"[49] Mangahas acknowledged that the SWS surveys did not include the penalties. [81], On December 19, 2012, both versions of the bill were passed to the Bicameral Committee to produce a final version to be signed by the President Aquino. "[74], However, by April 2011 Aquino has given his full support to the entire RH Bill in a speech at the University of the Philippines Diliman and promised to push for its passage even at the "risk of excommunication."[75]. The PMA condemns abortifacients that "destroys the fertilized egg or the embryo" and "abhors any procedureor medication that will interrupt any stage of fertilization and prevents its normal, physiological, uninterrupted growth to adulthood". Proponents such as 14 Ateneo de Manila University professors, argued thus: "Studies show that the majority of women who go for an abortion are married or in a consensual union (91%), the mother of three or more children (57%), and poor (68%) (Juarez, Cabigon, and Singh 2005). This concept recognizes that while reproductive health involves women and men, it is more critical for womens health. The proponents state that the passage of the RH Bill would mean: The Department of Health states that family planning can reduce maternal mortality by about 32%. 2. Employers shall inform employees of the availability of family planning. [25] Thus, they called their paper "Catholics Can Support the RH Bill in Good Conscience". The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, known as the RH Law, is a groundbreaking law that guarantees universal and free access to nearly all modern contraceptives for all citizens, including impoverished communities, at government health centers. On February 16, 2011, the bill was endorsed by the House Appropriations Committee with amendment and referred back to the Population Committee for finalizing the language. Section 28. For the purposes of this Act, midwives and nurses shall be allowed to administer lifesaving drugs such as, but not limited to, oxytocin and magnesium sulfate, in accordance with the guidelines set by the DOH, under emergency conditions and when there are no physicians available: Provided, That they are properly trained and certified to administer these lifesaving drugs. 10354, otherwise known as "The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" or the RPRH Act. SEC. 13. 4. There is hereby created a Congressional Oversight Committee (COC) composed of five (5) members each from the Senate and the House of Representatives. Section 8. Proponents state that the not passing the bill will make the Philippines no longer be a backward state and unable to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, especially the points on poverty alleviation and maternal health. The amounts appropriated in the current annual General Appropriations Act (GAA) for reproductive health and natural and artificial family planning and responsible parenthood under the DOH and other concerned agencies shall be allocated and utilized for the implementation of this Act. "[7], Different presidents had different points of emphasis. 14. My position is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health. The RAND study also said that a large population can promote growth given the right fundamentals. Reproductive Health | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The same may happen to employers who do not provide free services to employees. Couples determine their ideal family size. Among other points, they proposed a study on the meaning of conception in the Constitution, and if it means fertilization, abortifacients "are to be banned even now and regardless of whether the RH Bill is passed". [48], The President of Prolife Philippines, Lito Atienza, said that the surveys conducted by SWS and Pulse Asia were misleading, because the participants were not fully informed of the bill, were merely aware of it, and informed that it was about health and "modern methods". Pursuant thereto, the State shall defend: (a) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood; (b) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development; (c) The right of the family to a family living wage and income; and, (d) The right of families or family associations to participate in the planning and implementation of policies and programs, The State likewise guarantees universal access to medically-safe, non-abortifacient, effective, legal, affordable, and quality reproductive health care services, methods, devices, supplies which do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and relevant information and education thereon according to the priority needs of women, children and other underprivileged sectors, giving preferential access to those identified through the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) and other government measures of identifying marginalization, who shall be voluntary beneficiaries of reproductive health care, services and supplies for free. The NPPFP, a major component of the Responsible Parenthood and . SEC. On September 30, 2010, one of the freethinkers, Carlos Celdran staged a protest action against the Catholic Church, holding a sign which read "DAMASO," a reference to the villainous, corrupt clergyman Father Dmaso of the novel Noli Me Tangere by Filipino revolutionary writer Jose Rizal, and shouting "stop getting involved in politics!" PCUP, POPCOM join hands for stronger reproductive health programs Meanwhile, the Imam Council of the Philippines, the top leaders of the Moslem population which at 4.5million constitutes 5% of the Philippine population, declared that they are against contraceptives since using them "underestimates God" and "makes one lose morality in the process.". It also mentioned the Catholic Church as opposing . Certificate of Compliance (3) Refuse to extend quality health care services and information on account of the persons marital status, gender, age, religious convictions, personal circumstances, or nature of work: Provided, That the conscientious objection of a health care service provider based on his/her ethical or religious beliefs shall be respected; however, the conscientious objector shall immediately refer the person seeking such care and services to another health care service provider within the same facility or one which is conveniently accessible: Provided, further, That the person is not in an emergency condition or serious case as defined in Republic Act No. Joseph Estrada used mixed methods of reducing fertility rates, focusing on mainstreaming natural family planning. No. 17. Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. Full Implementation of Reproductive Health Law: Is It The - Attorney Treat your child with respect Procurement and Distribution of Family Planning Supplies. Repealing Clause. [29], Opposing the bill, Former Finance Secretary Roberto de Ocampo wrote that it is "truly disingenuous for anyone to proceed on the premise that the poor are to blame for the nation's poverty:. For these women, terminating a pregnancy is an anguished choice they make in the face of severe constraints. Birth Control. Capacity Building of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs). Those with fewer than 200 workers shall enter into partnerships with health professionals for the delivery of reproductive health services. Interpretation Clause. Joaquin Bernas, S.J, one of the drafters of the Philippine Constitution and a prominent lawyer and writer, explained that the concept of separation of church and state is directed towards the state, rather than the church, as it is a political concept. (p) Reproductive Health (RH) refers to the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. A. instill in mind the four pillars of Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood (RA 10354) and recognize its importance as a whole; B. react enthusiastically on the four pillars of Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood (RA 10354) through sharing the relevant ideas; C. illustrate their concerns that correspond to or paralleled . Instead he referred to the Filipino Family survey of December 2009 conducted by the HB&A International (an affiliate of Louis Harris & Associates) together with the personnel of Asia Research Organization (the Philippine affiliate of Gallup International). Establish and set rules 6. New questions in Health - Brainly All MHCS shall be operated by LGUs of provinces and highly urbanized cities. SEC. Members of the House of Representatives voted 13379, while seven representatives abstained. Benepisyong Pangkalusugan ng Reproductive Health Law ONE of the landmark legislation approved into law by the late President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino 3rd was the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, or the RH Law. SEC. SEC. [33], Jo Imbong, founder of the Abay Pamilya Foundation, reported that "Lagman said in a House hearing that the bill would protect human life 'from implantation' ",[37] and not from fertilization, noting at the same time that the Records of the Constitutional Commission state that "Human life begins at fertilization". MARILYN B. BARUA-YAPSecretary GeneralHouse of Representatives, (Sgd.) Sexual & reproductive health | Health Poverty Action Mobile Health Care Service Because 81% of Filipinos are Catholics, the Catholic Church exerts a strong influence in public and moral life. This further implies that women and men attain equal relationships in matters related to sexual relations and reproduction. This Act declares the following as guiding principles: (a) The right to make free and informed decisions, which is central to the exercise of any right, shall not be subjected to any form of coercion and must be fully guaranteed by the State, like the right itself; (b) Respect for protection and fulfillment of reproductive health and rights which seek to promote the rights and welfare of every person particularly couples, adult individuals, women and adolescents; (c) Since human resource is among the principal assets of the country, effective and quality reproductive health care services must be given primacy to ensure maternal and child health, the health of the unborn, safe delivery and birth of healthy children, and sound replacement rate, in line with the States duty to promote the right to health, responsible parenthood, social justice and full human development; (d) The provision of ethical and medically safe, legal, accessible, affordable, non-abortifacient, effective and quality reproductive health care services and supplies is essential in the promotion of peoples right to health, especially those of women, the poor, and the marginalized, and shall be incorporated as a component of basic health care; (e) The State shall promote and provide information and access, without bias, to all methods of family planning, including effective natural and modern methods which have been proven medically safe, legal, non-abortifacient, and effective in accordance with scientific and evidence-based medical research standards such as those registered and approved by the FDA for the poor and marginalized as identified through the NHTS-PR and other government measures of identifying marginalization: Provided, That the State shall also provide funding support to promote modern natural methods of family planning, especially the Billings Ovulation Method, consistent with the needs of acceptors and their religious convictions; (f) The State shall promote programs that: (1) enable individuals and couples to have the number of children they desire with due consideration to the health, particularly of women, and the resources available and affordable to them and in accordance with existing laws, public morals and their religious convictions: Provided, That no one shall be deprived, for economic reasons, of the rights to have children; (2) achieve equitable allocation and utilization of resources; (3) ensure effective partnership among national government, local government units (LGUs) and the private sector in the design, implementation, coordination, integration, monitoring and evaluation of people-centered programs to enhance the quality of life and environmental protection; (4) conduct studies to analyze demographic trends including demographic dividends from sound population policies towards sustainable human development in keeping with the principles of gender equality, protection of mothers and children, born and unborn and the promotion and protection of womens reproductive rights and health; and (5) conduct scientific studies to determine the safety and efficacy of alternative medicines and methods for reproductive health care development; (g) The provision of reproductive health care, information and supplies giving priority to poor beneficiaries as identified through the NHTS-PR and other government measures of identifying marginalization must be the primary responsibility of the national government consistent with its obligation to respect, protect and promote the right to health and the right to life; (h) The State shall respect individuals preferences and choice of family planning methods that are in accordance with their religious convictions and cultural beliefs, taking into consideration the States obligations under various human rights instruments; (i) Active participation by nongovernment organizations (NGOs), womens and peoples organizations, civil society, faith-based organizations, the religious sector and communities is crucial to ensure that reproductive health and population and development policies, plans, and programs will address the priority needs of women, the poor, and the marginalized; (j) While this Act recognizes that abortion is illegal and punishable by law, the government shall ensure that all women needing care for post-abortive complications and all other complications arising from pregnancy, labor and delivery and related issues shall be treated and counseled in a humane, nonjudgmental and compassionate manner in accordance with law and medical ethics; (k) Each family shall have the right to determine its ideal family size: Provided, however, That the State shall equip each parent with the necessary information on all aspects of family life, including reproductive health and responsible parenthood, in order to make that determination; (l) There shall be no demographic or population targets and the mitigation, promotion and/or stabilization of the population growth rate is incidental to the advancement of reproductive health; (m) Gender equality and women empowerment are central elements of reproductive health and population and development; (n) The resources of the country must be made to serve the entire population, especially the poor, and allocations thereof must be adequate and effective: Provided, That the life of the unborn is protected; (o) Development is a multi-faceted process that calls for the harmonization and integration of policies, plans, programs and projects that seek to uplift the quality of life of the people, more particularly the poor, the needy and the marginalized; and. "[72], MacDonald said that lack of effective access to reproductive health services in the Philippines was "antithetical" to the country's struggle against poverty and "It seems to me extremely unlikely that the Philippines will be able to meet its commitment under the MDGs under the present policy. They will still have enough [16] He said that the Papal Commission on Birth Control, which included ranking prelates and theologians, recommended that the Church change its teaching on contraception as it concluded that "the regulation of conception appears necessary for many couples who wish to achieve a responsible, open and reasonable parenthood in today's circumstances". [47] In December 2010, Pulse Asia announced based on the results of an October 2010 survey, 69% of the Filipinos are in favor of the bill. Expectations for the child's behavior and development are measured against the child's actual behavior and development; a . [52], The online poll conducted by the Philippine Star published on May 18, 2011, showed that 56% were against the RH Bill, while 44% were in favor. Section 23. A.. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act Essay Ang Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of 2012 (Republic Act No. 28. [25] Citing Catholic documents and scientific studies, they reasoned that "the RH Bill is pro-life, pro-women, pro-poor, pro-youth, and pro-informed choice". Certificate of Compliance. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health - YouTube 10354, is a Philippine law that provided universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care in the Philippines. Section 3. Guiding Principles Heated debates and rallies both supporting and opposing the RH Bill took place nationwide. Declaration of Policy. After 13 years of arduous advocacy and steadfast crusade of RH champions, the controversial Reproductive Health bill was enacted as Republic . In an effort to ensure that the reproductive health and other medical needs of the Filipino youth are addressed, the Department of Education (DepEd) led the launch of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Adolescent Reproductive Health (CSE-ARH) Convergence. He said that his position "is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health". [citation needed], The UP School of Economics argues, in contrast, that there is lack of access especially for poor people, because contraceptive use is extremely low among them and "among the poorest families, 22% of married women of reproductive age express a desire to avoid pregnancies but are still not using any family planning method". RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD - Lessonplans/Notes - Edudelight.com On February 7, 2011, the bill was scheduled to go before the House Appropriations Committee. The State recognizes marriage as an inviolable social institution and the foundation of the family which in turn is the foundation of the nation. Since 1994, reproductive rights and reproductive health have been a highly recurrent theme in the Commission. Any violation of this Act or commission of the foregoing prohibited acts shall be penalized by imprisonment ranging from one (1) month to six (6) months or a fine of Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the competent court: Provided, That, if the offender is a public officer, elected or appointed, he/she shall also suffer the penalty of suspension not exceeding one (1) year or removal and forfeiture of retirement benefits depending on the gravity of the offense after due notice and hearing by the appropriate body or agency. [70], Young Nine Legislators (Y9L)including Aliah Dimaporo, Lucy Torres-Gomez, Karlo Alexei Nogralessaid that "The proposed P3billion appropriation for the RH bill, if put towards education, can help secure the future of young Filipinos. Aid recipients such as the Philippines faced the challenge to fund its own contraception program. Provided, That LGUs may implement its own procurement, distribution and monitoring program consistent with the overall provisions of this Act and the guidelines of the DOH. [10] Proponents argue that government-funded access is the key to breaking the inter-generational poverty that many people are trapped in. Department of Health is proposing 13.7billion pesos to be fund the RH Bill if it is passed in 2012, according to Senator Pia Cayetano. MANILA, Philippines The Catholic Church's staunch opposition to the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act has stalled the law . Additional duty of the local population officer . [6], The Philippine Medical Association (PMA) stated in their Position Paper that the goal of reducing the rise of maternal and child deaths "could be attained by improving maternal and child health care without the necessity of distributing contraceptives. Right to Reproductive Health Care Information The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. Reporting Requirements 24. Section 16. "[88] "[16], The RH bill provides for "prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and other, STIs/STDs", especially since the number of HIV cases among the young nearly tripled from 41 in 2007 to 110 in 2008. [citation needed], Opponents argue that misery is not the result of the church which they say is the largest charitable organization in the world, but of a breakdown in moral sense that gives order to society, nor does misery come from parents who bring up children in faithfulness, discipline, love and respect for life, but from those who strip human beings of moral dignity and responsibility, by treating them as mere machines, which they believe contraception does. Towards this end, the DOH shall implement programs prioritizing full access of poor and marginalized women as identified through the NHTS-PR and other government measures of identifying marginalization to reproductive health care, services, products and programs. 12:01 AM January 23, 2017. Answered: 1. What are the benefits do we get from | bartleby 1425, is a Philippine law that mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about Jos Rizal.The Rizal Law, in any case, was emphatically restricted by the Catholic Church in the Philippines, mostly due to the anti-clericalism in Rizal's books Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. ; It insures the child and mother gets the best care . (v) Responsible parenthood refers to the will and ability of a parent to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family and children. What is your opinion in the reproductive health law or RH law in the The 30 overall countries who participated in the signing of the declaration was acknowledged by U.N. Secretary-General U Thant during a United Nations ceremony on December 11, 1967, a day after Human Rights Day. [73], In December 2010, the Cabinet and the CBCP agreed to have a joint campaign providing full information on the advantages and risks of contraceptives, natural and artificial family planning and responsible parenthood. Responsible parenthood is also . [72], On January 31, 2011, six different bills were consolidated into a single RH Bill which was then unanimously approved for plenary debate by the House Committee on Population and Family Relations. [76], The Loyola School of Theology and the John J. Carroll Institute on State and Church Issues issued nine talking points on the RH Bill. [6], In 1989, the Philippine Legislators' Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) was established, "dedicated to the formulation of viable public policies requiring legislation on population management and socio-economic development". What is the responsibility of parenthood? (i) Male responsibility refers to the involvement, commitment, accountability and responsibility of males in all areas of sexual health and reproductive health, as well as the care of reproductive health concerns specific to men. 2865 and House Bill No. "The implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law must be put into full force and effect so that couples, especially the poor, will have freedom of informed choice in . The State shall protect and promote the right to health of women especially mothers in particular and of the people in general and instill health consciousness among them. [10][25], Proponents of the bill contend that "natural family planning methods have not proven to be as reliable as artificial means of birth control". [33], Senator Majority Floor Leader Tito Sotto said that the RH Bill is redundant to a 2009 law referred to as the Magna Carta for Women, which contains reproductive health provisions, asking the Senate to drop the bill. House Speaker Belmonte said that Congress is not likely to rush the legislation of the bill and will tackle it in plenary early next year. Directions: Assuming that after 10 years, you will become a - BRAINLY The editorial of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, moreover, stated that Catholic teaching is "only" a religious teaching and should not be imposed with intolerance on a secular state. 9. Proponents also accuse the Catholic Church of holding the Philippines "hostage" and violating the separation of church and state. The National Drug Formulary shall include hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices, injectables and other safe, legal, non-abortifacient and effective family planning products and supplies. The proponents applauded government efforts last February 2010 when it distributed condoms in some areas of Manila.
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