sacred text of shintoism

So then, pursuing after him to the Even-Pass-of-Hades, and gazing on him from afar, be called out to the deity Great-Name-Possessor, saying: "With the great life-sword and the life-bow-and-arrows which thou carriest, pursue thy half-brethren till they crouch on the august slopes of the passes, and pursue them till they are swept into the reaches of the rivers, and do thou, wretch! So thenceforward he was praised by being called by the august name of his Augustness Yamato-take. Thereupon Her Augustness his august parent cried and lamented, and went up to Heaven, and entreated His Divine-Producing-Wondrous-Augustness, who at once sent Princess Cockle-Shell and Princess Clam to bring him to life. He replied, saying: "I have been at that trouble." Thou, my dear Master-of-the-Great-Land indeed, being a man, probably best on the various island-headlands that thou seest, and on every beach headland that thou lookest on, a wife like the young herbs. In 2005, I rescanned the book using more recent OCR software with Then Yamato-take's Empress, whose name was Her Augustness Princess Oto-tachibana, said:" Iwill enter the sea instead of the august child. So the name of the deity they gave birth to was the deity Great-Male-of-the-Great-Thing; next, they gave birth to the deity Rock-Earth-Prince; next, they gave birth to the deity Rock-Nest-Princess; next, they gave birth to the deity Great-Door-Sun-Youth; next, they gave birth to the deity Heavenly-Blowing-Male; next, they gave birth to the deity Great-House-Prince; next, they gave birth to the deity Youth-of-the-Wind-Breath-the-Great-Male; next, they gave birth to the sea-deity, whose name is the deity Great-Ocean-Possessor next, they gave birth to the deity of the Water-Gates, whose name is the deity Prince-of-Swift-Autumn ; next they gave birth to his younger sister the deity Princess-of-Swift-Autumn. The deity Great-House-Prince spoke to him, saying: Thou must set off to the Nether-Distant-Land where dwells His Impetuous-Male-Augustness. The next, Her Augustness Princess-of-the-Torrent, dwells in the outer temple of Munakata. Having thus spoken, she went back inside the palace; and as she tarried there very long, he could not wait. Search Sacred-texts: TOP SEARCHES. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. shinten, collectively, sacred texts of the Shint religion of Japan. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Would that I could beat them till they were sick! So the Land of Iyo is called Lovely-Princess; the Land of Sanuki is called Princess-Good-Boiled-Rice; the Land of Aha is called the Princess-of-Great-Food, the Land of Tosa is called Brave-Good-Youth. Updates? The child of this deity was called the deity Luxuriant-Food-Princess. Emperor Nin-toku Part V.The Empress Retires to Yamashiro), Section CXXIV.Emperor Nin-toku (Part VI.He Follows the Empress into Yamashiro), Section CXXV.Emperor Nin-toku (Part VIII.He Loves Yata-no-waki-iratsume), Section CXXVI.Emperor Nin-toku (Part VIII.Death of King Hayabusa-Wake and Queen Medori), Section CXXVII.Emperor Nin-toku (Part VIII.Queen Medori's Armlet), Section CXXVIII.Emperor Nin-toku (Part IX.A Wild-Goose Lays an Egg), Section CXXIX:Emperor Nin-toku (Part X.A Vessel Is Made Into A Lute), Section CXXX.Emperor Nin-toku (Part XI.His Age and Place of Burial), Section CXXXI.Emperor Ri-chiu (Part I.Genealogies), Section CXXXII.Emperor Ri-chiu (Part II.He is Taken to Iso-no-kami), Section CXXXIII.Emperor Ri-chiu (Part III.His Rebellious Brother and the Latter's Retainer Sobakari Are Slain), Section CXXXIV.Emperor Ri-chiu (Part IV.Various Deeds), Section CXXXV.Emperor Ri-chiu (Part V.His Age and Place of Burial), Section CXXXVII.Emperor In-giy (Part IGenealogies), Section CXXXVIII.Emperor In-giy (Part II.His Sickness is Cured by a Korean Physician), Section CXXXIX.Emperor In-giy (Part III. The evolution of Japanese art and its relationship to Buddhism. passion and betrayal, all interspersed with extemporaneous as well as other texts The history and practice of Pure Land Buddhism in Japan. Then he arrived at a place called Suga, and said: On coming to this place my august heart is pure" - and in that place he built a palace to dwell in. Again it is said that, owing to her having pursued and reached her elder brother, she is called the Road-Reaching-Great deity."' saying: "Do Thine Augustness rule the Plain-of-High-Heaven." Then His Augustness the Male-Who-Invites announced to the peaches: "Like as ye have helped me, so must ve help all living people in the Central Land of Reed-Plains when they shall fall into troublous circumstances and be harassed! Then the eighty deities spoke to the hare, saying: "What thou shouldest do is to bathe in the sea-water here, and lie on the slope of a high mountain exposed to the blowing of the wind." So that land is called by the name of Adzuma. Next they gave birth to the islands of Futa-go, another name for which is Heaven's Two-Houses. devoted to religious tolerance and scholarship When, having thence penetrated on and subdued all the savage Yemisi [Ainu] and likewise pacified all the savage deities of the mountains and rivers, he was returning up to the capital, he, on reaching the foot of the Ashigara Pass, was eating his august provisions, when the deity of the pass, transformed into a white deer, came and stood before him. This short and very readable book describes the code of honor of the I have no strange intentions." The name of the deity that was born from the august trousers which be next threw down was the Road-Fork deity. (Eight deities in all from the deity Heavenly-Elder-of-the-Passes to the deity Great-Vale-Princess.) My dear young sister, Thine Augustness! 2. He replied, saying: "With reverence, but I know not thine august name." The hare replied, saving: "I was in the Island of Oki, and wished to cross over to this land, but had no means of crossing over. Hereupon Yamato-take entered the moor to see the deity. There is also a collection of Ainu Texts. So the hare said to the deity Great-Name-Possessor: "These eighty deities shall certainly not get the Princess of Yakami. Japanese characters. The august child must complete the service on which he has been sent, and take back a report to the Heavenly Sovereign." Next, they gave birth to the deity of Moors, whose name is the deity Thatch-Moor-Princess, another name for whom is the deity Moor-Elder. Translations of a selection of N dramas, which THE WOOING OF THE DEITY-OF-EIGHT-THOUSAND-SPEARS. These are called divine words. So when we drive it down, do thou wait and catch it. Next, they gave birth to the deity Princess-of-Great-Food. Standing on the Floating Bridge of Heaven, they dipped it in the ocean brine and stirred. These three deities were all . Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land Second Series. Her father the great deity, thinking that the deity Great-Name-Possessor was already dead and done for, went out and stood on the moor, whereupon the deity Great-Name-Possessor brought the arrow and presented it to him, upon which the great deity, taking him into the house and calling him into an eight-foot spaced large room, made him take the lice off his head. Buddhism, by Inazo Nitobe [1905]. An anthology of Japanese 'Magical Realist' legends and folklore. The name of the deity that was next born from his left hand was the deity Possessor-of-the-Densely-Wooded-Mountains. Then when the eighty deities searched and pursued till they came up to him, and fixed their arrows in their bows, he escaped by dipping under the fork of a tree, and disappeared. So I will perform the purification of my august person." V.His Later Wives. This likewise is not reckoned among their children. The fourteen deities in the foregoing list from the Wondrous-Deity-of-Eighty-Evils down to His Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness are deities born from the bathing of his august person. So, mounting to the top of the pass, he sighed three times and spoke, saying: " Adzuma ha ya!" The name of "Land-of-the-Eight-Great-Islands" therefore originated in these eight islands having been born first. Consequently, the purpose of most Shinto rituals is to keep away evil spirits by purification, prayers and offerings to the kami. THE BEGINNING OF HEAVEN AND EARTH . Yet in the Land of Great Yamato there is a man braver than we two-tbere is. Its length extends over eight valleys and eight hills, and if one look at its belly, it is all constantly bloody and inflamed." translated by Peter Beilenson [1955] So he drew a thousand-draught rock, and with it blocked up the Even-Pass-of-Hades, and placed the rock in the middle; and they stood opposite to one another and exchanged leave-takings ; and Her Augustness the Female-Who-Invites said: "My lovely elder brother, thine Augustness! So, having secretly made the wood of an oak-tree into a false sword and augustly girded it, he went with the bravo to bathe in the River Hi. The first English translation of the classic tale of 10th century Japanese courtly love. Though I slay it not now, I will slay it when I return"-- and so saying, ascended. Manners and Customs of the Early Japanese, V. Religious And Political Ideas of the Early Japanese, Beginnings of the Japanese Nation, and Credibility of the National Records, Section I.The Beginning of Heaven and Earth, Section IV.Courtship of the Deities The Male-Who-Invites and the Female Who-Invites, Section VII.Retirement of Her Augustness The Princess-Who-Invites, Section VIII.The Slaying of the Fire-Deity, Section X.The Purification of the August Person, Section XI.Investiture of the Three Deities; The Illustrious August Children, Section XII.The Crying and Weeping of His Impetuous-Male-Augustness, Section XIV.The August Declaration of the Division of the August Male Children and the August Female Children, Section XV.The August Ravages of His Impetuous-Male-Augustness, Section XVI.The Door of the Heavenly Rock-Dwelling, Section XVII.The August Expulsion of His-Impetuous-Male-Augustness, Section XX.The August Ancestors of the Deity-Master-Of-The-Great Land, Section XXIV.The Wooing of the Deity-of-Eight-Thousand-Spears, Section XXVI.The Deities the August Descendants of the Deity Master-of-the-Great-Land, Section XXVII.The Little-Prince-the-Renowned-Deity, Section XXVIII.The August-Luck-Spirit-the-August-Wondrous-Spirit, Section XXIX.The August Children of the Great-Harvest-Deity And of the Swift-Mountain-Deity, Section XXX.The August Deliberation for Pacifying the Land, Section XXXII.Abdication of the Deity Master-of-the-Great-Land, Section XXXIII.The August Descent from Heaven of His Augustness the August Grandchild, Section XXXIV.The August Reign in Himuka of His Augustness Prince Rice-Ear-Ruddy-Plenty, Section XXXVI.The Deity Prince of Saruta at Azaka, Section XXXVII.The Curse of the Deity Great-Mountain-Possessor, Section XXXVIII.The August Child-Bearing of Princess-Blossoming Brilliantly-Like-the-Flowers-of-the-Trees, Section XXXIX.The August Exchange of Luck, Section XL.The Palace of the Ocean-Possessor, Section XLI.Submission of His Augustness Fire-Shine, Section XLII.The Parturition-House of Cormorants' Feathers, Section XLIII.The August Children of His Augustness Cormorant-Thatch-Meeting-Incompletely, Section XLIV.Reign of the Emperor Jim-mu (Part I.His Progress Eastward, and Death of His Elder Brother). ( Five deities in all. So the two deities, standing upon the Floating Bridge of Heaven pushed down the jeweled spear and stirred with it, whereupon, when they had stirred the brine till it went curdle-curdle, and drew the spear up, the brine that dripped down from the end of the spear was piled up and became an island. Nevertheless, as I reverence the entry here of Thine Augustness, my lovely elder brother, I wish to return. The Kojiki is an important source book for ceremonies, customs, divination, and magical practices of ancient Japan. ), Section LXXXVII.Emperor Kei-k (Part XII.Yamato-take Wooes Princess Miyazu), Section LXXXVIII.Emperor Kei-k (Part XIII.Yamato-take Meets the Deity of Mount Ibuki). Corrections? FEATURED TEXTS: The Teachings of Zoroaster (4/22/2010) The Splendour of God (4/17/2010) The Kebra . The holy books of Shinto are the Kojiki or 'Records of Ancient Matters' (712 CE) and the Nihon-gi or 'Chronicles of Japan' (720 CE). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Having crossed over from that land into the land of Shinanu and subdued the deity of the Shinanu pass, he came back to the land of Wohari, and went to dwell in the house of Princess Miyazu, to whom he had before plighted his troth. (This creature transformed into a white boar was not a messenger from the deity, but the very deity in person. If thou do like this, I will in one day strangle to death a thousand of the folk of thy land." The twelve deities mentioned in the foregoing list from the deity Come-Not-Place down to the deity Intermediate-Direction-of-the-Shore are deities that were born from his taking off the things that were on his person. Therefore did the eight hundred myriad deities assemble in a divine assembly in the bed of the Tranquil River of Heaven, and bid the deity Thought-Includer, child of the High-August-Producing-Wondrous deity, think of a plan, assembling the long-singing birds of eternal night and making them sing, taking the hard rocks of Heaven from the river-bed of the Tranquil River of Heaven, and taking the iron from the Heavenly Metal-Mountains, calling in the smith Ama-tsu-ma-ra, charging Her Augtsness I-shi-ko-ri-do-me to make a mirror, and charging His Augustness Jewel-Ancestor to make an augustly complete string of curved jewels eight feet long - of five hundred jewels - and summoning His Augustness Heavenly-Beekoning-Ancestor-Lord and His Augustness Great-Jewel, and causing them to pull out with a complete pulling the shoulder-blade of a true stag from the Heavenly Mount Kagu, and take cherry-bark from the Heavenly Mount Kagu, and perform divination, and pulling up by pulling its roots a true cleyera japonica with five hundred branches from the Heavenly Mount Kaga, and taking and putting upon its upper branches the augustly complete string of curved jewels eight feet long - of five hundred jewels - and taking and tying to the middle branches the mirror eight feet long, and taking and hanging upon its lower branches the white pacificatory offerings and the blue pacificatory offering His Augustness Grand-Jewel taking these divers things and holding them together with the grand august offerings, and His Augustness Heavenly-Beckoning-Ancestor-Lord prayerfully reciting grand liturgies, and the Heavenly Hand-Strength-Male deity standing hidden beside the door, and Her Augustness Heavenly-Alarming-Female banging round her the heavenly clubmoss the Heavenly -Mount Kagu as a sash, and making the heavenly spindle-tree her head-dress and binding the leaves of the bamboo-grass of the Heavenly -Mount-Kagu in a posy for her hands, and laying a sounding-board before the door of the Heavenly Rock-Dwelling and stamping, till she made it resound and doing as if possessed by a deity, and pulling out the nipples of her breasts, pushing down her skirt-string "usque ad privates partes". Then His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness said to the Heaven-Shining-Great-August deity: "Owing to the sincerity of my intentions I have, in begetting children, gotten delicate females. become the deity Master-of-the-Great-Land; and moreover, becoming the deity Spirit-of-the-Living-Land, and making my daughter the Forward-Princess thy consort, do thou make stout the temple-pillars at the foot of Mount Uka in the nethermost rock-bottom, and make high the crossbeams to the Plain-of-High-Heaven, and dwell there, thou villain! Sacred Writings - Shintoism Two central texts are revered by every Shinto religious group: 1. Then, thinking it strange, he thrust into and split the flesh with the point of his august sword and looked, and there was a great sword within. Emperor Kei-k (Part XIV.The Death of Yamato-take). So while the other two deities each assumed his and her rule according to the command with which her father had deigned to charge them, the Storm-God, His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness, did not assume the rule of the dominion with which he had been charged, but cried and wept till his eight-grasp beard reached to the pit of his stomach. So Her Augustness the Female-Who-Invites is called the Great-Deity-of-Hades. Then Izanagi, the Male-Who-Invites, said to Izanami, the Female-Who-Invites, "We should create children"; and he said, "Let us go around the heavenly august pillar, and when we meet on the other side let us be united. I have come to a hideous and polluted land - I have! Owing to this, eternal night prevailed. Emperor Sui-nin (Part. The book is densely footnoted, almost to the point where the In Ghostly Japan So they made an august mausoleum there, and laid Yamato-take to rest. Buy Disk ", "Let those whose life may be complete stick in their hair as a headdress the leaves of the bear-oak from Mount Heguri -those children!". by S. Yamabe and L. Adams Beck [1921] So the great deity, who was sleeping, started at the sound, and pulled down the house. the lands that I and thou made are not yet finished making; so come back! " Basil Hall Chamberlain, tr. Owing to his being very weary with progressing a little farther beyond that place, be leaned upon an august staff to walk a little. Hereupon all the Heavenly deities commanded the two deities His Augustness the Male-Who-Invites and Her Augustness the Female-Who-Invites, ordering them to "make, consolidate, and give birth to this drifting land." So, though he did thus, the Heaven-Shining-Great-August deity upbraided him not, but said: "What looks like excrements must be something that His Augustness mine elder brother has vomited through drunkenness. A Christian scholar explores Shinshu Buddhism. Hereupon his wife the Forward-Princess came bearing mourning implements, and crying. Then the Heavenly deities commanded and found out by grand divination, and ordered them, saying: "they were not good because the woman spoke first. Hereupon His Augustness Yamato-take, suggested, saying: "Come on! Nevertheless the bird soared up thence to heaven again and flew away. Next they gave birth to Great-Yamato-the-Luxuriant-Island-of-the-Dragon-fly, another name for which is Heavenly-August-Sky-Luxuriant-Dragon-fly-Lord-Youth. So, having been expelled, His-Swift-Impetuous-Male-Augustness descended to a place called Tori-kami at the headwaters of the River Hi in the Land of Idzumo. ), Section LXXIX.Emperor Kei-k (Part IV.Yamato-take Slays His Elder Brother), Section LXXX. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. So he took this great sword, and, thinking it a strange thing, he respectfully informed the Heaven-Shining-Great-August deity. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Then on drawing his sword, the Idzumo bravo could not draw the false sword. Section XLV.Emperor Jim-mu (Part II.The Cross-Sword Sent Down From Heaven). As soon as he had finished singing, he died. The names of the deities that were next born to rectify those evils were: the Divine-Rectifying-Wondrous deity; next, the Great-Rectictifying-Wondrous deity; next, the Female-Deity-Idzu. Was born from the august name of the pass, he could not wait Sovereign. like this, will! Augustness the Female-Who-Invites is called by the august child must complete the service on which has... A thousand of the True Sect of Pure Land Second Series know not Thine august name ''... Ya!, Section LXXX the islands of Futa-go, another name for which is Heavenly-August-Sky-Luxuriant-Dragon-fly-Lord-Youth art... Appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions man braver than we two-tbere is not. 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sacred text of shintoism