Question 4 Which article of the Uniform Code of Military Justice can apply if a commissioned officer posts contemptuous words against the President? [Interact with Social Media], Social Networks, Blogs/Online Journals, Micro-Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Forums, Content Communities It's important to create a social media policy that includes everyone's perspective and addresses a wide range of concerns, including those of senior leadership, HR, legal, marketing, communications and IT. *Only discuss Marine Corps issues related to your expertise, experiences, and knowledge. Trademark_Licensing AT USMC.MIL, c. HQMC C4, Information Assurance j. s. Marines should review their accounts daily for possible use or changes by unauthorized users. B. Have each other's back. \quad & \quad & W \hat{E} \hat{E} \hat{E} \hat{E} \hat{E}\\ Tenniscourts_______2. The story may be your own or someone else's. Observe the Writer's Guidelines Read More By piecing together information provided on different Websites, criminals can use information to impersonate Guard members and steal passwords. Your cover art should not use official Minecraft artwork (e.g. var temp_style = document.createElement('style'); $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China "); Nearly three-quarters of all working adults in the U.S. use social media before, during and after work each business day, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey.And with so many employees . [Constitution], Executive Branch (Head of State and Commander in Chief) (for Articles) if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) { Lists: Create Twitter lists based on specific industries, events, or hashtags and set each one up in a stream for easy monitoring and proactive engagement. Audit of financial statements}\\ The rule book that governs our nation [Q7/20], If a senior evaluates a Marine as "outstanding" in proficiency, what marking range with the senior choose a mark from? \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. Select all that apply. Marines also should frequently change their passwords. Though there are no length restrictions for Facebook or Google+ posts, the optimal length (i.e., resulting in maximum engagement) of a Facebook post is reportedly 40 characters. Nobody wants to feel restricted," said Claude-Dee Laguerre, Qode's vice president of business development. k. Marines should only discuss Marine Corps issues related to their professional expertise, personal experiences, or personal knowledge., CLICK HERE. Marines should be thoughtful about who they allow to access their social media profiles and personal information (e.g., who Marines allow to be their "friend" on Facebook and thus allow access to their personal information). As with other forms of personal public engagement, Guard members must avoid offensive and inappropriate behavior that could bring discredit upon themselves and the National Guard. Continuous feelings of love? When in doubt, Marines should contact the unit operations officer, security officer, intelligence officer, or public affairs officer for guidance. [Q13/20], Which of the following are security measures you should follow when using social media sites? Republican government or representative democracy Lead Like a Human (Advantage, 2020). When expressing personal opinions, Guard members should make it clear that they are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of the National Guard, Harrison said. People who are collaborative and adaptive, and are driven to achieving this rewarding . APA Publishing Insider is a free monthly newsletter with tips on APA Style, open science initiatives, active calls for papers, research summaries, and more. a. The original cost of the old bus was $52,000\$ 52,000$52,000., j. You may even want your social media policy to directly reference or call out those other policies so that there's no confusion," said Vasilios Alexiou, co-founder of FirmPlay, an employee advocacy software company in Cambridge, Mass. 1073 0 obj <> endobj A republican form of government generally means that the people can choose representatives who will govern them, rather than having a monarch who inherited the right to rule. To ensure that all Marines receive accelerated promotions Use a table like the one below to summarize the features of government-levels of government and types of government- that exist around the world. [Interact with Social Media], True or False To access the free article, click here:, When parents learn of their child's significant behavioral challenges, the outcome is often like a shock to the system, leaving parents feeling unprepared (Mendez et al., 2015). This guidance is provided for Marines who, in their personal capacity, desire to make unofficial posts online, regarding Marine Corps-related topics. o. Marines should always use strong passwords (10-digit passwords comprised of lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, and symbols) to protect their online / social media accounts from getting hacked. An active duty member in military uniform can actively participate in partisan political rallies, conventions, or debates on their own behalf. For more information, visit our full blog:section here or view the full guidelines on our Help Center. else if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-mena.aspx") > -1) {, c. Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces Luxury yachts}\\ Marines should not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners. However, if they decide not to identify themselves as Guard members, they should not disguise, impersonate or misrepresent their identity or affiliation with the National Guard. Internet sites include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and video-sharing sites, and other sites to include sites not owned, operated or controlled by the Marine Corps or Department of Defense. You cannot participate in any interview or discussion as an advocate for or against a party, candidate, or cause. \end{matrix} Intellect and Wisdom To create an announcement, select a post type > Announcement . Select all that apply. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. All laws and treaties that are created under its authority are, by their association, also the supreme law of the land. Directive Type Memorandum 09-026 (DTM 09-026) Official internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by a National Guard public affairs office. Department of Defense 5500.7-R Be aware of security measures regarding your identity and finances. Number of books read from the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program A. C. Social network Select Format . C. Become familiar with and use the most appropriate references--always use the latest version of references. Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-based Capabilities Includes: Meet Our People, Volunteering, Policies & Trademark, Sponsors, Advertising, CLICK HERE: Announcements, Newsletters, Websites, Get Help, Get Active, Outreach Programs, Online Groups, Community Relations, Events, CLICK HERE: Donate Here, Fundraisers, Troop Support, Verify Non-Profit Status, Social Media Guidance for Unofficial Posts, The Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS), Military Accessions Vital to National Interest. [Q1/20], Which of the following is an occasion when proficiency and coduct marks are to be recorded for an active duty Marine? When communicating online about the National Guard in unofficial internet posts, they may identify themselves as Guard members and include their rank, military component and status. Patel agrees. C. You should tell stories that your audience has little interest in. Tennis courts}\\ This page is intended as a reference resource for DoD employees and service members., g. Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch Couples who work together balance each other, work as a team, and build each other up. You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself when making a personal post. Marines should not post information that would infringe upon the privacy, proprietary, or personal rights of others. Thus Marines should use their best judgment at all times and keep in mind how the content of their posts will reflect upon themselves, their unit, and the Marine Corps. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. } Marines who violate the Marine Corps symbols (ega and/or coat of arms) are potentially subject to legal proceedings. Narrator: Today, most countries are governed by core documents that give rise to the rest of their laws. 703-602-3013 or 5193 A. %%EOF Members may display a political bumper sticker on their private vehicle.,Members should not conduct a political opinion survey under the auspices of a partisan political club.,Members may attend partisan political fundraising activities, meetings, or rallies as a spectator when not in uniform and when no inference of official endorsement can be drawn. Please enable scripts and reload this page. "But they do need to be aware of things that can create issues for the company, like racially insensitive comments, derogatory comments that incite violence or criminal actions," he said. [Constitution], Changes to the Constitution are called amendments. 703-614-7678 A social media policy should reflect the company's culture and be consistent with other company policies, said Qode's Laguerre. ", The key to developing effective social media policies is to clearly define the subjective term "offensive," Kluger added. "Unofficial Internet posts," referred to below, are considered any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in an unofficial and personal capacity. To make a two-word phrase into a hashtag, remove the space between the words (e.g., #memoryloss or #MemoryLoss to make "memory loss" into a hashtag; writing this as #memory loss will make only "memory" into a hashtag). ", Of course, for a social media policy to be enforceable, employees must be trained in what it means, Flynn said. this maradmin provides guidance for marines who in their personal capacity desire to make unofficial posts on the internet regarding marine corps-related topics. (H stands for heads and T for tails.). [Q6/20], To acknowledge a duty bound allegiance to the Constitution, What is a primary purpose of the oath of enlistment? They should also not imply National Guard endorsement of any opinions, products or causes other than those already officially endorsed by the National Guard. As with other forms of communication, Marines are responsible for adhering to Federal law, Marine Corps regulations and governing policies when making unofficial Internet posts. POST's Elder and Dependent Abuse Guidelines were created in compliance with Senate Bill 338 (Hueso). [Q20/20], PME ANSWERS Leading Marines Admin and Communi, NURS-272_Final (W9) - ATI (RN Adult Medical S, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Accrued fees earned but not recorded at June. [The Promotion System], 8 months TIG p. Marines should be thoughtful about who they allow to access their social media profiles and personal information (e.g., who Marines allow to be their friend on Facebook and thus allow access to their personal information). Select all that apply. UNOFFICIAL INTERNET POSTS. Guard members should not post information that would infringe upon the privacy, proprietary or personal rights of others or use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of the owners. \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5. And on International Women's Day, the company tweeted out its appreciation for the hard work and contributions of all women. var currentUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); Permissible activities include: (1) register to vote and vote, (2) express a personal opinion on political candidates or issues, (3) promote and encourage others to vote, (4) write a letter to the . Marines may use the eagle, globe and anchor; coat of arms (ega in the center, encircled with words "United States - Marine Corps"); and other symbols in unofficial posts so long as the symbols are used in a manner that does not bring discredit upon the Corps, does not result in personal financial gain, or does not give the impression of official or implied endorsement. But before you get to that step, check in with your principal. [Q18/20], Which of the following are guidelines for making unofficial posts on social media? Content community To date, there have been 27 amendments. However, with scholarly content outreach, longer, more informative posts are OK. "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government" 2019 Pew Research Center survey. These guidelines represent current best practices for tweets and other social media posts (e.g., Facebook posts) and are in keeping with the recommendations other organizations make regarding social media post composition. "Every Marine is a rifleman" is one of the enduring principles that form the foundation from which Marines derive their ethos.,,,,,,, 5230.18.pdf, 3070.2.pdf,,, International Criminal Police Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, International Council of Chemical Associations, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, Business Executives for National Security, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, Office of Inspector General of the Depratment of Defense, Department of Homeland Security Testimony, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency, U.S. Agency for International Development. Social Media Guidance For Unofficial Posts Overview This guidance is provided for Marines who, in their personal capacity, desire to make unofficial posts online, regarding Marine Corps-related topics. In addition to providing racial bias training to all employees, Qode gave Laguerre free rein to create activities that celebrated Black History Month and then tweeted out its support on the company's official Twitter account. \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. d. As with other forms of personal public engagement, Marines should avoid offensive and inappropriate behavior that could bring discredit upon themselves and the Marine Corps. A. [Q4/20], The purposes of proficiency and conduct marks include which of the following? Introduction, body, conclusion Including the Completion of: PMEs, MarineNet Courses, Institute Courses, Off-Duty Education In addition to these skills, every Marine should also learn about the United States Constitution which they pledge to support and defend. [Q17/20], Guidelines for making unofficial post include which of the following? 703-693-3490 [Interact with Social Media], The Marine Corps encourages Marines to explore and engage in Social Media at a level they feel comfortable. Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The Department of Commerce is committed to operating all its communications and transactions with individuals and organizations in an open and transparent way. C. Always keep the area around computers free of food or beverages. In addition to ensuring Marine Corps content is accurate and appropriate, Marines also must be thoughtful about the non-Marine related content they post, since the lines between a Marines personal and professional life often blur in the online space. [Q2/20], What are the basic components of the Constitution? By contrast, official Internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by public affairs Marines, Marine Corps Community Services marketing directors, or commanders designated as releasing authorities. Internet sites include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and video-sharing sites, and other sites to include sites not owned, operated or USMCSocialMedia AT GMAIL.COM, Marine Corps Trademark and Licensing Office Gain the intel you need now to successfully anticipate and navigate employment laws, stay compliant and mitigate legal risks. To determine seniority ranking for Marines of the same grade Laguerre believes that this culture of inclusivity has been instrumental in creating a close-knit group of people who have continued to work well together during the pandemic when everyone is working remotely. Joint Ethics Regulation Vanillaicecream_______6. A. 3070.2.pdf, i. To make a single word into a hashtag, put the pound symbol (#) before the word (e.g., #psychology to make "psychology" into a hashtag). "In most states it's legal for private-sector employers to terminate at-will employees for their off-duty conduct as long as they aren't members of a protected class," said Mark Kluger, an employment attorney with Kluger Healey in Fairfield, N.J. "Private employers are not obligated to retain employees whose personal views they do not share or which they believe might negatively impact the reputation of the enterprise.". How do conditions in Buenos Aires, Argentina, demonstrate both the attractiveness and the problems of city life? Findings suggest that focused meditation training may enhance emotion regulation processes: in particular, greater perceived access to effective regulation strategies and acceptance of emotions, promoting psychological benefits beyond relaxation training. Their ability to cope is enhanced if the couple engages in coparenting, or a coming together to work through the challenges. See the references listed below for more details. Drawn from APA Journals (, Studies have shown that meditation can improve #anxiety and distress. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA "); ARLINGTON, Va. (Aug. 11, 2010) - National Guard members need to know that even though a new DoD policy authorizes them to use many of the social media and other Web 2.0 platforms available on a non-classified government computer, there are consequences for misuse of them. The bill requires any local law enforcement agency that adopts or revises a policy regarding elder or dependent adult abuse or senior and disability victimization on or after April 13, 2021, that the policy include specified provisions, including provisions related to enforcement and training. 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