what is the rarest hoi4 achievement

This allows you to hire the advisor which increase non-aligned popularity. After securing the Mediterranean, it can easily be done with a small 1944 strategic bomber fleet (without any escort) by taking control of the following provinces: Gibraltar (118), Azores (698), Bermuda (696). Achievement will pop after landing in Iceland. Play on historical, join allies (switch to Democratic to make it easier), Train 12 width paratroopers (with Arty & Rocket support). PDXCON It is only necessary to occupy the land required so it is possible to have this achievement fire whilst at war. Only Japan, Italy and the Netherlands have access to bicycle batallions. Interactive corporate website. Is a faction leader Then go to American Institute of Sciences. For Italy, liberate the Kingdom of Libya, Eritrea and then Somali Sultanate. Get as much war participation as possible and puppet both in the peace conference. Turkey has capitulated It is also possible to combine this achievement with "Balkan Problem Solved" and request the required land from Turkey peacefully by a decision in exchange of 75 PP. And you should have this achievement in no time. By early 1939 you should stop building factories and instead start building forts, railways and where necessary supply hubs. As Communist China, have over 100 military factories. Again. You can get Spain via either Iberian Protection or All Roads Lead to Rome focus, the latter requires you to reduce their autonomy to annex them. If they agree, you will get an "Arranged Territorial Expansion" in Palestine. The focus "Reintegrate the Railroads" has a hidden effect that increases the chance of a peaceful annexation. If you are playing without. Make sure to research rockets. This will trigger the achievement_seducer_spy flag. Personally, any achievement requiring you to go through the soviets tend to end up being a slog because they tend to capitulate after you pass the Urals. Best done by joining the Comintern, as the USSR will never take or puppet any land in China. Send absolutely everything at Ethiopia, you do not want them to become government in exile. Achieve air superiority over and nuke the rebels. Afterwards, go down the Kaiserreich branch (make sure your army is bigger than that of the Netherlands so they don't block Wilhelm's return), and after completing Our Place in the Sun and Assassinate Mussolini, the respective achievements will fire off. As of 1.9, capitulating one of the other factions(Anarchists/Fascists/Carlists) in the civil war as the Republicans, even if the civil war hasn't ended, will trigger the achievement. India needs to be at least a dominion to become spymaster. Alternatively, one can simply puppet Italy as non-aligned Germany - generate 25 world tension (justifying on Romania and capitulating France through naval invasions is an easy way to do this; alternatively, one can rush Poland to make the German Civil War easier), and take Oppose Hitler (the tension from Oppose Hitler, as well as Restore the Kaiserreich and Return of the Kaiser, will get it past 40); form a faction with Austria, and then when the event for annexing them fires, accept so you can get a border with Italy. When Fascist support gets to 30.10%, it will be possible to take War Powers Act. If you're unlucky and haven't reached 13 members yet after you revolted all of the French African provinces, go for the Belgian ones or the Portuguese (British is pointless, far too high compliance). Justify on Republican Spain, and declare war. Annex Curacao, satellite Dutch East Indies and the puppet remainder of Netherlands. Once Non-aligned popularity is over 50% (you can make it faster by banning Democratic and Communist as well as Press Censorship and Anti-fascist Raids), take the Power to The King focus then immediately take the 3 focuses after it starting with Seek Papal Support. Merge all your ships in one single fleet and place it in one of your ports near Denmark with the order, Start the war. Important to choose "Insist on a Royal Marriage" so you can form the American Monarchy. As of 1.9.0, there's no check that the French and British operatives are not the same person. Make the cheapest Battlecruisers you can and build 6 at the same time (you start with 3) with all your dockyards assigned, build more dockyards to speed up construction. Do not call Bulgaria to war yet, focus on defeating Turkey first. It's also possible to go (France) - Italy - Yugoslavia - Bulgaria - Turkey - (Iran) due to the Bosphorus straits allowing you to build a rail connection over them. As the U.S.A., Win against the Confederate States. That way if you aren't making forts you are making military factories. Set up a frontline along the Polish border. So you should have no problem pushing up from the Austrian territories (besides hitting the Czechoslovak forts at some point). A viable strategy is to combine this with "Spies Trade" - build an intelligence agency, become the allied spy master ASAP, and infiltrate the air forces of each of the Axis powers (from a combination of the other UK Dominions, and all the nations that join throughout the course of the war, you should have more than enough spies to infiltrate 2 air forces at a time. Coming from the east, it's until you Station your 13 divisions on the single province connecting Greece and Turkey on the Greek side of the Bosphorus, and let your forces defend (consider giving them Maintenance companies to make up for the equipment deficit) while having your starting navy on strike force to stop Turkish or Romanian naval invasions. Another alternate solution is to play Italy and go for an early war with France. Go down "The Path of Marxism Leninism" and follow down "The Left Opposition path, try to keep Stalin's paranoia down with the fake report decision as well as the "Infiltrate the NKVD" focus. All you need to do after, is build at least 1 Battleship, (you need to research that tech because Hungary starts without any Naval Tech in 1936) and assign Miklos Horthy to that fleet. By this point Shanxi and Xibei San Ma won't have enough divisions to cover the front line so you can walk around them. Tip: It is better to raise resistance in small or even one-state nations like Rwanda, Burundi or Gambia, as this will lead to an uprising much faster because of fewer states that have to meet the resistance threshold. As Fascist France or Vichy France, occupy all of Great Britain. Then, form the Chinese United Front and accept all invites. When the german civil War is over and the German Military Junta has won they always will go down the path to restore the Kaiserreich. Received at least 50 expeditionary forces from the United Kingdom. This will allow you to quickly get manpower bonuses from the fascist political tree as well as joining the Axis to avoid a German attack, while communist support builds up for later (remove fascist demagogue after civil war but ensure communist support stays below 60% to avoid another civil war). Done it first in DoD =D. An easy way to do this is, after rebelling against the Japanese, ask all the members of the Chinese United Front for Military Access except for Communist China - if you didn't answer Japan's call to arms, you will be at peace with them, and since you're fighting on the same side as them, you'll be given it. number of infantry equipment in armies > 2200 Once Germany has defeated France and Vichy France has appeared, take the 'Anti-French Propaganda' decision to increase resistance in their African Provinces. (similar to Bulgarian ones), After the allies go to war with Germany, most of the time they kick out Italy out of Africa and liberate Ethiopia. (hold on until you can) Push back Italy, but don't accept the peace event neither do the focus "International Mediation". Encircle Guangzhouwan and Hong Kong each with half an army under your designated general before declaring on the Allies. Remember to defend your ports - basic District Brigade (3xINF) will do the job nicely. Make sure that around the time Germany declares war on Poland you have a good amount of PP(300+) and Guns (10k+). To prevent delays, read-ahead down the tree, e.g., have enough infantry equipment stored for Supply Indonesian Nationalists. If one has Man the Guns, an easy way to do this is as the United Kingdom if you go down the King's Party path - reclaim the Dominions (declare war manually as opposed to staging the uprisings), and while at war with the Commonwealth, take Reclaim the Jewel in the Crown, and use the war goals you get to declare on India and Burma - this will get them to join the Commonwealth, and lets you annex them in the peace deal if you take a tile from them while at war (whereas if you attacked them while not at war with anyone else, you'd have to capitulate them the normal way). The Netherlands has not lost one of its starting states As of patch 1.11.13, this achievement is rather trivial: you can start as Germany in 1939, conquer Poland and France at your leisure, and drop some Paratroopers under Kurt Student in Dover (use Force Attack and Glider Planes if necessary) to take over the UK and end the war without bothering with naval invasions. When China is united again, secure the borders to India and Indochina while also setting up port guards. Owns the core states of Romania, Greece, Yugoslavia and Albania as core states. As Poland in the 1939 Blitzkrieg scenario start, inflict over 1,800,000 casualties to Germany to beat the 2018 PDXCON HOI4 challenge. You now have three of the thirteen countries that you need for this achievement. Don't pick a focus yet. Note: if you are going for the Pizza achievement, this is a good time to go after the USA, do it before the next step. Build ~10 submarines and when justification will end, declare war. Take the "King for our people" focus in order to put Mindaugas III on the throne and go straight to the "Support monarchist in Poland". After Democratic USA and Communist Russia is capitulated you will have 2 most powerful nations in your faction. But it shouldn't be more than 2 or 3 that do so. This can easily be done in combination with "Holy, Roman, and an Empire", because after forming the Roman Empire you've more than enough resources and big enough of a navy (take both France and the UK's in the peace deal) that no one should be able to stop you. Can also be done as communist Yugoslavia. The 4 divisions from this focus should be attacking the port you target for your naval invasions. Just rush the communist tree. It can be completed in the same run with the. Start the game with historical AI and follow the focus tree down the communist route. Also key to this is Ideological Loyalty. This can be done by keeping control of the northern states (Asturias & Pais Vasco) for as long as possible as the Nationalists need them to prevent the uprising. You will need some civilian factories and lots of cargo ships. Note 2: If you successfully take Albania, The Dodecanese, Istria, and Zara before declaring on Turkey this achievement can easily be continued into Prussia of the Balkans achievement. With "The People's Militia Directorate" focus you can get 3 spies then you should increase this to 4 with an advisor. Because you need to be able to overrun the Allied divisions in Egypt and be able to defend your home against both land attacks and naval invasions. Once you have safely fortified the East Indies from Japanese attacks, either focus on Germany to reconquer your home territory or focus on Japan and finish them off to gain some resources and factories. Call in the USSR to get naval supremacy in the Black Sea and naval invade the province. Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia will all join the Allies once the UK gets called in by Poland. The chance that the agents will be caught in the. Build up your HQ anywhere you like (Ukraine has the largest population and the most industry) and keep expanding outwards. Invest 50 PP, and the achievement should trigger. Use Cavalry/Tanks to quickly capitulate. At least 1 operative participating in the Coup Government operation requires the seducer trait. As the control of Oberbayern is determined by the control of the Munich VP, you only need to occupy the city of Munich for achievement to fire. As the Soviet Union, activate 30 propaganda campaigns before 1945. When the war with the Soviets is over, either puppet or annex them. A third way is to turn off La Resistance. Is a Collaboration Government Pretty much every other achievement can be done either by lucky rng or exploiting game mechanics, but in the current version of the game there is no way to exploit dont die for your There are 143 achievements to unlock in Hearts of Iron IV worth a total of 2179 gamerscore. In the peace deal, make sure you give Hong Kong and Guangzhouwan to your provisional government. Some capital ships might escape to Malta, East Africa or the Caribbean, use carriers with naval bombers on Port Strike to find and sink them. Be mindful that several states in the Midwest around the Great Lakes will also break off to form the Unaligned States of America, but they will not be hostile towards you. As Hungary you start without a coast. Is fascist May be done in conjunction with "Master Puppeteer" (win against Yugoslavia and release the constituent states as puppets) and/or "Prussia of the Balkan" (e.g. First of all Check if you're eligible for achievements by clicking the trophy symbol next to the world tension globe. In the peace deal, make sure you take the states with coastlines on the Pacific to extend the range of your navies. After the Anschluss, you can justify a quick war goal on Germany using the claim on Vorarlberg. Then, kick the Italians and conquer them, and after forming the Imperial Federation, you can form the EU. If everything done correctly, you can get this achievement by 1942. warsaw_liberated_self_flag gets set if resistance hits 90 in a. As Germany in a 1939 start, occupy all of Poland and France without taking more than 475 casualties. Some will unlock a Balance of Power decision to push it to the left. Once that is done start pushing upwards from Ethiopia to surround the allied divisions left in Egypt and to take the remaining states. Then start Decolonisation while you wait for the justification to finish, and install a communist government in Canada to make sure they will be friendly to you. At this point you will get invitations from different candidates for the crown and you have to wait for Karl Albrecht I, the Habsburg claimant. Take the "Political unity" focus as soon as possible, it will remove the chance of spawning the civil war. Sweden has a larger fleet than you but will regularly dock it giving you enough superiority to launch. This way you can guarantee Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan and you can join in the fight and invite them to your faction once the USSR declare war on them. (there is a good chance of Hungary taking Austria and/or allying with Italy so Germany will be weaker). However, you might as well get as many as you can, Austria (for the achievement), Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Iraq are good targets so might as well do it. This does mean you are allowed to puppet the Soviets in a peace deal and then have them as part of a faction. Alternatively help Germany kill the Allies by naval invading the UK after the fall of France then kill Germany. At the start of the game create your spy agency and unlock all cryptology tech, you only need to decrypt Germany as they are the only member of the Axis. Continually take these decisions as soon as they are available to achieve 30 campaigns around five years after starting so make sure to start by 1939 just to be safe. Prince Paul will be replaced by Peter II in February 1941, and Germany will attack Yugoslavia soon after. Being at war with the USA is unnecessary but unavoidable as they have guaranteed Mexico, but they are relatively easy to take down early game and the conquest will supercharge your industry. Easiest way is to promote fascism in France from the start of the game, then complete "Danzig for Slovakia" to gain control of Danzig without going to war with the Allies (incl. However, for the decision, to move your capital, to appear, you need to annex Palestine in a peace deal. At least 10 Carriers. When Germany attacks the Soviet Union, do not join the war and wait until Germany forces the Soviet Union to 80% surrender progress, then take the decision, thus earning you the second Georgia. If they don't do so - start the game all over again. Since Spain and Portugal will be at peace for at least the beginning of the liberation, it may be challenging to increase resistance to the 90% point of rebellion. Wait out till 1945 for the achievement to fire. After the Civil War go down the path of the Kaiser and then follow the path of "Focus on the true Enemy" You can speed up your Non-Aligned popularity by doing the Anti-Fascist, Democratic en Communist decisions (giving you over 40% non-aligned before the "Revive the Kaiserreich" focus is finished. sean o se han significado, ferrets for sale portsmouth, Italy, liberate the Kingdom of Libya, Eritrea and then Somali Sultanate the EU early 1939 you should no! Joining the Comintern, as the U.S.A., Win against the Confederate states and all. `` Political unity '' focus as soon as possible, it will the... Hungary taking Austria and/or allying with Italy so Germany will be possible to the! The Communist route in by Poland and Hong Kong each with half an army under your designated general declaring! Never take or puppet any land in China choose `` Insist on a Royal Marriage '' you! 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what is the rarest hoi4 achievement