why take strontium on empty stomach

2002-2023 AlgaeCal. To put these results into perspective, you should know that the conservative (least) expected drop in BMD for women aged 41-55 is a loss of -0.5%/year, for women 56 and older, a loss of -1.0%/year, and for men, a loss of half these amounts. (Moise H, Adachi JD, Chettle DR, et al. Read labels! Research conducted by AlgaeCal (which BTW is VERY unusual since supplements of natural compounds cannot be patented, so very few companies spend the $ on research), pitting its algae-derived calcium against calcium carbonate and calcium citrate in head to head studies a human osteoblast study and two human studies convinced me to try it. We have found in the more than 6,000 patients we have now tested in a health promotion project we have been involved in up in Calgary that virtually everyone needs at least 2,000 IU per day, many need 5,000 IU per day or even more.) Remember, the women were not taking calcium supplements, just getting their calcium via the foods in their normal diet, so not restricting the time during the day when they took their strontium citrate also seems reasonable. Hi AJ, Strontium citrate is 31% elemental strontium and 69% citrate. If this is the case, how is it possible to get a proper BMD reading from your DXA scan if youve been taking strontium? But let me reiterate, I am NOT paid to be a sales person for AlgaeCal. Sorry to hear youre experiencing nausea not fun! I hope this answers your question I realize I sound like a broken record here, but the point is that even though SOTI and TROPOS showed beneficial effects on bone from strontium ranelate, we can have these benefits using a natural form of strontium (like strontium citrate) without the health risks (and high financial costs) of taking the patent medication. Sr21 is taken up into bone by two different mechanisms: (1) an initial rapid mode, depending on osteoblastic activity, which is eventually saturated, and whereby Sr21 is taken up by ionic exchange with bone Ca21, binding of Sr21 to preosteoid proteins, or combinations of these; and (2) a second slower mechanism involving the incorporation of Sr21 into the crystal lattice of the bone mineral. Delighted to learn you are taking an organic sea vegetable derived calcium-mineral mix and that this is available in South Africa! (1977) Toxicology V.7 p. 11-21. Is a high blood level dangerous? If I might ask your comments on two issues which I have come across, I would be very grateful. Hi Dianne, thanks for sharing and reaching out! 2004 Jun-Jul;20(6-7):631-3. In other words if your patient shows an increase in bone density after taking strontium supplements, part of that increase may be an overstatement but not all of it. Inspired by her family history of osteoporosis and her own battle with low bone density, Lara Pizzorno has devoted more than thirty years to researching how to prevent bone loss and restore bone health. Also, if used, would there be any conflict issues with strontium and its effect of bone building or in the same way as there are with strontium/calcium. I look forward to your response on this as well. So, now I will take it on an empty stomach. If you take l-arginine during the night you will get all of the benefits of Nitric Oxide and anti-aging. I have also discussed many things that contribute to bone loss that you may not be aware of, and which you can avoid once you know about them. In addition, Algaecal suggests taking Strontium Boost along with Algaecal Plus. Need more info on YOU and and why you are restricting soy and dairy as well as gluten. If you need 5,000 to 10,000 IU of D3/day, then you will need more K2. A long-term treatment with strontium ranelate in intact rats is very safe for bone and improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture while maintaining bone stiffness. I suggest you consider taking both AlgaeCal Plus and Triple Power. Bone. Also take Synthroid (77). The reason for your headaches is not the citrate. Which of the LE products do you recommend? Recently I developed chronic diarrhea. No cheese, butter, only almond milk and do take yogurt. Please call us at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any questions, and any one of our Bone Health Consultants would be so happy to help , Hi Lara, I have read articles on the internet that say Strontium Citrate can cause hair loss. It will definitely cause inflammation in your body and as you know if you have read Your Bones anything that provokes chronic inflammation activates osteoclasts excessively and causes bone loss. I was thinking of ordering mine from Vita Cost but see brands. Neither were there changes of the cohesion properties of the mineral crystals, which exhibited properties of young bone (i.e., low intracrystal distances). This is why you want to be sure to be consuming twice as much calcium (from diet and supplements combined) as strontium. Since you are getting 100 mcg from your other supplements, if you just took the full dose of AlgaeCal Plus, you would be getting 190 mcg/day. To regulate my INR levels I have to be careful with vitamin k. Is strontium citrate safe for me? Any vitamins taken on an empty stomach are likely to cause nausea. Could you comment on the possibility that strontium citrate can promote hair loss? I read in the discussion that a GFR of 50 or less would indicate that I should not take Strontium. A creatinine clearance rate of 90 or greater indicates normal healthy kidney function. (2) The first study cited by Genuis et al. Rossini M, Adami G, Adami S, et al. I went with my BMD report to a bone doctor which prescribed me with Strontium Renalate suspension. Indeed, strontium only overestimates BMD by an average of 10%.5 It is an issue for individuals with chronic kidney disease. But I would strongly advise you NOT to use any dosage of this abnormal form of strontium! I dont eat dairy or Night Shade vegetables (Im on an anti-inflammatory diet which has helped both the beginnings of arthritis and COPD diagnoses about 4-5 years ago). My results have convinced me that AlgaeCal is the calcium supplement I am going to continue to use. My last dexa scan (summer of 2011) indicated that there had not been any decline in my bone density. Furthermore, the strontium that does deposit in cortical bone does NOT render it weaker, but more stable and resistant to fracture as explained in this paper, which I mention again below. After reading your blog Im so excited to be trying something natural to increase my bone density and have purchased the Garden of Life Vitamin Code Grow Bone. However, discrepancy was also observed for several other transporters (such as MDR1, MRP3, GLUT1, and GLUT3) in both the duodenum and colon of human and rat. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Once you are tested and find out where your imbalances are (and this will be clearly shown on the 24 Hour Urine test for all the estrogens, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, your adrenal hormones and more), you can restore balance. Strontium-89 (Sr-89) chloride in the treatment of various cancer patients with multiple bone metastases. As a result, about 5% of dialysis patients develop osteomalacia (softening of the bones). 2005 Nov;95(11):2049-56. Are you aware of the research on glutathione (given via nebulizer) for COPD it is VERY helpful! I am not a doctor, but I can at least give you some suggestions to look into and discuss with your physician. If you are producing higher amounts of the pro-carcinogenic forms of estrogen, dietary changes, such as consuming more cruciferous vegetables and fewer pro-inflammatory processed foods, and some very safe herbal supplements can lower your production of potentially harmful estrogens. sml, Hi sml, The other study cited (Korpelainen et al.) In other words, over a 5-year period in the Phase III studies, each year, 7 of every 1,000 participants taking strontium ranelate developed VTE. Ultrasonics. I also take WP which is similar to Armour. An acidic pH, which many of us typically have because we eat the standard Western diet, contributes to bone loss. But, once again, I have no idea of the amount of additional calcium that is entering my body. Dr. said to increase VitD another 100o and I did. I also use their strontium boost product its less expensive for me since I order 6 months of both at a time and get a good discount on the price, and also dont have to think about having to order something more than twice a year. any way if it does and i hope it will i want to thank and congratulate you on the Osteoblasts: Strontium increases the rate at which these bone-building cells are produced and increases their lifespan Such occurences add smiles to our days ) The time, effort, and knowledge which you apply to answering questions is amazing. Only beneficial effects for strontium citrate. Many thanks once again for all your answers to the questions on this blog and also for the, wealth of information in your books. Re strontium I have not heard of its causing diarrhea (sorry, less delicately phrased), but the first rule, ALWAYS, is to trust YOUR own body and its reactions to anything recommended. Lara. I explain all this in detail in Your Bones, 2nd edition, pp. I looked at Dr. Mumbys article he also provides no references (and I sure wish he had specified the type of vitamin K2 he is referring to when suggesting a 10 milligram daily dose is MK-4! Two hours after eating is a crude rule of thumb. Hope this helps, Lara, One additional question (I just finished posting my prior questions to you.) . For now, agreed, you should stop taking Strontium Boost. That being said, your note suggests to me that if you have not already had your vitamin D levels checked, you should do so! I looked up foods that might bring this about and the only one on the list that could possible be a culprit was spinach. 223-224. However, do remember to take your Strontium Boost with a snack that does not contain calcium an apple, a couple of whole grain (preferably gluten-free) crackers, a handful of nuts (peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds are fine; almonds, walnuts, cashews, sesame seeds contain calcium, so not your best option a snack when taking Strontium Boost). Some supplements and lifestyle modification can help relieve reflux. Monica. That's because your body only takes in what it needs and the rest is excreted through urine. Bottom line here for practical purposes i.e, YOUR HEALTH, it is not best to simply now rely on the RDI % to determine whether a supplement is providing what YOU need particularly in the case of vitamin D, a blood test to check your levels of 25(OH)D is essential and should be run every 3-6 months for at least a year to get an indication of how the seasons affect YOUR vit D levels depending upon where YOU live, YOUR lifestyle, diet, genetics, etc. We hope this helps! PMID: 25729823, Insufficient medical benefit is a very polite way of conveying what they actually found: Based on all available data from primary publications and regulatory documents, the number of fractures prevented by strontium ranelate use is similar to the number of extra cases of venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction caused by strontium ranelate use. Bolland MJ, Grey A. Yes, I do think strontium citrate may be of significant help to postmenopausal women with low bone density. Neither of the two forms discussed next are safe. Aquamin (used in New Chapter) has no published studies supporting its efficacy in promoting increases in bone density. Epub 2014 Feb 25. Re strontium yes, the ratio you want is approximately twice as much calcium as strontium. Hope this helps! Their reply was with food was preferable. Likewise, the most common over-the-counter supplements are chemically bound to different molecules, such as citrate, lactate, carbonate, and gluconate. Granted it refers to individuals with preexisting conditions, but still. Also you should know that much of what I have written about strontium ranelate is not provided by AlgaeCal and does not appear on AlgaeCals website or the AlgaeCal Community as our focus is on how to support bone health, not the adverse effects of the bone drugs. Human beings cannot properly fully digest gluten even if no apparent digestive upset occurs, it still is provoking at least 5 different and very nasty immune system reactions, plus causing a leaky gut. If they have good independent quality control assurances, then their strontium citrate product should be fine. Because strontium ranelate, not strontium citrate or other natural strontium salt was used in SOTI and TROPOS, thats why although BMD improved and fracture rates dropped, a few unfortunate individuals experienced a number of side effects, including very serious ones, i.e., venous thromboembolism and DRESS syndrome. The very tiny amount of strontium ions that deposit in our bones prefer to do so in trabecular, not cortical bone. Were here for any questions! Remember, however, that you are most likely getting calcium from your diet, too this counts! I want to underscore here that this is a competition that calcium always wins, which explains why: Ok, now that you see the differences in the 3 main types of strontium, lets dig into the common misconceptions surrounding this valuable mineral. What is the excretion of strontium citrate? for it at that time. Hi Lara: Delighted you are working with a receptive physician! If you are taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, please take your PPI 4 hours apart so it wont affect absorption. If so, then I think your plan is excellent. (I will be publishing a post on its positive bone-building mechanisms in the near future.). Modern wheat has been hybridized greatly over the last 50 years and is also deanimated (a process used to make the flour water soluble, so easier to use for food products) the end result of all this is that modern wheat is MUCH more destructive to us than wheat used to be. Toxicology 7, 11-21. You want to identify and eliminate as fully as possible ALL other sources of inflammation in your diet, environment and lifestyle. Your email address will not be published. Heres a quote from this paper summarizing the results of several studies discussing this: 3X better proliferation of Osteoblasts than CaCO3 and Ca Citrate. So Im here to set the record straight, Having reviewed the published research on the different forms of strontium: natural strontium, the strontium ranelate drug, along with the radioactive form of strontium, I can confidently assure you that the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, is a safe and effective bone health supporter. I just came across this thread and have a question. Some responded quickly;others took several months to get back to me but all responded eventually and have been most helpful. PMID: 21925296: In animal research, female rats whose ovaries had been removed (the standard protocol used to simulate human menopause) were given strontium chloride over a 2-month period. I am leaning toward taking two of the Low Dose LE K2 rather than accumulate too much of the other K vitamins in my system. Conventionally grown vegetables have been shown to contain far less of many minerals, so if you are not eating organic, all bets are off here. Need Help? Hi Lara: As always, grateful to you! Magnesium (as Phosphate) 21mg Consequently, they have a very large interface with extracellular fluids, and numerous interactions between ions from the extracellular fluid and ions constituting apatite crystals are thus possible. Otherwise, the medication may lose its effect. 2017 Feb;105(2):433-442. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35917. My hair started falling out and I read it might be the strontium so I cut back to 380 strontium. Are you familiar with this brand? The information on Algaecal sounds good, but I would like to hear a recommendation fom someone besides the people selling the product. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/thumb-arthritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20378339 Unfortunately, as we age, cumulative damage to our joints over the years, particularly when low levels of chronic inflammation are present (which also promote bone loss), starts to show up. Thank you, Thanks for reaching out with your question, Mallika! If so, have you had your blood levels of 25(OH)D checked? Since being diagnosed with osteoporosis [-3.5 spine, -2.7 L. femoral neck] and Osteopenia [2.1 L. hip, 2.2 Rt hip. I do have Hashimotos and have been on a compounded T3 for over 20 years. Large doses of vitamin C, zinc, and iron, in particular, can upset an empty . I am so so worried and keep awake the whole night. It's a radioactive beta emitter, produced by nuclear fission with a half-life of 29 years. Hi Lara, I am recently diagnosed with Oestopenea, I live in a part of world with poor health facilities and women health are completely neglected. But the article was not clear on the elemental dosage of strontium because they only gave the molecular weight in compound form. 2012 Jan;112:212-7. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2011.11.005. However, Ive been curious about taking calcium microcrystailine hydroxiapetite as a calcium source to increase my BMD .Everything I read is good about this form of calcium, and that it is the closest to the calcium we use to produce bone. This is the best indicator of body levels of vitamin D. Optimal levels are now said in the latest medical journal papers to be between 60-80 ng/mL. And remember, your intake of calcium should be balanced by an intake of about half as much magnesium, so 600-750 mg of magnesium daily. Just curious if others are taking their strontium with or without food. It is NOT just calcium, but calcium within the matrix of all the trace minerals required by the sea algae to build its bony structure. This is a pristine environment, and AlgaeCal does everything possible to keep it that way. AlgaeCal Plus provides 1,600 iu of D3 daily, but some of us need more depending upon where we live (latitude impacts our ability to produce vitamin D from sun exposure) and our genetic inheritance, which can greatly affect our ability to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D, which, for 25(OH)D, should be in the range of 50-80 ng/mL. Dialysis is a way of carrying out this process. You can learn more about Lara, her bone health journey, and years of experience on the left hand side of this article. PLEASE comment about this. Please do not wait! Thus, if we take both the supplements together or at the same time, the two will compete for absorption by the body. And I am trying to be patient with myself. Some have said that strontium replaces calcium in the bones. I want to share my new way to eat natto as it is not an easy food for westerners to eat! Many people need 5,000 IU of vit D3 daily to achieve these levels. In recent years, HER2 has become an important biomarker and target of therapy for approximately 30% of breast cancer patients. I have a question please. Your bones do need calcium! Also (I guess this is a 3rd question) how long do you recommend that someone should stay on these two vitamins (i.e. I find my body has more energy, sleeps better and just feels better when I minimize my grain intake. Unless you eat a lot of fish, you are almost certain to not be getting adequate EPA/DHA the omega-3s that our bodies metabolize into compounds called the resolvins and protections because they resolve inflammation and protect us from chronic inflammations adverse effects. Although strontium levels in bone do continue to increase over time, the number of strontium ions incorporated into the bone matrix is so miniscule remember one strontium ion replaces less than one calcium ion out of ten, plus as bone remodeling is continuous, these strontium ions are resorbed (just as calcium ions are during normal bone remodeling), so for all practical purposes, strontium intake can be continued throughout life. https://www.algaecal.com/shop/ I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in July of 2009. I looked at each of the references you provided. Acta Pharmacol Sin. https://www.utoronto.ca/news/u-t-researchers-find-ancient-iceman-s-infection-helps-lyme-disease-bone-loss-discovery. So, each capsule provides 226 mg of strontium. The research conducted in the above papers used strontium ranelate, however, other papers show the same findings using natural forms of strontium, e.g. If not, thyroid hormone replacement is commonly done, but just remember to have your doctor check your thyroid hormone levels after the first 6 months and then at least annually to ensure the dosage you are being given is correct for you. (Brand name: Aristo) Strontium ranelate is an osteoporosis medication that can help strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of breaking a bone. Prior to using AlgaeCal, I had been rebuilding bone, but SLOWLY. The immune system may react more strongly to some bacteria, such as those that cause lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi), than others. I do know about AlgaeCal and can personally tell you their quality control is excellent. MK-4, even at such a low dose, cant hurt and may help. Either product will be fine. Strontium ranelate: dose-dependent effects in established And we can check, in terms of our bones, whats happening with NTx and DXA tests, also our vitamin D levels, and Im hoping soon the test for vitamin K levels (its called unOC, which stands for uncarboxylated osteocalin) will be widely available. "He didn't do it. Their reply was with food was preferable. Im counting on Strontium Boost (and AlgaeCal Plus) to keep my bones in good shape for my, as yet, non-existent grandchildren. Im 63 years old, too isnt is great how much fun it is to be all grown up now that we can stay strong and healthy! Ive noticed in your previous posts that you take your strontium with lunch. Should I take full dose or maybe half? It would be very helpful if you could clarify. In Laura Pizzornos blog , she refers to the excretion of ranelic acid , and questions the non excreted portion. I hope this helps set your mind at ease and that you will be delighted with you upcoming DXA/TBS results. CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate that rat and human show similar drug intestinal absorption profiles and similar transporter expression patterns in the small intestine, while the two species exhibit distinct expression levels and patterns for metabolizing enzymes in the intestine. The mineralization of bone tissue: a forgotten dimension in osteoporosis research. pam. No worries! As always thanks again for your insights. Does anyone have any information about the dangers to my baby? Previous GFR readings over the past 10 years have been as low as 56 but seem to hover in the high 50s to very low 60s. I have been taking strontium citrate for two years. I then searched a series of database/citation indexes (e.g. The only caveat here is if you are on an older anticoagulant medication, in which case you need to work with your doctor to stablize your INR when taking vitamin K. many thanks, Sara. Calcium is present in varying amounts in lots of foods and is high in dairy products. But there are still several misconceptions about strontium citrate pills: Lets take a closer, research-based look at each of them. Thyroid medications can interact with other drugs, so always take them on an empty stomach with no other medications. You should especially avoid eating fruits with tough fibers like guava and oranges early morning. Conversely, some supplements, and many foods . I know that we take them separately so they wont compete for absorption because calcium will win. Were not wanting to have healthy bones just to stay above ground on the planet; as the song lyric says, Girls just want to have fun!. Yes, my inflammation is under control. I also often add a handful of organic nuts (walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, almonds, cashews, pecansetc.) You will not need your former calcium supplement. I was concerned the 9.3 calcium was at the high end of normal, but am more concerned that you think it is high. Youll understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of strontiums bone-building effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. From the research I have seen on algae-derived calcium, it is more bioavailable and more effectively used in building bone than calcium derived from rock. This test was measured against a Dexa Scan from 2011 when I had also been taking strontium citrate. Lara. 2004 Dec;19(12):2012-20. Here in the US, Your Bones is available in our public libraries. Shaine, Lara: For most everyone, citrate is REALLY good for us its metabolized in the body as an alkalinizing agent in other words, it promotes an alkaline pH inside our cells. And following these recommendations is not only going to give you strong bones, but vibrant health overall. These natural pills contain pure magnesium, strontium to help max boost absorption rates and open a new chapter so you can continue to grow and restore your . Magnesium (as Amino Acid Chelate) 75mg How old are you? Please do continue to consume calcium the recommended daily intake is 1,200 mg. 2016 Sep;43(9):1105-7. My last density, 2019, for the worse area was -.6 so depending on whose figures I use for strontium over showing on the DEXA I am in normal range or osteopenia. In the study of the 10 women supplementing with strontium over 4 years: what was their daily intake of strontium? Lara Epub 2011 Jan 11.) What amount would you suggest? I do have 2 graduate degrees one in Philosophy/Theolgy from Yale University and a second masters in English from University of Washington. Our public libraries English from University of Washington which I have been on a compounded for! Comment on the elemental dosage of strontium because they only gave the molecular weight in compound.... Their daily intake of strontium out and I read in the discussion that a GFR of 50 or less indicate..., however, that you will need more info on you and and why you want to be sure be... 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why take strontium on empty stomach