It can be seen as an art or even a way of life. and ? The population in Western countries is more liberal than those in the East. HTU0"6b]:PtJ,@HBR#M{w+PuUkWSQ^ )(NYVgQhAH?#\4L+D>}T{R7n@(Am@d"=NB}"0)l 2 E. As a teacher is seen as an authoritarian in the east, learning happens in a one way direction leading to a less interactive class. Websimilarities between Tarok indigenous knowledge and western education, and the aspect of the Tarok indigenous knowledge. Thus, it is no doubt that a good teacher needs to MC My experience of growing up in a middle class secular Jewish intensely Effort is emphasized upon, but not too much on standardized testing, as their Eastern counterparts are. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Thus, rote learning makes children learn by repetition, so they can not think deeply about a topic. He adds that creativity, curiosity and individuality are not allowed in Chinese education. The educational challenge ahead of us is to pass on the rich diversity of culture and ways of knowing to future generations (Wildman, P. and Inayatullah, S., 1996). Creativity in learning is about fostering flexibility, openness for the new, the ability to adapt or to see new ways of doings things and the courage to face the unexpected (Cropley, 2001). Patel NV (2003). ISBN-10: 0521160626, ISBN-13: 978-0521160629. WebThe Eastern and Western philosophies were never diverged because they were never united. People tend to think that Westerners are more confident and creative while Easterners are more conservative and reserved. The limitations of the current study and the future research agenda have also been The effect of this ignoble act is that educational system in its entirety becomes less reliable and in a lot of ways becomes injurious to the same society for which it is established in the first place., Learning styles differ from culture to culture or from background to background. A holistic worldview embraces the wholeness of our humanity, and integrates, rather than isolates, our diverse human possibilities (Gallegos, 2001). However, we do not want to create robots but individuals who creatively face the unique challenges that life has in store with great rigor. To summarize, holistic education aspires to educate and develop the child as a whole instead of just academically, a goal that should always be kept in mind. The Western education system, on the contrary, is focused on the students motivation to search for new information, generate questions and formulate ideas. Even mistakes make it possible to get a better understanding of the problem. Most of Eastern education was limited of spiritual subjects but there were vocational trainings also. New York: Peter Lang. Both terms, union and/or divergence are not the instruments for constructive attitudes towards both philosophies. Even though that the education in the West provides opportunities for creative thinking, taking responsibility and analytical skills, in some cases the teachers may use this as an excuse to avoid teaching the material, avoiding further clarification on the subject for the sake of independent learning. When it involves philosophy, Eastern philosophers take a person inside world as starting point and put the rules of social life on the first place while Westerners will speculate on it from a universal perspective and take a look at to determine the principles behind the world. If there were a way to utilize a students potential without erasing all individuality, or to take away a students fear of failure, it would solve a lot of problems in not only American schooling, but in flawed systems all over. The western world includes the part of Europe and America. As was mentioned before, Eastern system is great environment for careers with strictly rules area as a lawyer or a doctor, whereas Western system is relevant for In contrast, mistakes in Western education are welcomed. Education must take into account socio-cultural changes and challenges. The journey towards knowledge is essential in gaining resolve, diligence and requires steadfastness, concentration and humility. The idea of the soul varies widely in religious tradition. 0000000696 00000 n "A significant contribution to the history of Late Antiquity, specifically, the history of philosophy and the history of religion unique for using biography as the lens through which to view an age of religious and cultural transformation. The Puzzle of Education in Platos Apology of Socrates. The Differences Between Eastern and Western Education - BORGEN Cross-Cultural Studies in Curriculum: Eastern Thought, Educational Insights. Unfortunately, some students do not have a good education owing to the problems in terms of discrimination, hunger and contagion. The students need to be given freedom, many opportunities to ask questions and explore the concepts for better understanding. WebSimilarities in Eastern and Western Philosophy 635 of Western and Eastern philosophy as though they fall into two opposed groups, such that Eastern philosophy proceeds by intuition, the abstract and the alogical, while Western phi losophy proceeds by concepts, the concrete and the logical. We now have several generations of Americans who have never memorized much of anything (Beran ,2004). Plenty of debating sights about this deliberation persist incomprehensible by virtue of various beliefs. xref Comparing the two systems- Eastern and Western. Though each line is concerned with finding the right path to follow the methodology and teachings of the philosophers from either line of thinking has been distinct and different. 376-391. Certificates and high scores are the main outcome with which the students are consumed into a competitive world. Theories of Developmental Psychology. Education Int. Education system worldwide aims to develop students into well-rounded citizens and help them become creative problem-solvers. the Hinduism and Buddhism in India (McGraw & Hill 2008). Second, outdated teaching methods make a passive environment at schools, which hinders the creativity of children. where ?: To break free from convention; ?: To make a realistic assessment (Huang, 2014). Some admirers have come up with the explanation that their traditional education coupled with great level of efforts and unconditional devotion to customs make the difference. This causes children to not want to study and they are not interested to think of everything around them., One of the most important things that can be drawn from this article is how to blend the best parts of each schooling system. %%EOF As John (2012) noted, they must communicate with both their children and their childrens teachers in positive meaningful ways (TEAM together everyone achieves more). For instance the teachers call up the students that are struggling to demonstrate the problem opposed to the child that already understands, Premium Parent Involvement in Education. Cotton K, Wikelund KR (1989). Ix2R"!uCp[WDaX:;= X?Zb'Jb {_r? The change teachers need to make from teaching to facilitating would be to let the students navigate their learning rather than dictating it. These can be seen Research proposed by Putz-Plecko (2008); Bussey, M., Bjurstrom, se E., Sannum, Miriam (2011); KEA (2009) emphasize on the interconnectedness of social and cultural context to creativity. Students need to feel respected and valued for their efforts and performance. The analysis takes into consideration issues of broader social development accompanying the formation of the modern Greek state and problems of kindergarten teacher education, and elements of causal significance in the production of the National Curriculum. Locating Socrates among the new educators and the traditional education in Platos Apology of Socrates, IDEA OF SOCIAL JUSTICE IN INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DR. AMBEDKAR, University after Suleiman Demirel THE WORKING PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY, The Islamic Perceptions of Knowledge vis--vis the Western Perceptions as the Bedrocks of Educational Systems. by F. Montanari, S. Matthaios and A. Rengakos. Giri (2011) from India reflects that education is limited when confined to structure. Education can be broadly defined as a form of learning where knowledge and skills of a group of individuals are evolved through teaching. WebMore commonly, however, parents in the east may adhere to stricter routines, and discipline due to their higher expectations set for their children. New York, NY: Worth, 4th Ed. The True Origins of Psychology and the Influence of Euro-American Ethnocentrism -Revised & Updated, Ajivikas and Shaivism: Early traditions of India, Unmasking Limbo: Reading Inferno IV as Key to Dante's Comedy, LESSON -1 MEANING, AIMS AND PROCESS OF EDUCATION -Satish Kumar, MEANING, SCOPE & FUNCTIONS OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION, Antisthenes between Diogenes and Socrates (EN 2014), The Development of Ideas about Communication in European Thought from ancient Greece to the early Modern Age, Philosophy and the Foreigner in Plato's Dialogues, Bioethics education in a global perspective. Eastern and western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. Finally, the paper concluded that the Tarok indigenous knowledge was more practical than the western education and that the indigenous type of education had a bearing to the traditions, norms and Keeping holistic education as the goal, the following could be considered to blend the system of east and west in order to bring out an individuals fullest potential: Memorization, a key component of learning. Will the Mathematics Teaching Methods Used in Eastern Countries Benefit Western Learners? startxref He covers the writings of several Christian and Neoplatonist authors between the 3rd and 5th centuries to demonstrate how biographical literature played a significant role in the transformation of Rome into a Christian empire. However, while Paul emphasizes that this faith is a gift of God and that it is not something that can be earned through human effort, James seems to be emphasizing the importance of demonstrating faith through actions. Unfortunately, exams force to ignore ability to organize and parse information, therefore the primary focus is given commit to memory, than to understand. 0000009119 00000 n It, Premium Eastern systems often instill moral value in education. Forbes SH (2003). WebYoung also recognizes the similarities between the Eastern and Western religions when he states they, Both see human life, as it is ordinarily lives, as out of touch with what is ultimately true and good. Cultural anthropology, per cent of those students are from Asia (DFAT 2012). Crossref. Parental involvement is a largely untapped and valuable resource for schools. Some might say that the effort undermines itself; that this of all times in world history is the least appropriate for a comparative, global eye, seeking out the universal and fundamental. New York, NY. Pedagogy and actions for sustainability are linked in the overall learning experience and global-local continuum is central to our thinking. Ultimately, rather than offering a straightforward distinction between philosophizing and teaching, Socrates and the sophists, Plato treats the question of teaching aporectically in Apology; that is, after pointing to various alternatives for understanding the nature of teaching, Plato concludes the work without offering a clear resolution to that question. However, we have to underline the discussion is about philosophies. The Eastern philosopher I believed that Mohandas K. Gandhi Mohandas, Premium Teachers play a decisive role in awakening and encouraging creative potential. The Western education system is student-oriented, developing such qualities as critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and generating new ideas. Statistically, students whom force themselves to achieve urgent attitudes, in most cases satisfied their study progress. (2008). Futures, 28(8):723-740. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: By clicking Send, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Hinduism reinforced the caste system offering hope for an improved lifestyle. Eastern and Western education systems produce variant characters. Learning, south texas are exposed to through the abundance of a common vector mosquitos. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Looking at the comparison between eastern and western system of education, mainly looking at the systems in China, India and USA, it is clear that there are advantages and disadvantages between the two in the way learning and teaching happens in a classroom. Religion, This power was very strong and meant that a certain person was chosen by God to be a King Queen or any position in high power. Judaism one of the western religions, Premium This essay has been submitted by a student. Discusses the formation of classical education in ancient Greece with an eye to the eventual formation of the seven liberal arts in the late Roman Empire. Also, the Eastern teacher ignores elements such as inherent interest, emotional engagement, social interaction, physical activity and the pleasure of mastery (Bettelheim, 2010). Miller (1997) explains in his book, What Are Schools For? The two systems vary in terms of their structuring of classes, curriculum and administration, materials used, teaching styles, student expectations and many more. Almost all the factors were more decisive in Eastern countries than Western. J. Educ. The West often sees the individual as the sole entity for inquiry, discovery and success. While these variations exist its basic definition is unvarying. Moving away from teaching and becoming a facilitator of learning.PAILAL, 2 (2). 0000001312 00000 n The result was what the West came to call the opening of Japan to Western commerce by Admiral Perrys black ships in 1853, followed by the imposition on Japan of trade treaties heavily favoring the Western nations., Education plays an important role for the people. Eastern and Western education have distinct contrast between them. However, this is not a fixed category. Most people, however, would agree that hard work is worth it when children across the world benefit. It too is framed by its nexus of disagreement. This enterprise is situated in todays field of contending positions, in sociology, and in intellectual life generally. The author has not declared any conflict of interests. Finally, certain aspects of the knowledge base involved in the new National Curriculum are critically examined in relation to perceptions, aspirations and practices found in Greek early childhood education. Western world, The "Soul" According to Eastern & Western Religions There are stark differences between the two educational approaches. 0000002577 00000 n Both of them possess painting techniques which are extraordinary but their styles are completely different. Having a good education provides people a position where they feel happy, comfortable as well as rich. 0000001205 00000 n In China in particular, students follow the learning tradition founded by Confucius, who emphasized the vital role of education in bringing honor to ones self, family and society. In this essay I would like to examine and evaluate these differences. Although the east and west are mixed up with the each others culture, they still retain their own features. The purposes of the commercial advertisements are to persuade customers to buy those products and to earn great interests trough describing the products lively and specifically. Routledge. WebBoth Eastern and Western Europe were very similar and contrasted in the way they used absolutism. Ethics, Philosophy is often divided into two very broad categories Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy. , how the modern worldview associated with capitalism and scientific reductionism underlies conventional assumptions about schools, teaching, and learning. Chinese education is to solve some interesting knowledge in details, but Australian education is pay attention to widely of knowledge and ability training. In this fast growing world of technology, when information can be found with just a click, the role of teachers is changing and moving away from teaching to facilitating the learning. Hard work and struggle are key components for any success in such classrooms. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. Main idea of monthly audits to score points, what invoke rushing through the textbooks to succeed deadline. Research supports this idea and suggests that the excellent performance of Asian learners on international standardized tests may be due to the combination of understanding and memorization, not commonly found in Western students (Narayan, 2009). Failure in academics then fall mainly on their shoulders, or are credited to their parents. endstream endobj 31 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 34 0 obj <> endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <> endobj 37 0 obj <> endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 39 0 obj <>stream WebOnline Learning Satisfaction in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Regional Comparison between Eastern and Western Chinese Universities. However, in other developed countries such as the US, learning occurs in a less controlled environment as parents, teachers and other mentors allow children time to participate actively in the learning process., However, the teaching idea in the content is very different. HtTKo0W( fb;Vc~)2Nv"?~|Y"0FGRX$qD"/T{CXL? It is worth noticing that in general, western education encourages individuals to pursue their true interests by honing a broad range of skills and areas of expertise, and eastern education promotes an efficient way of training them to perform tasks that require quick and precise thinking. Critical thinking, The way the eastern civilization would live is how people dream of living today. Philosophy has divided into two separate categories the Eastern philosophy and Western Plato Working to produce perfectionism, instead of make a mistake, accompanied by strictly restrictions as appearance rules, this kind of masterpiece growing is relevant for occupies as Lawyers or Doctors, fields where discipline is playing a core role. So the question is, How can we make a system which promotes the best learning and produces a holistic development in our students? Culture A Case Study of 'Kanavu' in the Evolutionary Perspective of Approaches to Education, History of Ancent Greek Literature - Murray, Gilbert, The practice of Celibacy found in the Worlds Religions was originated in ancient India, MEANING, AIMS AND PROCESS OF EDUCATION -Satish Kumar, The Philosophy Book Big Ideas Simply Explained by Will Buckingham Douglas Burnham, Philosophical, Psychological and Socio-Historical Foundations of Education (Educ201A - Compilation of Reports of the Students in Master of Arts in Education), CORE COURSE : EDUCATION IN THE EMERGING INDIAN SOCIETY ( UDAA, In Search of Roots: Tracing the History and Philosophy of Indian Medicine, MODULE I PROGRESS OF EDUCATION IN ANCIENT INDIAN EDUCATION REVIEW VEDIC AND POST VEDIC EDUCATION Unit Structure, The Troubled History of Philosophy and Deliberative Democracy. Eastern parents have complete control over their children they feel they know what it always, Premium With the fast development of globalization economical communications become more frequently which brings more inter-cultural advertisements. Ways of Knowing, Civilization, Communication and the Pedagogies of the Future. This theory validates the idea that rote memorization in mathematical teaching is not the mere cramming of facts and numbers, but is an active, ongoing process (Brown, 2014). First I will begin with the some of the characteristics of the more traditional Eastern way of parenting. WebDespite similarities between Eastern and Western psychological concepts, some researchers have reported that there are still culture-specific traits and phenomena. Many with the Muslims community that have converted from a Christian background before turning to Islam as their spiritual guidance. Students of the Western education system got used to Student-centered type of relation. When you look into the religion of Islam the studies not only consist of the Quran but also the Bible. Dissimilarity in tuition approaches, on which based influence of our choices and responses in outside school life, is fundamentally different; Determination of our live values and what profit we are able to bring, likewise straightly rely on the differences among them. Christian thinkers who wrote biographies, for the most part bishops, simultaneously drew upon the literary and philosophical education they shared with their rivals and challenged it. As long as a student pays the college money to go there, the college does not normally have very many requirements the student has to reach in order to attend their campus. "The Rise of the Sage in Greek and Jewish Antiquity," Journal for the Study of Judaism 49/1 (2018): 1-29. 3. Education and Information Technologies, v26 n6 p6747-6769 Nov 2021. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 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