Saturn in Pisces can bring about emotional understanding, compassion and catharsis yet can also be prone to an over-active, fearful imagination, imagined slights, anxieties, paranoia, excessive worry and regrets over the past. Friends, Love and relationships arent easy for Aquarius sun Gemini rising, because you have trouble reading certain situations and suffer from Unveiling Genesis There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. It can be a difficult position for the karmic planet in a karmic sign, where conflict arises processing memories of the past. They may work in unusual sectors or even go for long periods without a job. Something fishy going on in Denmark! Donations Most astrological placements have their give and take. Again, as in the Nordstream explosion chart, does the Neptune = deception formula apply? Although she is used for the WebLeo is a sign of the Fire element and governed by the Sun, which means that those who have Moon in Leo are confident, extremely vain, and even have high levels of pride - the famous nose up person. The two ruling planets, Uranus and Pluto, will guide these individuals with this placement to the end of their path in a way that enables them to bring something unique and valuable to humanity. Nuclear devastation or the preservation of Humanity. WebSun in Aquarius represents free-spirited expression, visionary in one's approach, embracing uniqueness and valuing personal freedom. And in 2025, both Neptune and Saturn enter Aries, making close conjunctions throughout that year, especially in August. A man with an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon placement is a natural leader with a secretive side. WebSun in Aquarius represents free-spirited expression, visionary in one's approach, embracing uniqueness and valuing personal freedom. What does a Scorpio Moon sign bring to this combination? Pluto makes its grand entrance into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 having spent 15 years in the previous sign Capricorn since 2008. German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, and critic. Neptune god of the waters, is appropriately the esoteric ruler of The Crab also the soul sign of Washington, DC and personality expression of the USA 1776 horoscope. The mystical Piscean nature of the Germans (expressed so beautifully in their poetry, music, art and philosophy), was played upon in such a way that the majority did not have the mental discrimination to see what was going on or to exert a resistant will. Moon in Gemini is void-of-course, trine to Gemini ruler Mercury in late Aquarius conjunct Saturn. They may also simultaneously misjudge the intelligence, expertise, or competence of others. Aquarius Sun With Capricorn Moon Both Aquarius and Capricorn are deep thinkers who feel a deep sense of responsibility. An Aquarius moon amplifies the Aquarius sun sign's typical traits. However, when they meet someone who truly understands them, they are able to build a deeply satisfying and meaningful connection. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Five rail cars of vinyl chloride derailed an extremely hazardous substance that has been proven to cause several types of cancer. Destiny Races & Nations II Leo Sun/Leo Moon/Aquarius Rising. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The most iconic aspect here when it comes to personality is that an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is a free spirit. Besides appearing on the birth chart, the Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon placement can profoundly affect us in synastry and transits. These two signs balance each other.1, Pisces Keynote All these factors have become particularly noticeable since around 2015, with elections in the UK and USA and the analytical data groups who influenced public perception and voting outcomes. Your wit amazes those around you. When these two combine, this placement becomes a powerful current of emotions. Pisces is not only the mysticbut also themedium. Whether these signs are in competition with each other and pulling in opposite directions, or they are tempering each others most extreme qualities, is something that an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon can learn to find balance with. 2.) Lets explore what the stars have in store for an Aquarius sun Scorpio Moon. The casualties, deaths, suffering and displacement is likewise appalling the West could have made other choices but chose to blunder in bull-headed, creating chaos and misery. Destiny Races & Nations III Aquarius moon Pisces moon The Scorpio moon sign Scorpio is a fixed water sign doused in mystery, shame, and intrigue for as long as you and I can remember. Learning when to open up to individuals and when to play things close to the vest can be a challenge for a Scorpio moon. When discussing the presence of the fourth ray in USAs ray structure, the USAs first ray influence is touched upon: Ray 4. Due to the specific influence of the watery and emotional Scorpio sun, this person is likely to have a deep understanding of other peoples feelings and emotions. Chemicals company says disruption from Ukraine war, rising costs and inflation will continue this year.. His website, eponymously named, is worth exploring. If an individual with this placement winds up being restrained in their lives, they will immediately begin working to restore their liberty. List of 12 star signs. Soul Cycles Seven Rays IV Moon is also the most elevated body in the chart and quincunxes Scorpio co-ruler Pluto in late Capricorn. Scorpio is rising in this event chart, with its ruler Mars placed in Gemini conjunct the Moon in the sign of transportation. They may also come off as bohemian, different, or outright strange. On the flip side, the Aquarius moon partner will likely challenge them with the aim of breaking free of their hold. %PDF-1.5 % Scorpio is a water sign which brings a natural connection to the emotive world, the moon is considered to be in fall in this sign which brings some additional turbulence. . Per your comments on Norways likely role in sabotaging the Nordstream pipeline at the there is an opinion piece Is Hersh telling the whole truth? There are also two different articles by both the former Inspector General of the Bundeswehr Harald Kujat and by by former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on how impending peace deals between Ukraine and Russia were blocked by the Westernn governments and especially by Boris Johnson. 7 0 obj <> endobj On the one hand, the innate intensity of Scorpio often sparks an inherent need for control and stability. Moon in Scorpio represents rich Esoteric Astrologer Bookstore. You are very idealistic and have trouble being around people who have differing views and ideas to you. Saturn is making its final aspect to Uranus in their long running square dance. A recent article asked, Has Germany Become a Colony of the United States? Saturn is also in harmonious trine aspect to USAs natal Mars in Gemini/Nordstream explosion Mars. . Great emotional expressivity isnt a sign of weakness, but a sign that one is truly in touch with what theyre feeling and are able to stand in the full weight of that expression. The Scorpio sun individual will want to control and possess their partner while keeping tabs on them. Yet at the same time, Hierarchy knew that the first ray force would break down old patterns of history, bringing vital unresolved issues to the surface. They can also have difficulties processing the immediate emotional realities of people around them in favor of a more logical approach to navigating social situations. Have you been meaning to get an astrology reading but have not got around to it yet? The 250 year (Phoenix) cycle of Pluto in Capricorn carries the great danger of power hungry tyrants that want to rule and take over the world, versus an awakening Humanity, who through the power of transformation, have the opportunity to reclaim their lost power and walk through the purifying fires of initiation.4, Pluto rules the lesser burning ground and the first ray of will or power and is connected to cycles based upon the numeral 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc. Hence, this transition period leading to 2025 also runs in parallel with Saturns aforementioned transit through Pisces a sign esoterically ruled by Pluto. A man with an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon placement is a natural in a crowd. You are not alone in your observations. You digest all the vibes, good and bad. When the Scorpio sun placement parallels the Aquarius moon, the resulting individual is a deep well of contradictions. This period was also close to the start of the 500-year cuspal period between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius. Besides serious environmental issues federal assistance was not forthcoming (look over here Ukraine! Or want to send a thoughtful gift? Today, there is a pandemic of propaganda! Get Names, Dates, Times, & Places ! The Astrology Revolution Saturday. WebSun in Aquarius, Moon in Aries Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Cancer Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Virgo Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn Poland has had long term grievances with Russia and has now piled on with Pisces Germany and progressed Sun in Pisces, USA. The need for this assertion is realised by many in Germany but the negative Piscean personality attitude provides a great obstacle and accounts for what has puzzled all who know and love the German people.12. Often, this is because both people are stubborn but in their unique way. However, the Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon is a combination that is all about outward expression. The WebAquarius sun with Gemini rising, you are a quite coherent being. Get Names, Dates, Times, & Places ! The Astrology Revolution Saturday. They often have a strong sense of social justice and they want to make the world a better place. Currently there are public protests about this government policy, an encouraging development. Having your sun in Aquarius is a powerful air sign position. Its hard to take advice from other people or learn to slow down when youre this driven. But that has also come about through these basic skills being blocked by fear and propaganda. The regenerative force symbolised by the serpent that sheds its skin. Saturn is the mind, ruler of the throat centre/mental body hence brings synthesis of mind-emotion. Elevated Jupiter here represents a brazen plan that gained high profile and of course Aries is ruled by god of war, Mars. Keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down., an interviewer asks basic knowledge questions to random people in the street, If Russia invades . With such a strong-willed desire to be free, An Aquarius sun Scorpio moon can often find themselves the victims of their own pride. Plutos passage through Aquarius encompasses the year 2030, marking the 100-year anniversary of its discovery in 1930. Note that the waters of Aquarius feed the waters of Pisces the fishes. But its early days yet, the truth will emerge just as it has concerning the last three years of the Covid fiasco. Together, these two great Aquarius soul nations, USA and Russia hammered the final blows that ended WWII. Monthly News from Susan Miller. Neptune is the personality ruler of Pisces, and as Lord of the Oceans, appropriately rules the solar plexus centre, gateway to the astral body. Saturn in its lower expression is the jailer, the imprisoner and Pisces is associated with this theme. The great battle between the planetary Dweller on the Threshold and the Angel of the Presence has been fiercely engaged and will continue for some time yet. But if theres anyone who can do it, its an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon. ___ Nordstream Pipeline Revelations Soul Cycles Seven Rays II Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius have the enthusiasm and zest for life that matches this natives own. Scandinavia, has a Cancer personality the Crab, which can fall into being pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back, and to vanish into hiding at the first signs of trouble.16. Germanys Pisces Personality and the USA The author does not have time to respond to many emails from readers, so please post your comments in the section below. This isnt someone who simply gets out of the way and lets her be independent, but is someone who actively supports her independence and holds her up. This tragic accident occurred just before posting the newsletter, so a complete analysis is not possible. ~. . Aquarius Sun people are often ahead of their time. These opposing forces combine to form a complex individual with an adventurous spirit and deep emotional understanding. Aquarius: January 21 February 18. The Moon in Scorpio man is attracted to: loyalty This is the most intense sign and people with this Moon sign will crave that same intensity in all parts of their lives, including relationships. (Note the date: 23-3-23!) Joe Biden stated in this short video, If Russia invades . A Scorpio sun Aquarius moon individual has a unique position to assess the situation and make decisions that are considerate of both sides. Who will lead the world? Most likely a 4th ray soul, from the soul of the nation. Aquarius ascendant individuals are known for being innovative, independent, and humanitarian. Why? As stated earlier, Pluto will be passing back and forth from Capricorn to Aquarius until Nov.19, 2024 when it fully enters that sign. Pisces-Neptune-Pluto: Gas and Oil When combined with an Aquarius moon, Scorpio personalities can look outside of themselves to focus on a higher purpose. Anyone with this placement will have the inherent ability to think outside the box and remain balanced by understanding the need for security and a sense of structure. WebA Scorpio sun Aquarius moon individual has a unique position to assess the situation and make decisions that are considerate of both sides. Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon/Virgo Rising. Those with an Aquarius Moon are often drawn to the arts, whether it be painting, music, acting, or writing. Free Subscription to Newsletter A woman with this placement doesnt want a doormat, she wants a co-pilot. Initiations of Krishnamurti One of the biggest challenges of a moon in Scorpio sign is the balancing act between the natural desire for privacy that a Scorpio will have combined with the Scorpio moons strong desire for intimacy and emotion. 28 0 obj <>stream Joined Apr 17, 2017 Messages 275 Reactions Up the coast from Stavanger, not far from where pipelines carry gas to Europe, Ingunn Johannessen, a fifth-generation shopkeeper, is unplugging freezers and fretting about the winter ahead the combination of higher prices for food and electricity is maddening.15. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. This is a task that they might take on with great excitement once they realize it will benefit their other natural abilities as charismatic leaders. Theres a lot to unpack here so we better get started. Consider the fact that the bulk of Humanity is still astrally polarised estimated at around 75%. Two birds killed with one stone! When they really like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Virgo Sun opposite Moon, Earth and Jupiter in Pisces! The new colonies of the USA amalgamated and broke free from mother Britain, whilst the French monarchy was abolished and the French First Republic was founded. Meeting link at Aquarian Wisdom Centre Portugal. Note The author does not have time to respond to many emails from readers, so please post your comments in the section below. A partner who can balance the Scorpios intensity with a calming, practical presence will be well-suited for the natives needs. Germany was possessed by a powerful and possessed dictator who was extremely mediumistic, easily manipulated by the dark forces. This can be at odds with the desire to be a little secretive. These effects are becoming evident already and even more so over the next two years houses of cards are collapsing everywhere. Passion projects and spiritual retreats may also be part of this natives journey, allowing them to nurture their creativity and inner reserves. They tend to break away from conformity and explore their interests and paths. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. In the explosion event horoscope near the Danish island of Svaneke, the Sun and Moon were in Libra, one hour past the new moon of Sept.25 at 1.03 am on Sept.26 a time chosen that offered the cloak of darkness. On the other hand, the Aquarius moons desire for freedom and exploration can be a source of constant conflict. The problem is widespread in all nations however. Pisces, World Glamour and Propaganda Scorpio: October 23 November 21 Sagittarius: November 22 December 21 Capricorn: December 22 January 19 Aquarius: January 20 February 18 Pisces: February 19 March 20 You can find out your sun sign by seeing when your birthday falls within the set date periods. An Aquarius sun can come off as being standoffish or give off that classic too-cool-for-school vibe. That combination of a free spirit with a little bit of hubris also means theyre not likely to concede it to the middle ground. Fission or Fusion. Sun: Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, which makes them seek out unique ways to problem-solve and to approach life. A partners willingness to give them space and join in on the journey is crucial for a successful relationship. We could also add to this, a collective guilt the German nation still carries after the shocking events of WWII, still not fully healed within the national psyche. The influence of the sixth ray, coming via Mars, martially applied, and the lack of true spiritual love as it is diverted into, account temporarily for themass negligence to assert itself on behalf of the oppressed and in the interests of the higher principles. The phoenix fire bird rises from the ashes of its slain self, the perfect symbol for Pluto and its rulership over both Scorpio (exoterically) and Pisces (esoterically). The past three years of pandemic drama has brought the issues into clear focus. Safe and secure: Stripe is supported in most countries. The Scorpio sun Aquarius moon As this author wrote, Pluto Ingress into Capricorn 2008: The planet of power entering the sign of power and initiation for the next 17 years (until 2023-4), will see Humanity go through a major planetary crisis. Before that occurs however, Germanys Aries soul must arise and perhaps Jupiters current passage through Aries will sow that seed. The rebellious nature of Aquarius often comes out in full force with this combination. In an article (Nazi Germany: A Mediumistic Piscean Personality), this author stated. The Libra Moon can claim to be a true people person bec Continue Reading 10 These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. He likes to dominate and hes very determined. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. This direct flow was a calculated risk taken by the Hierarchy, in order to speed up planetary evolution that fell behind other planets in the solar system due to the failure of the Moon chain. Warsaw also witnessed some of the most hideous effects of the dying Piscean age in the Jewish ghettos where thousands were starved to death. Thanks for your kind contribution! 6@H0_wH"Hh'd5v3&Fi F' N The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. When USA-NATO made this decision they must have known how it would affect Germany and the rest of Europe, but they did it anyway. These are signs that often pull in different directions. newsletters and articles on esoteric astrology and the ageless wisdom, Their minds cant sit still, making it hard for this person to focus on one singular concept for long periods. ), ~ Missing the full set? The Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon combination represents a unique blend of intellectual and intuitive traits, making it a good match for other water signs such as Scorpio is a water moon, making you ultra sensitive to the moods around you. Songs to Varuna Gemma Arterton February 2, 1986 at 5:00 PM Denise Since they are independent creatures, they thrive in environments with minimal supervision and can handle a high amount of personal responsibility in the workforce. He, the new and living One leaves below that which has held him down throughout the ages and rises from the depths unto the heights, close to the throne of God.3. This zodiac sign is known for being independent, unique, and inventive. Aquarius is very social and loves exploring new ideas and theories, while Scorpio is passionate and intense. WebThe Scorpio sun Aquarius moon combination produces an individual who is full of surprises. WebYour Scorpio Moon is sharp and a bit self-centered but an Aquarius Sun gives you powerful compassion and a need to serve society. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. WebThe Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon can be in competition with each other. The combination of Scorpio and Aquarius often leads to a keen eye for the unusual and unorthodox. The Leo ascendant is in close synastry to Jupiter in Britains horoscope. To quote you, this has resulted in the dumbing down of the population.. Pluto in 1930, emerging into human consciousness at the end of the Piscean Age to wreck and regenerate, relinquish, release and reinvigorate. Some readers may have seen videos where an interviewer asks basic knowledge questions to random people in the street, such as: Where is the Great Wall of China? By developing your intellectual capacity, you can become an excellent scientist. Saturn will pass through Pisces three more times between now and 2,117 AD. A list of presenters and presentations can be viewed. Twenty days earlier, Undersecretary Victoria Nuland (of Maidan 2014 notoriety), sent the same message: I want to be very clear to you, if Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.. Mars will move An Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is an extreme placement. The shelled, private Scorpio is at odds with the progressive, humanitarian Aquarius. WebAquarius sun Taurus moon individuals tend to be gentle and adaptable, but they also have strong wills that are not easily pushed around. Either this may manifest literally through a love of travel or metaphorically through an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. We hope that you can support this initiative in the sign of Aries pioneering new paths of thought. UT 12.40), Saturn Enters Pisces on the Full Moon From the United States of America the teaching must go out. WebDaily Horoscope for Scorpio (and Scorpio Rising). Plutos function in the previous sign of Capricorn since 2008, has been to reveal and destroy institutions and those who have misused or abused their power. But he still wants a traditional relationship. The German people are consequently easily exploited, easily convinced by those who can shout and threaten; they are easily regimented.9. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Group projects may be challenging for these individuals, as they can often be too opinionated and have difficulty working with different personalities. Click here for your free numerology reading. As with all signs, rays and planets, Neptune has a lower and higher expression. Amazon is an alternative for cheaper postage outside of the USA, Greece train wreck, over 40 killed, many missing. The 12th sign Pisces brings its meaning to the 12th house area of life experience pertaining to prisons: The prison house of matter hence the symbol of Pisces, the two fishes linked together by a band.Yet Pisces is also about liberation from our self-created prisons: In Pisces there is the death of all attachments and the liberation of the soul for service upon an universal scale.2. hU[oH+1}*$%aQn*!KF#s@ju}18BXxR@n1 X: QQ$-2JlXelKm)*>\'M:*el62. H.P. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Fellow students may wish to memorize the term, Dunning-Kruger effect. Hidden History of Humanity I He leads the Hound of Hades three-headed Cerberus who guards the gates of the Underworld. We shall have, therefore, a period of discipline and a cycle wherein choices will be made, and through these discriminating decisions humanity will enter into its birthright. Pluto with his staff, resembling Shiva, a first ray deity. A more positive expression though not necessarily higher, would be a stimulation of the masses to rise up against repressive laws, as they did in France in the late 1700s; that could be unpredictable, wild and bloody as it was over two centuries ago. As Pisces is a sign of reflection and completion, reviewing the past few years may bring many people to profound realisations of what actually happened. (Unfortunately, postage costs are too high to other countries outside of the USA. Neptune, Noxious Fumes and East Palestine (Pisces Solar Festival: March 7, 2023. If they don't act like any Sign you can recognize, they are probably an Aquarius Sun Sign. Invoking the polar opposite sign of healing Virgo will also help balance the opposites upon the astral plane by the development of objective, self-critical analysis. Due to the willful personality of the Scorpio and the ever-wandering characteristics of the Aquarius, it is hard for this person to convince their romantic pursuits to stay. Their intuition is usually spot-on, and they often pick up on what others are feeling. We can only imagine the loss that the nation must be feeling right now especially so many young students. Nordstream Pipeline Revelations What is the meaning of Saturn the Lord of Karma moving into Pisces? The amount of money poured into this war by the West, is over a staggering $100 billion! Biden), the possibility of an even broader conflict appears perilously close, as the West/NATO attempt to retain an unipolar world order. Sun-Moon in Libra may hint at Norways involvement, opposite Jupiter in fiery Aries, dominating the midheaven. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. This can be an absolute gift when it comes to organizing parties, but a potential obstacle when a couples breakup throws a wrench into the nights fun. The Sun in astrology symbolizes the core essence of who you are your individuality and sense of self. The past 22 years of writings by Phillip Lindsay MARCH 2023. The discovery of Uranus in 1781 is usually attributed to these revolutions, but Pluto in Uranus-ruled Aquarius also played a large part. They are never dull. As Neptune rules over visual media, then propaganda can be easily fed to the masses through carefully crafted movies, documentaries, global news channels, internet videos and television. Warsaw: Pisces Personality These cookies do not store any personal information. Capricorn: December 22 January 20. Saturn finishes its 30-year cycle, wrapping up the last few decades when Saturn entered Pisces in early 1994 before the new cycle begins in Aries 2025. Polands capital is ruled by Warsaw, appropriately Piscean as it was originally a small fishing town on the very beautiful River Vistula. Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon people are good judges of character. Scorpio moon sign personalities are a bundle of contradictions. These Dark Forces are trying to block the higher correspondence of the sacral centre the throat centre, wherein illumined, intellectual creativity takes place. Scorpio Moons are especially vulnerable to dark atmospherestoxic, heavy, stagnant, spiritually degraded. That persecution is a paradox, given that this nation, as part of Europe, was/is one of the most intellectually advanced.
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