accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery

But is rarely the right choice for most bunions. Good call, Greg, thats how I found this comment section a few weeks ago as well. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified Yikes nwb is tough! The back of my leg and my heel are tingling and I just had the feeling. Brain thank you. My incision/surgery site has healed fully, i have little to no scar tissue. I used to get those weird quick shoots of pain down there, but cant say its happened recently. Different methods of straightening the toe are employed. May God grant you a swift recovery. One of the nicest theyve seen lol. i'm on day 9. doctor had me go in this morning ASAP to get x-rays done. I am very scared that I did damage to the repaired Achilles. In one surgical procedure for less severe bunions, a V shape is cut into the joint of the big toe this allows the surgeon to straighten the toe, but requires the insertion of a screw into the joint to keep the toe in place. When I massage that bump it seems to go away but appears after a while again. I did put some weight on my surgery foot but the hard cast (well not a total cast but hard nevertheless) kept it from flexing. Unless they say its more of a deal with the pain and slowly work it type deal. Apparently it wasnt even holding my Achilles together anymore, my body was trying to get rid of it. Hi guys, I have the same issue. Well, my body thought otherwise and I torned my Achilles tendon. It is FREE! But you are right - my husband is reminding me that no matter what happens, we will figure it out. Ill post with updates. In my case the doctor clearly said that if the tissues around the suture get too loose, i will never recover full strength. Traditionally, arthritic joints were destroyed or fused.These are not good alternatives for an active person who puts great demand on their feet. Quick recoveries to us all! I see your point about walking without the boot this far out. Dont stress and think positive!!! I am scared that I loosened all my ligaments and will need surgery again. Wow ScottG thats an awful, awful story. Below, we take a look at what to do if youre experiencing pain with your surgical hardware after an operation. My dr had me go in immediately after I told him about my incident. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. I am 12 days post op and just had a pretty scary fall. Surgery usually takes up to an hour and afterwards, you will be taken to the recovery room and monitored until your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing as well as the sensation and circulation in your foot are back to normal. This morning after going to the bathroom I misjudged getting back on my knee scooter and came straight down on my toes of my bad foot. I think that some pressure, compared with slipping onto the injured foot, cant really make a lot of damage, and while I pressure, since wasnt weight bearing I think the ankle didnt even flexed or moved that much. Good luck! You may even feel a sensation of something embedded under the skin. My docs office hasnt returned my call yet so Im hoping thats a good thing. it seems like the boot/splint just prevent your leg from moving enough to actually re-rupture. On the day of your appointment, your healthcare provider will ask you to arrive one to two hours early. Took a tumble going down a step using crutches yesterday and put weight on my bad foot on the way down (maybe a split second, not full weight). That if the pain worsened or was not relieved by medication I was to come in the next day. I was so happy to find this blog. Martin, did you have a follow up visit? Similar to how you would think of putting two wooden pieces together. I am in the military. I have been completely off crutches for maybe two months. Talk about a scary proposition. A good clinician will be able to tell a lot. That did not feel good! Now, i dont now if im going crazy or something but sometimes when im too good like feeling fine without thinking in the injury I just panic thinking if I get distracted and did something I shouldnt and try to remember if I felt any pain. Is it not natural for the brain to try to plant that foot? WebThe recovery process for bunion surgery can be slightly longer than hammertoe surgery recovery, but differences are in about two weeks maximum. It's harder to ride the knee scooter with the hard cast but I guess I'll get used to it. I was certain something went wrong with the amount of pain I felt. Both continued to get worse the rest of day. It will dramatically decrease your pain and swelling. Its really great. Truck driver Im really thankful I found this blog. Im good with that. I still had pins in my toes from hammer toe correction and pins from bunion. Once you are comfortable, you can go home with your chosen companion. move around. I havent seen many stories exactly like mine on here so Im hoping you guys can make me feel better about what happened. All rights reserved. Merry Christmas. Been massaging it through out the day and seems to help. I instinctively kept balance by pushing off the foot of my injured leg. Other than the top of my foot now hurting I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. This was certainly a relief to find this forum but I am a little concerned. When I asked about the tears or ripping feeling in my leg, he mentioned theres a good chance I overstretched my calf muscles as theyre so tight. After reading your posts. Injuries after injuries, Hi Im so pleased to find this. Its always best to check with your doctor, but I wouldnt worry yourself too much. If I still feel pain, I will reach out to my doc and get checked out. WebThe amount of pain experienced after bunion surgery is different from one person to the next. Since this post made me feel much better, I will follow up after I see the doctor to let everyone know how it turned out. Wish me the best! Im 33 and in good health and like most here tried to hard in sports and had a full rupture on Memorial day of this year. Minimally invasive surgery on 6/14 10 days later stitches came out and it re-ruptured that night. The pain is most likely a result of muscles that havent been used in a while taking weight, you know? I guess my tear was up in the muscle where it was all sorta shredded. Hope that was the last of scares with re-tearing.. Not a fun past 3 days. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call 736-6001 or visit us here to make an appointment online. You are going to experience pain and swelling immediately after the surgery and in the first 48 to 72 hours, but these symptoms will slowly fade away as time passes. I tried to catch myself with my injured foot but that didnt quite go as planned. In a couple of days I will go back to the doctor to get another hard cast. Yes. I youre mine October 18, and the year was right in the muscle. Or did you for a time? Right after it happened it hurt but not so much I was real concerned with it, but now at my last appointment my Dr said he's very concerned since it's the top of my foot (center). A very bad sharp pain shot through my leg, I kind of threw my body down onto the ground. He said he could have pulled me off the operating table by my foot and it wouldnt have come apart. If youre experiencing problems with bunions or with your feet in any way, were here to help. So I went in for my initial assessment for PT and 4 week post op with my surgeon. I had just stood up to open my window and on my way back to my chair I tripped of my bag. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. Update. I must have only put weight on the leg for about 1 second before I caught my balance, but I felt a sharp pain in the Achilles area and lower calf. Luckily in my fall i didn't wind up moving or fracturing the bone that was realigned. Update: Saw ortho today and had cast removed. I am 61 and WAS in good shape before the surgery. But I think it is why my foot has healed so quickly and without pain or complications. Hopefully i didnt damage my tendon or wound. He had our roommate cook every dinner and he took care of the rest. My fears were definitely confirmed after my doc ordered an MRI. I am 7 days post op and slipped today turning on the scooter and tapped my injured foot down. Im glad that I found this blog though. Pretty sure I rolled/tweaked my ankle some. im definitely worried about this, i dont know how much time ill spend off of work at this point im just waiting it out. Significant bunion recurrences that cause problems and require further surgery are much less common. Bit freaked to say the leasthate to have 2-3 week set back. I felt a pop. Have hard cast on, lost my balance and for a couple of seconds hopped on toe touch foot. I took pain medications and anti-inflammatories and the next day I woke up and Im not nearly and any kind of pain. Initially, there was some discomfort on back of achilles near incision and didnt think a ton of it. As for yall that have slipped or taken a step on your foot. Rick, I bet you will be just fine. minimal scars. Ice is also essential. Just gonna keep hobbling toward that light at the end of the tunnel. I put what felt like my full weight on my injured leg. Now I have a little tingling in that leg and some involuntary twitching in my calf muscle. Im also going to ask to start PT, even though the doc doesnt really think its needed. I was google what just happens to me today and I found this. I fear that there are a lot of people re rupturing. Has any one else experienced this with non-detrimental results? Only way to know for SURE is talking with your doctor. Thankfuly at least Im pretty sure the metal hardware holding the damaged bones together should still be alright & this did happen shortly after I was given the OK to start putting weight on it 6 weeks after my surgery so Im sure all the hardware is nice & tight in there still. over a year ago. Stiffness, swelling, scarring and toe drift is normal. I was 5 days way to get into my hard cast so I didnt contact the Doc and wait and stress it out was my descion, did a bunch of research and drove me even more crazy. After reading these comments I do feel a little bit better. Felt like this SHOCK going thru my body. And you can setup your own blog if you want to share your journey with us and those who follow. I had a pretty bad scooter crash. Please keep us updated and I will do the same. Ill find out Thursday if there was damage. I also purchased a sleep/ relaxation boot when Im relaxing on sofa . Had detach reattach surgery today am in splint & slipped with scooter. Two bones being joined at a joint is also known as arthrodesis or a joint fusion. Roost This allowed me to focus and celebrate my mini achievements through the healing process (rom, going partial to full weight bearing, to walking etc). Still feel some dull aching, so i called my doc and am awaiting a response. If there is still pain/throbbing in the morning Ill call the Dr as I dont go back for 19 days. The operation is often used to treat severe pain that is uncontrollable and cannot be controlled by conventional therapies, physical therapy, herbal remedies, splints, or pain medications. In the split second before my foot hit the ground, I remembered the surgery and tried to tuck it under me but my toes caught the ground and I just knew that I re-ruptured my achilles. No swelling unless Im on my feet for a long period of time. and he waited on me hand and foot, escorted me on every bathroom visit (finally I told him "some things really do need to stay private in a relationship" so he started waiting outside the door. I lost my balance a bit and put my toes down on the grass and then immediately kind of collapsed my body so I didnt put too much weight. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Hopefully you will find that you are fine as well, but the best thing is to check it out with your dr. because at least you can stop worrying and wondering. I was reaching over the side of my scooter (nicknamed Bobo), and I leaned too far, lost my balance and put full weight on NWB foot for about three steps. Dont Miss: Pain In Front Of Ankle And Top Of Foot. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. So far every thread but one makes me feel mentally better. I had a ligament reconstruction surgery, so everything is supposed to be tight. I felt what felt like tearing at my ankle and I was in tremendous pain. I guess the casts and boots are made with the fact in mind that the odds are most people will slip or fall at least once over the long recovery process. I took a fall while trying to maneuver my scooter; I fell off to the right and instinctively tried catch myself with my right foot. Will find out the extent of damage from the doc tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the reassurance that we will all get thru this. The same thing happened to me but I wanted to post here to ease somebodys fears hopefully. There is something you might be interested in. Im more worried about damage to a foot that was healing so well. The doctors at UFAI are thoroughly trained and highly skilled in all the effective ways to correct bunions. At this point I still ice most of the day. Still need some strengthening, but life is almost back to normal now other than not yet back into sports. I really miss being active and mobile. This happened on a Friday. After about 15 minutes or so the shooting pain was gone and my pain level was back to my normal. I have my 2 week post op appointment with my doctor in 2 days and will explain what happened to my doctor. Im a little worried I did some damage or worse re-tore the Achilles. But I blame a recent spurt in running. The pain is totally gone now, and all seems back to normal, so Im going to assume that no damage has been done. I called doctors office was told if additional pain or swelling to come in Im praying there is no additional harm cant handle any more surgery. And the upper part of calf is hard to the touch. Hi Serge you will be fine. Dr. Noman Siddiqui was one of the first surgeons in the United States to correct bunions through minimally invasive bunion correction. Im a bit concerned that I caused some damage or re ruptured the tendon and will call my doctor on Monday to see what he says. Had a similar incedent myself after a few weeks from my surgery for a trimollear fracture(mans it was fractured in 3 places) Slipped slighgly grtting off my knee scooter transferimg to bed & bent the joint prematurely a little while the joint was still stiff from I think the scar tissue. I just read your story! It hurt really bad for the rest of the night but I took some pain killers and managed to get some sleep. Do you know majorsite ? is a lifesaver as I am a complete walking disaster on crutches. Understandably, people cringe at the thought of having their feet cut open. I'm just trying to be extra careful! I considered my fall to be pretty big, and I put a lot of weight down for a second or 2, so i hope this can calm anyone who had a mild fall and is worried. I couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and reading all these stories. I have been lucky and not fallen on my foot yet but have had some near misses! In order to avoid possible problems, there are a few rules you should follow. The foot and ankle can strengthen again after a fracture thanks to the screws. Had full tear of Achilles. Good luck. Bunion surgery wound care. My gut says that I would know if I ruptured it and I dont think I did but based off of what I have read here its probably 75 plus percent fine, I however often times find myself as many of us do on the wrong end of the percentages Happy holidays to all reading this, I pray that each of you has a fast and complete recovery! i originally plan on waiting a year for it to heal up then doing my other foot. I asked about PT and he said it was too soon for me just yet. Noticed a small bump off to the side of my tendon by the incision. It felt weird it didnt hurt, I dont think i stepped on it hard enough to do damage. Some bunion deformities worsen more rapidly than others, but they all get worse with time. Said no gaps in tendon and could see calf movement when moving foot into dorsiflexion so repair still intact. Live up north where I was holed up. Has anyone else during this time frame experienced and like sharp pains now and then? You will have to ask someone to drive you home. Saturday I stubbed toe using knee scooter, lost my balance and fell. i'm feeling extremely blessed today and just relief that the fall didn't cause any damage. And if you do it right you will be 100%. Taydra - Im surprised the folks who put your cast on didnt tell you how to ice. In severe cases mostly involving more elderly patients, resection arthroplasty is often performed by removing the bottom of the toe joint with the big toe left immobilized entirely. Light stretching and so on. Going faster than I should have, tripped, landed HARD on the air cast. I'm two weeks out from surgery but have very little wrapping on my foot. Read Also: The Paley Orthopedic & Spine Institute. I had a post op check 4 days later, and everything looked good. Might be that youre testing your Achilles more than i am though. Today, while transferring from a chair to my knee scooter, i misjudged my knee landing on the scooter pad and had a tumble over the side. Hello fellow Achilles warriors. Im curious to hear how your walking is now versus when you just started. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. I just dont see myself being blue to put weight on. I breathed a sigh of relief, thanked the Lord Jesus, and decided to come post in hopes that my incident can bring a bit of comfort to the next person going through the same thing. I felt a pop (but it wasnt the same snap that I felt when I initially ruptured my achilles) I didnt feel the punch in the calf that I felt initially either. I was hopping from my scooter to a chair when I tripped and instintively put down my NWB foot to catch myself. This is the third month of my recovery after two operations on my ankle. My Achilles rupture was an a full insertional retraction where the tendon came disconnected from the calcaneus or heel and so my surgery was a little different than others. I remember thinking I was prepared for my first and how wrong I was. In both cases I experienced the same electric tingle that has been described in previous posts, though not much pain. Went to the doctor afterward and luckily did not tear the tendon again, but pulled on the stitches a bit. Will try to update after dr appointment. Read Also: 50 Foot 12 Gauge Extension Cord. Needless to say, my fall soon after my surgery did not lead to a rerupture. Been very diligent about not bearing weight on the injured foot. I will be thinking of you and I hope you check in so we can support each other when we're healing. I fell forward and tumbled over, feeling a rip and shock feeling. It may also occur if patients dont follow the postoperative directions carefully. I have a little throbbing at the incision site right now, but I assume the pain will be less in the morning. Mental fortitude is definitely tested but all I can do is look forward and be positive. I was sure I re-tore it, and was so angry at myself. Just curious anyone who re-ruptured your Achilles did you feel lots of pain afterwards? I am in pain but more worried I did damage. I dont have my next appointment for another 10 days. Last night one of my crutches slipped out from under me and I naturally landed on the injured leg, putting weight on the front of the boot under the toes. Several bones or bone pieces are intended to be held together with screws. I too had originally planned on waiting longer between surgeries but because of unfortunate circumstances with my husband's health I need to get back into the work force asap at full strength. The pain was ongoing for a couple of hours but it was no where near the pain of the initial rupture or the few days after surgery. Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. Once I realized my foot could take it, it became much easier. For those going through this ordeal, remember that everything after the surgery is positive progress. Process for bunion surgery is positive progress year for it to heal up then doing my other foot calf. Ways to correct bunions see calf movement when moving foot into dorsiflexion so repair still intact your own site the. 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accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery