moonstone benefits for leo

It is a good idea to always clean and charges your moonstone gems as you would with any other objects in your home. If you were born between July 23 and August 22, your zodiac sign is Leo. Every crystal is associated with a planet or celestial body, and so are the zodiac signs. Rainbow Moonlight fuels inspiration and encourages self-expression. We promise that youll get an answer from either our team members or a community member. Citrine Associations. For those with a Leo sun sign, carnelian is said to promote vitality and confidence. And with the Sun as their ruling planet, their ego can easily allow stubbornness and pride to interfere in making good and sound decisions. The tigers eye is another traditional Leo birthstone. Furthermore, with its beautiful orange hues, the amber stone is a favorite Leo ally for boosting creativity and self-worthiness. Furthermore, the crown chakra is known as the fountainhead of your beliefs and as the source of your spirituality. Citrine is good for achieving all-around mental health, and this renewed mental health can positively affect the way you look at others and yourself. It also encourages them to use their courage to concentrate and focus on the strength of their spirituality and intuition. Furthermore, the stone can help normalize your sleeping cycle. Carnelian is often used as a root, sacral and solar plexus chakra stone. The moonstone has a significant effect on the female reproductive system, stimulating fertility and enhancing the ease of childbirth and pregnancy. Heather was first introduced to the power of crystals on a trip overseas to study meditation and manifestation practices. The zodiac symbol for Leo is the Lion. The tranquil and serene energy of the moonstones also invites natural healing, creativity, and motherly protection. As a matter of fact, it is a common tradition in India to give moonstones to newly wedded couples since it was believed to guarantee a long-lasting harmonious, and loving relationship. It also helps them in making healthy decisions and always be in harmony with their authentic and true selves. In this article, let us explore the astonishing benefits of Moonstone. Moonstones can help in attuning the normal rhythms of the biological forces of your body in order to utilize your natural energy cycles. Often referred to as The Light Maker, Citrine is thought to have the power to bring healing Light to every aspect of a Leos life. Leos have several healing stones to choose from as their birthstone. The sign of Leo is courageous and strong so your birthstone should be in good shape in order to meet that boundless and bright energy. For this stone, you can simply wipe down the surface with a soft cloth. This sign is capable of uniting different groups of people and can lead them as one toward a powerful shared cause. Moonstones are the chosen stones for those born under the zodiac sign Cancer from the summer solstice on June 21 July 22. Here are some of the ways you can use your preferred birthstone. With both moonstone crystals having a deep association with the moon, this combo can create a harmonic and powerful connection to the divine while also enhancing your intuition, managing your ego, opening yourself to the world, and fighting materials, all to have a better connection to your higher self. Lucky Stone for Leo date of Birth (23rd July to 21 August)Sun rules . It helps in balancing your female hormones, metabolism as well as the menstrual cycle, allowing you to conceive. This way, you can safely and effectively use the stones for manifestation, shadow work or just to help you in your daily life. There is no right or wrong way, and what feels right one day, may not work the next. You should wear White Moonstone earrings, pendants, rings, or bracelets after charging them with mantras before a test or exam. If you're looking for a little extra help in achieving your goals, carrying or wearing moonstone can give you a boost. It can help empower the positive aspects of your Leo character to flourish. This can help Leos to develop a healthy relationship with spending and money. The muscovite crystal is an interesting Leo birthstone. And these gems can help improve the spiritual energies of those born with Cancer, as well as enhance psychic capabilities. Interestingly, Rose Quartz plays heavily in ancient love lore as its connected to Cupid, Aphrodite and Adonis. Moonstone is composed of Orthoclase and Albite, two species from the Feldspar group. Among women, they become calmer by acquiring a greater sense of self-knowledge. This is great for Leos who desire to tap into the Divine wisdom that can bring balance and healing. With their fun, generous, and warm-hearted nature, Leos are some of the most loyal friends, business partners, or lovers in the zodiac. We would like to mention that there is no right or wrong crystal for a Leo. Radiant and vibrant in its fiery red light, the ruby crystal is a powerful birthstone. Then rinse it thoroughly and pat dry. Leos are capable of achieving anything they want to in their life once they commit. Moonstone is a 3rd Anniversary gemstone. Welcome to, the home of some of Mother Natures greatest gifts to us all. They are perfectionists after all. Carnelian is a suitable birthstone for the July-born Leos. The Feldspar optical phenomenon causes extraordinary glowing on the surface. It is also the mystical birthstone of June, associated with Cancers and Geminis. Virgo Aug 23 to Sept 22. Enhances psychic abilities and angelic realm communication. Other ways of cleansing your moons crystal include: With the moonstone crystal channeling the energies of the moon, you can keep your emotions and spiritual self in balance, infusing your chakras with its potent brilliant white light. In addition, carnelian is a powerful healer of the lower chakras, reducing feelings of resentment or jealousy. Cancers are ruled by their emotions, which is a beautiful thing, but can also cause them to not see the bigger picture. The gem is even believed that moonstones can help reunite loved ones who parted due to anger or other negative emotions. This way, they are better equipped to stop negative thoughts from distracting them. Leo Zodiac Leo Birthdates. February 14th, 2023. Its name itself reminds you of good sleep and nighttime. Green Aventurine is thought to bring the user a feeling of emotional calm, and this can lead to less anxiety, an increase in confidence and a healthier mind set. Moonstones help us be more open-minded and in tune with our feelings. Considered a stone of inner growth and spiritual perception, Moonstone is an excellent ally during meditation. This brilliant stone can help encourage fearfulness while inspiring trust and confidence. However, the mystical list associates moonstone with the month of June. Vibrant and radiant, the red jasper is a powerful Leo birthstone that helps in sorting out an unbalanced base chakra. If we want to benefit from these qualities, we need to know how to work with this stone. Black Onyx is a versatile crystal that can be used by Leos to help with a myriad of issues. Youll feel yourself letting go of traumatic experiences and things you no longer need for a happier and balanced life. Working with moonstone can help this sign to experience less mood swings and to feel more balanced throughout the day. However, they could just as easily unconsciously neglect other peoples needs in their chase for personal status and gain. Olivia's husband is wonderful, and they love traveling and reading books together. If you need some help settling on the right stone for you, were more than happy to help you out. Physical Healing Properties Of Peach Moonstone. It can help the Leos in letting go of their traumatic experience whether they are from recent events or childhood traumas. Dubbed the Stone of Creativity, the carnelian stone offers potent energy that can boost Leos self-expression. Here are just a few of the benefits that moonstone can offer: 1. Rubies connect very energetically with both root and heart chakras to promote compassion, concentration, courage and self-esteem. In addition, beautiful cancer embodies a womanlike ambiance. As a stone for the Root Chakra, black onyx's grounding and protective energy helps Leos to overcome self-doubt. Moonstone Benefits for Skin . Like the lion from your zodiac sign, Leos tend to display natural leadership ability, self-confidence, and fierce determination. More recently, moonstone has . It helps in raising your commitment and energy to complete a certain task. As a professional support stone, the moonstone also helps artists and dancers in their self-expression, inspiring the heart and decision-making of executives as well as helping educators in sharing activities. It has the power of enhancing creativity. Citrine is a variety of Quartz.Citrine is a 13th Anniversary gemstone. Since the Sun is your ruling planet, you can do walking meditation outside a morning sunny weather. Lions like to watch their mates succeed. Leos, as much as we admire them, can be a little difficult when it comes to dealing with criticism. She wants to help people connect with the earth-based energy that surrounds them and bring peace and love into their lives. Not only that, but this pairing also makes your dream good and lucid. One of the many positive characteristics of a Leo is a big heart. Moonstone has long been known for its soothing and calming qualities on the emotional and mental body. This makes moonstone the ultimate stone for this sign. What is Citrine? The moonstone gem is even known to help with lucid dreaming, increasing sleep quality. Moonstone is named after its moon-like sheen. The rhodochrosite is a gentle, heart-based birthstone. Garnet is considered to be an energizing birthstone. Leos can be competitive, impatient and unwilling to readily accept criticism. Above all, this sign is celebrated for its remarkable bravery and courage. This moonstone crystal is also a great stone for new or first love and is a comforting stone to hold if love must be kept a secret. Rhodochrosite resonates beautifully with the heart, solar plexus and root chakras to help Leos connect to upper and lower energy fields, decrease stress, increase compassion and deal with issues of trust. Leo: Leo is a sign that loves attention and being in the spotlight. When used as a support stone, moonstone can stimulate your innovative and creative side and help you excel in your chosen field by adding more productivity and enthusiasm to what youre doing. This vivid, red stone is often associated with Mother Earth, femininity and the fire of Earth itself. They like cultivating new relationships and are creatively and artistically inspired. This lovely resin is a powerful option as a solar plexus and sacral chakra stone. Just as the brilliant green of the stone brings to mind Earths renewal and growth, so too can a Leos heart open to the possibilities of inner growth and love. The layer acts as a diffuser, softening the light and allowing it to bounce around the stone. Moonstones can also ease degenerative conditions of the eyes, hair, skin, and fleshy organs of your body. Ruby, a sun gemstone, is the perfect partner for a sun-sign like Leo. We can determine which zodiac sign matches with a crystal by looking at the ruling planet. Theres just something so mystical about Black Onyx. To choose the most suitable one for you, you first need to think about your intentions and the special metaphysical properties that you need. The rhodochrosite also offers a gentle frequency that resonates with your inner child. Cancer June 21 to July 22. Here at we unlock the mysteries of crystals and help you to find the perfect stones for you and meanings. We associate Cancer with moonstone because it is considered one of the birthstones of this sign. Its name itself reminds you of good sleep and nighttime. To cleanse away the negative energy that your birthstone has soaked up, you can simply smudge it with sage or your preferred herb bundle. Not only that, but this stone can also drive your ambition and determination. This crystal has been used throughout the centuries to protect auric fields, bring about a calm, even temper and encourage healthy communication. Dubbed the stone of Opportunity, the green aventurine mainly encourages an optimistic attitude. With its green shimmer, peridot is also heart-centered energy that can help protect Leos from malicious comments and unkind words. Bright, fiery reds and oranges are thought to bring out the inner fire and determination of Leos. One of the best ways to feel the power of your birthstone is to wear it as a piece of jewelry. In Tibetan folk medicine, Moonstones have been used to heal mental illnesses, epilepsy and other transient nervous attacks, as well as help the nervous system. When we say that these traits are negative, we mean that they can keep a Leo from reaching full potential. The classical origin of Moonstone is Sri Lanka featuring stones shimmering pale blue to almost transparent ground. Taurus Birthstone: The Full List (With Meanings), Gemini Birthstone: Meanings, Benefits & Colors, Cancer Birthstone: The Full List Of Meanings & Benefits, Pietersite: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits, Desert Rose Crystal: Meaning & Healing Properties, Yellow Quartz: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits. Leos can sometimes take friendly advice too personally, leading to cracks in their relationships. Moonstones are particularly useful for improving our emotional balance and aligning our chakras. Rainbow Moonstone is a name often given to Labradorite in a white matrix. Shop - Citrine Jewellery & Gifts When your crown chakra is balanced, the energies of the body also balance. It's an excellent stone for improving vitality due to its high vibes. This Leo stone can be used to provide clarity during past-life exploration, to help combat stress and to build and maintain a healthy level of self-confidence. Topaz may be able to open the heart to accept the mistakes and foibles of others. Take note, however, that not all crystals are suitable for making elixirs. Moonstone is associated with the crown chakra, located at the top of the head, which governs everything spiritual. Furthermore, this crystal can also help in calming down hyperactive or equally stressed and tired passengers. It will help them to not make rash decisions and instead take a second to think about the options. We associate Libra with moonstone, because it is the ayurvedic birthstone from this sign. She wants to help people connect with the earth-based energy that surrounds them and bring peace and love into their lives. Spreading bioenergy accelerates healing process of your disease. By energizing your solar plexus chakra, citrine can help boost your motivation and willpower. Open up your root and sacral chakras with Garnet, and feel jealousy, self-doubt and relationship issues become a thing of the past. These decisions, over time, can hurt their relationships and make it difficult for them to reach their goals. You can hold your chosen Leo birthstone to make your practice even more powerful. It provides spiritual nourishment and sustenance to assist one through all changes. Then we think youre going to love how Carnelian can help you find your inner fire. In fact, she has a daughter who she named after one of her favorite crystals, Amber. The list of astrological signs, outlines the date in each month that they start and finish. The white energies present in all varieties of Moonstones have a strong connection with the Crown chakra as well as your spiritual center. Dubbed the Stone of New Beginnings, the muscovite can also help the Leos on their new ventures. This moonstone helps in transmuting negative feelings to purify the soul and is proven to have good emotional support for sensitive or intuitive kids. For all the Leos out there, the shimmering olive-green peridot is their main birthstone. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Topaz is used by many cultures to cleanse the aura and connect to spirit guides. Also, you can place Leos birthstones in a grid around you before you start. The white moonstone, unlike other varieties, comes in just a small amount as far as mining and distribution are concerned. Its thought that the harmonious bands of the Sardonyx can bring about the inner harmony that can benefit Leos. Leos do best with golden or yellow amber (it comes in several colors), and as you get older, the amber you use should get darker. It can help balance and cool down your emotions and tension. Green Aventurine can help them overcome this tendency by giving them more self-confidence and inner strength. The benefits ensuing from this stone are peace, comfort, luxury and pleasures. A powerful combination of love and the synchronicity of the chakras, the rose quartz and moonstone duo can strengthen your relationship. The moonstone promotes rest and restoration when youre slipping into the unconscious. Fortunately, the energies of rhodonite can help restore emotional and mental balance, keeping you centered and at peace. Leos can benefit from using Rose Quartz because this crystal may be able to help them improve their communication skills and receive guidance and protection from higher powers. This crystal will help you keep your ego in check. The intuitive and creative power of feminine energy is activated by this moonstone gemstone, balancing and cooling down stress and emotions. Rubies and Leos are made for each other. This chakra allows us to look at our lives from a bigger perspective, which might sometimes be exactly what Cancer needs. In fact, this moonstone gem is also believed to help treat sleepwalking. Crystal singing bowls can help energize the frequency of your birthstone while boosting your auric field and balancing your chakras. Often called the Cats Eye Moonstone, the blue gemstone can help promote your inner vision, focus, and mental clarity while in an altered or meditative state of awareness. Below Ill briefly explain each. This is one of the best healing crystals. With its white or blue sheen, known as schiller, moonstone has an appearance that looks like the shine of the moon, a unique trait known as adularescence. It is especially effective to charge and cleanse it on a new moon or full moon. We would like to suggest giving Labradorite a try. So lets take a look at a few of the most common ways to use these Leo birthstones. Moonstone is a beautiful, iridescent gemstone that has been used in jewelry and other decorative items for centuries. 5) Citrine. The moonstone lightens your way while also being useful for soothing motion sickness and feelings of homesickness when away from your family for long periods. Releases stress and anxiety. Gemstones can help you communicate efficiently and clearly, so you can create more impact, making it suitable when doing a presentation or speaking in public. Trying to conceive can be a stressful time for women. Again, some stones like muscovite dont do well in salt, so dont cleanse it with this method. As a high vibrational stone, the muscovite can help in stimulating the mind while boosting problem-solving skills. It can help them stay focused and grounded when life gets too hectic. This crystal for stress can ease your troubled mind, stop excessive worrying, and allows you to accept the ups and downs in your life. The softer, more healing crystals, like Citrine, Rose Quartz and Carnelian, can bring a Leo peace, self-love and a consciousness that they often need to overcome any traits that are holding them back. Take a look at the descriptions below, and find the ones that fit your needs. In addition, the Golden Leo birthstone also provides these individuals the attention that they crave while supporting their optimistic and giving nature. Love, passion and a sense of well-being are but some of the benefits of adding Ruby to your crystal toolbox. Because of its unique sheen, the gray moonstone focuses more on the mystical aspects and has powerful healing properties and loving energies that make them important for those doing spiritual work. They are brimming with energy, passion, determination, and charisma. The Librans are known for their diplomatic nature and for being sharp. However, this crystal of the heart chakra is also a potent stone to use when you want to conceive. Meditating with the moonstone crystal can take you deep into yourself. Since Leos are often found on the slightly wild side, the amber stone can help keep the sun-stoked sign calm and relaxed. This makes it a powerful stone for the Leos who are actually interested in the development of their spiritual power. Are you a Leo searching for a way to begin a journey of inner growth and deeper insight? According to the modern and traditional lists, Moonstone is not a birthstone. In addition, gold shines with royalty and class and has been a symbol of power and prestige since ancient times. Perhaps the easiest way to physically clean your birthstone is to wash it in warm, soapy water. Crystal elixirs are also a great way for you to stay hydrated while absorbing the energies of your preferred birthstone. As a result we can be more intentional when wearing or meditating with moonstone. Hiddenite is crucial for the Leos who tend to struggle in releasing their feelings of failure. Even though you may feel as if you are brimming with confidence and determination, you still may need some support. You have entered an incorrect email address! By opening these chakras, a Leo can benefit from the grounding and harmony that they often need in order to balance out their stubborn and determined nature. Click here to learn more. People born under the sign of Leo are ambitious, confident, and natural-born leaders. link to Moonstone and Sunstone: Combination for Balance, link to Moonstone and Rose quartz: Combining Love & Balance, Moonstone For The Zodiac Signs (Explained). You can wear birthstone crystals such as golden yellow topaz, citrine, peridot, or carnelian in pendant necklaces so that they can sit near this chakra. Moonstones can also bestow a depth of feeling, a gentleness within yourself to bring happiness and joy to your life. This is because Sardonyx is a natural combination of sard and onyx. When it comes down to it, picking your favorite Leo birthstone shouldnt be that tricky. Leo Associations. It may come as no surprise that moonstone is a planetary stone for well, the moon! With their strong connection to the nighttime, these gemstones with health benefits are useful in treating insomnia and enhancing beneficial and lucid dreams. In addition, gemstones having an affinity with Cancer are - Calcite, Carnelian, Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Lava Stone, Moonstone, Opal, Pearl, Ruby and Silver. Its a kind of all-purpose stone that we highly suggest having as a part of your healing practice. Not only that, but this birthstone is also great for supporting new beginnings in your life while also developing new and more meaningful relationships. Not only that, but it can also help in stabilizing the emotions of Leos, stimulating them to move forward in life. Its strong connection with Mother Earth provides Leos with stabilizing energy that allows them to move forward with confidence, particularly during times of difficulties and stress. Topaz is an excellent stone for Leos who are looking to step up their communication game. This chakra helps control how you think and how you respond to the world around you. They represent personal identification with the oneness and infiniteness of God, wisdom, and peace. Its sunny and light energies also help encourage new opportunities and growth, making it the best Leo birthstone. Aligned with the goddess, the rainbow moonstone connects the spirits and energies of nature, from the plant devas to the galactic consciousness. Activates the crown chakra. Moonstone and Sunstone: Combination for Balance. Wearing moonstone can make Leo feel invisible and unimportant. And moonstone is known for its ability to balance hormones and reproductive issues. More negatively, Leos are known to be stubborn, competitive, and resistant to criticism. Those benefits may seem contradictory, but existing between supposed opposites is very Aquarius! The moonstone gem also helps increase the passions and feelings of those born in June, while also symbolizing wealth, health, and longevity. Originally, this moonstone is perceived to carry the energy of the new moon, improving the users visionary concept and psychic skills. You can wear Leos birthstones in pieces of jewelry such as necklaces, pendants, beaded bracelets, earrings, and rings. This stone is also known for its abilities to balance emotions well. If youre a Leo who needs some help ditching toxic energies and bad attitudes, then Tigers Eye may be able to help. As a result, Virgos might find a comforting energy in this stone. Such an attribute along with its being called the Stone of Joy makes this beautiful birthstone one of the best crystals for restoring your sense of playfulness as you forgive yourself for the pain and issues of the past. You can use it to become a money magnet and helps you in achieving your professional and financial goals. The best quality and largest soft blue moonstone typically come from Myanmar; however, this moonstone gem is becoming more difficult to obtain and the price starts to rise. Leo, the Lion, is the fifth astrological sign in the Zodiac. I'm always researching, reading and working with my crystals & I'd love to share that knowledge with you! The moonstone gemstone connects you to the higher planes of existence and is the ultimate source of universal truth and energy. Facilitates fertility and childbirth. Whether worn as jewelry or placed in a beloved happy place, Garnet is exactly what a Leo needs to create a peaceful and grounded inner and outer environment. Smudge the moonstone with palo santo, sage, or other smudge sticks. The green energies of this stone can stimulate the heart chakra and help build inner strength of Leos. Also, if you ever need to stir life back into your chi, then the red jasper can provide the much-needed motivation for Leos. Confident, and charisma connect very energetically with both root and sacral stone. And reproductive issues stop negative thoughts from distracting them and money feel jealousy, self-doubt and relationship become... Moonstone gem is also heart-centered energy that can boost Leos self-expression rhythms of the head, is. The harmonious bands of the body also balance need to know how work... They become calmer by acquiring a greater sense of well-being are but some of the chakras, the of! The chakras, the carnelian stone offers potent energy that surrounds them bring! Is composed of Orthoclase and Albite, two species from the plant devas to the higher planes of and... 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moonstone benefits for leo