Is sitting optional? In their look at Avengers history, CSBG's Eileen and Brian see the Avengers celebrate their victory with Daredevil, but not getting his blind jokes. Through various clues, the Avengers conclude that he's illiterate. Probably the stubbornest hero Ive had to marshal. Matt ignores him again, too focused on the glass door hes ninety percent sure is right in front of him. If you hadnt left me behind, you would have known what I was planning.. Matt Murdock and the Avengers Fanfic Rec List Matt can pick out the voices of at most a dozen people, a couple of whom have drowned themselves in so much perfume he can taste it through the open window. Take it anyway, Stark says, putting the briefcase at Matts feet as his gauntlets slip onto his hands. And dude, we can help., I have helped! an outraged Stark says. They do show during Mark Waid's run that Matt has some perks from when he was an Avenger that he takes advantage of like getting help from Ant-Man and Reed Richards. Other than this, I dont think hes ever been an official member. Illiterate. Then Foggys putting his hands on Matts shoulders, slipping down to grab his back. Matt shrugs. You can keep it or get rid of it afterwards; we dont care. This is completely useless., Huh, Foggy says as he gets up to grab the briefcase and pulls out the tablet. Somehow, he has some kind of power over Stark in his acceptance of this this thing. If he tries to protect everyone, to defend the whole of New York, hes going to burn himself out and get himself killed. and hovers outside the door to the meeting room for a long moment. Well, according to the Russo brothers . Holy fuck, youre a stubborn son of a bitch, Steve says in a Brooklyn drawl, so much stronger than usual, thats coloured with concern and admiration. [Specific fic search] Clint recruited while deployed, is illiterate More on these questions, when we return. Foggy flicks the T.V. The series was produced by Marvel Television and ABC Studios, and originally released on Netflix. Daredevil | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom Wait here. Before Matt can protest, shes down the stairs and slinking into the back of the cashiers area, taking out the man pacing there before he even manages a breath. Im fine. Totally fix it which is a thousand times better than what most of the bullshit people are selling will. Theres a chance its only made it to the police so far but Matts well aware of the effect of rumour and slander. And Other Amazing Comic Book Trivia! Im sure there was an issue of new avengers entirely devoted to him joining. Foggy can attest to his ability to argue for hours on the death penalty and hes not fond of the implicit legitimacy the government has given the Avengers anti-Hydra spree, complete with resulting deaths. Put it in there; thats easier. Matt pauses then adds, Only use one letter and youd probably be best off not using C. Ive already got a contact under that name., H it is then. Matt can hear the beeps of the buttons as Clint adds the number to his phone. They take out three of their own people but everyone is on their feet a moment later, managing to trap Matt in the centre of a circle. You dont know your own number, he teases. Sniffing, Matt picks up sweat, graphite, and metal. Matt smirks at him. Yeah. We have a problem, he says. ' Brian Cronin: So the acceleration, if anything, HELPED the bad guys. I don't even know how close I got it to what the OP wanted but it is a monster anyway. I understand not wanting to use your own name, Matt corrects gently and it gets a soft laugh. No way you dont know the time every minute that youre out there. He fumbles down the side of the couch with his right hand, the one furthest from Matt, and pulls out a remote. Matt can ignore it and the throbbing in his gut, to fall back onto his heels. One of the Russians. But three of them are already on top of it and Matt has to dodge out of the way of their jumping tackles. You dont say Buddy, Foggy says. No one will look twice at Matt Murdock, Esquire, when trying to find a Daredevil like that. Captain America beats him to it. Hes stumbling around in the darkness, so its more than easy enough to subdue him; knocking him out with his own gun. Is there a plan then? Matt asks, cutting into Falcon and Hawkeyes fight over code names. Matt doesnt need it to hear them - he can hear Stark chattering away on Captain Americas comm from here - but he cant admit to that. Its not like they wouldnt have noticed eventually that I have issues. The Black Widow doesnt trust him to watch her back? A lot of these Hydra groups are using SHIELD property right now. Captain America seems a little quieter but Matt barely notices. *DAREDEVIL* is more INTENSE than I expected (S1 - pt. 1/4) Odds are Hawkeye wouldnt have remembered much about it anyway if not for what came next. Issue, thing, circumstance, whatever you want to call it. Words have no power, theyre only words. So Steves identity as a soldier was stronger than whatever part of him that caused the whole pure, idealistic icon of America hed been in Matts textbooks. Not sure. Daredevil TV show in the same universe as avengers? : r/Daredevil - reddit What? Matt had heard about Starks infamous tangents but its one thing to hear about them and another to experience them. No. Matt tries to push away from the strong, steady arms that want to drag him to a doctor. Well, says Hawkeye, dropping down to the ground by the sound of the thump. Youll talk later ., Later. Maybe theyve decided hes too much of an idiot to work with? Its its certainly something, Matt manages to say. Tony Stark. He is played by Charlie Cox. It should be chaos, body parts everywhere with Matt at its heart and exploiting them falling all over one another. Neurotic. Focusing, he feels out the address. Very exciting., Silence fills the air for a moment before Stark says, You know, youre really a smartass. Not like I wear a watch as Daredevil.. Daredevil: Charlie Cox Lovingly Thanks Fans and Talks Possibly Becoming Matt knows the details of a city he cant help but hear and disappearing into its shadows is childs play. Are you willing to do this all day? He flashes a quick smirk at Banner and takes his first step. Maybe? Its risky but itll make sure that these monsters end up behind bars tonight without any chance for escape. He is the protagonist of the 2015 Marvel/Netflix television series Daredevil, and its 2024 Disney+ revival Daredevil: Born Again. Brian Cronin: He just didn't make it work. As in the Lord of the Rings? Willingly and knowingly went in blind, in unfamiliar territory and never once asked for backup. Netflix and Marvel promised that Daredevil, a new series based on the popular comic-book character, would be something different. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. They end up in a tangle of limbs on Foggys floor but hey, Matts through the window and inside so hell give Foggy the victory hell probably want here. I cant read a screen. Daredevil and The Avengers - Daredevil - Wattpad I wouldn't have managed this monster without you guys. But having him be . Daredevil may have turned down Avengers membership before, but that was Captain America asking. Its nearly too easy for Matt to avoid the Avengers for the next week. When the New Avengers first formed at the start of Brian Michael Bendis New Avengers series, Daredevil was actually there by happenstance. Avengers: Age of Ultron has the advantage of megawatt star power, established characters, and a massive budget. Ill answer to Mike if you have to, Matt drawls, to match Ha-Clints relaxed tone.
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