did timothy see paul before he died

He thought of other good friends (Crescens, Titus, Tychicus) who were serving the Lord in other places. Joseph languished in Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. We simply do not know the answer to this question. Copyright 2009, 2015, 2017 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights are reserved worldwide. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful for me in ministry. We all know that Mark had let Paul down and had left the ministry, and now hes useful. Please note, our website requires JavaScript to be supported. Have you ever thought about how insane and tragic it is, how many people who after being let down by Christian friends use it as a reason to leave the one friend who will never let them down? Having a solid knowledge of the Bible is more important than titles, fame, or degrees. Above everything else, he wanted Timothy to come see him in prison before he died. As a result of such a reconstruction, perhaps we ought to start talking about Pauls fourth missionary journey.[1]. 4:11; see Col. 4:14), which may indicate that he is the amanuensis or secretary who is writing the letters to Timothy and Titus on the apostles behalf. But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the In recent months two facts have become very obvious to me. (Antiquities 20.8.9) That puts the subsequent chronology firmly within Neros reign. The Mamertine Prison could have been called the House of Paul begins with indirect praise: I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Paul gives God the credit for all the good that he sees in Timothy, and he assures Timothy that he is praying for him. He built the church on them. Here we are faced with a mystery. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The doctor says you have a week, maybe. Now, if thats all we had, wed say, See, Jesus is a faithful friend. Im tired of this traveling. I dug up some additional information on the various emperors that came after Nero. https://www.learnreligions.com/timothy-companion-of-the-apostle-paul-701073 (accessed March 2, 2023). Was Timothy timid? Dont lay up treasures on earth lay up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19). It is important to note that persecution can mean a variety of things, ranging from simply having people spreads lies about you, to ultimate persecution that Jesus Christ endured and overcame. WebNave's Topical Index. But thats not the way Jesus handled it. (2 Timothy 3:15) Like his mother and grandmother, he could see that Paul and Barnabas spoke the truth about the Messiah. So I was rescued from the lions mouth. And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. Timothy already knows Pauls commission, but Paul says it here because it applies to Timothy, too. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? That is why I am suffering as I am. And he gives thanks to God for standing by him in his trial, when it seemed that all had forsaken him. 2 Timothy 4:1415: Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm . He defeated our worst enemy, death, and gave us the good news of eternal life. Hes already said, Ive fought the good fight, Ive finished my course, Ive kept the faith. He knows exactly where he is going. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? In chapter 1 Paul moved quickly into encouragement for Timothy. Nero died in AD 68, which serves as an upper bound on when the martyrdoms of Peter & Paul occurred. There are enough biblical and historical hints floating around to allow us to reconstruct some of what happened next. And his friendship is very, very sweet. Does this mean Augustus Caesar? At that time a pagan group was celebrating the feast of Catagogion, a festival in which they carried images of their gods about the streets. Crescens, who is otherwise unknown, is ministering in Galatia, and Titus, whom we are well acquainted with from our study of the letter to Titus, is serving the kingdom of God in Dalmatia (2 Tim. His last recorded words are mostly about people. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church. So the basis of what Paul does here, in saying that it should not be held against them, is on the basis of what Jesus does in dying for them and forgiving them and then coming back to them. The message is good news, and yet it is not always accepted as good. Thats crazy. Three thingsapparently unrelatedhave come together in my mind as I have prepared this message. Thanks for your interest! You pick your own favorite helper. Friends fail us; they do. I have longed for many years to come to you (Romans 15:23). [1] This reconstruction assumes the Pauline authorship and accuracy of the Pastoral Letters: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. He converted untold people to the Christian faith. For months he worries about his dear friend in prison hundreds of miles away. The conscience not only evaluates past actions, but also considers whether future actions are right. Paul handled a lot of money in his day, and he kept very little for himself. End of story? And Demas, in love with this world, walked away from him. When we speak of Paul anticipating his impending death in 2 Timothy 4:68, we have to keep in mind the speed of judicial proceedings in the ancient world. Timothy means "honoring God.". How can I recognize one? Get ready. Although we do not know precisely when Festus came into office (AD 59 is a reasonable estimate), Josephus does tell us that Felix was recalled under Nero. Friends will forsake you and never come back, and other friends will let you down, and then they will be there for you, and you dont have to write them off. I think Paul wants Timothy not only to feel the force of this, but to be warned himself about why Demas left the ministry, about why he forsook the team. "Meet Timothy: Protege of the Apostle Paul." Paul is simply encouraging Timothy to hold firm, as they both know what will come as he sets off to live a godly life in Christ Jesus (3:12). or execution. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.. on a charge of rape (Genesis 39:1920; 41:1). Here is a time-line of the events recorded in the Acts of the Apostles and post-Acts: First Imprisonment in Rome 61-63 AD Wrote Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippians from Rome, Fourth Journey (post Acts) 63-65 AD Wrote 1 Timothy (from Macedonia) and Titus (from Nicopolis), Second Imprisonment in Rome 66-67 AD Wrote 2 Timothy (from Rome), Source: https://www.understandchristianity.com/timelines/chronology-pauls-ministry/. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. But I remember a day when someone I loved was dying. These were formally recorded in Paul's letters, 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Copy. God will know. However, his reign was short-lived - a mere sevem months. God gives us what we need: strength, love for others, and self-discipline. It says so: For Demas, in love with the present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica., Was there a woman in Thessalonica that he had met along the way? He seized the throne following Nero's suicide. Two of the men were injured and the third died from gunshot wounds. After he wrote these last few verses, the curtain closes on his life. By all means, plead with your Timothy to come before winter. Didnt he just say that Luke alone is with him? I feel guilty all the time around him because I love the world. He left Jesus, and he left Paul. What service could you render for the Lord and his church? Derrick's writing has appeared on influential Web sites, and he is a contributing writer for The Christian Post. The past was forgotten. What good deed? A few minutes after that final call, the tower collapsed into a smoking heap of rubble. I have said since last September that when you turn 50, you become a philosopher of sorts. Some have been confused by the statement in Acts 25:21, 25, indicating that Paul appealed to Augustus. But you will find them be true not mainly because you experienced them, but because God said so. You can see it in every service, but especially in the 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. services. believed only his execution would be left (4:67), which was probably Thats the message. He then was under house You either have to leave the Christian ministry because you love the world so much, or you have to change the ministry to be worldly enough to survive in it because you love the world. When Paul departed Crete, he left Titus to appoint elders in the cities that held believing communities, some of which were probably planted by Paul and Titus (, The order of events after this gets increasingly difficult. His Greek (Gentile) father is not mentioned by name. How are you doing in February? He writes his last letter to the man who had worked with Some have interpreted this as a reference to his first defense before Emperor Nero, And think of the crippled man that Paul healed. Whatever it is, Come before winter. Do it. Paul appeared before Nero some time during his house arrest in Rome. Then well look at some of the most beautiful and some of the saddest words in the Bible that are intended, I think, to establish you in your mission or your ministry. Here is a man who decided to come before winter. He heard the call and he ran to the cross. As we talked, I shared with him my own observations about Calvary at this crucial moment in time. He mentions his clear conscience something he wants Timothy to have, too. I asked him out of the blue what he thinks about when he thinks of our church, and he said that increasingly he has a burden to equip the younger men for leadership. It was a time of unrest for many reasons. In A.D. 64 Nero had allegedly burned sections of Rome and blamed the Christians. In 66 the Jewish wars began. Paul probably wrote his first letter to Timothy between 63 and 65. This second letter to Timothy was probably written in 66 or 67. Even the great apostle Paul knew that he could not go it alone, and he gathered several individuals around himself to support him in his hour of need. Thats what he wants you to take away. 27. Or it could be Scripture, or it could be books about the Scripture, or things hed written in his journal to help him understand the Scriptures. The inferno raged for six days and seven Once, there had been this team. If Timothy delayed at all, he would not come to Rome until the spring. I beg your lordship that if I am to remain here through the winter, you will request the commissary to have the kindness to send me from the goods of mine, which he has, a warmer coat also. Youll help your people so much. But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. Used by permission. Or maybe it was just comfortably distant from Paul. The future belongs to the young. What is true of life in general is true of the church as well. Ministry is hard, brothers and sisters. I would do it all over again. Mosaic Law made no Why are you wasting your life on ministry? 2023 Insight for Living Ministries. terrifying appearance, according to Roman historian Sallust. Has God placed a young believer in your life to encourage and guide as Paul mentored Timothy? Thus, Paul can urge Timothy to come visit him very soon (v. 9). One part of seeking Gods kingdom means laying up treasures in heaven by investing our earthly money in Gods work. Is It Ok for Christians to Follow Zodiac Signs? Acts 20:2; Rom. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. He didnt show up. Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds. Do your best to get here before winter (v. 21). You know what? Scholars believe Paul was released sometime in AD 62 because the Jews who The King James Version translates the last part of verse 21 with three simple words: Come before winter. Timothy, if youre going to come at all, come now. We too must recognize the need for Christian fellowship in our lives and surround ourselves with Christian brothers and sisters who will encourage us and pray for us. Isnt that crazy? Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith. 40-43). Amen. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Time of the events described in Acts 11:28. He says, Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me (2 Timothy 4:10). They have coats in Rome. on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. He longs for his cloak, his There is a love for the world that is irreconcilable with world-exposing ministry, witnessing-to-world ministry, rescuing-from-world ministry. Whats with the coat? Did the Apostle Paul, as a Pharisee, believe in disembodied spirits? We must not say, Tomorrow is another day. This week the transcripts of messages to and from the Port Authority of New York on September 11, 2001 were released. 4:11). But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God You will suffer for doing it, but God will give you the help you need. Thats not the way Paul is relating to them. In the end, it is Christ who calls to us. Heres another turn on that, after thirty-two years now of ministry. He was beheaded last October. I am no longer young, no matter what people may think. What happened next has been debated for 2,000 years, but it seems most likely that very soon he was beheaded by Nero. Pauls travels between the beginning of Acts 18 and his arrival in Rome occupy far too much time to get him to Rome before the death of Claudius in 54, meaning Nero was the emperor when Paul went to Rome. Afterwards, he wrote (at least) 2 Timothy. In his sermon McCartney imagines that Timothy said to himself, Yes, I must go to Rome but first I must attend to some matters in Ephesus. And because he delays, winter comes and he cannot get a ship until spring. Some old friends gave lots of support, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Bud Weiser. He served in the military in various hot spots around the worldSaudi Arabia, Somalia, South Koreagetting drunk every chance he had. I will tell them, said the second, that there is no hell. That wont work because there is so much evil on earth, they know there must be a hell. Satan replied. Maybe it was a business offer: Youre really gifted. Hes so deceitful, such a liar, such a confuser of peoples minds. I hate the devil. Bring my cloak because its cold in prison in the winter. Friends in ministry can let you down and never care for you again. Youll either change your ministry to be compatible with that love, which happens all over the place, or you will leave the ministry like Demas did. The painting is true to life and true to the Bible. But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. So I was rescued from the lions mouth. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. We do not know what the tears were about perhaps Timothys sorrow at leaving Paul, thinking that it might be the last time they would see each other. After explaining his own commission and commitment, Paul then addresses Timothy more directly: What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. I did it now you do it. Many years ago Holman Hunt painted a classic picture called, Christ Standing at the Door. It depicts Jesus at the door of a lovely English cottage. Sign up to join over 20,000 subscribers receiving our weekly sermon email. Timothy should not view his work as optional, and even if officials threaten to kill him, he needs to remember that life is guaranteed in Christ, not in the Empire. He left the military but continued to drink heavily. It only takes a minute to sign up. Mark had redeemed himself. My small group and I have been greatly blessed, and I want to let you know and thank you for inspiring us to "strengthen our grip," even in this current time where things seem to have only gotten worse. Simple as this! They all forsook him and fled, and what did he do? I am a middle-aged manthe calendar does not lie. Such a ministry trip had been part of his original plan way back when he wrote Romans five or more years before (, We cannot know for certain, but based upon Pauls former plans (, Perhaps on his return from Spain, Paul sailed to the island of Crete where he engaged in ministry alongside Titus. Paul was aided by the physician Luke, who sought to attend to his needs (2 Timothy 4:11). Whether youre in a missionary team on a field somewhere thats unbelievably stressful relationally, or whether youre in a local church or just a family or a single person its going to be hard, and the Lord will stand by you. Shakespeare said There is a tide in the affairs of men which, when taken at flood, leads to fortune Sometimes we must respond now, we must answer now, we must act now, we must not wait or delay or put things off. The Sadness and Beauty of Pauls Final Words, John Piper is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. I believe one of the lessons of II Timothy is this: Every generation must pass the torch to the next generation. Has China expressed the desire to claim Outer Manchuria recently? (God had promised Paul in a vision in, Paul was released by Nero. Included in the journey is a mission to Spain, ministry on the island of Crete, ministry in Ephesus, stops at Miletus, Troas, various cities in Macedonia, Corinth, and probably Nicopolis. Also, by studying the final letters of Paul 1 Timothy, Titus, and 2 Timothy we are able to conclude that the apostle was released from that initial Roman confinement. What about the brothers and the sister? WebPaul was born in Tarsus, a prominent city of Cilicia. Three men from Chicago were on Roosevelt Road in south Oak Park, evidently planning to go to a neighboring town to commit a crime. 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did timothy see paul before he died