comnavsurfor esws instruction

Compressed air is supplied to the various systems by high, medium or low pressure air compressors, depending on the needs of the ship. The higher the salt content of the water, the better sound is transmitted through water. This will differ with each system. SRN-9 IS INTERFACED WITH c. Forward Spring Line - Leads forward from the ship and keeps the ship from moving aft. Located at the end of the propeller. e. FI-QI Coil - Located same as the PQ-FQ coil. It is broken down into three parts: (1) Part 1 - Lists all equipment and major components, (2) Part 2 - List of repair parts associated with each piece of equipment/major component listed in Part 1. Whenever any system, equipment, component or unit within the ship is installed, removed, modified, or relocated, the change MUST be reported. REMEMBER OPSEC. j. 0316.13 Describe the safety precautions to be followed when handling and storing acids and alkalies. c. Air Summary Plot - The main display during anti-air warfare operations in a conventional ship, as in the NTDS console on an NTDS-equipped ship. Covers should always be in place when outlets are not in use, placed finger tight, to prevent dust, dirt and corrosion from short circuiting the system. Kitty Hawk has two standard MK 2 stockless type weighing 30 tons each. Used to control reverse propulsion orders. 19 12 140 800 |, E| Designed to compute target intercept data and provide control information to the missile. 4380.9A. Located on sponson seven. If the control ship is over 600 feet in length, a third blue light is used. (m) Anticipate the personnel and material needs of the department, and submit timely requests to fulfill requirements. (2) Category B - Technical in nature. var fbParams = { (6) Side Forces - Side thrust produced by the screw's rotation through the water. The sea painter is never secured to the boats stem (dead on the center of the bow) nor to the side of the bow away from the ship. 30 |, C| (e.g. (2) Current - The movement of water, force exerted on the hull is very similar in effect to the resistance of the superstructure to the wind, however, the force resulting is much larger for a given current velocity due to the density of water. Ship not maintaining a visual signaling watch - NOVEMBER FLAG. b. Personnel shall not go aloft when conditions are such that stack gas is being blown into the work area without wearing oxygen breathing apparatus, and then only in extreme emergencies. His main responsibilities are to inform primary battle control officers of his objectives and to render decisions in matters having major influence on combat effectiveness. primary mission affected by this casualty. SINS (SHIP'S INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM) BY HARDWARE TO COMPUTER. COMNAVSURFOR, comprised of Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMNAVSURFPAC) and COMNAVSURFLANT, mans, trains and equips all assigned naval surface forces and supporting shore activities world-wide, ensuring capable forces for conducting prompt and sustained operations in support of United States national interests. g. Storm Line/Wire - Used as a reinforcement during heavy weather. Used extensively during UNREP. LOng Director - Acts as the eyes of the control system, establishing the line of sight (LOS) to a target by optical equipment or by radar equipment. The Department Head will confer directly with the Commanding Officer concerning any matters relating to his department whenever he believes such action to be necessary for the good of his department and especially of any circumstance or condition which may adversely affect the safety or operation of the command. Only U.S. ships are fitted with the ROBB coupling. f. Prep hauled down - Means all lines are clear. (2) Magnetic Compass - Located in the pilot house, consists of a magnetized compass needle attached to a circular compass card, usually 7-1/2 inches in diameter. When Kitty Hawk is in this configuration, one plant is operating to generate our own electricity. (b) Stand-off is used to support or screen units (ships or aircraft) that are potential targets to enemy electronic detection devices when the platform is not the immediate target. When the boat is stowed, the davits are pointed inward. The screws of the ship are also specially designed with holes in them. o. 18 12 40 180 618 |, E| f. Gunner's Mate - Mans his station with a line-throwing gun and spare shot lines. Units are herein reminded that the correction of a casualty may affect the unit's readiness rating and may require the submission of a SORTS report to report the change in unit readiness. Tony b. Deception - The deliberate radiation, re-radiation, alteration, absorption, or reflection of electromagnetic energy in manner intended to mislead an enemy in the interpretation or use of information received by his electronic systems. Also used for navigation and mine detection. The program consists of 5 parts: a. sound level measurements and analysis with posting of caution signs and levels. (4) Helo Crash - Sounded in event of impending or actual helo crash on the flight deck. NSN may be checked in the Master Cross Reference List (MCRL) to obtain most current NSN. e. Chill Box - Used for storage of vegetables and other perishables. l. Modified Main (steaming combination) - Ready to answer bells in 15 minutes, boilers are lit off and main engine is jacking over. W = ----- Additionally, they will be directed to wash with soap and water prior to leaving the area. Eye - A temporary or permanent loop in a line. Rotation of the handwheels therefore control the regulator and the power drives through the fine pilot valve. e. Flares/Pyrotechnic Signalling - These are colored smoke and flare signals, usually used for distress and emergency purposes. For example, an FF or DDG class ship, has the capacity to produce 24,000 gallons of freshwater per day. b. Smoke float - Thrown in the water in the vicinity of the man overboard to assist in spotting. It consists of a ram cylinder, accumulator cylinder, air flasks and an indicator assembly. 15 9 33 70 140 233 572 1683 |, I| If it is necessary to jump, enter the water feet first on the windward side of the ship with arms crossed over the chest. Kitty Hawk has 12 shots of chain or 1080 feet per anchor. Normal mode is used in every other situation. LC LOCATION 0311.1 Discuss the capabilities of Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems and the Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) system installed on your ship. (9) Status Boards - Provides a listing of current tactical information for the OOD. (1) The National Stock Number (NSN) for an item of supply consists of a four digit Federal Supply Classification (FSC - Group and Class), and a nine digit National Item Identification Number (NIIN). Prevents organisms or bacteria from living in tanks. The most advanced airborne electronic warfare aircraft in existence. They yield solutions in the form of position signals, which are required for the gun's projectile to hit the target. (8) Maintain an up-to-date copy of OPNAVINST 3120.32 Series and other orders for his division, and ensure that pertinent parts thereof are kept posted. Located in the vicinity of the pumps. This goes hand in hand with safety and efficiency. (7) Inclinometers - Indicate the amount of pitch and roll on the ship. (1) Rudders - Designed to produce the lateral forces used in the control of the ship's heading. d. Salvo Alarm - A buzzer operated by the computer time-of-flight mechanism to warn of impending salvo bursts or. USS Wabash AOR-5 and USS Witchita AOR-1), i. AFS - refrigerated replenishment. 0314.1 Briefly describe the general duties and responsibilities of each of the following watchstanders: a. the axial thrust transmitted through the shaft from the propeller. The steering system is the mechanism which transmits power from the steering engine to the rudder stock, which also includes the driving engine and the transmitting mechanism. m. Double Up - To pass an additional line on mooring lines for extra strength. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. To figure the size of a gun, take the length of the barrel divided by the width of the shell. The sensing devices used with the automated control are in the most cases Failure to allow for lateral displacement of the stern as the ship turns can lead to hazardous conditions. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. A general description of the function and likely location of each is provided. (14) Barometer - An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. It eliminates the need for topside operating personnel by presenting a magnified image of the target to the observer's eye. a. Inhaul/Outhaul line - A line used to recover any piece of gear such as a trolley block. A message sent by radio is open to interception by anyone who has the necessary receiving equipment and is within reception range. devices in assisting the OOD to perform shiphandling duties: a. Stadimeter - Measures the distance of an object of known height, such as the masthead light, between heights of 50-200 feet at distances of 200-10,000 yard. b. Auxiliary Gyrocompass - Same as master and kept in standby ready for use upon failure of master gyrocompass. r. Anchor Buoy - A small buoy secured by a light piece of line to the anchor to indicate the position of the anchor. I am aware that the requirements for enrolling in the program changed in 2020, however, all I have been able to find on MyNavyHR and the SECNAV Portal is OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1414.9C, which just lists the active warfare qualifications for enlisted personnel. THERE ARE d. Medical Kit - contains emergency supplies, such as seasick pills, bandages, splints, etc. g. Ship's Boat (excluding amphibious assault craft) - May be any such designated boat that is continuously made ready for contingency operations in emergency operations, or as directed. The attack director operator sets up the director and sets the various inputs for the particular weapon(s) designated. The one absolutely essential requirement for survival is drinking water. During the rain, drink all you can hold. its function is to guide the ship through the water on a desired course. Other versions not used by the Navy are ALCM - Air-launched and GLCM - Ground-launched. Train Warning Bell - Installed outside of mount or director, and except at GQ shall be sounded at anytime a power drive is used to move a mount to warn personnel in the vicinity of impending movement. The sonar operator keeps the sonar on the contact at all times. m. Gas Turbine Bearings - Serve the critical function of supporting the compressor, turbine and the engine shaft. d. Signalman - Receives orders from the rig captain and transmits to the other ship. Without it, death will most likely occur in 8 to 12 days. 18 12 47 233 1015 |, R| Do not drink all of your daily water ration at one time, it is better to drink small amounts three or four times daily. It solves the anti-aircraft and surface-shore fire control problems, as well as calculating gun and fuze setting orders. (i.e. (1) Trick Wheel - Provided for local hydraulic control of the steering system in case of failure of the remote steering system. 0316.20 Explain how variations in environmental conditions affect body resistance to electrical shock. May be an integral part of the cylinder block or it may be a separate sleeve or liner. The shafts on Kitty Hawk each weigh the same amount although the lengths are different for each. These are similar systems with similar theory, that is, to provide an alternate target diversion for an enemy acoustic homing torpedo by stringing on cable a "noise maker", aft of the ship, which has the capability of producing a greater noise than the ship; thereby diverting the incoming torpedo from the ship to the "fish". Do not cool a hot gun internally if the propelling charge remains in the gun. (i.e. k. Turbocharger - High speed exhaust driven turbine that drives an air compressor turbine to pressurize the induction manifold of the diesel. May also have support removed for equipment not on board. There are alternative guidance systems for each mission programmed into the missile system prior to launch. The long answer is below. Foe) - Composed basically of an interrogator subsystem and a transponder subsystem. They are equipped with two hauling winches and are used for transferring cargo and ammunition. g. Coil - Lay the line in circles, roughly one on top of the other. Part of the engine room console. e. Repeater - A compass card electrically connected to the gyrocompass and placed on the bridge and in other selected areas of the ship. z. Span wire/highline - 3/4 inch diameter galvanized steel wire. Reduces the unit's ability to perform a secondary mission, or. c. Chiller - Used to cool water for use in cooling spaces. Control Air is set at various pressures depending on the end users needs. In general, a flag hoist signal ensures a more uniform execution of a maneuver than does any other visual signaling system. Simply put, it is a varied combination of wide band receivers used for the detection, classification and evaluation of electronic emissions which are applied to the current tactical situation. Weapons Status Board - Lists all the weapons systems for the ship by name. b. Stretching Characteristics - Synthetic line has a high stretch point, but will resume its shape. c. NAVSUP 1371 - The Fleet COSAL Feedback Report (FC FBR) is used to request changes to inadequate, incomplete, or erroneous APL/AEL support. Wind direction should be known when working in the vicinity of stacks so that harmful gases are not inhaled. d. audiometric examination and interpretation. c. Actions of crew - Proceed to lifeboat stations for muster and further instruction. Red smoke flare fired into the air from a submarine is a signal that the submarine is in serious trouble and will surface immediately if possible. (OMEGA) 8 - TRANSMITTING STATIONS GLOBALLY, OMEGA RECEIVES 10.3 KHZ = 8 MILE WAVE LENGTH, ---------------- = OMEGA GENERATED PCO SIGNAL. Located near the distilling plant or pumps. status : true, // check login status (3) General - Serves to call crew to general quarters. (e) Several other electronic navigational systems that are available but less widely used in the Navy are Decca, Consol, Shoran, Star Tracker, SINS, and NAVDAC. (Each Pelorus has a placard indicating the distance from centerline to that position.). Designed to allow improved maneuvering ability and to allow the propellers to develop maximum thrust at any given engine RPM. (1) Basically the AN/SQS-23 system retrofitted for computer coordinated capability. n. Heavy Strain - Great tension on the lines, but they won"t part. 550__ In 1971 the helicopter came into use as a minesweeping platform, which resulted in an increase in the speed of sweeping an area and a decrease in the danger. h. Men Working Aloft - Before any work may be done aloft, permission must be obtained from the OOD. The long answer is below. QUEBEC FLAG, coxswain return to ship. PROPULSION TURBINES AND REDUCTION GEARS. 0309.7 Explain the function of the independent variable-depth sonar (IVDS). A 4 inch wide painted red circle on the deck extending 18 inches from the greatest protrusion of the mount, usually the barrel. Magnetic mines and torpedoes have a firing mechanism so constructed that they are actuated by a ship's magnetic field. The COSAL is the list of all operating equipment and equipage aboard a particular ship. First, it provides a means of improving air traffic control (ATC) of both civil and military aircraft, identification, and code monitoring for friendly aircraft and surface vessels. One goal of this instruction is to increase the overall quality of the surface warfare program, said COMNAVSURFOR Force Master Chief James Osborne. 0310.9 Discuss the following radar display equipment: a. PPI - The PPI scope is by far the most used radar repeater. SAT NAV SYSTEM IN A POLAR ORBIT. b. a. It is the longest range visual signaling method. g. On deck refueling (hot/cold) - HOT refueling is when the aircraft engine is operating, and cold refueling is when the aircraft is shut down. The updated ESWS program is set to reinforce a culture aboard surface ships that puts emphasis on Sailors first learning their ratings and watchstations, by giving Sailors more time to focus on obtaining critical in-rate and damage control qualifications before being required to enroll into the commands ESWS program. b. The commanding officer of either ship can order an emergency breakaway. The indicator itself is not a radar. Some have Harrier V/STOL aircraft. The resulting combustion releases gasses and increases the temperature within the combustion chamber. (10) Supervise the administration of PQS within the division, providing personnel with guidance and incentives for the accomplishment of PQS. Tony, February 23 ENLISTED SURFACE WARFARE SPECIALIST (ESWS) DESIGNATION Responsible Office CNO (N861C) Phone: DSN COM FAX 222-4610 (703) 692-4610 222-4635 References (a) NAVPERS 15665I, U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations (b) OPNAVINST 1414.1D 1. 0312.5 Discuss the uses of the radios, and describe the types of antenna aboard your ship. With water, a person can survive for 4 weeks or longer without food. d. Policing a flight deck and surrounding area to elimi. (i.e. They have a well deck where craft move troops or equipment out of. Brominators are used in the same way except with bromine. Some situations will require individual danger, caution, directional or informational safety signs. p. Hose saddles - The two types of hose saddles for use with a 7 inch hose are Type A, which is 19 inches long and is used with the single hose rig; and Type B, which is 32 inches long and is used in the upper hose on the two hose rig. LC g. Air Ejector - Steam driven jet pump that removes air and non-condensable gases from the main condenser. An Engineman (EN) or Machinist's Mate (MM) is present to operate the anchor engine, and an Electrician's Mate (EM) must be in the anchor engineroom to take care of any electrical failure. Generally between 12 and 16 knots. b. Raymond Release Hook - An automatic releasing hook that cannot come open until the weight of the boat is removed from the davit. (4) Ram - Mounted fore and aft athwart-ships and consists of a single ram that is operated by opposed cylinders. 0301.1 Discuss the purpose of the following: a. Methods of presenting target and operating displays associated with the system - See 0308.1 in ASW section. MBT devices will select either of two available sources of electrical power and it must be accomplished manually. Where injurious gas-vapor-dust-mist are repeatedly generated by a fixed installation, effective exhaust ventilation shall be provided on the process. Members, who due to the nature of a joint or interagency assignment may request temporary authorization to wear a prior service insignia (Coast Guard mission related) on the ODU during that specific assignment when such authorization would enhance the members ability to effectively carry out the Coast Guard missions in the joint operations. f. NC-2/PT-512 - The NC-2 plotting table utilizes five optical projectors for displaying own ships and target symbols on the plotting surface. Boat - When the ship has slowed sufficiently for launch, the motor whaleboat will trek toward the target guided by signals, searchlight or radio. Signs shall be posted near established operations warning personnel of the principal hazards of the operation and of the chemicals being used. d. Chain Markings - Every 90 feet or 15 fathoms (one shot of chain), the detachable links are colored red, white or blue. 450__ It is also used in taking bearings on objects outside the ship. Figure 8 the line and secure it with a half-hitch. p. Light Strain - Relatively minimal tension on the line. g. Oil Distribution Box - Cools bearings and other mechanical moving parts. (8) Magazine Flooding - Provides an audible and visual indication of flooding in a magazine. The FCFBR will be processed faster if accompanied by reference material. i. Any updates or corrections to this study guide contact Operates line-throwing gun. Found on LST's and most large slow speed vessels. All existing and most contemplated variants of the original missile can be made in either medium range (MR) or extended range (ER) versions. Commander, Naval Surface Forces (COMNAVSURFOR), released an updated Navy Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) program instruction, Nov. 16. The usual scope of chain is 5 to 7 times the depth of water. The Kitty Hawk's screws have a designed pitch at .7 radius of 24.8667 feet per turn. g. Division Damage Control Petty Officer - Responsible for all division damage control equipment, trains divisional personnel, sets and/or verifies material conditions and assists the Division Officer in inspections of damage control equipment in assigned spaces. Recommends courses of action based on analysis of combat information available.

comnavsurfor esws instruction