At that point in time I had nearly 20 years in electronics and put out many resumes looking for TECHNICAL positions. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. very dumb. In reality, they own nothing. Googled my way here. promote propaganda and sob stories of people getting shafted out of their whole life or group life insurance as a scare tactic. This sounded so eerily familiar to Primericas tactics and MO. Plus his wife worked full-time here too. I can see that people working for this company are preying on people who have not done their research. When I enquired further about the details of this opportunity to make extra income as my schedule permits He responded to me telling me that I would be licensed with my state and I would serve as a financial GPS Lol. They want to interview me tomorrow at 1pm. I do wonder if some above posters simply arent aware of either the licensure fees part of several industries and/or of the time and effort required to build a client base in any commissioned sales position? Or something. I guess I get to add to the list, I received a missed call, I dont check my messages usually and I typically just google the number and see what comes up and then once something pops up I call or dont call this time nothing came up so I called. This is a scheme. I attended and felt extremely motivated, but wanted to think about it for a few days. *69 doesnt block the outgoing number. Never realized Primerica was an MLM until reading what Tracy has posted. (Formerly pre-paid Legas Services, membership I have had for 16 years. Can be a plane, train or automobile. It calls back the last received call. I met with her, and liked what I saw. I also just had the same call and scheduled interview for friday. If youre reading from the bottom up, pay close attention to what Tom (June 2014) & Anonymous with Accounting Degree (January 2015) have to say. He couldnt have known that I am a three time college graduate, having obtained both a diploma and honours degree, in the fields of law and computers respectively, so why on earth was this happening? Furthermore, in order to get into a hedge fund, one has to invest more than a million dollars out of pocket. We walked out to our cars, him telling me about how successful the evening had been. Tameka All insurance agencies are NOT pyramids. I am left feeling overly annoyed. I noticed that he put me as a recruiter on one of them, and himself on the other. The PSF Representatives testimony at the beginning is full of holes. Nothing worth having is ever easy to obtain. Tracy says this is about recruitment and getting people to pay the initial and monthly fees. When I told my boyfriend about it, who is currently taking a bunch of business, marketing and economic courses (Im a FILM MAJOR so the fact that they wanted me at all should have tipped me off), he said it definitely sounded like a pyramid scam and to look it up. I can promise you that he wakes up every morning wishing that he could go to work like normal people and not have to deliver that line of BS at the PFS opportunity meeting tonight. Selling Insurance to People Selling Insurance, a Pyramid Scheme Story As soon as I seen it was a power point presentation I knew money would be involved. As soon as I saw Primerica I KNEW it was a scam. Just got a call myself from George saying he was with a booming company called Primamerica and he found my resume on CareerBuilder. So I looked up pyramid scam and found out its an unsustainable business in which the higher ups make money by recruiting poor unfortunate souls like ourselves. I told him I was talking summer courses and I really wasnt looking for work but I actually was (does that make sense?). Tracy, I would be interested to hear any counsel you have for me, as I am planning to attend a Primerica information event for potential sales staffers 48 hours from now, BUT my circumstances differ from those of most posters above. He told me to have a seat and that there was going to be a presentation. So far, my experience has been very positive. 2. Its legal, yes..but a scam in every sense of the word, that relies on cult mentality. I was livid but had to go along so as to get out of there. Conversation went out and he tells me he likes my personality in which Ive been told many times over. Snowden Dunks on 'The Get-Rich-Quick Real Estate Investing - Vice He had rushed through the call, creating the perception that he was a busy man with many interviews to call for a much-in-demand position, and when I asked the company name he rushed through that part as well. This office in Tigard,OR reeked of people looking for people with low self esteem. I made the mistake signing up thinking I was signing up for life insurance and trying to help a friend out that works for this company. The examples in the booklet are for Bob and Susan Smith, ages 33 and 35. They provide various types of insurance, debt management, financial investment, and credit monitoring services. Suddenly it occurred to me, who knows what that really means in context. It was clear this is a business. Another flyer announces two meetings. These companies actually have them sell their products. I know hedge funds can guarantee growth percentages, but never can they guarantee one that high. I cant thank you enough. They offer insurance, investments, debt consolidation, and financial advisers. She calls the next day and sets up a day and time to meet at an address. I asked him if i got the license would the job be guaranteed and he said yes. Financial investments 6. What should I do? I did find it funny though, because it was clear he was representing an MLM based on the fact that his business cards didnt have an actual company name, used a generic Vistaprint background, and listed him as a Financial Coach or something like that. As always, researching before contacting is saving me from MLM opportunities/, I had a brief interview with a ( PRIMERICA REPRESENTATIVE ) , right from the start i saw the deceptive BS that they where trying to scheme up. I had heard him talk many times about the cars and houses that the top leaders in the company owned, and had asked him when he was going to get the viper posted on his wall. MLM is not a business: Remember that Primerica reps have something to gain with whatever they tell you. You should be ashamed of yourself for writing an article as false and untrue as this one. She told me that she was expanding her business, she worked in financial services, and was looking to hire people. Hes spending more time getting me to do all this than he did explaining the actual job.. He told me he has to go through clearance and apparently he is abusing this priviledge. MLMs are legalized pyramid schemes. He finally mentioned he was on the phone with primerica and he was conducting an interview now Very weird so I blocked evrythhng and said no sales. I told them that Id have to think things over, though it took a couple of times for me to say that so that they understood. Heres this site. I was contacted by someone from Freedom Financial Services out of Charlotte, NC. I had a few drinks the night before. I got a phone call from someone telling me the company was called PFF. My current position is a dead-end job and leads nowhere so I was interested in a promising new opportunity. The company has been in business since the late 70s and has steadily grown throughout the years. Probably found out that my family is not exactly poor. They used what I told them about myself to further what they wanted from me. I too have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. Two days later, I find out that he hasnt paid the bill on the employee health insurance, the insurance lapsed, and now people are getting medical bills that were supposed to be covered. They offered you the opportunity to make extra money about $200/hour extraas I said, the only reason someone didnt make money in Primerica is because they didnt work. Its not for everyone! Regardless, I thought I was really starting the new year great but Im more relieved they taught us about pyramid schemes in high school. 90% of Primerica income made by 304K student training recruits that will never be licensed. In fact, the only thing I remember from that call was his saying Citi weird. While many financial professional aren't interested in working with the middle class,* Primerica is committed to helping Main Street families save and invest for their short-term and long-term goals. Think Enron, Bernie Madoffs investment scheme, etc. What it seems to be is actually a high interest line of credit. Her choice of language, and orientation rather than an interview, and the location of it (nowhere downtown but rather in a rented space in the outskirts I mapped it out) caused me to beg off, using the excuse that the location was too far for me to attend. Im generally really polite and dont want to hurt feelings, and I knew that my current work may expire in December, so I figured Id hear him out and then should I need work in December, maybe Ill give him/them a call. Pull out your phone. He then asked me to write down 25 people in my contact list over 18 and he would call them for me to see if they would buy insurance and give me part of the profit and get me started. I start to feel under-dressed in my khaki pants, short-sleeved button-down shirt and silk tie. No, a regular job is not like MLM. Result was what I had expected. So I asked if she had a website to see the company information and she said it wasnt set up yet. Well her assistant texted me the address and I like to research things so I researched it and the first result linked to a Primerica site with that address on it. She gets so defensive when anyone questions her work. The main product Primerica offers is Term Life Insurance. this woman I met about two years ago at my job . Im kind of worried they have ALOT of personal information about me. id number? 3. open up my own winery making cranberry wine. He responded saying he was looking to mainly fill 2 roles one of which was a representative and the other being someone he could train into a management role. Just then someone clearly answered because he quickly spoke into the mouthpiece, his voice fast and sharp, Hi, Im looking for Amy I listened to the call and to him book the interview, but my thoughts were jumbled. I felt like he was trying to get me as a customernot interviewing me for a position. Over the weekend my family and I went to the Disney store to get my daughter a present and as I was shopping with my daughter my husband sort of stayed behind with my son, my husband was standing over to the wall when a pair of ladies came over to him and started saying oh how sweet your daugther looks with the princess out fits and how she has 7 kids at home and yada yada, my husband was clearly uncomfortable since he did nothing to start the conversation, he started to walk over my way and they followed him towards me, the older lady asked me if I was working and I said no, im a stay at home mom she seem put off by my answer and then turned to my husband and asked him the same question, to which he answered Yes, Im a plumber she made a coment and dismissed the reply by saying that she had a better opportunity for him to make money. No, I have never been a part of Primerica. This is too real. I understand everyone needs to make a buck. Its a good thing Im not stupid and always look up companies before I contact them. PERFECT CANDIDATES! A couple of days ago, I posted the following on Craigslist: Hello, Ive excellent command of MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-PowerPoint. He texted me the address (unprofessional) and me, being naive agreed. I entered the room the woman on the phone had told me to go, there were about 20 other people in there with a presenter holding an iPad on his hand. Now this guy (who knows if he actually works at Primerica) has my SOC. My info along with my social number. I am so glad to have websites like these were people can learn a little more about what they may be getting themselves into. Be aware, I messaged on Facebook, and the account had comments saying Hey man, I think your account got hacked Ive been getting odd messages from you. They contacted me last week and after the first decline the Recruiter called me back to give more information and requested that I come in for a presentation and make a formed decision after seeing the presentation. Currently have a few positions available. If you really want to sell financial products, youre much better off doing so through a company that is not an MLM.
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