She was never accepted by Johns family, as if she had taken him away from them. Why was no other keel ever laid down in his honor? She is in town for the Iwo Jima Reunion and Symposium and working on his documentary. Lena was the pioneer and was a very strong Non commissioned officer and ran a very good mess hall. Basilone's wife, Lena Mae, never remarried. During World War II she enlisted in the Marine Corps. One of her few, if not only, public appearances after Johns death was about nine months after he died. I served from Dec 73 to Jun 2007 in the Army and Air Force. Thank you? In my mind from what I have learned about Peleiu it was a blood affair on both sides. I am glad that someone stepped in to be family for her. God Bless Lena and John Basilone our heroes. Wife of John Basilone. Shirt sleeves rolled up and of course the regulation short hair in hairnets!! "That was our first real look, up close, at the war."-John Basilone. As long as we have a Navy, there should be a fighting ship honoring his name! My generation followed their example and I think its why I survived 5 conflicts with mild to moderate PTSD. He was offered a commission, which he turned down, and was later offered an assignment as an instructor, but refused this as well. Hi Vera: I am pleased to read your post. The hospital environment would have been a nightmare without her.Lena saidonce you had the best.there was no need to be involved with the rest, as she was totally faithful to John for a life time, although her time with him was brief. He was killed on February 19, 1945 in an exchange of heavy gunfire on Iwo Jima. On the night of Oct. 24, 1942, on the island of Guadalcanal, a Japanese regiment of 3,000 troops attacked a handful of Marines, including Sergeant Basilone. In 21 Dec 1945 Lena christened a Navy destroyer ship named the USS Basilone in her husband's honor. I want to reduce veteran suicide statistic rate. I just watched HBO's The Pacific episode 7, it was great, tons of action. Having Served 21 years of Active Duty from 1970 to 1992. I served for 34 years nearly and the others did service from 4-30 years.I definitely appreciate what family did in Vietnam. Although he appreciated the admiration, he felt out of place and requested to return to the operating forces fighting the war. Virginia Grey - Peleliu,Iwo Jima,Guadalcanal,New Britian,and Okinawa were among the toughest campaigns in tough conditions to fight.We had tough during VietNam with equal intensity.I marvel at these heroes, who adapted and overcame very tenacious and determined to die foes.This miniseries told it like it was. This N.J town has a sister in Italy, thanks to a WWII hero Basilone so deeply loved only makes that respect more profound. Basilone, a member of the U.S. Marines, received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his action . I worked every day of my EMS career to prevent this. I have 8 combat campaigns from Vietnam era to Iraq.It was my frame of combat reference.. To me John was a legend whose legacy will not be matched for a long time. It doesnt go into as much depth as you have but it does give her closure in the series. Was your father on the bridge when that occurred? John Basilone and Lena Mae Basilone | Married Divorced Children Ex How the Marines' hero of Guadalcanal died at Iwo Jima I got a lot of insights on it from my high school teachers who fought as Marines in the Pacific. Annie Parisse - Wikipedia Outmanned and with supplies low, Basilone and other marines on Guadacanal rally to repel superior Japanese forces. John Basilone MoH. The . BASILONE, at great risk of his life and in the face of continued enemy attack, battled his way through hostile lines with urgently needed shells for his gunners, thereby contributing in large measure to the virtual annihilation of a Japanese regiment. The were either Green Berets or medics, a supply clerk and even grunts. Her spirit still lives on.. Though a miniseries of its own, The Pacific was created as a companion to another popular wartime miniseries by HBO: Band of Brothers, which premiered in 2001 and focused on World War II.The Pacific presents the stories of three U.S. Marine Corps members - Eugene Sledge, Robert Leckie, and John Basilone - and their experiences in the Pacific Theater of Operations during the Pacific War. My father was a medic and water purification specialist. I miss Lena even it was a brief time I knew her .Regards,SSG Rick Doc Borenstein Ret, Hi Barbara, After seeing pacific and reading about John Basilone i have so much admiration for the both of them. My mom had me and cousins who served over the years in the US and Israeli military. And your efforts have been repaid many times over I am sure, by those who now know more about her. My hero as well as her husband. Some were there when I wanted to to be a Marines,and the rules said I could not be one. I have found that the movie industry gets some aspects of Lenas actual life facts wrong. But only small details.for instance, at that time all lady marines that worked in the kitchen wore the mens fatigues, but not the ones popular today. She worked for the electric company and volunteered countless hours of her time at the Womens Marine Association, the American Veterans Auxiliary, and the Long Beach Veterans Hospital. [15] They honeymooned at an onion farm near Portland, Oregon.[16]. I am not the Richard who posted this excellent comment. Why John Basilone Might Be The Toughest Soldier Of World War II I deserved it. I hope in some small measure I brought honor to Lena. John Basilone's last battle - Los Angeles Times . Memorial day is coming upon us fast and its time to remember those we lost, and those who gave back much to veterans as did Lena. Lena never remarried. I know that she and her husband are together today as they have been since her death. Her favorite framed picture of Johnny always sat looking at her from atop her TV! I thought I would share some of the information I have found on Lena Basilone, it's not much, but here it is. Sad they didnt have children. I then years later caught the Gulf war, Korea, Bosnia and Iraq. Shrewdly gauging the tactical situation shortly after landing when his company's advance was held up by the concentrated fire of a heavily fortified Japanese blockhouse, Gunnery Sergeant BASILONE boldly defied the smashing bombardment of heavy caliber fire to work his way around the flank and up to a position directly on top of the blockhouse and then, attacking with grenades and demolitions, single handedly destroyed the entire hostile strong point and its defending garrison. He was one of a family of ten children. On December 8, 1941, she went to go shopping. Basilone was posthumously awarded the Marine Corps' second-highest decoration for valor, the Navy Cross, for extraordinary heroism during the battle of Iwo Jima. Eternal be his memory . NOTHING would have been too much trouble for me, but I honored her wishes to have her buried in the National Cemetary in Riverside, Ca. 75 years after, my heart had broke. Great Love Happens Once: The Enduring Story of John and Lena Basilone I had family in 1st Mar Div ahead of and had to join the Army in 73. The U.S. Navy named a destroyer after him in 1945, which Lena Mae christened. 7 Surprising Facts About the HBO Miniseries The Pacific - warhistoryonline I grew up learning all about both of them.The Marines were blessed to have these soldiers.This is why we are a free country by their mere presence If you call any of them a winner you are disgracing the recipients and those who died earning it. My uncles are marine and Navy vets as well as my two brothers who are Marines. If so where can I find it. My intrest was to watch what my two Uncles had gone through as they were in all those battles amongst all the Marines. John Basilone - America's Hero - Marines WWII My uncle, A surgeon eventually took care off me and it worked good. Quite a story. Stouthearted and indomitable, Gunnery Sergeant BASILONE, by his intrepid initiative, outstanding skill, and valiant spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of the fanatic opposition, contributed materially to the advance of his company during the early critical period of the assault, and his unwavering devotion to duty throughout the bitter conflict was an inspiration to his comrades and reflects the highest credit upon Gunnery Sergeant BASILONE and the United States Naval Service. Each time his visions came to pass - including the last - foretelling his death. i am very proud of both my brothers as they got many commendations from their service. I never get tired of watching Pacific.My dad was in the Navy 22 yrs, served in the Pacific,in all the island hopping campaigns. My dad served in the Pacific with the US Army who was in the Marshall Island, Marianas,and Peleliu. My dad was in the Peleliu campaign as part of the US Armys 81st Division who finished the campaign at Angaur, a neighboring island. It seems her Upgrade to Sgt . Basilone's Navy Cross citation reads as follows: The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the NAVY CROSS posthumously to. Lena too lived a life of service Helping many veterans. Basilone grew up in the nearby Raritan Town (now Borough of Raritan) where he attended St. Bernard Parochial School. You know the the part when theyre having breakfast and where John says its incredible about what can happen over a cup of coffee? Yes, Id say the operative word there is incredible considering that Lenas father and mother had both passed away by the time Lena had enlisted in 1943. Your email address will not be published. On her 32nd birthday she receive word of Johns death on Iwo Jima.He was one of the many who laid their lives down for not only fellow Marines, but also for US Army airmen in crippled B29s who could not return to the Mariana Island base and would have had to face the perils of the Pacific. Lena Basilone, plus every picture I could find of her in her uniform showing her Sgt. They will forever belong to a Band of Brothers and Sisters who willingly served this Country when she called. I knew of her by reputation as did other veterans. Representing The Fewer & ProuderGenerations of Service, SSG Richard"Rick"Doc" Borenstein,Medic Retired, ssg rick "doc " borenstein ret. I found your blog by chance and thoroughly enjoyed this article about Lena. I was a medic in Desert Storm, Korea,Bosnia, and Iraq. [8] After driving trucks for a few years, he wanted to go back to Manila and believed he could get there faster by serving in the Marine Corps rather than in the Army. Doc..thanks for the reply. Regards,Doc, Robin: I second a lot of Pauls comments. , Lena was a hero to me and so was John. His relatives basked in his reflected glory due to his MOH and widely reported heroism. For the next seven months, they made the best of their time together before Basilone left for Iwo Jima with his regiment. Lena and John fall in love and were married on July 10, 1944. I didnt write for periods up to 1 month. I wonder why she only appeared in public the one time on his behalf Did she ever say more about her husband or her marriage? There are few like them. Correction here: No such thing as a MOH winner. My Uncle Dick fought and flag razed on Mount Suribaci. I am a huge fan of him and his wife. She was definitely an in charge Sergeant,but was well respected because she too could lead. She had much empathy for every veteran. Only 34 Japanese survived it. I was treated a few times at the VA facility in Long Beach where Lena helped get a lol of us through the system at the hospital. Thanks for the kind words. Lena was notified of his death on March 7, 1945 -- her 32nd birthday. Blue 'Pacific' - New York Post This may include medical bills, eviction notices, or other relevant documents. The Japanese charged the hill relentlessly, with dead Japanese soldiers serving as human bridges so that their remaining comrades could cross over the barbed wire fences near the American perimeter. Lena received a telegram and went back to the beach, mourning him. I have to just say Thank you to everyone who is in any branch of the military who reads this. John Basilone (November 4, 1916 . I hope that eventually she will be interned with her husband. I have been a combat veteran from the Vietnam era to Iraq. News of John's death, which had occurred on February 19th, 1945, did not reach home until March 8th, 1945, a Thursday. Marine's heroism gave him legendary status - San Diego Union-Tribune Her life and her love is a chapter sadly left untold. I salute everybody and those of us who survived. Parents Salvatore and Theadora Basilone. Again, Lena Basilone was in a league of her own and very much ahead of her time. Basilone, [] She helped get us through the system and see that our needs were met at the facility. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism and died in February 1945 during the invasion of Iwo Jima. Lena never remarried. [9][10] As the battle went on, ammunition became critically low. I guess being a diabetic with a full ankle replacement i would just be more of a problem for the military rather than a help. I know she would enrich my life. However, she decided to go and pray at church instead, since America had made the decision to enter the war the day before due to the devastating, ruthless Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and news of Japan's recent takeover of Shanghai, China . His widow, Lena M. Basilone, died June 11, 1999, aged 86, and is buried at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside, California. After his request to return to the fleet was approved, Basilone was assigned to "C" Company, 1st Battalion, 27th Marine Regiment, 5th Marine Division. I ran into her at the Long beach veterans amdinisitration hospital and she helped through the bureaucratic maze and was with me the entire day,I have never forgottten her. John was killed on Iwo Jima February 19, 1945 just seven months after marrying the love of his life and seven months before the allies would declare victory in the Pacific. John Basilone Biography - USS Basilone DDE/DD 824 Lena lost her husband within A few short months after their wedding . She lived in California, worked for the electric company, and volunteered to serve in several organizations related to Marine. John Basilone's relationship with Lena Mae Basilone ended when John Basilone died on February 19, 1945. While you and your familys service is gratefuly appreciated, as a vietnam vet I have never talked or disscused voluntarily my service time as much as you seem to be inclined to do. John Basilone's Grave. Barbara Garner was a genuine daughter and family member to her. I also had the chance to tell her about Sgt. I was there when at over 80 years of age the doctor decided to do heart bypass surgery. Vera Keller | The Pacific Wiki | Fandom Ssg Rick Doc Borenstein (Ret) Combat Medic.As we come to remember our fallen comrades which includes Johe Basilone Jr. Vera.and Msg Lena Basilone, I take pride in theilives and their leadership as USMC NCOs. Basilone is interred in Arlington National Cemetery, in Section 12, Grave 384, grid Y/Z 23.5. Lena Basilone returns John's Medal of Honor - YouTube Basilone received numerous honors, including the following: John Basilone receiving the Medal of Honor in 1943. Sgt Lena sounds like a very strong and amazing woman. John was a legend as was Lena.Beleive you me Lena is at peace. The John Basilone Memorial Parade is the only parade in the country honoring a World War II hero. January. His actions at Guadalcanal earned him the Medal of Honor. We both turned down comissions to be officers many times in spite of field commanders and general recommendations. The lady was happy to know that Lena was also a Portland Marine. She was stationed at Camp Pendleton where she served as a field cook on the base attaining the rank of Sergeant. Thank you for your insights. Lena never remarried and she lived in California until her death in 1999. Came here because I just saw the 8th Episode of The Pacific. Irene Talbot The Naked Kiss (29-Oct-1964) Black Zoo (15-May-1963) I am pleased know of a member of John Basilones family. If any of you served with or knew Lena please let me know. Who was John Basilone? - Boot Camp & Military Fitness Institute I do miss her to this day. He was shot down over the Isle de Olerun in southern france,on thwway to plaster German airfields 3 months before Normandy, he fell on 3-27-44. Thank You David. Lena Riggi | The Pacific Wiki | Fandom I lost some high school buddies that went to Nam as well some in later conflicts. Brother & Sister. the Germans set the charges of explosives off but they failed. For his heroism there, he was awarded the Navy. I was never one to really say anything religious. He was the only Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II. And she cut it with flair! Jesse:Do not ever feel disappointed that you could not serve.We volunteered as did the Basilones. Gotta gp get em.,during a hail of gunfire.Later in other conflicts it was knowledge I definitely needed and used, as it save my life. John Basilone - Net Worth 2023, Age, Height, Bio, Birthday, Wiki! In later life she served at the VA ;and everyone she came into contact with. I wished he didnt go back to war but he was truly a hero and great marine. Thank you for your time & Semper Fi, Ric, thank you for pointing out Lena did not have John very long, in fact 7 months. I didnt realize that! Semper FI, Both tremendous Marines who loved each other and their country. Janet Bowman Johnson is looking for anyone stationed at Camp Pendleton in 1965-66, and/or who attended Boot Camp February, March of 1965 at CamPen sge originally worked at Battalion Hqtrs, then at the Training Aids Library Read about Elize McKelvey and her unique job. John Basilone was born to be a United States Marine. Basilone: Directed by David Nutter. Truly a wonderful woman of strong beliefs. Required fields are marked *. He then fought his way toward Airfield Number 1 and aided a Marine tank that was trapped in an enemy mine field under intense mortar and artillery barrages. . Thank You very much for being Lenas family. She did many things that were bigger than herself.including returning Johns medal of honor to his family, well as his insurance.Lena was in charge of her life as well as her marines she served with.To me and other she is a legend in a league of her own and many women Marines I have know are the same way.Lena was definetly her own person, if that helps you understand her. I saw how ugly war gets, but I was a medic who had to be there to minimize the suffering of both sides. I am amazed that they kept their mental sanity, but did suffer from PTSD as I do. On February 19, 1945, the first day of the invasion of Iwo Jima, he was serving as a machine gun section leader on Red Beach II. Basilone's mother, Theadora Bencivenga, was born in 1889 and grew up in Manville, New Jersey, but her parents, Carlo and Catrina, also came from Benevento. I am proud to call John and Lena. Regardless of Service Branch, we all, will forever belong to a Band of Brothers and Sisters that only we can understand. My father,Dr Milt Borenstein was a combat medic in the Pacific Attached to the USMC under General Roy Geiger of Guadalcanal fame.When Lena met John she was in charge of a mess hall at Camp Pendleton,California. [21] His widow, Lena M. Basilone, died on June 11, 1999, aged 86, and is buried at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside, California. John Basilone (1916 - 1945) - Genealogy - geni family tree Thank you for your comments.My father and your fathers dedicated service in the Pacific will not be forgotten by me.The Basilones John and Lena were legends. DDG-122 USS John Basilone Arleigh Burke class destroyer Navy - Seaforces "My heart is full of both sadness and joy today," Imbese said after the ceremony. His arrival was highly publicized, and his hometown held a parade in his honor when he returned. While stationed at Camp Pendleton, he met his future wife, Lena Mae Riggi, who was a Sergeant in the Marine Corps Women's Reserve. I have a flag and it has the names of family and friends named on it. I was so happy for them both when they got married. As he moved along the edge of the airfield, he was killed by Japanese mortar shrapnel (based on his research for the book and miniseries The Pacific, author Hugh Ambrose suggested that Basilone was killed by a burst of small arms fire which hit him in the right groin and neck and nearly took off his left arm). A scrapbook compiled by the family of US Marine Sgt. She deserves it all! The Headstone indicated in the photograph, is not The Headstone at Her Grave. He became a doctor and served his community well. After her funeral I had copies of their wedding picture made and sent to those who attended and left their addresses (I sent other things also, but cant remember exactlynow that I am 80!) I tried my hardest through the years to get Lena to consent to be buried in Arlington Natioal Cemetary with her Johnny. Death At Iwo Jima The Pacific War was one of the most savage wars ever fought. I was with her as she drew her last labored breath in the ER after weeks of trying to recover from the surgery. However, in my research: Ive discovered several factual errors in the miniseries re: the episodes showing the courtship of John and Lena. Donald Basilone was the youngest sibling of the Basilone family, and brother of GySgt. "Lena was notified of Johnny's death on March 7, 1945. Lena was a person who lived life with a low profile and she was laid to rest in Riverside countys VA cemetery. RegardsDoc P.S. The parade made national news in Life magazine and Fox Movietone News. She remained active with the Women's Marine Association and died in June 1999 at 86 years of age. It is the blood of John and those who served that binds the mortar of the foundation of the greatest nation ever!
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