28 mos. He was one of the secretaries who wrote the New Testament Epistles. Ripperger said that when demons move to a position where they are losing control of their possession, they transition to a phase called the external phase.. It was not persuasive to me to see that Harry Potter is such a bad thing. So if science tells us the universe is 13.7 billion years old, our faith does not contradict that scientific finding. According to the traditionalist Catholic news website Church Militant, Ripperger founded a traditional group of exorcist priests called the Doloran Fathers. I said yes. by Fr Francis Spirago, Father Chad Ripperger, et al. Hes a Catholic, just like I am, but there are specific views that I disagree with him on that hes brought to light, especially in recent podcast appearances hes been on. Well, can we trust the word of a demon? Gather up all of your occult paraphernalia, the rock music, occult books, including those by C.S. Each of us has to understand the limits we have in making a prudential judgment about whats best for our souls. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Now, its funny. Chad Ripperger, Ph.D. is a priest, an exorcist, and the founder of an order of exorcists known as the Dolorans. In September, it was revealed that a "Satanist anarchist nabbed the Republican nomination in the sheriffs race of a New Hampshire county while running with the campaign slogan F**k the Police". Igor, Victor, Silvanus. Cellar door, cellar door, Celador. Then youre off to the races. Debbie, I told you, Jesus is the only answer. 5. Thats his opinion. People in one part of the government are just doing whatever they want or legislating when it's not their job to legislate. So were going to have Originally, people asked me, Hey, why dont you do a podcast responding to what Gordon said on The Matt Fradd Show or something like that? I said, Well, I could do that, but wed be talking past each other. Rowling went to witch school. Then the Google autocorrect said, Did you mean J.K. Rowling went to W-H-I-C-H school? which is clearly Google is working with the witches to hide her witchcraft, because theyre using the autocorrect. Someone reading Harry Potter might think, Well, I cant really do magic. Chad A Ripperger PhD 154 Paperback 3 offers from 3.48 Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry Fr. Ripperger is listed on the clergy directory for the Archdiocese of Denver as a priest in Keenesburg, Colorado -- a state won by Biden in the election. Chad A Ripperger (Author) 509 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $90.74 1 New from $90.74 Paperback $48.82 2 New from $47.19 Many works have been written on the nature of diabolic warfare but the contents which are necessary to know are scattered across many different works of the approved authors. Rate this book Write a Review Chad Alec Ripperger; 11 1964, ) , , . The Church does not oblige that. Cassian Folsom and Fr. YouTube . Its from 1985. I would say the best evidence from science and the writings of the Church Fathers and what the Church teaches is that Catholics should not believe in young earth creationism and that the earth is 6,000 years old. Aye, but no true Scotsman hates haggis.. We dont have anything like that here, so Im trying to expand on that. Okay, Im going to have to stop a lot because in this four-minute clip, Father Ripperger puts out about 10 arguments or claims, and many of them are either misleading or theyre false. Its a spiritual warfare that you cant win without the Lord Jesus. . Would you like to speak about it just for a bit? Once again, its fantasy play with magic that is not invocational. I talked to you earlier about the Harry Potter series, become-. Watch the FULL CONFERENCE: https://catholicrc.org/products/2022-spiritual-warfare-conference-viii-fr-chad-ripperger---------------------LIVE CALL-IN 888-526-2151 Weekdays from 9 am - 1 pm Pacific timeWe have a FREE way for you to listen to the show live. Donald Trump has continued to fight the results with legal challenges and after he called the election the greatest theft in the history of America. We should align with forces of peace, love, and harmony.. Hes anti-everything, especially anti-Catholics. There are people on both sides of the Harry Potter debate who have some very strong feelings about the issue. Oh, no. Itd be like if someone said, Trent Horn was educated by Freemasons and was sent to undermine the Catholic Church. You would say, Well, thats not true. Im going to talk about this at the end of the episode, but we should remember something called Hanlons Razor. How? Father Chad Ripperger, an American Catholic priest who has written numerous books about demonic possession, made the startling claims during an interview with the U.S. Grace Force podcast. Well, Father Amorth, who passed away in 2016, is not the Vaticans chief exorcist. I have to jump in here. I dont know if this is true or not, but 60% of the names in the book are demons. Why would you introduce that if youre not sure if its true or not? Well go into that more. Of a person who was possessed by five demons who claimed that they were the demons that inspired J.K. Rowling to write Harry Potter. The point was that in 2003, there was a conference on the New Age, and one of the presenters made an offhand comment saying that Pope John Paul II approved of Harry Potter books. Paperback. If he says Harry Potter is bad, then I trust him." Here's the thing. I actually just finished today a 100-minute-long interview with Brandan Robertson, who is a pastor. He would take names that apply to a persons personality traits. But when their names are pronounced and said, they can stand to their buddies and say, Hey, look, my names up there.. Chad Ripperger on prayer and praying the . Firefighters rescued and treated the 21-year-old for minor injuries, but half her home was destroyed. Until then, check out next week. Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan. Ripperger said that when demons move to a position where they are losing control of their possession, they transition to a phase called the external phase.. She went to the University of Exeter. That would be a good argument against the Harry Potter books if they contained the names of actual demons. And there was a woman in Spain who decided to try the spell for fire in one of the books, and it burned her house to the ground. Watch the FULL CONFERENCE: https://catholicrc.org/products/2022-spiritual-warfare-conference-viii-fr-chad-ripperger-----LIVE CALL-IN 888-526-. Finally, I just want to say I dont want people to take from this that Trent Horn is against Father Ripperger, and he was disrespectful of Father Ripperger. Tolkien or C.S. The question is, is the thing naturally ordered towards possession or the demonic? The following are the views of three solid faithful leaders in our Church in relation to the abortion tainted vaccines administered for covid. Theyre Latin text, and I have found no evidence online, except for an anonymous letter from an ex-witch who also thinks that Star Wars is witchcraft. If something is demonic or its opposed to the faith, and the public at large accepts it, I dont care. Oh, yeah, the demon Lee Jordan is always out to get people. In fact, these stem cells/DNA (which Fr. Ripperger said: The behavior of some of the people who have been the most vociferous during this time frame reminds me a lot of how the demons themselves would, when they get caught in something or when their shame is revealed about the sin they have committed, they sometimes become very vociferous and very angry about it and try and push the envelope even more.. Father Chad A. Ripperger Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity Kindle Edition by Father Chad A. Ripperger (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 4.9 out of 5 stars 3,628 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle Edition $9.32 Read with Our Free App Paperback $18.89 4 Used from $18.90 7 New from $18.89 Great on Kindle Great Experience. When people say, Well, Cardinal Ratzinger was opposed to these books, well, no, he just politely responded to an author who wrote a book saying Harry Potter is bad. He continued: They believe the same things he does. He belongs to the FSSP, the Fraternal Society of Saint Peter. Well, if Father Ripperger is not a Freemason, if he is a Freemason, hes going to tell us that hes definitely not a Freemason. That is not good thinking here. We talk about where we agree to have common ground, then move to the places where we disagree. The exorcist went on to claim that the Deep State and communists are behaving like demons who are losing their grip on the possessed by claiming rights they do not have. I try to restrict that until its absolutely necessary. It doesnt mean youre trying to indoctrinate people to believe in ancient Greek or Roman deities, but you pick the name because it has an exotic feel to it. Thats how I mean in Dark Dungeons, and so I play it Im not saying that Father Ripperger or others who are concerned about Harry Potter reach this level of inanity. Many of them are traveling here to the studio to have long conversations with me about why they disagree with the Catholic faith. When real witches have sabats and esbats and meet as a coven, they greet each other by saying Blessed be, and when they part, they say The Force be with you. Both sides of this Force are Satan. This same witch who says Harry Potter is satanic also says Star Wars is satanic. Silvanus was one of Peters secretaries in Scripture. However, many of his lawsuits and challenges to election results over claims of voter fraud have been dismissed causing the president to apparently concede and then seemingly quickly retract the concession. Once again, theres no evidence for that claim. Still, once again, I dont see the big difference between when spells are uttered by Gandalf, and Tolkien In fact, in Tolkien, almost anybody can do magic, whereas in Harry Potter, only specific people are born with the ability to practice magic. All the other exorcists that I know that are experienced are very clear-, Well, thats called the No True Scotsman fallacy. He has had to exorcize three children just for reading the books. Chad Ripperger: Leading expert in the area of spiritual warfare and exorcism* This talk was originally given at St. Mary. popular on all continents. I would say inaccurate. In that book, he says, You have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from stupidity. From that comes Hanlons Razor. The spells in the books are actual spells. Youll want to check that out. Guys, I never played Dungeons & Dragons in my parents basement. I havent found any of these names on online lists of the names of demons. I know people in deliverance ministries, by the way, who say they are not allowed to talk about what they hear or see in exorcisms. Its not how we live our faith out, and we want this misrepresentation removed from the school library.. Once again, Hanlons Razor comes from Robert Heinleins novel Logic of Empire, published in 1941. I can tell you, that literature is total garbage. He and I are always comparing notes on Judas because Judas is a hard guy to get out of people. Theres no evidence for this. Fr. The other thing is, too, someone asked me to review the literature. People love The Da Vinci Code. Father Chad Ripperger, an American Catholic priest who has written numerous books about demonic possession, made the startling claims during an interview with the U.S. Grace Force podcast. Some people say, Well, its not just Father Ripperger. Father Gabriel Amorth, the Vaticans chief exorcist, says that Harry Potter is satanic. Amazon and COVID-19; Your Account; Your Orders; Shipping Rates & Policies; Amazon Prime; Returns & Replacements; Manage Your Content and Devices; Whats glory? . Lewis. Then theres things in the middle that require prudence. Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly! I dont think thats evidence in and of itself of diabolical activity. I read the first book, and Ill be quite frank with you. Evil without end is about to descend upon the works of man, and none of my RPG tomes have the answer how to stop it. Ill play a clip for you. That is extremely misleading. What are you supposed to do if someone says, You know what, if somebody was a witch, and you ask them if they were a witch, they would say no. Repent of the sins in your life, and turn to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Dark Dungeons is a film based on a Jack Chick tract dealing with Dungeons & Dragons. When Tolkien would have a character like Celador, how do you come up with a guy, the evil Celador? Its called Poes Law. Jesus sets us free from the bondage of witchcraft. with Justin Brierley, though on their adverts they always say, Youre listening to Unbelievable? Father Ripperger is a traditionalist priest. The devil is crafty. Saint Thomas Aquinas put it this way. She practiced in a coven of witches to learn witchcraft? He says, Naur an edraith amen!, which is Fire, save us! or something like that in Elvish or whatever language Tolkien came up with. AN EXORCIST ranted this week about how Democrats are possessed and in league with the devil and how they want the same goals.. I never ended up learning Elvish. According to this article, she recalls doing little work, preferring to read the works of Charles Dickens and J.R.R. And thats fine most of the time, but sometimes it bleeds beyond, and as I said, number one, makes people who are scrupulous extra worrisome when they dont have to be, and that could be dangerous for them. . I think what were seeing now is that theres some stark comparisons in the behavior of some of these people and its what Ive seen in session. There is an exorcist that I know whos a friend of mine. "The AstraZeneca vaccine is more morally compromised. I go to the library to learn about these things. He's also an exorcist himself, and some people have written in comments saying, "You've done your research. Well, let me get to that, whether the names of devils or demons or not. We dont have to entertain a conflict. In this way, being vaccinated safely against COVID-19 should be considered an act of love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibility for the common good.". Read more. The things that are of low quality can be widely popular, and things that are of high quality may not appeal to people because they havent raised their spirits beyond the fallen savage level that theyve gone to ever since the fall of man. Peter Kreeft says you can lie to Nazis to save Jews hiding in your basement. Ripperger on ugetube - Resistance podcast #143: Answers on Vaccination concerns with Fr. Well, because witches tell us theyre real. The speaker came out of witchcraft, and he knows what youre up against. All Formats Kindle Edition Paperback Hardcover Sort by: Popularity. Read more Other Formats:: Paperback includes tax, if applicable Buy now with 1-Click Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc. Lincoln and Omaha Sermons 20/04/2015 by Chad Ripperger ( 49 ) Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. What I did is I went through First, I went through the list, and most of these names are not demonic. Read more. Father Chad A. Ripperger + Follow. Timothy Grice, 21, shotgun suicide. Hes saying arguments from authority are bad, or the weakest of arguments, not necessarily bad, but theyre weak. Amazon.com: Father Chad Ripperger 1-16 of 334 results for "father chad ripperger" RESULTS Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity by Father Chad A. Ripperger | Dec 22, 2016 4.9 (4,076) Kindle $695 Available instantly Leather Bound Paperback $1495 FREE delivery Wed, Mar 1 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon More Buying Choices "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Once again, given all of the other things that he has said, that saying all exorcists are opposed to this, I dont see the evidence for that, because the other things that hes the sweeping claims that hes made, Ive already debunked them, so I have no reason to believe this particular sweeping claim. For more information, visit trenthornpodcast.com. However, many of his lawsuits and challenges to election results over claims of voter fraud have been dismissed causing the president to apparently concede and then seemingly quickly retract the concession. Father Chad Ripperger, an American Catholic priest who has penned many books about demonic possession, made the shocking allegations during an interview with the US Grace Force podcast. Instead of investigating her case, he just said, Thank you for the good work that youre doing. Things right now are kind of leading to a crescendo, Ripperger said. I hope this was helpful for you. This voice is crying all over the world, and we have to awaken., No one who is really deeply concerned about the defense of life and the moral law can be silent or can be quiet and can resign to this situation,, -Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, Kimberly DeFazio and Robert Wilkie write that UW-La Crosse requires teachers in the humanities to quantifiably measure the effects of great , The recent East Palestine, Ohio derailment igniting a fireball of flames demonstrates how vulnerable we are in La Crosse. Father Ripperger is a traditionalist priest. "Those who actually want whats best for this country, I think that this is just some external observations but I think there is a kind of in the minds of people, a feeling of vulnerability right now," Ripperger said. There is a good article by Dr. Jeffrey Mirus on catholicculture.org. I got a list of all the names of the Harry Potter characters, and then I got another list of all the names of demons from different kinds of mythologies, so from not just Christianity, but Judaism, Islam, and I did a cross reference. It just means you got to use your good judgment when reading books that involve characters that have flaws because those characters are like regular human beings, who are flawed, who are a mixture of good and bad, and you have to take the good along with the bad and use your good judgment while reading it. Many believe that even if the fraud is exposed and all this comes out in this whole process, some have expressed that they dont believe the Supreme Court would rule in favor of whats right, Ripperger claimed. Thats a serious charge to make. Many believe that even if the fraud is exposed and all this comes out in this whole process, some have expressed that they dont believe the Supreme Court would rule in favor of whats right, Ripperger claimed. Theyre just Latin words. Okay, so Father Ripperger says that the Harry Potter books contain actual spells because witches tell you that. The first name, I think, is Salazar, and that is related to a Portuguese dictator, is what Rowling says. by Fr Francis Spirago, Father Chad Ripperger, et al. Trent Horn went to the Franciscan University of Steubenville. I went and I looked this up. Ill post it on the website. Well, of course, hes not going to publicly share that he was educated by Freemasons. Im not saying that hes trying to misleading. Father Chad A. Ripperger (Author) Visit Amazon's Father Chad A. Ripperger Page. They just say, Well, yeah, we believe in forces, but theres no evidence that witches either say, from Star Wars, May the Force be with you, or that J.K. Rowling is involved in witchcraft. A Capital Calling for The Doloran Fathers for the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother in Colorado. These four books by J.K. Rowling teach witchcraft. I guess this was written midway through the series. Tolkien had magic. Maybe the demons have propped this up. He said, Arguments from authority are the weakest of arguments, so says Boethius. Boethius was a philosopher who lived centuries before Aquinas, and you get the joke. Theres actually a law. Theyre Latin. It wasnt something in which the person, when he heard Gandalf saying the magic, I want to be like Gandalf and do these magic things, thats not what you You just didnt have that. AN EXORCIST ranted this week about how Democrats are possessed and in league with the devil and how they want the same goals.. Theyre pornography. If you think your kid is getting too worked up in Harry Potter and hes detached from reality, you should probably separate him from that material, but you could get obsessed with almost anything. I think RPGs can stop evil when theyre Nazis or the Taliban. COVID - 19 Experimental Vaccines He continued: They believe the same things he does. I dont think so. Learn more about Father Chad A. Ripperger. ' They could probably say Star Wars ripped that off from them, but they dont. To show you that, I want to play you a clip from a 2014 film called Dark Dungeons. Two, the outside world, we can seem silly to them. You shall not pass. He says to the demon Balrog By the way, theres demons in Lord of the Rings. This is a collection of sermons given by Fr. Thats how Saint Thomas Aquinas defines it. But if you can read it and you can cultivate it in a good way, and use it to teach valuable lessons about good and evil and about the wonders of imagination, then I think thats fine. Thats another reason why I tell people, dont let your kids read it. In England, they have a show called Unbelievable? Dont just rely on hearsay from other people. They were a family that practiced witchcraft and said, This is not how Wicca is performed. Chad Alec Ripperger, F.S.S.P. Follow to get new release updates and improved recommendations. "Those who actually want whats best for this country, I think that this is just some external observations but I think there is a kind of in the minds of people, a feeling of vulnerability right now," Ripperger said. Now, J.K. Rowling has denied shes a witch. No, Im just kidding. These are just wide claims, wide, sweeping claims without evidence, so it makes me skeptical of what hes claiming about Harry Potter as well. . The article says, Responding to questions as to why Wicca, a modern pagan religion that also uses the words witch and wizard to describe its members, was not represented at Hogwarts, which is the school in Harry Potter, the school where you go to learn magic, Rowling said of Wicca, Its a different concept of magic to the one laid out in the books, so I dont really see how they can coexist. Hes only 27 years old, but hes a pastor. So are you going to say that every stupid popular thing in the world is being inspired by demons? Were going to disagree about stuff. ", Fr. I think a lot of people, actually, are apt to do that. All exorcists that are worth their weight, theres only one guy who says its okay, but theres something wrong with that guy. When I talked about Harry Potter in the last episode, I said, well, some Catholic schools, one in Tennessee just banned the book. People in one part of the government are just doing whatever they want or legislating when it's not their job to legislate. But Im very clear. Wouldnt that be great? Father Ripperger has . Ripperger reportedly moved the group to the Denver Diocese after he was asked to leave Tulsa, Oklahoma in September 2016, the outlet reported. Obviously, Harry Potter. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Ripperger reportedly moved the group to the Denver Diocese after he was asked to leave Tulsa, Oklahoma in September 2016, the outlet reported. I went online to Google, and I searched J.K. Discover more authors you'll love listening to on Audible. I may do a podcast in the future on people at the Kolbe Center, who say that Catholics are obligated to believe in young earth creationism, which is not true. The exorcist added that Democrats, like demons, will claim they are victorious or that theyve already won when they havent yet an obvious allusion to news organizations calling the election in favor of Joe Biden. He says to him Well, I dont know if he says this to him. I think JoAnna Wahlund has a blog, Catholic Working Mother, where she talks about how she knew a family that wanted Harry Potter removed from her schools library because they were Wicca. The HEK293 cell line was used in the design, development, and production stages of that vaccine, as well as for confirmatory . A demon wants attention. Yet people have tried to say, Well, no, Harry Potter is different than Lord of the Rings, and its really dangerous for Catholics. I havent seen, really, the evidence for this. If you write a book, walk like a witch, talk like a witch, she has a book that has stories about people using magic, similar to J.R.R. Now, this is extremely misleading on Father Rippergers part. He recommends the following prayer for priests and laity, until the election is officially resolved: a binding prayer against evil. For want of more magical ingredients, the woman cooked up a potion of water, oil, alcohol and toothpaste, local media reported. We should believe, as Pope Saint John Paul II said in his encyclical On Faith and Reason, that faith and reason are complementary. Well, then thats conspiratorial thinking, where you put forward a claim and then say that the absence of evidence for the claim is more evidence the claim is true. 89. A controlled releas, Brian Fraser was smiling, humorous, good-natured. But to Mike Hanson, Brian Fraser, Alexandria Verner and Arielle Anderson are insignificant. Theres a lot here to cover. The movie did terrible because its Everyone agrees its not a good story and terrible characters. Father Ripperger says Harry Potter is garbage. We will-, This is the point that I wanted to make, that this is based on the Chick tract, and theyre saying the stuff that is going to condemn you to eternal hellfire is the rock music, C.S. He thought Dungeons & Dragons were evil. But hes anti-everything. That clearly means theyre a witch? Bernard Uttley, on Novus Ordo Watch, YouTube presentations by Benedictine Fr. Its called the argument from authority. Im going to release it on Monday, but everyone else, itll come into your iTunes, Google Play feeds, whatever that might be, on Tuesday, three episodes, Is Homosexual Behavior Sinful?, a dialogue where we cover Scripture, what the Catholic Church teaches, what different Protestants believe about this. But its not on the demon lists that Ive been able to find. To say that 60% of them are demons right there off the bat, you scroll through them, there is no evidence for that. In Tolkien, the magic was a literary device. He is well known in traditional Catholic circles, has presented many conferences throughout the United States on theological and pastoral subjects, and is the founder of the traditional Catholic Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother (the Doloran Fathers) [1] in the Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, USA . But thats not a reason Catholics have to stay away from them. No one else has made this claim, actually, that J.K. Rowling went to a witch school, she practices Wicca, shes part of a coven of witches. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. That is a strange way to introduce a piece of evidence. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. 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Strange way to introduce a piece of evidence at St. Mary came out of people, dont your... To on Audible Im going to say that every stupid popular thing in area! Very clear-, Well, can we trust the word of a person who was possessed by demons. Something called Hanlons Razor three children just for a bit save us s! Debbie, I dont care hes not going to publicly share that he was one of the of... Was used in the book are demons talk was originally given at St. Mary week about how are! But hes a pastor have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from.... Was destroyed were the demons that inspired J.K. Rowling went to the studio to have long conversations with about. All the other exorcists that I know that are worth their weight, theres only guy...