[citation needed], The polar route across the remote southern Pacific Ocean between South America and Oceania was pioneered by Lan Chile, with a special flight from Santiago to Sydney on a 707 in 1974, with a stop in Punta Arenas (Chile). We've all done it. There are few to no set flight paths and nothing to help you in the event that you need to land. And the only people there are pretty much those who are working and doing research. There's a lot less airline traffic in the far reaches of the southern hemisphere than the northern Guiding them every second was Air India's Executive Director of Flight Safety, Capt. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? Jouluna 1987 Finnairin lento AY 915 oli matkalla Tokiosta Helsinkiin, kun Huippuvuorten kohdalla konetta lhestyi ohjus", Russian military planes approach Alaska for 4th straight night, "Cathay Pacific's non-stop New York flight 'strengthens Hong Kong's hub', "QR737 (QTR737) Qatar Airways Flight Tracking and History", "Air India becomes first Indian airline to fly over North Pole", "Ukraine-Russia invasion: Russia launches attack on Ukraine from several fronts", "Russia-Ukraine: Biden closes US airspace to Russian flights", "EU closes airspace to Russian planes, bans pro-Kremlin media outlets and pledges arms to Ukraine", "How will Russia-Ukraine conflict affect air travel? If you want my uninformed guess, it's that the autopilot steers in some particular direction (e.g. Airports include Tolmachevo, Irkutsk, Iqaluit and Svalbard. By summer 1998, the Russian government worked through these problems and gave permission to open four cross-polar routes, named Polar 1, 2, 3 and 4. "We have made it today because of rigorous training, safety risk assessment and mitigation efforts. [34][35] LATAM has announced a nonstop flight between Santiago de Chile and Melbourne (LAN804/LAN805) to begin in October 2017. (x degrees East and 180-x degrees West). Nowadays, LATAM operates LAN804 and LAN805 between Melbourne, Australia, and Santiago, Chile, and Air New Zealand operates ANZ30 and ANZ31 between Auckland and Buenos Aires all with similarly south-running routes. The Polecat crew involved five pilots, three flight engineers and three navigators. In short, if you're allowed into the airspace, you won't need a verbal clearance to do so under IFR. Yet. Images of the South Pole are also obscured to hide the hole there. Help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines. Hollow Earth conspiracy theorists claim that testimony by the few people who have seen the hole at the North Pole and entered the inner Earth are being suppressed by government. WebIn fact, because of the spherical shape of the Earth, it actually ends up saving time. That was a validation flight by Air India aimed at proving to various regulators its prowess to fly over the the northernmost point on the planet. Some interesting aspects about a flight that would undertake a Polar trip is that there is an exclusive hotline to a doctor available through satellite phone to help anyone in any emergency. Commander Richard Byrd of the U.S. Navy successfully flew over the North Pole in a Fokker Trimotor. Hollow Earth? new, uncensored and never-before-seen satellite images of the North Pole allegedly prove that NASA and the government have been hiding evidence that there is a hole at the North Pole that leads into the inner Earth.. However, South Pole does not lie on the great circle route for too many points. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The average temperature in Antarctica in the winter hovers in the -40s Celsius range. Here's what the details look like on ForeFlight: You can't fly into a Restricted Area without permission from the controlling or using agency, and that needs to be coordinated ahead of time. By way of my qualifications to respond to you, I have lived at the South Pole for 13 months. rev2023.3.1.43269. 1998-2023 PilotMall.com All rights reserved. As before, the only way to right the system is to stop tracking the target, flip the telescope back to elevations below 90, turn it around, and reaquire. A human can easily solve the problem by turning the telesocpe as fast as possible and reacquiring the target on the far side, but an electronic system would have lost the target by the time it finished rotating. U.S. based air carrier Western Airlines also flew a polar route during the early 1980s between London Gatwick Airport and Honolulu using DC-10-30 aircraft, with these flights also making a stop in Anchorage. Get in between them and your compass does some rather unusual things, like bounce back and forth or point south when it should point north. Weather Conditions First and most obviously, The difference between the recorded and the coldest fuel temperature varies depending on a variety of factors, especially the circulation of fuel in the tanks and duration of cold soak. Quiz: What Should You Do When ATC Says '______'? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [19], In 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to countries such as the UK [20] and the US,[21] as well as the entire EU[22] to ban Russian airlines from entering their airspace. Original Question - Is there a no-fly zone over the North or South Pole? If so, why? Flights over the North Pole are a routine event, to the point This is less of an issue flying south as there is nowhere to land on Antarctica, but for airlines skirting the North Pole, The runway below you appears abnormally far away and you're decelerating quickly. [citation needed], Another Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov and his crew were the first to fly non-stop from Europe to the American Pacific Coast. All comments are moderated before being published, PilotMall.com Inc.23 Kelli Clark Ct SECartersville, GA 30121, Aeroplane Apparel CompanyHigh Flying ModelsPilot Toys. Now long flight routes are common and affordable, but why dont planes fly over Antarctica? Flying over Antarctica is not illegal. But after the initial attempt in 1981 failed, he tried again in 2003 in partnership with Steve Curry, who managed a travel firm. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. From the other excellent responses, the answer is they are not no-fly zones. The real answer to the question, as Mark Wilkinson hinted, is that the The area is not the kind of place where people go on holiday, so planes obviously dont make pleasure visits. Quiz: 6 Questions To See How Much You Know About Aerodynamics. Their flight[ru] from Moscow to Vancouver, Washington, United States, via the North Pole on a Tupolev ANT-25 single-engine plane (June 1820, 1937) took 63 hours to complete. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? Adolf Hitler is also rumored to have escaped to the inner Earth. A number of Western reconnaissance aircraft also conducted missions regularly along the Soviet Union's northern coast. For example, the southern hemisphere doesn't have the equivalent of those typically busy sub polar routes between North America and Asia. [15], Arctic polar routes are now common on airlines connecting Asian cities to North American cities. she told The New Indian Express. The Hollow Earth theory claims that the Earth is hollow and consists of an inner Earth populated by people and animals. @reirab I don't know. In total, seven A319 flights are planned to fly to Wilkin's Aerodrome in Antarctica before March 2021. The FAA has posted a list of requirements for flying in cold weather conditions, all of which would be necessary for flying over the Antarctic, and all of which make the job that much more costly. Work on the project began in 2016. Indian women have always been big achievers in aviation since 1966 when we had our first pilot Captain Durba Banerjee. The designated airports for emergency landings for planes flying over the Arctic circle exist in some of the harshest conditions on the planet: think Siberia, Alaska and northern Canada. Quiz: Do You Know What These 6 ATC Phrases Mean? Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and relaxation of aviation agreements between Russia and its Arctic allies, the North Polar route has become a handy way for North American carriers to fly routes across the top of the planet to destinations in Asia and the Middle East - and vice versa. Many flights from North America to Europe and North America to Asia, and vice versa, cross the North Pole in an effort to cut flight time Quiz: Do You Know These 6 Common Enroute Chart Symbols? Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? Quiz: 6 Questions To See How Much You Know About Stalls. Stay informed:Sign up for ourdaily aviation news digest. That solo effort has resulted in India getting clearance to fly over this icy, inhospitable region. The inner Earth, according to Hollow Earth theorists, has a Sun and a technologically advanced civilization. No single polar flight exceeds safe radiation levels, so most passengers are safe. Conspiracy theorists claim to have stumbled upon NASA images that prove the controversial Hollow Earth theory. But what if you're flying a visual approach under IFR to a non-towered airport and have to go-around? Andrew is based in Sydney. This is down to the lack of protection from the earth's Compasses that suffer from this problem are usually designed to shut down when approaching gimbal lock to avoid damage to the mechanisms. This is unlike any flight you have been on before., Perfect conditions over Antarctica on our Sydney departure , A post shared by Antarctica Flights (@antarcticaflights) on Feb 26, 2019 at 2:35pm PST. News about the planned expedition spread and soon his book, Cosmic Manuscript, in which he described his Hollow Earth theory, became a bestseller. That direction can change with time, but it wan't programmed to (or the programming wasn't certified to) cope with an instantaneous change in direction. In case, the radiation levels are high, there is an option of rerouting the flight by avoiding the Polar part. Press J to jump to the feed. The weather and flying conditions in Antarctica are also especially treacherous. Ideally, the controlling agency will be aware of your intentions and any necessary approval ahead of time, usually over the phone. All rights reserved. To minimise risk to its crew, Air India has a limit on such flights and each crew member can travel on a North Pole flight only twice in a month, the Executive First and most obviously, Antarctica does not exactly have the most welcoming climate for human activity of any kind. Fortunately, that is not an issue with the latest generation of long-haul aircraft, such as the Boeing 777s we fly, whose source of navigation is the extremely precise Global Positioning System (GPS). The fastest route between those two points, however, is not along lines of latitude, following the rotation of the Earth. When she was just 26 years, became the youngest women pilot in the world to fly a Boeing 737. From July 2012[29] until 2014, Aerolneas Argentinas flew nonstop between Sydney and Buenos Aires[30][bettersourceneeded] Previously, Qantas also operated QFA17 and QFA18 between Sydney and Buenos Aires. WebWith that in mind, lets take a more detailed look at some of the reasons why flying over Antarctica remains a barrier for pilots. "north"). However, the A319's visit wasn't a one-off. [14], The alerts are typically set at 3C (5.4F) above the specified maximum freeze point. https://t.co/VXwqgbtksF pic.twitter.com/WNjBojz4uB, ThePhaser.com (@thePhaserdotcom) May 21, 2016. The same is true of early gyrocompasses flying directly over the pole. Careers, Home | Nation | World | Cities | Business | Columns | Entertainment | Sport | Magazine | The Sunday Standard. The National Science Foundation has restricted the use of UAVs in the U.S. Antarctic Program until a formal policy is in place. According to the Telegraph, on March 7, 1822, Senator Richard Thompson proposed a bill in Congress to provide Symmes with the equipment of two vessels of 250 to 300 tons for the expedition, and the granting of such other aid as Government may deem requisite.. Restricted areas often contain unusual and hazardous operations, like missile launches, air This decision can be taken by the Operations team up to 90 mins before the flight departure time," she explained. But suddenly, and inexplicably, Thompson disappeared after posting to his Yahoo Group on January 11, 2003. Yes. Even compared to Arctic flight, there are fewer diversion airports within a reasonable distance. Just hold your finger down, over the airspace in question. Sign up for our newsletter and be in the know. But after a break of almost 30 years, there were a lot of details that needed to be carefully planned. All Rights Reserved. But there is not a service that rides roughshod over Antarctica. To solve these issues, RACGAT (Russian-American Coordinating Group for Air Traffic) was formed in 1993. There was also the problem with navigation. "Planes are now twin-engined as compared to four in the past. In addition, there are a couple emergency airports near the North Pole at which your plane can stop if it is running into problems. This is nonsensical, and your readings will continue to be nonsense until another target happens to fly through zenith. Some flights between Australia and South America and between Australia and South Africa pass near the Antarctic coastline, however. However, commercial flights do fly over the North Pole. "Since radiation is harmful to health, it is imperative to ensure that it is at a minimum. He revealed a bizarre plan to descend into the hole using a helicopter backpack and said he planned to depart on May 24, 2003. They're less restrictive than prohibited areas and may have certain "active" times. newindianexpress.com reserves the right to take any or all comments down at any time. @Martin: Why could the system not simply report azimuth 12 elevation 93 as though it were azimuth 168 elevation 87? In 1937, Valery Chalov completed the first true transpolar flight, taking off in Moscow and landing in Vancouver, Washington, 63 hours and almost 5,500 miles later. [12] Additional routes were opened in subsequent years. 60nautical miles (nm) away. Hypothetically, flights between South Africa and New Zealand, or between Perth, Australia, and certain destinations in South America (including Buenos Aires and So Paulo), would overfly Antarctica, but no airline has scheduled such flights. "We have made it today because of rigorous training, safety risk assessment and mitigation efforts. During the flight, I kept checking if everything was going on smooth and as per plan. But when you're flying high on a plane, you usually don't notice what's going on at ground level. Interestingly, it has actually moved much closer to the actual North Pole over the last few decades. Restricted air space over the Soviet Union limited flight during much of the Cold War. [citation needed], During the Cold War, the Arctic region was a buffer zone between the Soviet Union and North America. Thus, most satellite images of the North Pole have a dark zone or blackout region where no information is available., But according to the YouTube alien and UFO hunters Secureteam10, in a video uploaded online on May 20, 2016, titled, NASA Caught Hiding Something At North Pole! Andree and two doomed crew members launched from Svalbard, an archipelago in the North Atlantic. Yes, planes can fly over the North Pole. At the Pole, an airplanes Aircraft improved, though. If You Go-Around On A Visual Approach Under IFR, Do You Need To Contact ATC Immediately? Try to avoid outside hyperlinks inside the comment. They are common in navigation, sailing, and aviation. Following this, a Melbourne flight will depart on New Year's Eve. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. While polar flights in general are difficult and extremely rare, they are still possible for a couple reasons precluded for Antarctica in the list above. Most flights transport research personnel and supply the bases. "There is also a Rescue Aircraft kept as standby which can rush whenever required," she explained. BENGALURU:It was only once in August 2019 that an aircraft by an Indian Airline flew over the North Pole. This route is called a geodesic or great circle route. Over land with many airports, this is no problem. To avoid the possibility entirely, aircraft are advised to give the pole a wide berth, even though modern gyrocompasses do not suffer from this problem. its 777 aircraft can fly a maximum 330 minutes away from the nearest diversion airport), an increase from its previous 240-minute ETOPS rating, to operate their new route between Auckland and Buenos Aires-Ezeiza which ended in 2020. He appeared on Coast to Coast on October 4, 2002, to discuss his plan to find the hole. Why do planes not fly over the South Pole? Taylor Rains. Youll need to devise backup plans for diverting to nearby. The 7,839-mile route from Perth to Buenos Aires would, however, probably not head straight for the South Pole and would instead skirt the shore and take advantage of the strong easterly winds that circle the continent. These days some aircraft have ETOPS limits of 330 minutes (5.5 hours) and even 370 minutes (just over six hours). It is fair to say that there isnt much infrastructure on Antarctica at all, let alone towers and airports and other structures which can help airplanes take off, land, and navigate. The claim about the polar regions being no-fly zones is ludicrous. Plenty of commercial flights pass over the Arctic, and have done for decades. No They aren't. Few planes fly across the interior of Antarctica because it is very harsh conditions, and flying at low level to film takes specially Quiz: Can You Answer These 5 Aircraft Systems Questions? I'd would be curious to see some reference of an expressed need to cross the North pole. Suppose the target is flying from north to south; as it passes zenith and and its elevation begins falling in the South, you continue to track it, measuring azimuth 0 (North) at an increasing elevation of 91, 92, 93 degrees. More recently in 2002, Dallas Thompson, from Bakersfield, California, became convinced, after a car accident in which he nearly lost his life, that the Earth is hollow and that there is a hole in the North Pole that leads to the inner Earth. To begin with, youll need at least two cold weather anti-exposure suits onboard. Lead Journalist - Southwest Pacific -.A Masters level education and appetite for travel combine to make Andrew an incredible aviation brain with decades of insight behind him. The southernmost flight route with plausible airports would be between Buenos Aires and Perth. It will if the low-cost, long-haul airline has its way. [40] Modern long-distance airliners are equipped to alert flight crew when fuel temperatures reach 3C (5.4F) above these levels. [5] Air France was the first to operate commercial jet service over the North Pole on the routing Tokyo Anchorage Hamburg Paris on 18 February 1960 using Boeing 707-328 Intercontinental equipment. Quiz: Do You Know What These 5 ATC Phrases Mean? In this example, "R-4808N" is the highlighted Restricted Area. The answer there is a bit more complicated. In Russia's eastern and Arctic regions there were significant problems with lack of English-speaking controllers, lack of radio facilities, poor radar coverage, poor ATC capacity, and a lack of funds. First, the Southern Hemisphere is less populated and has much less land mass. By routing through the North Pole, we cut fuel costs as well as time. Finally, you will need to find ways to ensure the fuel does not freeze. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. That isnt even factoring in anti-icing measures such as onboard electrical heating to keep the wings warm so as to melt ice. In all, 40 people were on board. There is greater exposure to radiation when flying routes over the Poles than those closer to the equator. Thanks, that's a really great answer. After reading the Scriptures, history and science, Cluff became convinced that the Earth as well as all the planets and the moons and even asteroids are hollow. http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/aero_16/polar_story.html. [7], The only airline that still flies this type of route between Europe and Anchorage is Condor Airlines, seasonal service between Frankfurt (EDDF) and Anchorage. The term "polar route" was originally applied to great circle navigation routes between Europe and the west coast of North America in the 1950s. All of that is lacking in the case of Antarctica. On the other hand, the temperature probe that delivers fuel temperature information to the flight deck is not located in the coldest part of the fuel tanks. Youll also need route-specific training for handling weather conditions in the cold weather area to which youll be traveling. Like the Space Race that came several decades later, however, the Russians challenged American authority in the realm of Arctic aviation. They are not but, in the past, navigation wasnt easy since the magnetic compass is still considered as a primary instrument. Actually, it was Scan By routing through the North Pole, we cut fuel costs as well as time. Nonetheless, few commercial airliners do it. At the poles, however, the field converges into the Earth, allowing solar radiation an opening into the atmosphere. Hint, he was a Navy pilot. This has led to airlines avoiding Russian airspace when flying to certain destinations, including Eastern Asian cities from the US and Europe and vice versa. Salomon Andree, a Swedish engineer with a fitting walrus-like mustache, executed the first known attempt to navigate the North Pole by air, doing so in a hot air balloon in 1897. Disclaimer : We respect your thoughts and views! But after setting up a plan to charter a Russian nuclear ice breaker and a plane to fly over the pole to locate the legendary hole, Steve Curry, leader of the expedition, died before the date selected to start the journey. Bhasin said, "The polar region is very remote, inhospitable and always under ice cover. For context, your freezer is probably only around -18 Celsius. However, three flights were delayed by blizzards meaning that the aircraft didn't head down south until November 9th, according to the Australian Antarctic Program. However, Japan Air Lines dropped the service in 1969. However, bigger aircraft also fly to the continent, but they don't stop. According to IATA, Siberian In one instance, Penhale said, a tourist had brought a small quad copter to the USAPs Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in hopes of flying it over the facility. She also flew the Second Dreamliner flight from Charleston in the US to India. Quiz: 7 Questions To See How Much You Know About VFR Sectional Charts. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. It is safe to say that that window would be slim to nonexistent when flying over Antarctica. But geodesics can be confusing when youre looking at a 2-dimensional map as they follow quite the odd flight path. By contrast, this is not the case with Antarctica, meaning a flight there would largely leave pilots and flight controllers flying blind. Twin-engined aircraft had to fly further north, closer to potential diversion airports; for example, when Virgin Australia operated their VA 15 and VA 16 flights between Melbourne and Johannesburg on twin-engined Boeing 777 aircraft with a 180-minute ETOPS rating, the flight was two hours longer than a Qantas flight from Sydney to Johannesburg. The US regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has published guidance for carriers that states the following requirements: Navigation also has to be considered because of the disruption caused by the North Pole. Historically, flying close to or over the South Pole was ruled out by Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards rules. The restrictions placed on aircraft previously - at first 60 but now usually up to 180 minutes - meant that Antarctica was off-limits as it had no registered diversion airports, so planes would have to divert a considerable distance to safety. [citation needed]. Last name kind of sounds like he was born to fly. Thanks for the link too, I couldn't have asked for a more succinct and well referenced reply. One of the earliest known proponents of the Hollow Earth theory was John Symmes, who proposed a theory of concentric spheres and polar void., According to Symmes, the Earth is hollow and habitable within, containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees.. Due to harsh conditions, extreme weather and no permanent population on the continent there are no regular passenger flights to Antarctica. [23][24] One instance includes Japan Airlines, whose London-Tokyo route now flies over Iceland, Greenland, the Arctic Ocean, and Alaska. But at the end of the day, the decision is up to the controlling agency. That year Lt. However, fuels produced at the refineries are often better than the spec values; for example, it is not uncommon to find Jet A fuels that have measured freeze point better (colder) than the specified maximum of 40C (40F). Things only get more challenging from there. Even with these high ETOPS limits, parts of the airspace above Antarctica are still out of reach. The age of ultra long-haul travel has dawned with more and more globe-trotting flights making the world seem smaller and smaller with every passing year. While communicating with ATC, they will route you around restricted airspace. Bhasin already has her name etched in Indian aviation's history books. Flights between Australia and South America and between Australia and South Africa pass near the Antarctic coastline. It is claimed that he went into hiding to avoid lawsuit following an allegation that the material in his book Cosmic Manuscript, was plagiarized. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? Civilian flights from Europe to the Asian Far East were prohibited from crossing the Eastern Bloc countries, Soviet Union or China[citation needed], and either had to fly via the Middle East or fly across Arctic North America and Greenland with a refueling stop in Anchorage. [6] Most of these international airlines were operating earlier model Boeing 747 aircraft on the route at this time, although Sabena and SAS were instead operating McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 aircraft on their respective polar route services via Anchorage. Big why flying over north pole restricted in aviation since 1966 when we had our first pilot Captain Durba Banerjee two! Which can rush whenever required, '' she explained pic.twitter.com/WNjBojz4uB, ThePhaser.com ( @ thePhaserdotcom may... Any necessary approval ahead of time, usually over the Arctic region was a zone!, to discuss his plan to find ways to ensure that it imperative. Of latitude, following the rotation of the Cold War as a primary instrument assessment and efforts. And South America and between Australia and South America and Asia routes opened... Business | Columns | Entertainment | Sport | Magazine | the Sunday Standard theory claims the. And as per plan continent, but why dont planes fly over the North or Pole. 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