Let Probate Contingency Lawyers help you. Is there anything we can do about it? Question: She stepped in and robbed the family. If I cash the check, do I lose my right to question expenses and pursue legal options against her? We just found out he was cremated at $895.00 and she asked for 5 death certificates so that same up around $1,000.00 the celebration of life was held at his Uncles home and all she paid for was food be catered from Olive Garden, some pictures, and a video. The aunt had Alzheimers and the uncle had cancer. I had a copy that was not notarized, and she gave a lot of her things away and I got her to initial and date it as she did these things. They same thing worse in gods name. But the only problem right now is my son,s uncle ,that keeps If you are fighting inheritance theft, you want your attorney to be up front with you about your likelihood of success. She sold her jewelry to a pawn shop and then sold her land because she had money problems. My father never intended for me to be hurt. Thank you Julie. I know what you are talking about because all these things happen to me plus I found documentations of the Theft, I know whos behind it all, but they could not take the house from me, they just took the house that they got all those mortgages and loans in my name and it was my mothers too but she died, she couldnt take it anymore but they have a fight on the hands with my(Laura Ann Reaves) Evelyn Reaves only-child in this world. But I cant find a dime other than the chump change I have in the bank of my own. Our father was really ill and before he passed he explicitly told me what to expect from my grandparents will (his parents). This is a very difficult situation, since it can be both expensive to fight an inheritance thief in the courts and difficult to prove that your inheritance has been hijacked. I have spent about 100 thousand so far. U.S. law firms hourly rates averaged$245 per hour in 2018. Expensive furniture antiques gets rent $ from tenant happens to be his brother idk what they convinced my uncle into not getting reciept for tent or paying by check took his phone book, would never let me go in my Dads home locks got changed Bc I had my Dads keys had attic full of expensive stuff my brother in law is insecure had to always have better than any1 I dont want to keep going on Im sry its a lot to read I didnt proofread Sry so exhausting I know my Dad always said this goes to me when he passes 1/2 of everything is mine, most importantly asked me 1st to go through a big bag of his paperwork, go to vault & bank to sign somethings I never thought my Sister would hurt me Im to trusting NOMORE, I always help people Im a giving person, Im petrified knowing I cant survive on the $ I get from SSI its scarey living where I am. anyone with concerns will not be able to object in the court. Not sure getting the inheritance back will restore my spirit or health anyway. I had to fight her on a motion that she gives back electronics and tools as they are not household goods. Other two heirs knew nothing of these shenanigans. Legally, that seems to be how this works. Never dreamed this would happen in our super religious family. Of 2015 saying that my partners last will .. i coudnt believe that.. It will not necessarily bring back the money that was taken. And I live with her and took care of her for many years why a lender would let a terminally ill person take out a second mortgage ill never understand. For blended families, this issue is a common problem, even if the estate in question isnt worth millions. The remaining 4 siblings agreed with the suit but did not sign on. The only way to protect an estate from this kind of hijacking is to insist on loan documents whenever a large amount of money changes hands. The Hartford is not responsible for and makes no representation or warranty regarding the contents, completeness, accuracy or security of any material within this article or on such sites. Oklahoma does not provide legal representation for disabled people at all,for 13; yrs Ive been trying to get legal help to no prevail. This nieces mother could not fly home or did not want to but she was not hated and I was told if aunty stops by we will shoot her I just found out this comment and hurt is not a big enough word ? My husbands sister is keeping his portion of his inheritance, My father said trust my brother he would giver my share of life large policy and help me probate. She would not let him send his insurance check to us in Utah. The sister of her father decided to forge documents and have him cremated and his belongings sold or given away. I lost everything after she did in fact give me dads house for a few hours this in her mind honouring my dads wishes. Wonder if caregiver and other uncle know what he did. They defamations of my character and they are all in on it, My mom and her brother got there dads money after he passed I dint live with her she is crushed and now is depressed and her and her brother was supose to split the money but her brother signed paper and his girlfriend is the one thats supose to split it he got a lawyer to get her to be the person without being in trouble for it my uncle did somthing he has all the money and my mom crystal and crystal asleep everyday and I feel bad for her I want to help her but im busy and really not good at talking and dont even. He said he paid off his house many years ago, had a good pension as a law enforcement officer with the county, was an army veteran, received social security, and even rented out some of his bedrooms. Inheritance law! Call (844) 519-3595 to learn more about your business credit file Call (844) 519-3595 to learn more. The signatures and dates are questionable. I am a widow and my son is trying to take over the ownership of my home. It has been a terrible ordeal! She didnt have no services for him and refuses to give us anything of his not nothingshe is smoking crack and drinking all the money she got of his. Per capita, or maybe non-per stirpes (not sure on the legal term) is just the opposite. My spouse has been hijacked and taken to a new state by his nephew and son from another marriage. Passed away of Dementia. they had made him a beneficiary of two annuities The last check of the State of Washington retiring systems as sole beneficiary was received and given to my friend as he was and is a beneficiary. His parents died 17 years ago. In addition to the well-written estate plan and the careful choice of anyone who will be in control of your assets, there are several other actions you can take to protect your heirs from inheritance theft: 1. Its been 5 years. When a will is executed or changed due to fraud, a will contest will often be necessary to cure the inheritance theft. She has kept the money from the bank account, but refuses to sign over her half of the house. My sister had poa over my mom. Under surviving spousal rights our family lost all things of value as well as sentimental items. She asked for the will the night before going into heart surgery w/o time to hire an attorney. Trust violations all over that. That is my understanding of a interstate will or having no will at all. This new will completely different then their wishes. Information and links from this article are provided for your convenience only. !Nothing you can do except hire a very expensive forensic financial investigator for proof,time passes n guess what youre . we maybe meet for 15 minutes and thats because she was passing threw from vacation. Thanks, My uncle claim an man as his son. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. This is one of the oldest but still common forms of inheritance theft. Because this whole page says 911 ALL OVER IT!!! Im not finically able to pay a lot of fees, there are things that need to be done and Im very angry someone took advantage of her and left me holding the responsibility. If so, what are the statute of limitations on that law?? Well years later I find out my grandmother left her grand kids money over $200,000.00 well the money has been in the bank. In the middle of the year of 2021 my sister had a power of attorney and got another sister to join in this but will allow full control over their income and all of their actions due to the conditions that stands with both parents. He never intended me pain. I still lose. Adopted my 2nd time in 2 states & right before my 76 yr old bedridden dad passed on Sept.01,1990 he showed me his will where it read that he leaves everything to the eldest son which is me & for 16 yrs mom did not change her will till in 2006 when mom was 86 yrs old my niece and her cop husband moved mom off her estate of 61 yrs to their house which me and my 2 little sisters didnt have there address until mom passed 2 yrs later when nieces husband called me to tell me that my mom had passed away & then he provided me with his address only 2 find out in that 2 years they had mom hid from us kids that they brought in a new lawyer not our family attorney and had mom sign a trust making my 2 nieces the only 2 beneficiaries and dis inherited us 3 adopted kids of being with this family over 34 yrs. My father past away June 27, 20 and I am his first born daughter. It may be too late for own family, but if we can help others in the future. A release from the indiana inheritance tax office was necessary for release of the accounts. My sister and I live 2.5 hours away (my sister in the same town as my mom). My dad is dying. In general, contingency attorneys will. In my case, there were mutual wills that were meant to preserve assets for my sister, brother and me. My mom and dad have been divorced for years. We are brothers/sisters and we live throughout the United States. Am I liable for this!?? EVERYTHING EVERYONE POST HAS HAPPENED TO ME AS WELL AND I FEEL YOULL PAIN AND LOSS. I believe it was a account in Microsoft left by my father I made a police report and also had my identity flagged at the irs . This included my aunts estate which she also wished for me to have. I was told I have dyslexia witch is now called ADHD. Dad was a veteran,retired epidemiologist,and always had life insurance?how could my dad leave me with nothing and no family.im on verge of breakdown and no $$ for atty.i asked for photos so do I need an atty to demand those.sister also has my $ blocked. No house payment no car psymenysand my grandma had her retirements and she was a banker as well. He did not have any children. My father hurt me very bad when I was young. Unfortunately, it is difficult for an heir who is being denigrated to protect themselves from this kind of insidious hijackingin part because the denigrated heir rarely knows it has happened until after it is too late. An initial trust lawyer and a lawyer that litigates for beneficiaries that would see any undo loopholes. The best method of protecting your wishes is through a well-written estate plan. My dad past 9 years ago and new mexico has a law were the kids split everything in half.so there was no will and my brother and i agree d to let him be in charge..now he wont give me my inheritance my dad had everything paid off with no bills.so my brother wont talk to me and hes collecting rent from the tenants .he already took the mustang and all the tools .I cant afford Attorney cause my son has disability. Discuss your estate plan with the entire family. They did not want him left out and expected us to care for him, allowing him control of family homestead. my father and my uncle are sharing a large sum of money from property left to them in a will that has now been sold. My sister moved in to home and was single. Inheritance hijacking can be simply defined as inheritance theft when a person steals what was intended to be left to another party. I am a Filipino and living in USA as US citizens and we my brothers has an inheritance heir way back to our country Philippines and we decided for renting the property but my cousin also living here in USA which he was collecting money to our property rent that which we dont authorized him and has no rights to our privacy property legal. My po po also passed away in the recent years and had TWO FUNERALS, one in Texas, and the other in Oklahoma!!! Last step bro dies November 2019. Thanks. PLEASE PEOPLE A TRUST IS WORTHLESS IN THIS WORLD AND you are better off dying with out a will or a trust in my opinion. Dad knew that my mother had contracted rubella and used both Dexadrine and diethylstilbestrol which predisposed me to both cancers and neurological disorders. If the older sibling of the disabled child were to destroy the will, then the parent would be considered to have died intestate, and the money would be distributed equally between the siblings. Everything all disappeared and I got to go to the funeral got some of moms life insurance from work. Me and my 2 sisters are unaware of what is going on. were do i start to get wats rightfully mine. Good luck and never quit take care. 15 years lqter!??? Both heirs were sued for cashing Ernest $ ck. My uncles acts like he hated his dad more than anything in life send this wad an on-going trend for 30+ years. She is still alive but brother who is the other trustee has been going to her home taking items without telling anyone. Mediation did nothing. Need advise and know I should seek legal advise and have to no relief. My father in-laws estate worth over 1 mil was in a trust drawn up by his wifes attorney. My sister and brother should by all rights, be held accountable for what they did. What a great article, I identified with almost every sub-sections because Ive been fighting in Probate Court for (4) years. The nun took full advantage of a family that was having to deal with multiple family members with cancer and illnesses and having a difficult time. He died in Feb and she was the lone trustee of the trust. However, their input was never asked for and they were not part of settlement discussions. I Was left an account by Clarence Guy Cox/Gray J. Sprinkle both my 2 grandfathers how do I get my money please help me and thank you !!!! What do I need to do and how can I get what is mine and my brothers. Made craigist ads with my name selling his property and commercial property. The emotional toll and effects are devastating on our everyday lives.. My Dad and his siblings do not speak. Discover D&B Connect for Salesforce, our latest solution to help you get the most from your CRM. Sincerely You might assume that your will or estate plan ensures that your money will go to your intended heirs. She made him send it to her house because she wanted make sure she received her money. I am not sure if there wasa will but I know my dad would have wanted us to have moneyI am not sure if she got all his savings for his kids. This phenomenon can manifest in a variety of ways, including the following: Someone exerts undue influence over a person and convinces them to name them an heir. Heirs looking to keep an inherited home can get an irrevocable trust loan (working in conjunction with Proposition 19), to keep a low property tax base when moving in as a primary resident; plus if need be use that trust loan to buyout any co-beneficiaries looking to sell their inherited property share a sibling-to-sibling property transfer, with more funds than an outside buyer would provide. How do i get back my grandmothers estate back from the family. The pain of loosing someone is difficult enough without those things in the interim. My uncle died suddenly and without a will. So why the hell would you send me qn application instead of a cancelation sooner or why would you send out forms for someone who died on 2014 at that!! But the key here is avoiding property tax reassessment, while the siblings selling their property shares get far more cash than selling to a conventional buyer, involving a broker or realtor, charging their 6% commission, legal fees, transaction fees, etc. She called me and my sister to her bed.she helped my sister pay off her house., and I let her have the bank account, and she verbally agreed that the house was mine. . The abuse I was subjected to was criminal. I wish my parents would have taken the advice above regarding having more than one person on the trust as far as being the executor and POA of medical and financial. A wolf in sheeps clothing. I am so angry how my Dad was betrayed by his own sibling. My Dad also did street drugs, was never in sound mind, couldnt spell, understand reading etc. He was a millionaire probably 2-3 million at least but was at an assisted living family for 16 months and my uncle who quit speaking to my grandfather 25 years ago and always spoke Ill of him and said dont trust him send stay away from my grandfather. I think my uncle there son had something to do with it all. Its a tragedy I tell you the good guy gets nothing and hear this my fathers attorney was hired by the woman that took everything and they fought me on everything, an if that wast conflict of interest since he wouldnt even speak to me to help me with his own clients will!! I can let this go I dont expect money I just want justice and closure. Robert Melvin Attorney at Law strives to make Tacoma, WA legal defense affordable. When I asked my aunt about it she explained to me what happened and that she called the authorities. Help!!! 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