IDPH filed emergency rulemakings currently in effect related to the COVID-19 pandemic for the following Parts, all of which became effective February 14, 2022 for a maximum of 150 days: Hospital Licensing Requirements, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 250 Statutory Authority: Hospital Licensing Act [210 ILCS 85] An example of an employee symptom screening form can be found on IDPHs website. Employees in these settings who are unable or unwilling to receive the vaccine will be required to get tested for COVID-19 at least once per week. COVID-19. Eligible employees can receive up to 26 weeks worth of regular state unemployment insurance and, depending on the unemployment rate, Extended Benefits may be available for an additional 13 or 20 weeks. In order to promote their use, employers should make face coverings and other protective equipment available at no charge to employees. All non-essential business and operations must cease, aside from Minimum Basic Operations. The law does not apply to tobacco cessation products or cannabis paraphernalia. REGIONS 5, 7, AND 8 TIER 2 MITIGATIONS Region 5 (Southern Illinois) has been under Tier 1 of the state's resurgence mitigation plan since October 22 and Region 7 (Will and Kankakee counties) and Region 8 (Kane and DuPage counties) since October 23, after seeing a 7-day rolling average test positivity rate of 8 percent or above for three consecutive days. 0:15. SPRINGFIELD, IL Hundreds of new laws are due to take effect next month in Illinois after legislators returned to lawmaking following the ouster of longtime Speaker Mike Madigan earlier this year. Specific federal, state, and local protections against retaliation include: Yes. An employee experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should seek a test, notify their employer, and stay home while awaiting tests results. HB 00168: Prohibits individuals from possessing animals if theyve been convicted of two or more specified animal-related offenses. More information on the use of face coverings is available on the Illinois Department of Human Rights website. As a result, only three new laws took effect at the start of 2021 down from over 250 the prior year. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employers may not require a COVID-19 antibody test before allowing employees to return to work. Requests for accommodations should be evaluated and resolved on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions to this general rule are: (i) employees who are guaranteed employment for a certain period of time under an employment contract or (ii) employees performing work under a collective bargaining agreement that provides for procedures around employee layoffs and terminations. Local governments can still pass ordinances regulating setbacks, use of fertilizer or water, and invasive species controls as long as they do not have the effect of forbidding vegetable gardens. At a minimum, employers should follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting facilities with cases of COVID-19. As Welch's first year as House speaker comes to a close, new requirements for schools, state ethics rules, criminal justice and animal ownership are among the 296 laws taking effect Jan. 1, according to a list prepared by Senate Democrats. READ MORE | Illinois SAFE-T Act 2023: Pritzker signs revised version of controversial bill about cash bail. STATE FAIRS - Cancels the State Fairs in Springfield and DuQuoin scheduled for 2020, to protect the health and safety of fairgoers, entertainers, competitors, vendors, employees, and those living in the surrounding areas. Re-issues former executive orders to protect individuals and businesses from the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus. Employees should be instructed to stay home when sick and to follow the guidance of public health authorities if they have been exposed to or in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19. HB 247 creates a requirement that anytime the state government builds, buys or redevelops a building not counting historic sites state officials must take steps to limit bird collisions, including limitations on the type of glass used. CIVIL PROCEDURE Suspends sections in the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure that permit the service of a garnishment summons, wage deduction summons, or a citation to discover assets on a consumer debtor or consumer garnishee. The employer may not disclose the name of individual employee(s) who test positive. COVID-19 also has raised other employment-related questions involving issues such as pay and benefits, leave, and eligibility for unemployment insurance. LARGE GATHERINGS Gatherings of 1,000 or more people are prohibited, including concerts, conferences and sporting events as well as closes the James R. Thompson Center to the public, except for necessary state business. Court Operations: The Winnebago County and Boone County Courts are hearing all matters pursuant to the provisions set forth in Administrative Order 2022-12 and General Order 1.03. . The Stalking/No Contact Order law in Illinois has been amended to include a prohibition on contact made via email or social media. HB 00562: Significant changes to the FOID card system beginning in 2022, including encouraging, but not requiring, fingerprinting. HB 0020: Repeals the registration fee for Gold Star license plates for surviving spouses or parents of vets who died in war or peace time. If an employee is receiving health insurance through their employer, the employer must continue that coverage during the leave period. In addition, requires universal masking in private long-term care facilities. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through January 8, 2022. Requires face coverings for all Illinois residents over age 2 in indoor settings beginning Monday, August 30, 2021. PUA payments are available for claimants who lost work due to specific COVID-19 related reasons provided for in the federal law beginning the week of February 2, 2020. Gatherings of 50 or more people are prohibited, including fitness centers, private clubs, and theaters. This law ensures people whose cars have been stolen will not be liable for violations, fees, fines or penalties when their vehicles are caught on red light or speed cameras. This Executive Order supersedes Executive Order 2020-72. (Employees should be aware that they may have to cover their portion of the health insurance expense that is typically deducted from their pay.). HB 796, an amendment to the Public University Uniform Admission Pilot Program Act, requires that the University of Illinois establish a four-year pilot program guaranteeing that all applicants who speak English proficiently, graduated high school and attended community college in Illinois and earned at least 36 credits with a grade point average of at least 3.0 be allowed to attend. Under a new law effective March 11, 2022, employers who received exemption from the prior Tennessee law and have a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy must grant wide medical and religious exemptions to employees who refuse to receive the vaccine. Yes. The Illinois Whistleblower Protection Act, 740 ILCS 174, prohibits retaliation against an employee for disclosing information they believe violates a state or federal law, rule, or regulation. Employers should not implement or keep in place any bonus or incentive payments for work attendance that could encourage employees to work while sick or, alternately, any disciplinary programs that penalize employees for taking time off. REGIONS 2, 3, AND 5 RESUME TIER 2 MITIGATIONS Region 2 (Northern Illinois), Region 3 (North-Central Illinois), and Region 5 (Southern Illinois) have met the metrics for a reduction of mitigations. According to the Kankakee County State's Attorney, the ruling means the pre-trial release and bail reforms will not. HB 168 amends the Humane Care for Animals Act by allowing judges to order that a person be forbidden from owning or having possession of any other animal if they have been convicted of any two of the following three crimes: animals for entertainment, dog fighting or aggravated cruelty. Provides the authority for the governor to sign additional executive orders to extend the Stay at Home order. Employers should close off areas used by the person who is sick and, if possible, open windows and doors to increase air circulation in the area. A list of LHDs can be found at SB 564 amends the School Code to add a requirement that history curriculum in public school includes the contributions of Americans from different faiths, including Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs. An employers failure to contribute to the unemployment system will not impact an individual claimants eligibility for benefits. An employer is not required to provide an accommodation that would be prohibitively expensive or unduly disruptive to the business. When maintaining a 6-foot social distance may not always be possible, visitors should be encouraged to wear face coverings; and. Employees can contact their local health department or IDPH at 1-800-889-3931 or by emailing Further guidance concerning the use of face coverings is available on IDHRs website. Under the IHRA and federal law, an individual with a disability has the right to request a reasonable accommodation from their employer. After a 2019 law, the state minimum wage in Illinois increases to $12 an hour on Jan. 1, 2022. Individuals are required to wear a face covering in public places when they are unable to maintain a six-foot social distance, such as in stores. Allows ISBE to implement rules regarding remote learning. 2019: Illinois governor signs . Find recently issued legally binding orders and regulations help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help our country cope during the pandemic. SB 00154: Allows tenants in Illinois Housing Development Authority-funded housing to keep at least two cats, or one dog that weighs under 50 pounds, regardless of breed or height. All schools must follow IDPH and ISBE health guidelines, including using PPE, temperature checks, hygienic practices, social distancing, and limiting people to 50 or fewer in one space. SB 01577: Public school students shall be granted up to five days of excused absences for mental or behavioral health, with no medical note required. IN-PERSON LEARNING All public and nonpublic schools in Illinois serving pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students may open for in-person learning after the regular 2019-2020 school term. Amends Executive Order 2022-06 and establishes that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, shall continue to be required to wear a face covering (1) where federally required; (2) in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters; and (3) in healthcare settings. This Executive Order supersedes EO 2021-24 and EO 2021-25. Federal and Illinois law require employers to maintain a safe and healthy workplace. This Executive Order is effective October 25 and supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. HB 02790: Allows public defenders in a county with more than three million inhabitants to provide legal representation for noncitizens in immigration cases. . In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for the Metro East region, comprised of Bond, Clinton, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair, and Washington Counties for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, and gaming and casinos. Some of these individuals should have been classified as employees and therefore would be eligible for unemployment insurance. Minimum Wage Increase (Public Act 101-0001) Illinois is one of the states set to raise their minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. HB 395 changes the Ivory Ban Act into the Animal Parts and Products Ban Act. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through July 26, 2020. from $118 to $36. Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects employees ability to engage in protected concerted activity for mutual aid or protection in both union and non-union settings. Public employees who believe they have been retaliated against may file a. Illinois' COVID-19 Response. If an employee has a disability that affects the employees risk of contracting COVID-19 or increases the harm if the employee does contract the virus, they should request a reasonable accommodation from their employer. CANNABIS APPLICATIONS The deadline for cannabis grower, infuser and transporter license applications is extended, and applicants are now allowed to mail completed applications, rather than submitting in person. CANNABIS IDENTIFICATION CARDS Suspends the requirement that a medical or adult use cannabis cultivation center agent must have a completed background check when applying for an agent identification card. . The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) have also published guidelines and requirements for employers to follow in order to maintain a safe workplace during the pandemic.
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