tom findlay susan smith

After the sentence, Bruck refused to gloat. She then became a little to obsessed when Tom Findlay sent her a Dear John letter . Susanslover Tom Findlaydoes not appear to have an online presence now. Russell published a book in 2000 titled My Daughter Susan Smith where she detailed her daughters rocky childhood and background in an attempt to understand and explain why she did what she did. Susan felt indebted to her mother and allowed her to dictate the rules. Linda Vaughan married stockbroker Beverly Russell, the son of a leading local family, about a year and a half later. HLNTV They were buckled into their car seats when their mother stepped out, lowered the emergency brake and let the car roll down the steep ramp, into the deep water. When it all came apart, she committed an act of savagery that defies understanding. She flirted with another man, and Tom, to judge by the Dear Jane letter he sent her two days later, was at least somewhat offended. The idea that she would kill her . I was a good mother, and I loved my boys. Tom Findlay is the son of Cary Findlay, president of the company. Nine days later, she confessed and, eventually, it was revealed her motive was to pursue a relationship with a wealthy local man who did not want children. Susan became famous for the brutality and coldness with which she killed her two children. TRUE CRIME - CURRENT TRIALS, OLD or COLD CASES, Harvest Delicious Red Tomatoes with Red Rocket in Hot Climates South of Memphis, Tomatoes are a popular and versatile crop that can be grown in many climates, but it is important to choose the right variety for your climate. . By September she was dating Tom Findlay again and planning their future together. . You are a true friend. Susans mother, Linda Russell, continuedto support her daughter,claiming as recently as five years ago thatSusan simply lost touch with reality at the momentshe murdered her sons. Susan, I value our friendship very much. "Everything I had planned on, my life with my kids, was gone. Williams said Smith came to her in tears that afternoon and asked to go home early. I do. . The two had always proved to be good parents. But the rich, handsome 27-years-old broke things off with her in October writing Smith a letter clarifying he wasn't ready for a relationship involving kids. She seemed very nervous and asked to leave work early. (Cary Findlay has denied any involvement with Smith.) Caso Criminal 2023 - All rights reserved. We are the home of true crimeMade with in Brazil. Watched part of youtube video on this horrific death of this young girl. Bev was influential in the community, had good lawyers who would know how to successfully suppress situations like this. Then Susan told him she and David were going through with the divorce, Findlay said, and he resumed their affair. Linda, Susans mother, always consented to the borrowing, but on the other hand, she felt entitled to guide the couples life, mainly in the aspects related to Michaels upbringing. Excerpts from a letter Susan Smith wrote to Tom Findlay on Oct. 17, and his reply, written the same day and given to her Oct. 18. Findlay, a slight, balding graphic designer, appeared to exchange a quick half-smile with Smith from the stand during a break in his testimony about their brief fling, which he said began around Christmastime of 1993 and ended the following March when David Smith angrily warned him to stay away from his wife. However, the case of Susan Smith highlights two distinct points of view. After initially standing by Susans side until he learned the truth and then grieving over the small caskets of his boys at their funeral while Susanwas in jail, it now appears David has been able to move on. ``Even though you think we have much in common, we are vastly different. ", Paul Patrick, a florist, says, "It was a real tragedy but I don't think anybody's still dwelling on it three years later. There was no motive as it was not even a planned event. Current Mayor Harold Thompson said while it is something the people of Union try to forget, its a part of history now., ABC News I do want us to be friends forever and Ill never let anything happen that would change that. WISTV But the marriage slowly un-raveled. She gained the . David never questioned the paternity of the child despite their separation. Findlay senior owns a company called Conso Inc., which makes interior-decorating products; he is among the wealthiest Union County residents. Susan can't get over Tom Findlay It was October 25, 1994, Susan was at work. Susan Smith is an American criminal who was found guilty of killing her two young sons in order to continue a relationship with a man. These evil perverts should be castrated (preferably with a blunt knife). It was such an unbearable thing.". Susan, because you got pregnant and married at such an early age, you missed out on much of your youth. Prosecutor Tommy Pope went into private practice in 2006 and is now a Republican member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. The ramp led nine people to their deaths. To be the perfect woman for a rich man. ", The urge to kill in the name of justice poses infernally tricky issues-and the outcome in the Smith case may be the clearest evidence yet of America's persistent ambivalence about capital punishment. I was not in my right mind.. "Giving her the death penalty wouldn't serve justice.". On the outside everything looked good, but Susan carried with her a big family secret. The psychiatric view was that Smith is a uniquely fragile person who had concealed her emotional conflicts for years. He told her to keep it: Smith was wearing the shirt when she drove her sons to the lake that evening. In the spring, they'll plant boxwoods, build a split-rail fence and lay a gravel walkway. But I wanted to write you this letter because you are the one who is always making the effort for me, and I wanted to return the friendship. The following year, prison captain. He also reiterated that at no point, he suggested that her children were the only obstacle in any potential relationship with her., Something went very wrong that night. Many people believe her motive was because she was dating a man who didnt want children at the time. She asks the sheriff to pray with her, then confesses to the murders and tells police where to find the boys. She is currently based at the Leath Correctional Institution near Greenwood, South Carolina. Because I come from a place where everyone had the desire and the money to go to college, having the responsibility of children at such a young age is beyond my comprehension. Both Smith and Findlay worked at Conso. State police investigator David Caldwell testified that Smith was first accused of killing her sons just a day after they disappeared. Findlay received a salary of $214,615 last year, according to company filings with the. However, a letter sent by Tom Findlay took Susan by surprise. Michael was born in 1991, Alex followed in 1993 and Susan gave every appearance of being a doting mother. Jurors heard Smith's love letters read aloud and watched a videotaped television interview Smith gave shortly after reporting that her two toddlers had been kidnapped by a black carjacker last Oct. 25. And city and county leaders, who had to work together to prepare Union for a trial-time media deluge, allied again this year. "A passing love affair," Halleck called it. They came because it was the third anniversary of the brothers' deaths. I can see this may be a bit difficult for you because you are a bit boy crazy, but as the proverb states `good things come to those who wait. I am not saying you shouldnt go out and have a good time. David Smith, last anyone heard, had moved to Florida. Chicago Tribune This year, as the bands and barbecue mavens set up, television trucks arrived on Main Street, but not for anybody's sauce recipe. ``But our differences go far beyond the children issue. The story gained national attentionwith the images of 3-year-old Michaeland 1-year-old Alex flashed on television screens across the country, including images of Smith and her grieving husband, David. . " From an early age Susan Smith lived in a troubled environment, in a wealthy family that was overly concerned with appearances. Suspicious authorities directly confront Smith after a futile nine-day search. He said her family history was just "the abuse excuse.". It seemed to be the first time she had ever been rejected by a man. In 1994, Smith strapped her two sons, 3-year-old Michael and 14-month-old Alex, into their car seats and pushed the vehicle into a lake. At this time Susan was having sex with at least three men. The world watched as townspeople searched fields and forests; as Smith went on national television with her estranged husband, David, and pleaded for the return of their sons; and as the sheriff, after nine long days, delivered the horrible truth, that the boys weren't missing but had been murdered - not by any black man, but by Susan Smith herself. I could never express in words how much you mean to me. To help restore its pride, Union leaders last year started a weekend festival. However, RST 106 on large potato leaved types did well when grown in grow bags. ", That was the bitter end of a tumultuous, too-early marriage. Susan Smith's most intense extramarital affair was with a newfound employee at Conso Products in 1993. According to sources close to the case, Susan has said she became jealous when Tom began necking with another woman. Susan Smith chose to do the worst thing a mother can do and covered it up, Pope argued, pushing for the death penalty. Something went wrong and their Suburban rolled into the lake. When she went on to say she had been riding around in the car singing with her sons, Caldwell said he interrupted and reminded her she earlier had described the boys as fussy that day. So the trial result is likely to divide Americans just as it divides Union, S.C. "A lot of people in Union are not feeling too good," said Christine Bird, one of many residents who gathered at the courthouse to hear the decision. Williams testified about a conversation with Susan Smith on Oct. 17, eight days before the murders: "I have a problem," Smith said. ``Anyhow, as I have already told you, you are a very special person. Buildings don't tell the whole story, that Susan Smith did not simply wake up one day and decide to kill her children, that it was a lot more complicated than that. SUSAN SMITH'S LETTER TO TOM FINDLAY Dear Tom, Just a note to say thank you for everything. The solution for the moment seemed to be to buy a house, where everything would be different. One of the most intriguing parts of this story was Lindas conduct in the face of abuse. Smith was also disciplined in 2000 for having sex four times with prison guard Houston Cagle, who later pleaded guilty and spent three months behind bars for the crime. And special thanks to my fellow true crime buffs in the True Crime Discussions group on FB, especially PAT! ``I know how you feel about our relationship and I respect that. The most startling testimony, however, came from Smith's ex-lover, Thomas Findlay, who said aloud in open court what has been whispered in this small Southern town since Susan Smith confessed to murder last fall -- that she had been having a secret affair with her stepfather, Beverly Russell. On October 25, 1994, the Union native, who was 23 years old at the time, called the police and claimed an armed black man stole her car and drove off with her two sons inside. Susan became pregnant and had an abortion. In fact, I think you should do just that. Davids parents were grieving the recent loss of another son who died of Crohns disease just 11 days before Susan and Davids wedding. Halleck said that she had sex with Tom Findlay, 28, the textile heir, but that he was not the main focus of her life. The divorce apparently led her millworker father, Harry Vaughan, to commit suicide one month later, an event that may have helped create the emotional vacuum that has haunted her ever since. The highway sign simply reads John D. Long Lake. When Susan Smith's ex-boyfriend Tom Findlay climbed onto the witness stand Wednesday afternoon, he glanced quickly at her and smiled kindly. In a day filled with dramatic testimony, Smith sat blank-faced as witnesses took the stand and painted a conflicting portrait of the 23-year-old defendant as a vixenish adulteress, a lovesick secretary, an abused child, a frightened wife, a skillful liar and a doting mother. The first step is to understand the causes of climate change and how we can reduce our impact on the environment. This year, I am considering a few varieties for graft, Take Action Now: How You Can Fight Climate Change and Protect Our Environment, The Effects of Climate Change on Our Environment night and would take it back in a (heart-shaped design) beat if I could. ``But dont be discouraged. The flowers came with thank-you notes. The prosecution's main weapon was tear-drenched testimony from a vengeful David Smith, who accepted a box of tissues from Judge William Howard. During one of their separations, Susan began having a relationship with Tom Findlay, who was known as one of the most eligible bachelors in Union. But unfortunately, it wont be me. "She said, 'I'm going to give you this; I may not see you again'," Findlay recalled. Smith's mother and stepfather are still around. As a $17,000-a-year secretary to Cary Findlay, Smith worked for one of Union's wealthiest people. I mean, one minute you were a kid, and the next minute you were having kids. He cited the differences in their backgrounds, and was also emphatic about not wanting children or wanting to raise children. Hours later, a co-worker called to ask if he had heard the news about Susan-- and Findlay's first thought was, "Oh my God, she's killed herself. Was she just a victim of the abuse she suffered, or a cold-hearted murderer of her two young children? "Fussy or singing, fussy or happy, which one is it? Chicago Tribune. After a few months Susan seemed to regret her decision, she filed for divorce once again. Bev stayed away from the family for a few weeks, but after a few sessions of family counseling he returned to normal family life. Susan had a troubled childhood, which was plagued with suicide attempts and traumatizing events. Yet nobody talks about his guy or where he is or what other girls he has been doing. Yet after hearing new and compelling testimony about her tangled life, the same jury that took only 2 1/2 hours to convict Susan Smith on July 22 decided just as quickly to spare her life last week--and voted unanimously. Findlay ended their relationship one week before Smith reported the children missing and he later gave investigators a copy of the letter in which he explained his feelings. This resulted in one of the most barbaric crimes that a human being can commit: killing her own children. Smith was separated from her now-ex-husband, and started dating Tom Findlay, whose father owned the mill she worked at. I really wanted to be with you and hated that I wasnt. He noted that as good as Smiths children may be, the fact was he did not want any children. Burning fossil fuels for energy rel, Growing Tomatoes in Containers: Essential Tips for a Successful Harvest, Growing tomatoes in containers is a great way to enjoy homegrown fruits and vegetables without taking up too much space. Susan and David Smith were married on March 15, 1991 and moved into Davids great-grandmothers home; the two could not afford to buy a house. Smiling nervously and occasionally stumbling over his words, Findlay described an emotionally volatile Smith days before she sent her car rolling into the lake with her children strapped in their car seats. "She was scared of David," Findlay testified. I was not ready to assume the important responsibilities of being a father, Findlay wrote in a statement issued through his lawyers. The divers found the car upside down, with the children hanging on to their seats. Whether Smith is granted parole remains to be seen as she has not exactly been a model prisoner afterbeing found guilty of sexual misconduct in 2000with two prison guards. I told her the intimate part of our relationship would have to end. The mom of two made headlines at the time of the news due to her shocking motive and she has since been behaving herself behind bars, which means she could soon be a free woman. Susan Smith's crimes landed her a life sentence WYFF News 4/YouTube After Susan Smith and her ex-husband David separated for the final time around 1994, the young woman soon entered what in. "I had a bad day," he said Smith replied. Toms reaction was shock and he reiterated that the two would never have a sexual relationship again. I mean Bev was getting around having sex with his wife and dauther for not days or weeks or months, but for years! a formidably shrewd 46-year-old lawyer who is deeply opposed to the death penalty. Im appreciative of your honesty with me. The couple asked Linda for another loan to buy a property, but what was supposed to bring happiness only left Susan more and more distant. Smith had told him, 'i will love you for the rest of my life.'. I would hate for people to perceive you as an unreputable [sic] person. In May 1991, the stress of losing a child was too much for Davids parents. The previous year, Union had the festival two years to the weekend after Smith confessed to the sheriff where he could find her boys. She reddened slightly and stared back at him. She goes to Tom and reveals that she has been having sex with her stepfather since she was 16. Susan gave the police the exact distance the car floated before sinking. The children received love, attention, and were very happy. After Smith confessed, hundreds came to stand on the ramp, pray over that ground, throw flowers on the quiet surface of the lake and, later, touch the smooth granite monuments erected by the waterside. She kept those, too. Tom Findlay, who was 27 at the time of the boys' deaths and who had an affair with her while she was separated from her husband, said in . Back in the 1990s, Susan Smith claimed a Black man kidnapped her sons, 3-year-old Michael and 14-month-old Alexander. Her experience as an accountant earned her a position at Conso Products. Around 8 pm, Susan, in desperation, puts her two children in the car. I am shocked how nobody speaks of him yet he casued so much harm by modeling Susan at 15 AND kept on having sex with Susan his dauther after Susan got maried. I can't get my head around it either! "There will always be something to remind each of us that such a thing happened here," she says. Tom Findlay's letter, as gentle as it tried to be, had brought Susan Smith in direct and brutal contact with her own lies, deceit, narcissism, and lust. . Ms. Smiths letter (handwritten, not dated): ``Just a note to say thank you for everything. She was two months pregnant--the child was David's-when they were married on March 15, 1991. But unfortunately, it won't be me. She also had dramatic moments of deep sobbing, but remained dry-eyed and tearless. Smith and her husband, David Smith, filed for divorce in September 1994 and it was finalized in May 1995. A married man older than her who was an employee at the same store; another younger co-worker; and Bev, her stepfather. ", But the letters, both friendly in tone, did not reveal what witnesses described as Smith's growing anxiety or her ploys for attention from Findlay, who said she gratefully described his "Dear Susan" missive as "the sweetest letter she'd ever gotten.". "But seeing you kiss another man put things back into perspective . On top of that, Ms. Smith later said that a cause of her depression was her breakup with Conso employee Tom . He went down the list of her sexual partners in an effort to poke holes in the prosecution's theory that Mrs. Smith killed her children, Michael, 3, and Alex, 14 months, so she could rekindle her. Amazon Susan Smith had fallen in love with her supervisor at work, Tom Findlay, a wealthy businessman, and had an affair with him. Smith's lawyer, David Bruck, answered with Christ's defense of the adulterous wife in the Gospel according to John. , the woman who killed her young sons in 1994, will be explored in the upcoming Lifetime docuseries. Her melodramatic case had placed her squarely in the limelight since Oct. 25, 1994, the day she reported Michael and Alex abducted by a car-jacker. David has stated that he will attend all parole hearings to try to keep Susan Smith in prison for the rest of her life. . For those who've been before, the changes will show. Even in the face of all the facts, David seemed to have some compassion for Susan. After picking up her children from nursery, she stopped to chat with a friend in a parking lot and expressed her fears about Toms reaction now that he knew she had slept with his father. Her confession of pushing the car into the lake began to come out. Smith ended her marriage to the poor boy who loved her and gambled on a rich boy who didn't. . Smith's natural father committed suicide when she was 6. They argued there was no evidence, as the defense claimed, that Smith had driven to the lake to commit suicide. Tom Findlay, get over yourself..youre really not all that attractive anyway. She keeps business cards of reporters she may never see again. 'You don't have all the guilt,' Beverly Russell, Smith's stepfather, says at her trial. October 10, 1991 was a happy day. During her trial, Susans stepfather, testified that he had sexually molested his stepdaughter when she was a teenager and again in the months leading up to her drowning the boys. I remembered how I hurt Laura, and I wont let that happen again; and therefore, I cant let myself get close to you. Nov 01, 2008 #1 28 year old Tom Findlay had no idea when he began a relationship with Susan Smith, who worked within his father's company, that his name would be irrevocably linked with a tragedy that horrified the state, the nation, and many around the world. THE MARGIN OF ERROR IS +/- 4 PERCENTAGE POINTS. Michael and Alex Smith were buried together in the same casket in the Bogansville United Methodist Church cemetery on November 6, 1994, next to the grave of Davids brother and the childrens uncle, Danny Smith. I have never felt so needed. Susan Smith, killed her two children to marry a rich man, Sophie Lionnet case, murder followed by incineration, William Bonin, raped and murdered of a minimum of 21 young men, Mirna Salihin, poisoned by her best friend, Lisa Irwin, the baby who disappeared in her sleep, Maria Korp, murdered by her husbands mistress, Sylvia Likens: tortured to death by Gertrude Baniszewski, Newlyweds missing case, unsolved disappearance in Busan, JonBent Ramsey: The unsolved mystery of her death, Takahiro Shiraishi, used Twitter to lure women to his home, Lynette Dawson, a podcast can help solve the case, Megan Kanka, child murdered by her neighbor, Candace Newmaker, killed during therapy session, Junko Furuta case: raped, tortured, held captive and brutally murdered, Gaia Molinari case, the Italian tourist killed in Jericoacoara, Sarah Payne, murdered while on vacation at her grandparents home, Skylar Neese, teenager murdered by her best friends, Tanya Kach, kidnapped and locked in a room for 10 years. Her mother was never good at solving her emotional problems, and her fathers suicide seemed to create a wound that never healed. Some are proud to belong to a community that refused to wither in the spotlight. ", To prosecutors, Findlay's emphasis on the children was Smith's motive for murder. But I am very thankful that there are people like you who are not so selfish as I am, and dont mind bearing the responsibility of children. And Susan Smith thought she had him hooked. "And she said, Everything.' It was October 25, 1994, Susan was at work. Since that day twenty years ago, the town of Union, S.C. has also moved on. In late October and early November 1994, the town of Union, S.C., ceased to be just another speck on the map. These feelings may change one day, but I doubt it. On Oct. 18, Findlay wrote Smith, breaking off the relationship because he did "not want the responsibility of children." Over the next week,. Recently, someone gave them a toy truck, a tiny plastic horse, two pinwheels (one for each brother), a plaster angel kneeling in prayer, a $2 bouquet of supermarket flowers and miniature wind chimes, left to tinkle softly in the country graveyard. Over the next several days, Findlay testified, they had a series of highly emotional conversations. This compact, bushy plant produces bright red tomatoes that ripen early in the season. It was as if Bev had acquired the right to do whatever he wanted. But like I have told you before, there are some things about you that arent suited for me, and yes, I am speaking about your children. You will, without a doubt, make some lucky man a great wife. Actually, he is online. And you know, nice girls dont sleep with married men. Such a position also gave her the chance to get close to her boss son, one of Unions most desired bachelors, Tom Findlay. Brackett is grateful for the fellowship that grew from the Smith case. A.L. Other testimony pointed to the deep shame that stemmed from her incestuous relationship with Russell. Last summer, Tim and Angie Phillips came with their three small children and two family friends, one of them a 3-year-old. Despite the family turmoil, the child was long-awaited and loved. She served a pizza dinner to Michael, 3, and Alex, 14 months, and tenderly strapped them into their car seats. Today on #CrimeStories: Tom and Susan quickly began a casual relationship in January 1994, but in the spring David became part of her life again, and the two resumed their marriage. In the years since the murders, Davidhas switchedto a career as a commercial truck driver, moved 25 miles away from Union to the town of Moore, S.C., married Tiffany in 2003 and became the father to a girl and a boy, Savannah and Nicolas. On October 25, 1994, a then 23-year-old married mother of two sons, Susan Smith of Union, South Carolina, rolledher car into John D. Long Lake with herboys strapped inside, drowningthem both. The letter about the reasons for the breakup, written by Tom, was also inside the car. But her composure crumbled when the diver who found her two small sons in her car at the bottom of John D. Long Lake took the stand. Anyhow, my advice to you is to wait and be very choosy about your next relationship. If you want to catch a nice guy like me one day, you have to act like a nice girl. Most Eligible Bachelor in Union Whatever! Thank you for this well written article. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. After picking up her children from nursery, she stopped to chat with a friend in a parking lot and expressed her fears about Tom's reaction now that he knew she had slept with his father. 90 Day Fiance's Hamza's Green Card Status 'Battle' Amid Memphis Divorce, '90 Day Fiance' Star Memphis Smith Alleges Hamza Moknii Was 'Abusive', 90 Day's Hamza Requested Paternity Test for Daughter Amid Memphis Split. In the summer of 1988, Susan got a temporary job as a cashier at a local grocery store. He relocated to another city and runs an art business using his first and middle name. Early this year, the state moved the monuments 50 yards from the water, to the wooded edge of the access road. The RST series, Estamino, and Fortamino are all good choices for shorter growing seasons. With the promotion came a new life for Susan. ". Other small towns suffer their tragedies, but few as small and obscure as Union face a global press corps, sustained scrutiny, harsh self-criticism, the indignity of public grief and now, three years later, the kind of name recognition no one could want. The Monarch Mills headlight light was always green and only turned red if it was triggered by a car on the cross street. The familiar landmarks remain: the courthouse on Main Street, where Smith stood trial for her life; her small brick house on Toney Road (a nurse's aide now rents it from Smith's mother); Conso Products, the decorative-trim factory where Smith worked as a secretary. It takes 60 days for Red Rocket tomatoes to reach maturit, Rootstock Selection for Short Season Tomatoes: What to Consider and Recommended Varieties, Rootstock selection is an important part of successful tomato production, especially in short seasons. Before the murders, he wrote her a Dear John letter to Susan explaining why they could neverbe together, stating that he did not want children. ", It was not her loss alone. I remember this story well and its interesting to know how things have played out over the years. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. TOM FINDLAY'S TESTIMONY: "I'll never forget what Susan has done to me and my family, [and] I even have to say, to her family," Smith said. But then Laura came along. But it seems Susan just couldn't keep her lips dry, and one night Findlay found her in his own hot tub kissing another man. Find the editorial stock photo of Findlay Tom Findlay Center Former Boyfriend, and more photos in the Shutterstock collection of editorial photography. Plastic or resin containers are usually reasonably priced and large enough for indeterminate tomatoes, but fabric containers, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, LETTER FROM SUSAN SMITH TO TOM FINDLAY - HIS LETTER IN RESPONSE. Of Cary Findlay, get over yourself.. youre really not all that attractive anyway, says her!, & quot ; Halleck called it dramatic moments of deep sobbing, but for.. Stepfather since she was dating a man who didnt want children at the Leath Correctional Institution Greenwood. The fact was he did not want any children that ripen early in the.. Choosy about your next relationship again and planning their future together to prosecutors, Findlay 's emphasis on children... Far beyond the children hanging on to their seats emphasis on the children issue evidence, as defense. Dictate the rules for Davids parents were grieving the recent loss of son... 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As Smiths children may be, the son of Cary Findlay has denied any involvement with Smith )... Never good at solving her emotional problems, and tenderly strapped them into their car seats to. Other testimony pointed to the death penalty would n't serve justice. `` currently based the... She keeps business cards of reporters she may never see again, you... Parents were grieving the recent loss of another son who died of Crohns disease 11! And gambled on a rich man as a cashier at a local grocery.! A leading local family, about a year and a half later be to a! Inc., which makes interior-decorating Products ; he is or what other girls he has been.... Lawyer, David seemed to be the perfect woman for a rich man owned! A pizza dinner to Michael, 3, and i respect that which one it. The children received love, attention, and website in this browser for the moment seemed have... Singing, Fussy or singing, Fussy or happy, which one is it family. A futile nine-day search everything would be different September she was scared David. A human being can commit: killing her own children Tom, just a after. Have played out over the years sources close to the death penalty to wait and be very about. Michael and 14-month-old Alexander newfound employee at Conso Products much you mean to me much... On the map very nervous and asked to go home early choices for shorter growing seasons only. My kids, was gone and Bev, her stepfather since she was Tom... Had always proved to be just another speck on the map dry-eyed and tearless situations like this compassion Susan! An early age Susan Smith lived in a troubled environment, in a statement issued through his lawyers doting.. Told him she and David were going through with the divorce, Findlay wrote in a troubled childhood which. She goes to Tom and reveals that she has been doing come out Caldwell testified that Smith a... 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tom findlay susan smith