which two colonial powers dominated west africa?

western Africa, region of the western African continent comprising the countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cabo Verde, Chad, Cte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. The division of Africa, the last continent to be so carved up, was essentially a product of the new imperialism, vividly highlighting its essential features. Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. If a journal entry includes a debit or credit to the Cash account, it is most likely which of the following? Tanzania and Uganda, Continue Learning about Movies & Television. Peru and Mexico What two countries had colonies in. e) Tanzania, 45) Most countries in the African Transition Zone have a ____ population in the north and a _____ population in the south. d) Belgium Belgium also had a substantial footprint there with its holdings in the Congo. c) The Congo In western Africa, however, it seems fair to say that the beginnings of the scramble and partition were evident at least a generation before the 1880s and that they were determined by the local situation as much as or more than they were by European domestic rivalries. African monarchs were not granted unrestrained power. In 1897 the British government agreed to support Goldies Royal Niger Company in the development of military forces. e) Transylvalia Dutch, 16) The Boer War took place in ____________. English language journals are filled with policy-relevant articles geared to the maximization of US power, not how other states and non-state actors can best contain or resist US power (Adamson 2016, 21). Which of the following countries is the home of the Shona and Ndebele tribes where whites have been expelled by government-backed squatters seeking their land? For the 6.3 billion people who live outside of the West, 66 percent feel positively towards Russia and 70 percent feel positively towards China, and, Among the 66 percent who feel positively about Russia the breakdown is 75 percent in South Asia, 68 percent in Francophone Africa, and 62 percent in Southeast Asia. c) the way people own, occupy, and use land. T/F: The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone, Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa, T/F: The Berlin Conference took place immediately after World War I and was attended by 8 colonial powers interested in acquiring African spheres of influence, T/F: The supercontinent Pangaea at one time joined together what is now Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, Madagascar, and India, T/F: Eritrea is a region located in Sudan that has been fighting a war of independence since 1956, T/F: The Yoruba nation lives in Nigeria and the Zulu in South Africa. Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? b) Zimbabwe and Zambia Which European country was the last to give up its African colonies? c) Zanzibar and Madagascar We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The glamour of its past had persuaded the French that the Sudan was the most advanced, most populated, and most productive zone of western Africa. d) Gambia a) Burkina Faso Historically, West Africa shows a high degree of regional complementarity between. e) The Boers are now called the Afrikaners. Once they had reached the upper Niger from the Sngal (187983), the French forces had a highway permitting them further rapid advances. The first European empires (16th century), Colonies from northern Europe and mercantilism (17th century), The old colonial system and the competition for empire (18th century), Colonial wars of the first half of the 18th century, King Williams War (War of the League of Augsburg), Queen Annes War (War of the Spanish Succession), King Georges War (War of the Austrian Succession), The French and Indian War (the Seven Years War), European colonial activity (1763c. Already during 1854-74, the logic of the situation in western Africa had led France and Britain to take the political initiatives of creating formal European colonies in Senegal, in Lagos, and in the Gold Coast. The ethnic group exerting the most control in Kenya is the : The southern periphery of the African Transition Zone is known as the _____ Front. 6) Land tenure refers to _______________. Why or why not? 53) A local or regional outbreak of a disease is known as an epidemic. Which of the following sets the moral tone of an organization? e) Ethiopia, 26) Which of the following countries borders Lake Victoria? Many of them see their former colonial powers regrouped as members of the Western . By 1900 Africa was almost entirely divided into separate territories that were under the administration of European nations. 73) Equatorial Africa is the most developed region of the realm. b) Cameroon The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone. Korea was never colonized by Europeans, but by Japan in 1910. Its opening has commonly been taken to be either the French reaction to the British occupation of Egypt in 1882 or the Congo basin rivalry between agents of France and of Leopold II of the Belgians that led to the Berlin West Africa Conference of 188485, both of which are seen as being exploited by Bismarck for purposes of his European policy. In nearly all African countries today, the language used in government and media is the one imposed by a recent colonial power, though most people speak their native African languages. Only a few of these republics, like Tatarstan, have a historical record of . The Germans in West . A balanced scorecard is a set of 2 or more performance measures. 59) Zambia, Sierra Leone, and Malawi were all British colonies. c) Guinea-Bissau 11) Of the following, which European country was the last to give up its African colonies? 6 Where are most people in the African transition zone? The Yoruba nation lives in Nigeria and the Zulu in South Africa. 2 languages European colonisation of Southeast Asia Portuguese Timor Spanish East Indies Dutch East Indies French Indochina British Burma, Malaya, and Borneo Siam ( Thailand) The first phase of European colonisation of Southeast Asia took place throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. b) the Kalahari Desert The history of the Cold War has taught developing countries that getting embroiled in great power conflicts generates few benefits for them yet carries enormous risks. The last country to give up its African colonies was, The great river of Southern Africa is the, Africa is one of only two continents containing a cluster of, T/F: Johannesburg has a slightly larger population than Cape Town, T/F: Whereas West Africa's environmental zones are aligned in east-west belts, most of its states are oriented in a north-south direction, the population is of Malay-Polynesian origin, The two groups who fought one another in the Rwandan civil war are the, T/F: Equatorial Africa is the most developed region of the realm. The Germans in West Africa Administrative Policies. True T/F: The British imported large numbers of South Asians to work on South Africas coastal plantations. Nambia (formally German South West Africa) and 63) The British imported large numbers of South Asians to work on South Africa's coastal plantations. The rapid French advance across western Africa from the Sngal River had denied the British any chance of exploiting the commercial hinterland of the Gambia River and had severely restricted their opportunities from Sierra Leone. d) Tutsi a) Burkina Faso a) North America German East Africa became Burundi, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Nigerias dominant export commodity, produced in large quantities, is _____. The advancint religion in the African Transition Zone is _____. The Brithish imported large numbers of South Asians to work on Africas coastal plantations. The course of Egypts loss of sovereignty resembled somewhat the same process in Tunisia: easy credit extended by Europeans, bankruptcy, increasing control by foreign-debt commissioners, mulcting of the peasants to raise revenue for servicing the debt, growing independence movements, and finally military conquest by a foreign power. b. All along the coast, in fact, the traditional African political order was becoming ineffective in the face of European economic and social pressures. T/F: Tanzania is East Africa's largest country in territorial as well as demographic terms, but it never had minorities as large as those in Kenya or Uganda, The country in Equatorial Africa with significant oil supplies and the only coastal capital is, T/F: Natal Province contains South Africa's largest cluster of Asians. Here, to give you a small sense of European colonialism's massive scale, is a map showing every country put under partial or total European control during the colonial era, which ran roughly from . 400 million c. 40 million d. 80 million e. 3 billion a. b) Puntland Use the rules for the order of operations. b) Yoruba Which of the following states was not a colony of France prior to its independence? . a) Climatically, it is Africa's only true temperate-zone country. The colonial powers flooded Africa with European-made goods, causing many African industries to fail because they could not compete. a) have both driven out their Hutu populations Portugal Which of the following countries is not located in Equatorial Africa? 84) The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone. German colonialism was too short-lived to establish a coherent administrative policy. Copyright 2023 WittyQuestion.com | All rights reserved. a) Hutu The first Europeans to develop trading relationships with West Africa were the: Which of the following countries is located in the Horn of Africa? b) It contains significant untapped petroleum reserves. Which of the following countries is located in the Horn of Africa, The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly called the Gold Coast, is, T/F: The Hutus and Tutsis fought for control of Uganda, Which of the following statements is false, South Africa contains significant untapped petroleum reserves, Which of the following states was not a colony of France prior to its independence, T/F: The upper basin of the Niger River has been an area of far greater cultural development over time than its coastal delta region. Sierra Leone was settled by former American slaves. e) Burundi, 23) Tourism, once a particularly important business in _______________, struggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges: d) It has large coal reserves. a) the balance between population and land resources. c) Swahili c) Its white population is larger than the white populations of all other Subsaharan African countries combined. Developments in both respects contributed to the wave of partition toward the end of the 19th century. a) Bantu Congo, Central African Rupublic, Uganda, and Equatorial Guinea are all located in Equatorial Africa. a) Nigeria The transatlantic slave trade was an extensive system of slave labor that first became active in the 16th century. Which of the following is located in the African transition zone? a) Nigeria By the turn of the 20th century, the map of Africa looked like a huge jigsaw puzzle, with most of the boundary lines having been drawn in a sort of game of give-and-take played in the foreign offices of the leading European powers. West Africa is Subsaharan Africas most populous region. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Do you agree? Church History Affairs of West Africa Colonial West Africa A History of West . These were Britain, France, and Germany and the weaker powers of Spain, Portugal and Italy who had very small possessions in Africa. The outcome of the conference was the division of the African continent by the European powers and the colonial subjugation of the African peoples. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. Portugal, in the 20th century the poorest and least developed of the western European powers, was the first nation (with Spain) to establish itself as a colonial power and the last to give up its colonial possessions. another answer. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Log in for more information. History of colonialism. The only exceptions were Liberia, generally regarded as being under the special protection of the United States; Morocco, conquered by France a few years later; Libya, later taken over by Italy; and Ethiopia. Namibia was once called Southwest Africa and was under South African control before independence. France, occupied with war in Tunisia and with internal political problems, did not participate in the military intervention to suppress the revolt. At various points in modern history, European powers colonized, in some form, most of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania, the Middle East and the Arctic (excluding Antarctica). c) Brazzaville b) Cameroon Most countries in the African Transition Zone have a ____ population in the north and a _____ population in the south. The more or less peaceful trade-offs by the occupying powers differed sharply from the long, bitter, and expensive wars they waged against the indigenous peoples and rulers of Islmic North Africa to solidify European rule. Due to Africas difficult agricultrual environment, numerous environmental hazards, diseases and periodic food shortages, the continents population growth rate is below the worldwide average. e) common, 43) Which of the following is located in the African Transition Zone? Who controlled the House of Representatives in 1982? c) Mogadishu Best Answer. a) Gambia d) the use of cell phones -Britain and France -Portugal and Spain -Germany and Britain -U.S. and France -Belgium and the Netherlands -Britain and France Which of the following statements is false? Nigeria The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly known as the Gold Coast, is Ghana Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Africa? Transitional zones are especially prone to changes in climate. Penetration of Islmic North Africa was complicated, on the one hand, by the struggle among European powers for control of the Mediterranean Sea and, on the other hand, by the suzerainty that the Ottoman Empire exercised to a greater or lesser extent over large sections of the region. In this respect, the timing and the pace of the scramble for Africa are especially noteworthy. d) Niger 107) The rifts shown on the map in Figure 6A-2 are found predominantly near this feature: a) an exclave of Angola The European scramble to partition and occupy African territory is often treated as a peripheral aspect of the political and economic rivalries that developed between the new industrial nations in Europe itself and that were particularly acute from about 1870 to 1914. Which of the following statements about South Africa is incorrect? In Egypt, inter-imperialist rivalry, mainly between Great Britain and France, reached back to the early 19th century but was intensified under the circumstances of the new imperialism and the construction of the Suez Canal. 55) The West African savanna states benefited from complementarity between the peoples of the forests and the peoples of the dry lands to the north. b. Colombia. Which of the following countries is not located in Equatorial Africa? c) pandemic a) Highveld Hollanders This West African country borders Liberia, is a former French colony, and built a Roman Catholic basilica in Yamoussoukro to ribal St. Peters in Rome: As demonstrated on Figure G-7 and discussed in the Chapter 6a text, the climate directly to the north and south of the Congo River Basin displays _____. Southern Africas mineral wealth is matched by its agricultural diversity. d) Hutus and Tutsis 6) Land tenure refers to _______________. a. Germany and Belgium b. Portugal and Spain c. Britain and France d. Italy and France e. United States and the Netherlands c. Britain and France The total population of Sub-Saharan Africa will soon reach nearly: a. Economic stagnation. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 1 billion This country has the largest population in Africa. Two smaller nations, Belgium and Italy . Government and mercantile interests nonetheless were able to agree on the need for British action to keep the French (and also the Germans from Togo and from the Cameroons) out of the hinterlands of the Gold Coast, Lagos, and the Niger delta. Tourism, once a particularly important business in _____, sturggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges: A market that is set up on certain days of the week is known as a _____ market. The deadliest disease in Subsaharan Africa is _____. In the late nineteenth century, the colonial powers tended to draw borders quite arbitrarily to mark the limits of their conquests (McEwan, 1968). d) Central African Republic c) were former British colonies e) Portugal, 12) Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Africa? Tanzania is East Africas largest country in territorial as well as demographic terms, but never had dominant minorities in the way Kenya has had. The answer lies in the climate of the Arctic and northern high latitudes. d) Brazil It contains significant untapped petroleum reserves. Which of the following is a lingua franca is much of eastern Africa. d) Zambia 18) The natural environment of Botswana is dominated by ____________. In the West African kingdom of Futa Jallon rulers were. It was common for colonial regimes to imprison and brutalize those who spoke up against colonialism. Prior to World War I, Germany controlled more than 2.4 million 56) The upper basin of the Niger River has been an area of far greater cultural development over time than its coastal delta region. c) surrounded by South Africa Colonization of western Africa The European scramble to partition and occupy African territory is often treated as a peripheral aspect of the political and economic rivalries that developed between the new industrial nations in Europe itself and that were particularly acute from about 1870 to 1914. Which of the following countries borders Lake Victoria? a) the Zambezi River e) were former French colonies, 30) Which of the following countries is not located in Equatorial Africa? e) Spain, 110) The Caprivi Strip allows the country of Namibia access to this physical feature: Nigeria. d) Tanzania True. c) Lake Kariba German West Africa became The changing balance of power in western Africa was not confined to the coastlands. b) Mali c) Niger c) Niger Italy, as well as France and England, had loaned large sums to the ruling beys of Tunisia to help loosen that countrys ties with Turkey. A.Britain and France B.Portugal and Spain C.Germany and Britain D.U.S. 10) Which of the following countries was not a British colony prior to its independence? Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonisation, use of military force, or other means. During a period lasting from 1881 to 1914 in what was known as the Scramble for Africa, several European . Britain and France. Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? d) Ibo d) Sharia African sleeping sickness is transmitted by the tsetse fly. The two major rivers in West and Central Africa are the Congo d) North; West What is the main problem for the African transition zone? France, maneuvering for possession of Morocco, which bordered on her Algerian colony, tried to obtain the acquiescence of the other powers by both secret and open treaties granting Italy a free hand in Libya, allotting to Spain a sphere of influence, and acknowledging Britains paramountcy in Egypt. The Great Bantu Migration spread from north to south. Korea had a strong resistant movement within its borders, but the Japanese country was able to suppress it. b) Tanzania c) it produces exceptional quantities of salt c) South Sudan Listed below are known African empires and their respective capital cities.. c) Germany and Britain 4) A disease that spreads worldwide is known as a(n) ___________. West Africa showed a high degree of regional complementarity between: The peoples of the tropical forest and the peoples of the dry interior. e) Djibouti. 2 Which European country was the last to give up its African colonies? Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? Early history in West Africa included a number of prominent regional powers that dominated different parts of both the coast and . a) Climatically, it is Africas only true temperate-zone country. d) The Congo While some areas, in particular, South Africa, & Namibia retain a large population of European descent. b) Kenya c) the Netherlands Tourists are drawn to the realm for its wildlife. d) the Atlantic Ocean The ethnic group exerting the greatest political influence in Kenya is the, The country that moved its capital from Lagos to the more centrally-located city of Abuja is, The natural environment of Botswana is dominated by, The country in Equatorial Africa with significant oil supplies and the only coastal capital is. Korea. The second feature of the new imperialism was also strongly evident. Two countries which were originally part of German East Africa, but were given to the Belgians after World War I are: Arthur Getis, David Kaplan, Jon Malinowski, Mark Bjelland, Victoria Getis, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland. and Development Assistance in West Africa The Athens of West Africa Power and Landscape in Atlantic West Africa West African Worlds Women and . b) Muslim/Christian-animist 8) Before independence, the modern state of The Congo was a colony of ______________. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. 66) South Africa's cities almost stopped growing during the period of apartheid. The largest city in terms of population in Sub-Saharan Africa is? 9) Which of the following states was not a colony of France prior to its independence? These two countries were in competition with each other to dominate European politics and economics. d) Ghana c) coastal swamps and deltas a) Botswana c) Kenya These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 1 Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? 57) The Berlin Conference took place immediately after World War I and was attended by 8 colonial powers interested in acquiring African spheres of influence. e) Togo, 21) Cabinda is ___________. Two countries that were originally part of German East Africa, but were reassigned to the Belgians after World War I are. 51) Africa's distributions of climate and vegetation are almost symmetrical about the equator. Infrastructure development in colonized countries. b) Nigeria African Republic. b) Kenya d. zone of in situ accretion. The population is of Malay-Polynesian origin. The country in Equatorial Africa with significant oil supplies and the only coastal capital is: T/F: Periodic markets are found in the central city squares of West Africa's largest urban concentrations, T/F: Although much of Subsaharan Africa still practices tribal religions, Islam penetrated from the north to confront these faiths as well as Christianity as it advanced southward, Which of the following is a lingua franca, T/F: The term "veld" refers to the forested area of northern South Africa, Which of the following countries was not a British colony prior to its independence, T/F: Senegal was the anchor of France's West African empire, Tourism, once a particularly important business in _____, struggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges, The natural environment of Botswana is dominated by, Nigeria's old capital of Lagos was situated within the culture area of the people known as the, T/F: The Islamic Front is located on the northern fringes of the Sahara, T/F: Zambia, Sierra Leone, and Malawi were all British colonies, Which of the following countries is not located in The African Transition Zone. 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which two colonial powers dominated west africa?