But when the Divine sentence was passed, basically divorcing Cain from the earth for life, cursing any attempts at farming, and making him a homeless exile, Cain responded with passionate pleading. From the scriptures, we know that Enoch came east out of his homeland of Cainan to preach repentance unto the people. (Pseudo-Philo, L.A.B. . This family tree shows the two men named Enoch in Adam and Eve's line. The city of Uruk started sometime before 4000 BC. He had a child he named Enoch, and he then named the city after him (Genesis 4:17). According to Genesis, Cain was banished from the presence of the Lord and sent to dwell in the land of Nod, East of Eden. He saw the God of Heaven weep as He looked upon the wickedness of the world and the eventual flood that would destroy the wicked, events that would not happen for hundreds of years. Paul's Journey to Cyprus, Pamphylia & Galatia, Paul & Barnabas return to Antioch in Syria, Paul & Barnabas attend the Council of Jerusalem, Paul & Barnabas take the decision to Antioch, 10. We also know that Enoch did not preach to the Canaanites, a band of people responsible for the annihilation of the people of Shum (Moses 7:7). And she conceived and she bore Enoch.". Methuselah the oldest member of the family recorded here lived for 969 years (Genesis 5:27). Thus, the building of a city becomes a lasting monument to Cain's ongoing evil activity. What a contrast is Cains city to the lowly manger. | GotQuestions.org. Although Enlil was the king of the gods, Enki was the keeper of the, (sounds like mezz), decrees of the gods that formed the fundamental concepts and gifts of civilization. Akkadian words eventually gave rise to the Hebrew language, among other languages, and although the Akkadian and Sumerian scribes both used cuneiform to record their words, their languages were unrelated. even though none of the skulls were cracked or broken, which would be expected if the deformations had occurred after death. There must have been others and at least two of them were girls, because Cain and Seth both married and had children of their own. We know that the use of the word "bosom" in this instance means more than just some vague, heavenly location. Through Enoch, Cain's lineage begins. Zephaniah & Habakkuk foretell Judah's fall, Zephaniah warns of the punishment of Judah, Habakkuk asks why the cruel Babylonians succeed, 44. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. In the Hebrew version we read that Cain lived in the land of Nod. archaeologists and sociologistshave known at least since the late 1940s that people throughout Mesopotamia, before they learned how to write, figured out how to turn their children into coneheads. A city built by Cain after he left the presence of the Lord to the land of Nod (Genesis 4:16). When he was 65 years old, Enoch, the seventh patriarch after Adam, was called by God to be a prophet. The Doctrine and Covenants, Section 38:4. are older, Eridu, located in what is today southeastern Iraq, was remembered by later Sumerians as the first city, with a degree of specialization among its citizens not seen before in other settlements. The first city, Eridu, is on what used to be the shore of the Persian Gulf. According to the Book of Jubilees 4:9, Enoch's mother/aunt was named Awan. The realization that they had disappointed their Creator and condemned their children and their childrens children until the end of time to lives apart from Yahweh must have been nearly unbearable. This civilization is called the Ubaid culture by scholars. The power of the Holy Spirit - for everyone? After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu. after his call, the Lord showed Enoch, and us, a little more about the ancient prophet's divine potential: And we find later in Moses that God's promises to Enoch were fulfilled as he led the people of God against their enemies. He had a son named Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech. Med. The city of the Whore eventually becomes a self-destructive enterprise. Life after Eden must have been a crushing disappointment for early humans, especially the First Couple. The first city known by archaeologists to exist in Mesopotamia was Eridu. The old question, Where did Cain find his wife? isnt that hard to answer.). Ki in the Sumerian language seems to mean earth, and we know that Cain worked the land or earth. The name of the worlds first city, is also the name of Cains son, Enoch, or initiation. "Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, east of Eden. (Ge . The Ubaid civilization was typified by large unwalled villages, rectangular multi-room mud-brick houses, high quality pottery, and the first public temples. 19 And Lamech took two wives. Genesis 4:1-17: 1 "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain and said, 'I have gotten a man from the Lord.'". We are also further told that Cane and his Wife conceived and bore a Son called Enoch, and that Cain built a City, and called the City by the name of his Son Enoch. To "go off to the land of Nod" plays with the phrase to "nod off", meaning to go to sleep.[14][5]. If we place a global flood sometime between 4000 and 3500 B.C. Many of Lamech's ancestors were likely alive and also lived in the vicinity of Enoch. At the time of Abels murder Cain appears to have emerged from the childhood stage but was not yet able to father children. Thank you, Pastor Bill, for another profound meditation on the plight of Cain. She became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Forget about the burden of living under the cursetoiling to coax enough food from the ground to survive, the pain of bringing new life into the world, and all the rest. The Apostle John sets Cain and Christ out as the only two alternative humanities. Genesis 4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bore Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. An archaeological dig at Eridu just after World War II discovered about a thousand bodies that were buried during the Ubaid. Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. . Just as Eridu was the home of Enki, Enlil was chief deity at Nippur, Inanna (Ishtar) was supreme at Uruk, the sun god Utu was the patron deity of Sippar, and so on. 'Nod' in the Greek language means trembling. The name of the one The names of their entire civilizations are accidents of discovery, coming from wherever the first archaeologist, bored shepherd, or greedy tomb raider found the first bit of evidence from people wed never heard of before. No one knows where the land of Nod was located, only that it was east of Eden. Haggai & Zechariah encourage re-building, Haggai urges the exiles to re-build the Temple, Prophesies about the coming of the Messiah, 47. * In the last days, the city and its people will return to earth and be part of the New Jerusalem. Uruk is a strong contender for the city that Cain built. New American Standard Bible Cain had relations with his wife and she conceived, and gave birth to Enoch; and Cain built a city, and named the city Enoch, after the name of his son. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. )The son of Jared and father of Methuselah. We know this because Enoch received many visions from God and "walked with him" (D&C 107:49) and talked with Him "face to face" (Moses 7:4). 116117. In that case the builder of the city was Enoch, and the city was named for, To speculate a little further, we can apply a rudimentary translation to the name Alulim and come up with fourth man (, = four). ENOCH (CITY) In Genesis 4:17 it is narrated that Cain, who had taken up his abode in the land of Nod, East of Eden (verse 16), built there a city, and called it after the name of his firstborn son Enoch. For . before Marduk replaced Enlil at the head of the Mesopotamian pantheon, an event linked to Babylons emergence as the regions dominant power in the 18thcentury B.C. Paul's Letters to Ephesus, Colossae & Philippi, 17. In this city the people were of "one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them." (Moses 7:18-31.) Answer. Genesis 4:17. //severus/life and writings of sulpitius severus /chapter ii the world was.htm, The Story of Adam and Eve children. Cain has gone into restlessness. Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Dereks most recent book is The Great Inception: Satans PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. In Moses 7:62-64, we see that the city of Zion will return to the earth during Christ's millennial reign: Eventually, Enoch and those of the City of Enoch will be reunited with the righteous on the earth. (See? I have seen Sargon as being Nimrod but since Cain built the city of Unuk or Erech for his son Enoch in the 4th Chapter of Genesis. Of the 206 sets of remains the archaeologists exhumed, all of the crania had been deformed in one fashion or another., Now, instead of asking why, the lead archaeologist decided earth pressure after burial was the cause. Lets just hope when archaeologists 8,000 years from now discover the remains of. A point of irony is seen in God's cities of refuge, which offered safe haven to those who had accidentally killed another person. He was depicted with two streams of water flowing from his shoulders that represented the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the main sources of fresh water in Mesopotamia. It's unclear where the City of Enoch was located. In Sumerian, it wasknown asNun-ki meaning the mighty city (a name later transferred to the mighty city of Babylon). And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name . There was not as yet population enough for a city, but Cain, as his offspring increased, determined that they should dwell together, under training, in some dedicated common abode. 2. However, "mountains" and "high places" could also mean sanctuaries or places of worship, not necessarily the location for a city. . (Hebrews12:22-24) and 3500 B.C., that cranial deformation was widespread in the Ubaid culture, and Eridu, the worlds first city, possibly built by Cain or his son, was Ground Zero for head shaping. Cain could be at the bottom of the sea, for all we know. He could no longer farm the land, so he labored to build a city for his descendants. Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. ", Origen, Jeremiah Homily; quoted in Delaney (1996), pp. Follow along then as I read, beginning at verse 17: "Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. This Enoch was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam. HOME Residents The Doctrine and Covenants, Section 45:11-12. Just like with Abraham's (Genesis 18), this verse gives us a vivid image of a trial, standing in front of God, the ultimate judge. Evidence of head shaping has been found at sites all over Iraq, southwestern Iran, eastern Turkey, the valleys of the Zagros mountains, and the western shores of the Persian Gulf, dated from 7500 B.C. Shusterman, Neal. Irad was the father of Mehujael. Required fields are marked *. However, the local Sumerian people seem to have had their own records of what happened in those days. Cain built a city. The Israelites face continuing opposition, The Israelites fight the remaining Canaanites, Israel under the 'judges': Othniel and Ehud, Gibeah is destroyed & the Benjamites punished, The Ark of the Covenant is captured at Aphek, 30. So, let us say that Adam could father children around the age of 160, Cain and Abel seem to have been born in quick succession, Cain would be born around 4988 BC, so by the time he was 68 years old in 4920 BC he killed his younger brother. Genesis 4:17. John's Revelation to the 7 Churches of Asia, John's Letter to the 7 Churches of Asia Minor, The messages to the believers on the coastal plain, The messages to the believers living inland, 21. As they perpetuated more rebellion against God, the line of Cain built the city of man. The World was Created by God Nearly Six Thousand Years Ago Who are the two witnesses in the book of Revelation? Cain, it seems, made his way to these settlements for reasons of daily food, shelter, and finding a wife. The last word, Enoch, might be a later addition. Throughout history there have been two kingdoms growing up beside one another: the city of man and the city of God. The Pearl of Great Price: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary. The Sumerian King List describes Eridu as the first city in the southern Mesopotamian area that had a king. It's very possible, then, that the citizens of the City of Enoch have ministry assignments of their own and are "ministering angels unto many planets," (History of the Church, 4:210). [11], The name "Land of Nod" was accorded locally to the northerly 3,000 acres (1,214.1 hectares) of the Great Plot lying north of Woburn, Massachusetts, at its foundation in 164042, "the name being probably suggested by a comparison of its forlorn condition so far remote from church ordinances with the Nod to which Cain wandered when he went 'from the presence of the Lord'." In that case the builder of the city was Enoch, and the city was named for his son, Iradhence, Eridu. Forget about the burden of living under the curse. The city of Eridu was another southern Mesopotamian city and appears to be the city in which Adam and Eve lived after their employment in the garden of Eden had been terminated. ; Luke 3:37 (B.C. The city of Enoch had built into it Cain's entire history. 4:17 Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. [12], Land of Nod Road is the name of a residential road in Windham, Maine, US (434502N 702243W / 43.7506N 70.3787W / 43.7506; -70.3787 (Land of Nod, Windham, Maine)), and a private road in Headley Down, Hampshire, UK (510716N 04759W / 51.1211N 0.7998W / 51.1211; -0.7998 (Land of Nod, Headley Down)). In the end, Josephus's Cain is still a greedy grasper who, rather than repenting from his original crimes, has actually managed to perfect them. Thank you for your indepth analysis of this ages old story pastor Bill. Paul's Letters to Galatia & Thessalonica, The risen Lord Jesus appears to his followers, Christ's Victory Parade & the New Covenant, 15. Both biblical data and extra-biblical evidence suggest that Cain's motivation for building the city involved three factors. The Israelites journey from Egypt to Mt Sinai, 26. He was afraid that someone would take vengeance upon him. For Cain begat Enoch, in whose name he built a city, an earthly one, which was not from home in this world, but rested satisfied with its temporal peace and ///christianbookshelf.org/augustine/city of god/chapter 17 of the two fathers.htm, Concerning the Posterity of Adam, and the Ten Generations from Him 2. Genesis 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. This essay is not in any way a thorough review of life, culture, or religion in ancient Mesopotamia, but there is one more aspect of life in the ancient Near East to call to your attention. All the buildingsgone. Cainan was "the land of promise" named after the great-great-grandson of Adam ( Moses 6:17 ). Who Was Enoch? (Ge 4:16, 17; FUGITIVENESS, LAND OF A land "east of Eden," in which the condemned murderer Cain took up residence. An archaeological dig at Eridu just after World War II discovered about a thousand bodies that were buried during the Ubaid. It appears that everybody from every strata of the Eridu culture had a deformed skull. Nimrod wanted to ascend to the holy city and seize it. The Sumerian language may have pronounced Adams name as Utu and Cain as Mesh-ki-ang-gasher, if so, Cains son would be pronounced Enmerkar, who was the son of Meshki-ang-gasher. Thats about the same amount of time thats passed between Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and you reading this sentence. Enki . Imagine a 365-year-old citydisappeared. In the English tradition Nod was sometimes described as a desert inhabited only by ferocious beasts or monsters. And when Cain had traveled over many countries, he of all set boundaries about lands: he built a city together to it; and called that city Enoch, after the //josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 2 concerning the posterity.htm, The World was Created by God Nearly Six Thousand Years Ago situated outside our world altogether. 2 "And she again bare his brother Abel. It's unclear where the City of Enoch was located. Isaiah predicts the fall of Israel & Judah, Prophecies written before the fall of Jerusalem, Isaiah reassures King Ahaz of God's support, Troubled times and a glorious future kingdom, 40. he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Consecutive imperfect - third person masculine singular, Noun - feminine singular construct | third person masculine singular, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Consecutive imperfect - third person feminine singular, To bear young, to beget, medically, to act as midwife, to show lineage, Enoch -- four Israelites, sons of Cain, Jered, Midian and Reuben, Verb - Qal - Participle - masculine singular, Preposition-k | Noun - masculine singular construct, Noun - masculine singular construct | third person masculine singular. And he builded a city, and he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch. This was the temple of one of the most important gods of the ancient Near East. ESV Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. First that it was built with a brother's blood as its cornerstone. However, the older Sumerian story credits Enki with giving life to all things, including mankind, and names Enlil the slayer of Tiamat. 49:30. Interestingly, the Bible may support this account. Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. To speculate a little further, we can apply a rudimentary translation to the name Alulim and come up with fourth man (A = prefix + lu = man + lim, a contraction of limmu = four). 3378-3013. (Note: Were using dates that are generally accepted by a consensus of scholars so we dont get bogged down arguing about the timeline. The land of Enoch, mentioned in Moses 7:9. [3], Much as Cain's name is connected to the verb meaning "to get" in Genesis 4:1, the name "Nod" closely resembles the word "nad" (), usually translated as "vagabond", in Genesis 4:12. Text, maps & photos (unless otherwise stated) by Chris & Jenifer Taylor 2023. (Genesis 5:21) ff. Enoch is a person in the Book of Genesis. After that, the practice seems to disappear. And wherefore slew he him? The World of the Old Testament Journeys, 23.The Journeys of Adam, Enoch, Noah & Abraham, Cain is sent on a journey to the east of Eden, 24. This happens a lot with prehistoric cultures. From the Kingdom of Israel to the Exile, 5. NASB Cain had relations with his wife . 4:1; Gen. 4:12, 14; Ps.56:9; to flee, Ps. "So Cain went out from the Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden". The story of Cain; his rejected worship, the murder of his brother, consequently ,his sentence to be a vagabond on earth, and the city he built, is one of the primary lessons of the entire Bible. [16], In the Arc of a Scythe series by Neal Shusterman, the Land of Nod is mythologized as containing a mythical fail-safe against the Scythedom and becomes critically important to the plot of the third book.[17]. Waw id. A new nation? Cain built a city and named it after his first born son, Enoch. Cain's descendants. The Story of Cain and Abel. Jonah goes to Nineveh & Nahum condemns it, Jonah is thrown overboard to appease the gods, 42. The Lord's tender admonition seems the type that would be aimed at a child whose petulance couldn't be contained. The city of Uruk was well on its feet by the time Tubal-Cain was working with metal. Just as Eridu was the home of Enki, Enlil was chief deity at Nippur, Inanna (Ishtar) was supreme at Uruk, the sun god Utu was the patron deity of Sippar, and so on. Simon & Schuster, 2017. and Jarmo, east of modern-day Kirkuk in Iraq (c. 7100 B.C.) Genesis 4:16. )In the Epistle of Jude he described as "the seventh from Adam;" and the number is probably noticed as conveying the idea of divine completion and rest, while Enoch was . I Have UpDated A Book on False Prophets(Bill Johnson,Mike Bickle), The Spirit fell while Peter spokeActs 10. Genesis' "first city," Enoch, created in the mythical land of Nod by Adam's son Cain is identified as being in Mesopotamia and the land of ancient Sumer. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bore Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. Gen 4:17. . That predates the flood by a whole bunch. Cain knew his wife. To give you an idea of the incredible amount of time were dealing with, Enki ruled in Eridu for about. Enoch had a son and named him Irad. During his ministry, Enoch also built a city for the people of God or the people who repented and were baptized. According to The Pearl of Great Price: Verse by Verse Commentary, bosom in this instance means God's throne, His actually dwelling place. To help you remember that these great events are coming, you will need: heavy paper, glue, scissors, a sharpened pencil, and string. Because of this, it is most likely Enoch did not travel to the land of Canaan. Scholars do agree, however, that civilization emerged in the Fertile Crescent around 10,000 B.C. Incorporated in 1966, Enoch City boasts of its history of the Old Spanish Trail, its pioneer heritage, its unprecedented growth, its family values, and its delicious water. Answer (1 of 9): Paul Dulaney 's answer is of course correct. Fortunately, the scriptures, especially the Pearl of Great Price, provide details about the divine destiny and history of the City of Enoch. Cains son Enoch would then be 264, relating to approximately 26 years old in our terms. Your email address will not be published. First, let's read the actual words of Genesis 4:16-17, which The Golden Children's Bible attempted to paraphrase: Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. The Eridu Crania: A Preliminary Report, Sumer 5, 1949, p 103. First, Cain probably put little stock in God's oath-bound protection edict and therefore built a fortified city for protection, one of the primary purposes . Wives and Children An adult is usually able to avoid wearing their heart on their sleeve, but a child is not experienced enough to dampen the display of their feelings. The Jewish World of the Old Testament, Sources of the History of Israel and Judah. [10], Land of Nod is the name of a hamlet in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. According to the Biblical account,the first Mesopotamian city was built by Cains descendents. During this vision, Enoch also saw the divine destiny of Zion. Enki was the god of the sweet waters needed for life. This essay is not in any way a thorough review of life, culture, or religion in ancient Mesopotamia, but there is one more aspect of life in the ancient Near East to call to your attention. God bless you and your family this Christmas as we remember the birth of the King of Kings. Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and named it Enoch after his son Enoch. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. "And Enoch beheldangelsdescending out of heaven, bearingtestimonyof the Father and Son; and the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion" (Moses 7:27). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In time, the city grew to house a holy shrine and a controversial temple the first, 1. In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. Thank you Ps Bill for your blog this one gives me much food for thought. The importance of a deity was, as youd guess, tied to the fortunes of its city. You'll also like: 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Three Nephites. 4 I am the same which have taken the Zion of Enoch into mine own bosom. Image. Enoch and all who lived in Zion, his city, were so righteous that Heavenly Father took the whole city up into heaven. and 3500 B.C., that cranial deformation was widespread in the Ubaid culture, and Eriduthe worlds first city, possibly built by Cain or his sonwas Ground Zero for head shaping. He writes, "The City of Enoch, we have seen, is admitted by all the leading Biblical experts to be identical with the City Unug or Unuk and latterly Uruk, of the Sumerians, and identical with "Erech" of the later Hebrew Old Testament texts.". Answer (1 of 7): Cain went into banishment in "the land of Fugitiveness to the east of Eden," taking with him his wife, an anonymous daughter or granddaughter of Adam and Eve.
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