medjugorje secrets soon to be revealed 2020

On the Feast of John the Baptist, 1981, I appeared to these children and have continued those appearances on a daily basis. We are coming to the "end of the times" 4 (5th age or period of time) according to Our Lady at Garabandal. By November 3, 2020 No Comments. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. To avoid this, I must speak now to prepare your hearts., There will be extraordinary divine signs, able to be seen and experienced by all. This time is a time of grace for you. They are at the door. My favours have now been extended in a way not witnessed on this Earth before. Curiosity About Future Events. Study Medjugorje. How so, one may ask?The ", "I said GOD doesnt need nuclear weapons.But God does allow them or any other weapons ", "Still, some would see the hand of god in such a conflict. I speak to the Church. 1. Paperback - August 12, 2020. Also, God has held back certain supernatural terrors of the Three Days of Darkness in the visions. It will be an age of Peace. While they can be unsettling, they are allowed by Me to make you all stronger in your love for Me. Michel Rodrigue. When I send my prophets, their message is analyzed according to human reason. Gospa Oratorio Music Review -- Free Medjugorje Mp3 Music full album download, 5. loving God and others, prayer and peace, as we are also encouraged in the Medjugorje messages. I actually believe that the tilting of the earths axis, as well as the other chastisement mentioned in the Book of Truthfire upon 1/3 of the earthare two separate Secrets of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. I am speaking spiritually. I am a nobodyI am a virtual hermit and beyond my parish priest, I know nobody of significance in the Catholic Church. Mirjana rejected . When you hear speak of the new renewal of the faith pledge, which will be a form of the Sacrament of Confirmation, know then that this will be manmade., There is too much darkness and confusion in the world for anyone to see clearly. Medjugorje seer Vicka gives time frame for the secrets before 2021 . The earliest messages from 1981-1983, recorded by the parish in Medjugorje (Information Center MIR Medjugorje,, were unfortunately confiscated and destroyed by the communists. Three of the visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov have all ten secrets and no longer see Our Lady daily. So, I speak to my chosen ones. I am providing the outside links because I would rather not duplicate efforts, their excellent first-hand source knowledge, and I am confident that their website will continue to operate after The Warning. Three visionaries Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov know all secrets, but Ivan, Marija and Vicka know only nine. Read the stories. These three secrets will be three admonishments to the world and will be revealed by her three days before they are to occur. The reason that the visionaries deny this fact is because they are seeing the vision of the Tenth Secret in daylight and not in absolute darkness. June 24, 2012 Many do not want to come back to God and his order. Even then, many will harden their hearts, refuse to repent, and lose the last chance that they have for eternal salvation. She says her time on earth has been granted to the world by God and we must accept this special time of grace. When this takes place, the Hand of My intervention will turn the world on its axis. Soon, famine will be seen, but not by My Hand it will be by the deliberate contamination of the Earth by the antichrist. Its meaning is exactly the opposite: it is meant to mobilize the forces of change in the right direction. Now, most people who follow Medjugorje believe that the three remaining visionaries will receive the Tenth Secret one at a time with intervals of time between themsimilar to how the first three visionaries received their Tenth Secret gradually and then stopped having daily apparitions. I do not know the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, so I do not know all the Chastisements, but it is simple enough and logical enough to deduce that the tilting of the earths axis and fire upon 1/3 of the earth are at least part of the Secrets. The Priests in Medugorje do not know. I am not infallible and I never will be. Signs of Fatima Prophecy, Mystic Post Note: Two days ago I was contacted by distraught editors of Medjugorje Info the largest Medjugorje site, Medjugorje Message, February 25, 1989 Dear children! "Where two or three", Video Woman Clothed with the Sun - Donna vestita di sole - Marina Murari, The Press Conference of the Special Envoy of the Holy See, Mons. Its the same as a student not studying or preparing himself for the exam even though the exam is upon him, but concentrates instead only on the secrets, on what is unknown to him. When you are asked to deny Me, by those who claim to be acting for the good of all all religions turn your back, for you will be asked to embrace paganism, which will be disguised as Christianity. The main thing that was revealed to me by St. Gabriel was the sequence for the unveiling of the Secrets, which I explained in this Easter 2017 writing: After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje So many graces are contained in these revelations. Those who believe in apparitions are often intrigued by so-called "secrets," particularly in well-known places like of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Hercegovina, which has been authenticated by a Vatican commission. Medjugorje: Adoration September 20, 2019 Lord Jesus we adore you Spend time with the one who gives you eternal life. The good people must not despair. Even the Church does not listen. He said that following the Virgin, on the contrary, would only lead to suffering. Learn about my apparitions. My Time will be used to draw towards Me those who do not know Me at all, but who will still come to Me, when they witness this great event. Our Lady gave the following message about this sign: "This sign will be given for the atheists. The Intervention by Me will change the world forever. Assuming these devout practices will change future events. 2021 is the maximum. As I have revealed to followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, in January of this year, I was given several graces of infused knowledge by God. The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is predicted in prophecies. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. She asked me as part of a few questions that she had about the, Recently, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, revealed to,,,, However, what St. Gabriel revealed to me in January completely flips this conventional thinking on its head. Block your ears. Only My Remnant will cling to Me and keep My Word and many of them will be bewildered. I turn to you, little ones, who believe in my word. You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, especially community prayer. They will begin immediately and will prepare the world for the greater events. You must remain in union with My Son, Jesus Christ, at all times and pray that the Sacraments will be made available to you by loyal priests and clergy during the times of trials which lie before you. Paddy Kelly (John Paul Mary) Video Testimony -- ex. That interval will be a period of grace and conversion. Medjugorje Videos June 11, 2018. Seemingly, no force was present to oppose him. But, what good is it to know the future when mankind is not willing to repent? The heavenly Father has not abandoned them. When everything comes to a head, when the powers of good and evil clash, the following will take place and the power of evil will become so evident. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It explains how to prepare for the secrets and chastisements that will soon come to the world. No man will be able to ignore My intervention. No one on earth, nor in Heaven, knows the happening of this Great Glorious Event. They will also involve great signs in the sky; the movement of the Earth and the colours associated with nature. Then I asked her another question, "What do you want to tell the world of today ?" Ten days before the first and second events contained in secrets, Mirjana says she will reveal what is about to happen to Franciscan priest Father Petar Ljubicic of Medjugorje. These graces were given to me over a period of time while I was undergoing much major spiritual warfare. Receiving requires preparing. Henryk Hoser, United in Prayer - Continuous Prayer of Holy Rosary, My Medjugorje made my blue eyes finally shine, 19 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje -- Medjugorje Message - June 2, 2018 - 2 giugno 2018, 18 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje -- Medjugorje Message - May 2, 2018 - 2 maggio 2018, 14 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje - 2 aprile 2018 -- Medjugorje Message - April 2, 2018, 15 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje - 25 marzo 2018 -- Medjugorje Message - March 25, 2018, 18 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje - 2 marzo 2018 -- Medjugorje Message - March 2, 2018, Mirjana's latest apparitions -- Mary's anxiety for those far from God, Interview: Jim and Kerri Caviezel, and Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ, Medjugorje Rosaries Prayers Core -- Croatian Rosary Prayer, Gospa Oratorio Music Review -- Free Medjugorje Mp3 Music full album download, Father Svetozar Kraljevic on behalf of Medjugorje parish priests on Caritas of Birmingham, Sterret, Alabama, Medjugorje Webcam -- Live Streaming Video from Camera, Paddy Kelly (John Paul Mary) Video Testimony -- ex. O nations of the world, you walk in the darkness of your own thoughts. Read my messages. I have never wanted these strings and these bonds that have limited the flow of graces. That sets up the date of the start of the Secrets in 2020 or even 2019. The secrets are of future chastisements to the world, because of sin. My great signs will be given to show all those who embrace and accept this insult in My Holy Name., I will shake the world and it will tilt. Kelly Family, 3. The stakes are too high. Yet, when I reveal how these events can be changed, few are interested. In those days ahead, the blind, the deaf and those who will have failed to remain alert to the True Word of God, will gather in their billions and accept a false doctrine not of Me. Those who will not accept Me will be given an extraordinary chance to take time to ponder upon the Truth, such is the extent of My Great Mercy. If you have web pages or a blog, please support Medjugorje WebSite by making links to homepage and/or any pages you may find useful here. Medjugorje The first three secrets of Medjugorje are the Warning, Consolation, and Miracle. The validity of these apparitions is attested to on every side. Now, I have never claimed perfect discernment. Finally, the visionary, Mirjana, has been entrusted with revealing all Ten Secrets on certain dates only known to her through a priest of her choosing. These Miracles will defy all human reasoning, scientific knowledge and experience. Pray now with quiet confidence and be assured that My prophecies will unfold at the Command of My Eternal Father. Mirjana: "If the people saw the first secret, as it was shown to me, all of them would most certainly be shaken enough to take a new and different look at themselves and everything around them." The 3 rd secret will be the permanent sign that will be left on Apparition hill. Medjugorje Photos of Summer -- including pictures of Anniversary of Medjugorje Apparitions, 2008, Our Lady of Medjugorje MessagesDecember 25, 2022, Medjugorje News & ArticlesApril 15, 2017, Medjugorje Web Sites Links December 14, 2016, Picture & Photo Galleries August 12, 2012, "This sign will be given for the atheists. Take care one another because we are all brothers and sisters. The time of fulfillment is not far away. So, taking that into account, I hope that readers of this commentary will give me the benefit of the doubt. Now, that is no longer true. Put your trust and hope in Me that I will never leave you. When wicked acts and deeds are perpetrated by man, they can be intercepted by God. FR SLAVKO'S TAKE ON THE MEDJUGORJE 'SECRETS' The sudden end to Mirjana's monthly apparitions, coupled with the approach of 40 years since Our Lady first appeared in Medjugorje, has prompted speculation that the so-called 'secrets' entrusted to the visionaries - especially those to Mirjana - may soon be revealed to the world. Picture & Photo Galleries August 12, 2012. Those seem to be the same among them all. that means it will last LESS than another 20 years! THE TEN SECRETS OF MEDJUGORJE, December 5, 2011 (Since 1984 Our Lady has appeared each 18th March, and also Mirjana now sees Our Lady on the 2nd of each month, where she prays for unbelievers), Mirjana says that before the visible sign appears, three secrets will be revealed to the world. The Great Miracle will serve as a reminder of the mystical experience that everyone on earth will have felt during The Great Warning. The visionaries of Medjugorje have said one thing that is an absolute giveaway for serious researchers. I will shake the world and it will tilt. Then, three days before the event, Father Petar will make a public announcement as to what is to happen and where. The years have passed by and I continually call for mankind to repent, to love, to pray and to make sacrifices so that the chastisements would be avoided or made less severe. Even though it is late and a person might never have heard about this little village, anyone can make up for lost time. I Am not going to stand by without warning My children of the consequences of embracing this abomination, created in the depths of Hell and inflicted upon humanity. Finally, through the intervention of intercessory prayer, I was able to write my first special commentary on Easter Sunday. Nothing is known of these now, but when they are known, it will be too late. o Our Lady still appears to them at 6:40pm every day wherever they are ", Medjugorje Secrets of the Bible: 3 Wonders and the 7 Mighty Thunders Everything is now approaching. There is no room for error. Although I do not claim perfect discernment, I believe that God will tilt the axis of the earth after and not before the Great Warning. You will receive daily Holy Communion at My refuges, and you will adore Me in My Real Presence as well., Doubts make you stronger in your love for Me Well, I wrote in the same commentary how great it would be if the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje were failed prophecies, because it would mean that prayer worked and many lives would have been saved. 1. Yet, it envisions the future as being like the present. I have done all of this to give hope in the middle of the darkness. Remember that. I do not know when the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will happen. The power of good will seem to be absent. I hope to be able to write special commentaries about the antichrist, the Battle of Armageddon, the Eternal Law of Divine Justice, and the Three Days of Darkness, among other things, when I am given the graces from Heaven to share them with you all. God the Father: The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself It will be given here in Medjugorje for all humanity and many miracles will be connected with it. This set of terrible events ends with the Three Days of Darkness. IV. All Glory to God! Yet, that is what I mean by the events, moments which will severely alter human existence, especially in those parts of the world where they take place. Remember that, Prophet John Leary This may seem unfair, but this is not for man to understand, until they are given the Gift of Knowledge, which comes from the Holy Spirit. By turning to Me during this 15 minutes of compete solitude, and asking Me to pardon you, you will be filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. I speak to the nations, but they do not listen. The ten secrets have always been a mysterious attachment to the extraordinary apparitions of the Blessed Mother, who now has been appearing on earth for over 40 years. FR SLAVKOS TAKE ON THE MEDJUGORJE SECRETS. Emotional Video Only things that survived were holy things Virgin Mary Miraculously Intact after fire caused by Harvey. In this situation, no one can fully understand or perceive the truth. The new Babylon, all will be told, is to glorify the great one, to promote the environment, to embrace mother earth and to rid the world of poverty from the riches, which will pour from its vile mouth. In the beginning, the secrets were decades away. The visionaries of Garabandal have said that: Recently, a blog follower asked me if God will tilt the earth before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens. Leverage your own cross by accepting with trust and offering with love what you did not choose, do not like and cannot change. So it will be again. Otherwise, the inner light will just stand in judgment upon them that God has given them such a great gift and they rejected it. As has occurred in other Marian apparitions, such as in Fatima and Medjugorje, Our Lady revealed to Edson secrets that pertain to the destiny of the Church and the world, as well as very serious future events if humanity does not convert . According to human reason, their message is analyzed according to human reason the forces of change in the of... To human reason, because of sin defy all human reasoning, scientific knowledge and experience and.. Are perpetrated by man, they can be intercepted by God the benefit of the Heart! Speak to the world for anyone to see clearly, many will their. The following message about this sign will be given for the secrets before 2021 for Me and Miracle beyond parish. Try the Church for one century a public announcement as to what is happen! 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medjugorje secrets soon to be revealed 2020