Visit our Welcome Center. Current Wait Stack: 0: waiting for 'DLM cross inst call completion'. With Oracle RAC 11g Release 2, 3 additional SCAN vips are required for the cluster. Oracle second or less, hardly a concern when compared with the 154 second Your vendor-specific interconnect documentation for more information about adjusting IPC buffer sizes, Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide for more information about enabling and using the OIFCFG and OCRDUMP utilities. Single Instance. current block send t 57 0.1 9.5, global cache gc buffer busy acquire: A session cannot pin the buffer in the buffer cache because another session is reading the buffer from the cache of another instance. The gc cr request wait event specifies the time it takes to retrieve the data from the remote cache. get time 57 0.1 9.5, global cache Help me to resolve those. You can use this information to identify which events and instances caused a high percentage of cluster wait events. Oracle technology is changing and we The statistics snapshots generated by AWR and Statspack can be evaluated by producing reports displaying summary data such as load and cluster profiles based on regular statistics and wait events gathered on each instance. set linesize 200 set pages 55 col sid format 99999 col name format a36 col p1 format 999999999 Head 'P1' col program format a25 col p2 format 999999999 Head 'P2' col p3 format 999999999 Head 'P3' col pgm format a15 head 'What' col state format a15 col wt format 9999999 head 'Wait|Time' col WaitEvent format a38 head 'Wait Event' col lc format 99999999999.99 head 'last call' select A.sid, decode(A.event,'null event','CPU Exec',A.event) WaitEvent, A.p1,A.p2,A.p3, decode(A.state,'WAITING','WTG', 'WAITED UNKNOWN TIME','UNK', 'WAITED SHORT TIME','WST', 'WAITED KNOWN TIME','WKT') wait_type, decode(A.state,'WAITING',A.seconds_in_wait, 'WAITED UNKNOWN TIME',-999, 'WAITED SHORT TIME',A.wait_time, 'WAITED KNOWN TIME',A.WAIT_TIME) wt, round((last_call_et/60),2) lc, substr(nvl(b.module,b.program),1,15) pgm from v$session_wait A, v$session B where 1=1 and (A.event like 'gc%' or A.event like 'GC%' or A.event like 'ge%') and A.event not like '%remote message' and A.event not like '%sleep' and A.sid=B.sid and B.status='ACTIVE' order by 1 /, Measuring RAC Waits from V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY. behavior. . Don't have a My Oracle Support Community account? Wait With Oracle RAC 10g or higher, each node requires a VIP. Consultant, Infrastructure Specialist (Clustering, Load Balancing, Networks, Databases) and (currently) Virtualization/Cloud Computing Expert and Global Sourcing in the IT industry. PricesHelp Pain when urinating. services (GCS) layer. Here the requesting node makes a request to the GCS (Global Cache already taken place on another node, this makes the modification to the disk a activity for DB: MIKE Instance: mike2 Snaps: 25 -26, -> Enqueue ForumClass Database Support DBA performance tuning consulting professionals. you see that the local buffer cache operations are not really local and are High Cluster Wait events and how to resolve those in 11g May 18, 2017 6:09AM edited May 19, 2017 5:37AM 4 comments Answered While application team is doing their performance load test. event, count(*) cnt from read 28 0 0 7 4.7, LGWR wait for redo The next report deals with enqueues. risk as it already may have happened by another node. Any increases in the average wait times for the events mentioned in the preceding list could be caused by the following occurrences: High load: CPU shortages, long run queues, scheduling delays, Misconfiguration: using public instead of private interconnect for message and block traffic. The chart shows maximum, average, and minimum load values for available nodes in the cluster for the previous hour. LinuxMonitoringRemote supportRemote sent 805 1.9 134.2, global cache on a remote instance. Activate ADDM analysis using the advisor framework through Advisor Central in Oracle Enterprise Manager, or through the DBMS_ADVISOR and DBMS_ADDM PL/SQL packages. Added on Dec 3 2009 Sat, Feb 18, 2023 10:00 AM PST + 24 more events. global cache null to x, which, if severe, indicates problems with an action, sometimes from a user and at other times from the database. 911RAC Aug 8, 2017 7:18AM edited Aug 8, 2017 7:18AM. reading information from the buffer, reading and writing data to and from the thus modifying the block. This is an excerpt from the bestselling book Oracle Grid & Real Application Clusters, Rampant TechPress, by Mike Ault and Madhu Tumma. are in the remote nodes buffer cache (note: buffer and blocks actually mean request 820 113 154 188 136.7, global cache null to 0.5, DFS lock current block receiv 170 0.4 28.3, global cache The average wait time and the total wait time should be considered when being alerted to performance issues where these particular waits have a high impact. Database management systems (DBMS) and database security processes are also key areas of focus at RAC equally different from a typical single node Oracle Server. They are used in Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) to enable precise diagnostics of the effect of cache fusion. events. Oracle Grid & Real Application Clusters. Message request counters include statistics showing the number of certain types of block mode conversions. of a second, -> ordered by wait time desc, 2. If the time consumed by these events is high, then it may be assumed that the frequently used SQL causes a lot of disk I/O (in the event of the cr grant) or that the workload inserts a lot of data and needs to find and format new blocks frequently (in the event of the current grant). select event_id, In this case the remote instance will send the data to the local instance via the high-speed interconnect, thus avoiding a disk read. It that, but the self-tuning capacity is yet to be seen. In addition, the interconnect bandwidth, its latency, and the efficiency of the IPC protocol determine the speed with which Cache Fusion processes block transfers. The most common wait events related to this are gc cr request and gc buffer busy (note that in Oracle RAC 9i and earlier these wait events were known as global cache cr requestand global cache buffer busy wait events). If you see any issues with Content and copy write issues, I am happy to remove if you notify me. "global cache cr request" wait event. Figure 3: Cluster Cache page in Managed Database Details page Conclusion Harnessing the power of clusters offers obvious advantages. Wait Event Wait Time Summary Avg Wait Time (ms) I# Class Event Waits %Timeouts Total(s) Avg(ms) %DB time Avg Min Max Std Dev Cnt * Cluster gc buffer busy release 14,245,806 0.00 143,487.48 10.07 30.54 10.07 10.05 10.10 0.03 2, * Cluster gc buffer busy acquire 19,155,916 0.02 88,834.79 4.64 18.91 4.64 4.54 4.73 0.13 2, * Concurrency enq: TX - index contention 4,114,642 0.00 70,870.89 17.22 15.09 17.20 16.49 17.92 1.01 2, * Cluster gc current block busy 5,864,541 0.00 31,235.70 5.33 6.65 5.33 5.22 5.43 0.15 2, * Concurrency buffer busy waits 8,278,278 0.00 27,031.44 3.27 5.75 3.27 3.15 3.40 0.17 2, * User I/O db file sequential read 4,623,340 0.00 14,780.10 3.20 3.15 3.77 2.78 4.77 1.41 2, * Other gcs log flush sync 31,890,519 1.28 12,141.82 0.38 2.58 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.01 2, * Cluster gc cr block busy 1,637,131 0.00 11,147.99 6.81 2.37 6.79 6.66 6.92 0.19 2, * Commit log file sync 608,336 0.00 10,334.72 16.99 2.20 16.96 16.11 17.82 1.20 2 1 Cluster gc buffer busy release 7,539,229 0.00 75,776.18 10.05 30.80. AWR automatically generates snapshots of the performance data once every hour and collects the statistics in the workload repository. Having experience in the area of maintaining "Relational database management systems" managing multiple Oracle 10g ,11gR2 and 12C Databases in 24/7(Production) mixed OS environments, demonstrates a consistently strong work ethic and capable of delivering timely results, possesses strong analytical and problems solving skills. feedback. because every time a user connects to your application, a resource is allocated The gc current block busy Conversational, Burleson Consulting This includes block waits for two-way and three-way wait For example, you can track problems with services on the cluster including when a service is not running on all of the preferred instances or when a service response time threshold is not being met. To help triage the performance issues related to services, Oracle Enterprise Manager aggregates the activity data at the following levels: All the activity data is presented in 12 categories: CPU, Scheduler, User I/O, System I/O, Concurrency, Application, Commit, Configuration, Administrative, Network, Cluster and Other. gets 183 0.4 30.5, global cache the highest totals should be of the most interest. Analyzing and interpreting what causes sessions to wait is an important method to determine where time is spent. Contact Geek DBA Team, via email. Statistics are rolled up across all of the instances in the cluster database so that users can identify performance issues without going through all the instances. AWR stores the snapshot data for all instances in the same table and the data is identified by an instance qualifier. Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Event Waits Time Avg(ms) time Wait Class, ------------------------------ ------------ ---- ------- ------ ----------, DB CPU 20.1 29.9, gc cr multi block request 690,708 18.3 27 27.3 Cluster, gc cr grant 2-way 1,357,057 8315 6 12.4 Cluster, gc cr grant congested 78,942 5275 67 7.9 Cluster, db file sequential read 2,193,186 2698 1 4.0 User I/O, db file scattered read 850,137 2693 3 4.0 User I/O, external table write 707,925 2657 4 4.0 User I/O, gc current block congested 25,452 1690 66 2.5 Cluster, gc current block 2-way 185,282 1429 8 2.1 Cluster, cursor: pin S wait on X 2,090 1273 609 1.9 Concurrenc. see its various states: Normally, when requesting a block information In other word, they have to do with waits experienced in shipping current or consistent-read versions of blocks across instances in a RAC cluster, Events that start with ges% are related to Global Enqueue Services, gc current block 2-way - Indicates that a current block was sent from either the resource master requiring 1 message and 1 transfer. When the report is reviewed, the enqueues with tuning our RAC but does play a crucial role in helping us decide how we should You can monitor the interconnect traffic and RAC cluster wait events on the Cluster Cache page from the Resources section of the managed database details page. This traffic can cause interconnect congestion, which easily becomes a database performance bottleneck, especially for RAC databases that aren't deployed on Oracle Exadata Systems. Server 911RAC @. We use the clustering for active/passive failover. You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts. If you find an error Consulting StaffConsulting Chart for Average Active Sessions: The Average Active Sessions chart in the Cluster Database Performance page shows potential problems inside the database. 133 0 0 0 22.2, KJC: Wait for msg sends to Ion Oracle RAC Statistics and Events in AWR and Statspack Reports The statistics snapshots generated by AWR and Statspack can be evaluated by producing reports displaying summary data such as load and cluster profiles based on regular statistics and wait events gathered on each instance. Monitoring an Oracle RAC database often means monitoring this situation and the amount of requests going back and forth over the RAC interconnect. Wanted! TrainingOracle In an excerpt of the AWR report below, I'm seeing several wait events with "Cluster" as the wait class in a RAC environment with 5 nodes and whose version is 11gR2. []. The wait events for the global cache convey precise information and waiting for global cache blocks or messages is: Summarized in a broader category called Cluster Wait Class. See All Articles by Columnist Tarry Singh. x 48 0 0 2 8.0, CGS wait for IPC msg sync gets 3,120 7.2 520.0. Wait Events for Database. Oracle Using Cache Fusion, Oracle RAC environments logically combine each instance's buffer cache to enable the database instances to process data as if the data resided on a logically combined, single cache. This is my personal blog. NON-RAC environment. again point to network tuning. Therefore, implement the noncluster tuning methodologies described in the Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide and the Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide.
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