Her name's Alicia and she looks like a 50-year-old meth addict. He married me with perfect teeth and within a year I was already missing teeth.". Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. Acne. "There is no reason to feel shame for fixing something about yourself that will improve the quality of your life. click ACCEPT. I had developed an autoimmune disease#hashimotosdiseasewhile nursing my 4th & final baby. I know her transfo is more on the extreme end but gay men have no idea the shock so many straight guys go thru when they see the girl they're dating without makeup for the first time. I saw this woman and had to know her story. Alicia Hebner (Princess Glitterhead) is on Facebook. Hebner, now a 36-year-old mother of four, recalled that her teeth became "yellow really fast" and "felt like they were getting soft." 50,428 talking about this. A mum-of-four who has become a social media sensation as a "proud catfish" admits she once feared her husband would dump her when her teeth fell out. We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. Become an OK! Member of the ADA, Member of the AGD, Fellow International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Fellow ICD, Fellow ADI, Member AACD. Not only did the treatment she received from Dr Todd Shatkin help her dental health, she says it did a lot for her mental health, too. Copyright 2023 Distractify. The TikTok user showed a short clip of herself before she put her teeth in and applied any. That's Harry Mudd's Venus Pill shit right there. This led to many issues & my teeth continued to crumble. She was suffering tooth decay because of her pregnancies. Emotional. "We had our first daughter. And those changes affect nearly every part of your bodyincluding your. Hebner eventually got all her decayed teeth pulled, a procedure her insurance covered. We need a Prince Glitterhead. Hello and thank you for registering. Every now and then, we stumble across someone on social media who makes us go, "Whoa!" because their story is just so uniquely inspiring. All rights reserved. She received 10 total mini dental implants and got her snap on dentures on the same day of that surgery. I would never be respected. Now she hands out her makeover tips on TikTok. In the TikTok video Alicia @princxssglitterhead - who previously went viral for opening up about tooth loss from her four pregnancies - shows how she does her hair and makeup with the . I stopped talking. And, especially as more of us grow aware of the benefits of plant-based nutrition, protein shakes and powders have become relatively common . But she's been making waves on the short-form social media site, amassing over 1.6 million followers thanks to her epic transformation videos. To connect with Alicia, sign up for Facebook today. (Photos: Getty Images) Friday (24 February) marks the one-year anniversary of Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, one of Europe's largest wars since World War II. He has been in private practice in dentistry for over 30 years since completing dental school at the University of Pacific. Alicia, who goes by the online moniker Princess Glitterhead, has . A majority of her videos have since nabbed millions of eyeballs including one recent transformation video that hit a whopping 22.6 million views. In her TikTok videos she really does come off as a kindhearted individual who wants to show people what is possible. Your email address will not be published. We deserve to feel love and be happy. FIND A MINI IMPLANT DENTIST! MY AMAZING DENTIST! WATCH ME ON VICE MINI IMPLANT SURGERY REFINERY 29 WATCH ME ON THE DOCTORS! Both of my eye teeth broke off at the gum line a week or so apart from each other," she told BuzzFeed. is a registered trade mark of Reach Magazines Worldwide Limited and is used under licence by Reach Magazines Publishing Plc. But ultimately, things reached a breaking point after she welcomed her fourth daughter. Losing your teeth doesn't mean that you're going to lose your personality, the social media sensation continued. We have the power to make this decision the best thing we ever did for ourselves. Based on this you should be able to find the video you're looking for. Princess Glitterhead Earns Commissions 5 120 ITEMS Updated 12 days ago MAKEUP All princess glitterhead approved favorites minishop2015 minishop2015 Bling Bling Hello Kitty Handheld Make up Sparkly Compact Mirror Handmade Crystals ^Light Pink Bow $3999 $14.99 delivery January 24 - February 13. And sometimes you lose calcium in your bones and in your teeth, and you can get more recurrent decay," the dentist said. Not sure why its so hard for people to comprehend. Make up is really an art, it has to be with that transformation. You just made me cry. I would never be pretty. When I was 24, I had my second daughter, and a lot more dental issues arose.. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users "No matter what happens health-wise, having children far outweighs anything that could happen.". She then puts them in, turns around and reveals an extremely glamorous look with her highlighted locks in curls, with a full face of makeup. Hello. Over time, after going through different dental treatments and working on her mental health, she learned to love herself with or without her dentures and is now encouraging others to do the same. One TikTok user commented, "I have them and hate the way I look without them so bad. The situation with her teeth grew worse with each subsequent pregnancy, leading Alicia to spend thousands of dollars in dental work and restoration. Princess Glitterhead had never even had a cavity until she was 18 but when she became pregnant with her first daughter, things took a drastic turn with her dental health. "Every pregnancy I've had, I've lost teeth. Princess Glitterhead @princessglitterhead9133 3.08K subscribers Subscribe Home Videos Shorts Playlists Community Channels About Shorts im filming with THE POSITIVITY FIX on snapchat! 553. Her real name is Alicia and she is the mother of four kids who she adores. The Mysterious Girl singer celebrated his special day with his wife Emily, 33, and the Case in point: a 36-year-old mother whose viral transformation videos have garnered millions of TikTok likes and countless critical comments. Your email address will not be published. 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Depressed. when i tell people that i have dentures,they want to see the implants they want,to see what i look like without my teeth,i began tick tock about a year ago the,comments i get that are negative are,troll comments you should be burned at,the stake this is deceptive,you're a liar you're catfishing i,started out doing this to help myself,heal,and to see how far i could get with my,own self-acceptance and it turned into,something much larger than i ever,thought possible,i first started to notice problems with,my teeth during my first pregnancy when,i was 21 i did not go to the dentist,during my first pregnancy which was a,mistake i started losing teeth during,that pregnancy i had my third daughter,28 my fourth daughter at 30. my teeth,were at a breaking point i knew i was,going to have to get dentures i have,removable snap-in dentures,on mini implants i have six implants on,top and four implants in the bottom it's,a one step system,i got really into makeup as a way to,take the focus off my mouth and it gave,me like a therapeutic kind of way to,process how i was feeling and express,myself and i got really good at it,without really intending to and then it,turned into a whole lot more i have,already started a couple tick tocks,today so i start them before i do my,makeup and i have my teeth out without,my hair extensions i'm going to do a,little before and after today and then,i'm going to do a tik tok showing how i,look,while i take my makeup off piece by,piece,that was quick look my eyebrows gone,i began tick tac i believe about a year,ago i had no idea how many people were,on the app and how much of a variety of,people,and now here we are at 2 million which,is really never was expecting that it is,important to me to make the videos that,i make for one because i believe that i,started out doing this to help myself,heal,and,to see how far i could get with my own,self-acceptance and it turned into,something much larger than i ever,thought possible,my first viral post on tick tock was me,sitting in my car when i still wasn't,comfortable like showing myself,completely without my teeth and i'm just,like hey i'm the girl with the snap and,dentures do you want to see how they,work and i just took them out and i was,like here they are this is what they,look like and this is how they are i,used to get a lot more nervous in the,beginning when posting tic toc videos,just because you can't predict the,response you're going to get over time,as my videos got more and more views i,started getting more comfortable with,just letting it be,now when i see them going viral i'm just,like yes let's go let's do it again like,and then just keep posting i have a,video right now that is approaching 90,million views from a couple months ago,but it's been gaining a million views a,day,so as far as the negative side of things,i will just say that primarily i've had,a very positive experience and for a,very long time on tick tock i barely,ever saw any hate it was all positive,and i was stunned and really shocked,that i was getting such a positive,reaction the comments i get that are,negative are troll comments this should,be illegal you should be burned at the,stake this is deceptive,you're a liar you're catfishing go home,with a,ten wake up with a two someone's opinion,of you and their comments about you says,more about them than you the ones that,really mean the most to me are the ones,when people say look you don't even know,it and you changed my life or you saved,my life i just made my appointment that,i've been waiting 10 years to make i'm,always always so thankful for those,people that help balance out the hate,beautiful no matter what sometimes it,makes me want to cry just reading seeing,everything positive it's like i'm,going down here,there's literally no negative comments,on this video right now they're all,positive i did this in the beginning to,help myself but now i do this because i,can see it helping people it's helping,families it's helping women and it's,helping wives it's helping their,husbands because people lose their teeth,for so many reasons i think any effort,you make in yourself is something to be,proud of you can't let people make you,feel bad about it,everybody is going to look the same,without their teeth it's just a matter,of fact i don't look weird i look how,everybody would look without their teeth,i had to accept that myself i avoided,the mirror for a very long time but i,have absolutely no regrets and i do not,care that i don't have my teeth i really,love the ones i have now i traded them,in for a much better model,posting videos on tick tock has helped,immensely with self-confidence just,because it is really so fun and it's,self-driven i'm just trying to normalize,that we are the same person with or,without makeup without plastic surgery,without our teeth your value does not,increase or decrease by removing or,adding body parts,you, The above is a brief introduction to princess glitterhead tiktok, Let's move on to the first section of princess glitterhead tiktok, it's harder to live with bad teeth than,it is to live with fake ones and so the,people that are still living with their,bad teeth if they don't know that they,can fix it it's really hard to talk,about it because why would you want to,i'm alicia otherwise known as princess,glitter head in the internet world and i,am converting from removable snap,indentures on mini implants today to,non-removable permanently fixed bridges,so i'll get my temporary set of those,today,when i turned 18 i moved in with my my,husband,we got married young we were 20 but i,didn't start having problems really,until i was pregnant that's when i lost,my first two teeth pregnancy does cause,a lot of women to have loosened teeth,because it loosens all your bones and,ligaments to give birth it has to do,that it does that's your whole body,and i was very young so i didn't really,i didn't know everything and i know i,didn't take the right steps to correct,it or slow it down and i remember laying,in my front yard like crying about it,thinking that my husband's gonna leave,me because we just got married and i,just gave him a baby and she's like a,newborn and now his wife is falling,apart and i'm only 21. and then my,fourth baby you know i'm holding on to,things and i was going to the dentist,and doing what i could but after i was,done breastfeeding her started losing my,hair my sex drive want to sleep all the,time my teeth were as bad as ever skin,was super dry i was depressed having,heart palpitations anxiety and,nightmares i ended up getting back into,a place where i wanted to fix myself and,i actually did my breasts first that's,how i found my dentist because his,brother actually is a plastic surgeon so,i came in for my first free consultation,with dr shatkin and i had my teeth,within two weeks yeah so alicia came in,as a regular patient we decided to make,her new dentures with mini dental,implants and she's done really really,well with them for these years and she's,very happy with them but now i think,it's time for her to move to the next,level which is getting permanent teeth,the mini implants are much less invasive,procedure it's quicker it's painless,it's done through a tiny little pinhole,in the gum,so the patients get the procedure done,in literally one visit or two visits so,having permanent teeth where you cement,the teeth in gives her a whole new lease,on life she can really act like she has,her own set of teeth again and that's,going to give her a big boost of,self-confidence,i know we've talked a few times about,the procedure but let's just go over one,more time so that you have all your,information this is pretty much what you,have right now,you have the mini implants with six,implants and an upper denture and on the,lower you have the four implants with,the lower denture we're going to be,adding some implants to your upper jaw,and we're going to be putting additional,implants in and then placing a bridge,like that eventually today you're gonna,get a temporary restoration that'll go,in immediately you'll have that for,about two weeks and then you'll get your,permanent teeth in a couple weeks these,are the temporaries that are going to go,into your mouth and there's no no,plastic on the roof of the mouth you,know so they're just the implant bridges,so i always wonder if something happens,and something does get infected like,that truthfully you know you have much,fewer problems with implants than you do,with natural teeth right so as long as,you take care of them come regularly,you're going to be in pretty good shape,hello my loves it's alicia otherwise,known as princess glitterhead i started,sharing my story before i even went to,my consultation i decided i was going to,start talking about it because i had,been dealing with it for like literally,16 years and just feeling like i'm the,only one going through it my channel is,not just about dentures or implants it's,about teeth in general and the fact that,it ties so closely into your mental,health we're gonna show how hot we look,how beautiful we look with or without so,in the beginning when i first started,taking my teeth out people were like,what the hell is she doing like stop it,put them back in,and then now people are like but wait,aren't you gonna miss this where are you,going i'm gonna miss your videos like,don't leave you know and i'm not leaving,i don't look at things in terms of,forever anymore because nothing lasts,forever especially not in my mouth i had,kind of just accepted the toothless,princess that's me and i was really,happy to be that person and fit that,role,and i could see it helping so many,people including myself,so um,it was just unexpected,it's happiness though it's like,bittersweet,i'm not getting permanent teeth because,i think there's anything wrong with not,having your teeth,but it's gonna be what's best for me,so that's what i have to do,getting them fixed is going to be like,me having my own teeth back for the,first time in 16 years since i was 21,a, After seeing the first section, I believe you have a general understanding of princess glitterhead tiktok, Continue the next second section about princess glitterhead tiktok, After seeing the second section, I believe you have a general understanding of princess glitterhead tiktok, Continue the next third section about princess glitterhead tiktok, hello my loves it's alicia otherwise,known as princess glitterhead you have,found yourself,in my online dental diary and so you,never know what you're gonna get,but today i just wanted to share with,you that we just made it to,1 million followers on tick tock can you,believe it,like literally can you believe it it's,only been like it's been less than a,year since i restarted my channel i got,banned on my first one at 25k because,i'm a naughty,naughty woman and so i might as well,tell you what what i got banned for the,first time so i had 25k,25 000 followers i posted a video,for my husband made him a video out of,one of the trending songs but i took it,a little step further because he's my,husband you know,so in order to save a video on tick tock,you have to post it,so you can either post it public or,private so i thought i'll just post it,private then no one's gonna see it,nope they saw it they saw the whole,thing and i got banned instantly because,it broke their community guidelines just,use your imagination,with no warning they weren't going to,give me my account back i was,bad bad woman anyway so now i know,even private videos tick tock does see,them,because it has their watermark on them,so you still have to be using the,community guidelines for any and all,videos that you post,just a tip so anyways it's been less,than a year with this channel,and last you all knew like recently i,got banned,and we were around maybe two to three,hundred thousand followers,when i i was banned for three days for,false reports because,right before the ban i started going,viral and there started becoming a lot,of trolls and a lot of reporting,and i got shut down for three days and,thank god,thank to tick tock thank everyone that,was writing to them thank everybody,they opened it back up and restored my,account but as soon as they did that for,whatever reason if the floodgates opened,the views skyrocketed the videos just,went nuts,and now i mean i don't even think it's,hit me yet but,one of my the biggest viewed video has,over 60 million views,we have a million followers we just,reached i'm so excited i have so much,good news to share with you,so i'm going to tell you a few little,updates and things that you guys can,look forward to,and then i will tell you some of the,things that i wish they had told me,before i decided to get snap and,dentures,things that they just don't tell you,that you wish you knew before you,started i'm gonna try to remember,them and try to help you all out so some,of the exciting new things that are,happening i will tell you,i just designed my first ever merch in,my first ever t-shirts and hoodies and,women's tank tops that's all available,and i will link the link for that in the,description below for anyone that would,like to check it out they're so,cute i'm going to be adding more designs,i'm going to be adding some funny ones,probably like,my husband had a really good idea for,one like on the front could be,me all done up in makeup or whatever and,then when you turn around on the back,it's gonna be my toothless face like,gotcha i think it'll be hilarious but if,anyone has any ideas,for like sayings or quotes or anything,please leave it down below and if i pick,somebody's,design they will be getting that for,free they'll be getting a t-shirt or a,hoodie or whatever they want for,free with the design or the logo that,if they came up with it they'll get it,for free so you guys will be working on,that thank you in advance,um side note um aside from that my,dentist called me,and he was like alicia you're viral and,i was like i know,shh don't tell anyone but he was just,like,thinking of a way that we could work,together um to get some more knowledge,out there and help some people be more,comfortable,so you might be seeing more of me in his,office,possibly doing videos behind the scenes,um,what i'm the most excited for though is,that we might be possibly doing,which i think we're going to i'm,manifesting this like one of my biggest,dreams when i started all this and i,started really thinking big,like what are my dreams what do i really,want to happen,because you have to have a clear idea at,least that's my advice,if you are trying to do something big,you have to have an idea in your mind so,you can be working towards it,one of my biggest dreams though is to be,able to give someone the smile that they,deserve,like a smile giveaway a smile makeover,giveaway,how amazing would that be so i think,it's gonna happen it's not planned yet,so just stay tuned,if we do it would be something like,people would be able to submit their,story,either in video form or just written,form and it would go,on a website where everybody can read,them everybody can see them,and it would be down to a vote so,whoever got the most votes would be the,one that wins,at least that's how we're thinking so,you'll have to stay tuned i don't know,when,but that's just that's my dream and my,little pinky nail just fell off,don't mind we will, After seeing the third section, I believe you have a general understanding of princess glitterhead tiktok, Continue the next fourth section about princess glitterhead tiktok. 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