highland games lifting program

Im really glad I got on board with Heavy/Light lifting. DM: My money is on you, bud. October 13, 2014 at 6:54 pm. Matt Vincent: Yeah, hes done a little bit of stuff, right. You just keep trying to figure out whether, you know, you take one step back to make some steps forward, or you take a side-step. Brett McKay: Got you. $30/month($15/month if also signed up for Throws Programming). Ill probably work on losing weight and doing some body composition stuff. Learn more about concurrent training for Strength & Endurance, Add some new twists to the traditional plank. How do you work around this? This contest was followed by The Laurel Hill games in Ararat, VA. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. Matt Vincent: Sure. The stone is thrown either after a short run-up to the toeboard or from a fixed standing position, depending on the rules of the competition. YouTube, Ive got a lot of information going up, and that channel is Matthew Vincent. A stone is 14 pounds, a two stone is a 28 and four stones is 56. Im not talking about doing sets of fifteen or twenty to really get the pump. Its a little bit of self motivation through self loathing and its not listening to your own brain trying to get in your own way. Im guessing the throwing ones. It looks like the telephone pole. Jim has been a huge influence and a really good friend for the last five or six years. Also be sure to check out my True Victory page! Participants use the handle to whirl the hammer around their head and then throw it as far as they can. Ive been very fortunate to be part of a sport that allows me to travel around the world and do some pretty awesome stuff. I think the mountain from Game of Thrones does this sort of stuff as well, youve competed against him. Do you incorporate any specialized glute training in your program? all have in place. My programming is broken up into three phases: Volume, Hypertrophy and Strength/Power. At 55, he set two world records for 28-pound and 42-pound weight throws for distance, records that stand to this day. Brett McKay: Is there an event that you specialize in, particularly? From left to right: Richard Sorin, Bert Sorin, Dan McKim, Bret Contreras (hint: being closest to the camera gives the illusion that yourethe most jacked!). Brett McKay: My guest today was Matt Vincent. This is a program for beginning throwers by Dan John: For an example, I offer you the worlds simplest program: 1. John has gone from an average gym guy with no throwing background to a Pro-Heavyweight, and eventually reinventing himself as a Lightweight world record holder and National Champion. Much less, its a much worse idea to be a 280 50-year-old, they tend to die. Matt Vincent: My actual advice is to find a local game next to you and o in and compete as a novice. You want to turn your shoulders away from it, and push the hips first, and then really throw a hay maker. Then, I build all of my program off of that number. Equipment Required: A sandbag, A BOSU ball, A punchbag. As always, I appreciate your support, and until next time, this is Brett McKay telling you to stay manly. Just kidding buddy, trust me, I wouldnt ever mess with you after seeing your hang power snatch prowess. A really fascinating podcast, so, without further adieu, Matt Vincent and Highland games. So today on the show I talk with Highland Games champMatt Vincentto get the lowdown. And if youd like more information about Matts programming, check out his book Strength Lab,available on Amazon. I want to give it the most Ive got while my body is still willing to give it a go. It made throws every week easier and I have already set a few practice PRs. It never freaks out on me, never runs. 03-19-09 05:30 PM - Post# 537024. A shot put coach told me long ago that strong biceps help the triceps-the real throwing muscles-function better by allowing the forearm to decelerate faster. Mikes core philosophy is that in order to become a better athlete, you must gain strength, but you must also learn how to apply it with speed and precision. Like, I want to try that out. Vertical pulling. What I do is i keep conditioning in my program. I need to be able to accelerate that object in as short amount of time as possible, so I need horsepower. 2. I need to be quick and I need to be flexible, and I need to be strong. What are the strength feats that youre most proud of in the gym? How did you get to be a guy who throws around cabers around the world. Highland Games are as iconically Scottish as bagpipes, kilts and whisky - all of which feature heavily at any gathering. I do Olympic variations twice a week and get my posterior chain work through lots of back hypers, glute ham raises, curl work, and modified deads such as RDLs and straight leg deads. Youre saying youre chasing Daniel, right, in the competition. I'm curious why doing curls to work the biceps always seems to fall into the "cosmetic" category. If that person is going to squat and kind of grind it out and take two seconds on a way up, like a big, hydraulic, slow, strong lift. Id say that, along with the volume of work I do each week. Its one of those fringe strength sports along the lines of Strong Men or power lifting. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Ive got a few ways people can follow my competitions, training and life in general. I imagine your posterior chain gets plenty of stimuli with all the Olympic variations and throwing you do, would you agree? Brett McKay: It seems like theres a lot of camaraderie in that sport, in the Highland Games. To do well your body needs to be explosive and stable. And thats spelled hviii. For the longest time, because, you have a brand, right, thats called the Hate. Brett McKay: You talk about you wear kilts when you do this. That wraps up another edition to the Art of Manliness podcast. What Ive found that works the best for me, and, you know, not just works the best for me, but is conducive to the life I live. Throwers perform these exercises throughout training in some shape or form. Were not really head to head. Find out more about participating in a Highland games on visitscotland.com. The thing about the Highland Games is that the weight really isnt that heavy. Injuries are going to happen, and setbacks happen. Balancing a 90lbs. Join us in the first-ever JuggernautAI Powerbuilding contest! Brett McKay: How does it differ from 531? And, as you already know Bret, the fastest way to put on size and weight is through upper back work, glutes and hammies. Im excited to see how my numbers and strength improves now that I can squat more appropriately within my anatomy. Brett January 27, 2016 Last updated: September 28, 2021. We ordered kilts and went and had a good time. Sports Science Topics & Research Guest Articles, Peer-Reviewed Articles (Journal Publications), Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Topics, Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Guest Articles, (Brets note: I randomly found a video of Dan performing hex bar jump squats so I embedded it below), (Brets note: below is my friend Jim Kielbaso showing off the glute ham roller), Dan McKim eBook: Behemoth: Power Training for Strength Athletes, How to Isolate the Quads and Hams in a Garage Gym. Like, why did they come up with Im going to throw a giant pole. Team Juggernaut: Matt Vincent Wins World Highland Games Championship! We also throw a 56 pound weight up over a bar, for height, with one hand. My wife and I have five young boys, ages 7, 6, 3, 3, 15 months. We at JTS strive to bring the best powerlifting, weightlifting, training and strength content in the world. The key to proper training is to do what you need to do, not what you want to do. BC: Okay, so I can see why some people say it resembles a bodybuilding split, but its easy to see how it would still be very effective for explosive sport training as it contains two pressing days, a pulling day, and two heavy/explosive hip and leg days. Core work is important but it is not the whole of the answer. Brett McKay: Lets talk about your athletic background, first. Podcast #172: Scottish Highland Games & Training for Performance You may have seen the Highland Games online or on television: guys in kilts throwing giant logs, tossing hammers over their heads, etc. I work them in once a week for looks, but mostly for auxillary work. Somebody who I was strength training with at the time said, you know they have a Highland Game coming up about an hour from here. I was like, Oh, no kidding, we should look into going to do that. He needs to follow Matt Vincents lead and chat with kelly starrett. One can easily see the connections between points one and two. Its the guys who are wearing the kilts, theyre throwing the giant telephone pole looking thing, theyre throwing hammers over their head, theyre throwing big, burlap sacks over their head with a pitchfork. As far as how long do I see myself doing this, I mean, Ive seen guys be competitive on the world scale at almost 40. Marisa shows you one of her favorite recipes. If it is straight the toss is said to be in the 12 o'clock position. No one is going to make it out of this thing all the way without scars. Those have been my most consistently top-ranking events. Brett McKay: Were the same age, then. As things moved on, Im sure someone took one and said, I think I can throw it further than you or higher. Thats what the original ones actually looked like, and they were counterbalances for the other side of the scale. You know, so I follow a more keto approach, which is high fat, high protein, and very limited carbs. Doing that is going to allow you to be a little bit smarter in training and think which one actually makes more progress. For some reason, my brain just isnt going to allow it. Chad Wesley Smith and Dr. Quinn from Juggernaut Training Systems recently put out a podcast called Form Rolling: Chad and Max talk with Jacob Tsypkin of TZstrength.comabout his athletes performances at CrossFit With nearly 1000 articles available at JTSstrength.com it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Pleasant, SC 29464 (803)884-9993 Matt Vincent: The Highland Games is really all about application of force and power. Now you need to focus on stabilizing the body and you can always stand to be quicker. However, people believe that if they want their stomachs to shrink, they should do the exact same thing with their abs. Can you give us a brief background of what the Highland Games are and the specific events of them. Brett McKay: Brett McKay here and welcome to another edition of The Art of Manliness Podcast. Its pretty simple. What that allows me to do is like I said, never miss a rep during training. If I want to stay around 300 pounds, I have to consciously eat all the time. How do you mix in the event training throughout a typical week? Well worth a watch at any Highland Games. BC: Awesome. These include the shot put, tug-o-war, caber toss and hammer throw - collectively known as heavy events. Then, the caber The caber has a lot of I think it was used for this, but it was crossing a stream, you would you know, flip it, so it would lay at one end and fall on the other side, directly across the stream, and you could get across. Lets switch gears. I do speed work as well as the Olympic lifts. The throws I do are very reliant on a strong posterior, and that was very evident in my testing! Veja salrios e avaliaes de empresas, alm de 177 vagas abertas de Global management training program em So Paulo. Thursday Incline, strict overhead press, shoulders except the caber but it probably wont be more than 90lbs. Ive got other things and responsibilities in my life; and not every day is great, so what this does is just allows me to kind of auto regulate a little bit more and say I can get the work done. If things feel great on the last set, I can push a rep max. All Scottish Heavy Athletics games must have a minimum of five events. Go see if you actually like it first or if you like the environment. Matt Vincent: Youve got to. How many events are there? Thats the gist of it. Matt Vincent: Yeah, it was great, man, I had a great time. DM: Great question! You are a Highland Games competitor, so not a champion. Other than that, YouTube is a huge asset in training and competition development. Like I said earlier, a strong posterior is critical for my events, so adding in the things you showed me has not only helped my training but also my back health. Here are some movements to help prep you for the Sumo Deadlift. As I progress into each phase, the reps drop while the weights increase. Tell us more about your training. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds." DM: Well, since I met with you, Ive started to switch my set up a bit. Ive really spent a lot of time over the last couple of years trying to improve that event and its been a relatively futile attempt. In that window is really where I perform my best. Brett McKay: Boredom probably was the impetus. Clearly you have deep hip sockets and cant squat deep due to your anatomy. Ive been competing in it for 10 years now, so its becoming more and more important that I dont bury myself with the Highland Games. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Im not interested on being a 280 pound 45-year-old. Haha! However, being strong never goes out of style. Thats a really bad idea. Sound too good to be true? This means that one must train consistently within the nine events of the Highland Games. 22# Hammer: 1322.75 (World Record) These came from Scotland. Most of you have probably never heard of Dan McKim. Nothing is over 56lbs. The Games are also noted for their unique sporting and athletic events many of which involve throwing and lifting. Dr. Clinton Lee helps you improve your shoulder health. Then, we have another distance event where we throw the hammer, which is a steel or a lead ball on the end of a stick. What you should do is work and do your job every day. Work is Join Chad for some fun with the boys from Massenomics, Matt Sharafinski has added over 300 pounds to his total with JuggernautAI, Huge numbers for elite powerlifter Carlos Moran. When Im done competing, Ill still program like this, as I simply love to work out. Competitors are judged on how closely their toss lands to 12 o'clock. DM: The best tool is www.nasgaweb.com. Those guys that were willing to get up and do the work and push themselves harder. Technique and timing trump overall brute strength. Powerlifting Benching for Big Throws Bench is one of the most common exercises used in every gym in the world. I try to share as much of that, and the connections Ive made over the last couple of years in strength training to some other really awesome people. Chad has lost over 50 pounds since October, learn how he's done it. BC: Twins oh no!!! Was someone like, you should do this? Improve your mental performance with Coach Kate. The Iron Thistle Games were awesome. Lifting days are to develop explosive power and improve stability. The shot put is a favourite at all good Highland Games. Welcome to Training Tuesdays, the weekly r/weightroom training thread. Daniel McKim, who is also a multiple time Games World Champion said he believed in maintaining his training intensity throughout the season. Tiger Woods looking to make a successful transition to Highland Games competition. Price: $97 Buy Now Highland games Online Clinic: Weight For Distance Pleasetell us a bit about yourself, and be sure to include your height, weight, and age. Or, Im going to take a big, giant burlap bag and hoist it over with a pitchfork, whats going on there? In the Highland Games, we are throwing such heavy implements, that you truly have to have a base of strength that rivals other strength athletes (strongman, powerlifting, weightlifting). Not missing lifts, for me, is the accumulation of work thats going to make you stronger. Good idea. Programs like Training Lab, Strength Lab, and other block periodization programs give Highland Games athletes a solid plan and foundation for the weight room throughout a season. Its really the easiest way to about it. BC: Yep, all of us lifters have to learn this lesson as we age. In the day and age of information overload it is nice to have a way to simplify my efforts and put my energy into lifting and throwing instead of planning what to do next. The hammer throwing event features a hammer made from a metal ball weighing around 22 lb for men or 16 lb for women, attached to a wooden pole or handle. BC: Dan, first things first, who do you think would win in a fight you or me? Training Tuesday: Highland Games Programming. Ill throw well, and throw a PR and then lose by 15 feet. I have at least two locations near my house that I can throw at, and thankfully the cops know me at this point. You know, Im tired, or, I need to rest, or, I deserve this or this and that, and the truth is, you dont. BC: Not too shabby my friend. I can do that, but Im also going to gain a bunch of weight, lose some mobility and be slower. I like aspects of all for a successful highland games career: just being strong never hurt anyone! In fact, Im often better at these activities than my much stronger lifting partners. So many of us appreciate your work and expertise. American Dan Williams broke the record in 2014 with a throw of 6.17m (20ft 3in). The Hviii is kind of a personal mantra, right. Dan McKim Facebook Fan Page I just keep trying to lose fat but stay there. If that thing you care about is training, get in and do the work. Some days arent going to be great and some days are. My program, the Hviii was really basically a condensed version of my program, the long program with strength lab or training lab, that Heres five weeks, quick rotation, and just allows you to, you dont want to think about a whole lot or reprogram every five weeks. Matt, this has been a great conversation, and a lot of insights about a sport that I knew little about. I was a collegiate thrower and always loved throwing, so this was a great transition for me. Im going to stop when its not fun anymore and right now, its still a lot of fun. Ive always wanted to get involved with it somehow, get in touch with my Scottish ancestry. When we were lifting together, you informed me that you cant squat deep, and I saw that you have a nasty case of buttwink when you try to squat rock bottom. If youre doing a bodybuilding routine, this probably isnt for you. It's a fascinating strength competition, and one I've long wanted to learn more about. Heavy/Light: Periodized Throwing for the Highland Games. Im definitely not an endurance athlete, but I like spending time on the bike. Goodness, that will be quick. How should you setup your program to Bench Press the most? Look man, if I was really happy, I would just lay on the couch and play video games, just be content, and that would be great. Like I said, you are probably already strong enough to handle the weight. What about macronutrient split? Since our talk, my knee pain has improved; thanks, man. DM: The Scottish Highland Games is part track and field throwing and part strongman. Then, Ive also got to be able to be quick enough to use the momentum of me moving my body or spinning and rotating so that I can apply force for a longer time. We will feature discussions over training methodologies, program templates, and general weightlifting topics. More to come! I think weightlifting is the most transferrable but there have been many a successful thrower from strongman and powerlifting backgrounds. Its really fascinating. How are muscle damage and muscle growth related? We do the caber, of course, is the on everyone knows. Open Stone: 567 All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) The Highland Games, like Powerlifting, Strongman, and Weightlifting, are a niche strength sport. I dont have anybody in my gym telling me, giving me white lights, and I dont have the ego anymore to say, Well, Ive got to bury all of these squats. What I want to do is perform better and I perform my best when Im not hurt. bench press. Whenever Im not willing to do what it takes to train for it. Thats his goals and his things. Once I get below that I really start feeling weak. I do travel quite a bit, and I like enjoying myself. Great interview Dan. Your email address will not be published. Braemar Stone: 439 Top end athletes, to the lowly Johnny . 28# Weight for Distance: 949.25 (North American Record) Look, its relatively bad, right. Master's Highland Games Training Manual Paperback - February 26, 2019 by Kerry Overfelt (Author), Zachary Riley (Author) 31 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $25.00 Read with Our Free App Paperback $25.00 1 New from $25.00 Master's Highland Games divisions have grown exponentially in the last few years. I kid. Brett McKay: In one of your books, you talk about your program. So, for me to get the most done in a week that I can, safely, I split my workouts into muscle groups so I can turn around and train hard the next day. BC: You were already a fan of the hip thrust when I met you, but I showed you the American deadlift and the rounded back extension, which work the glutes thoroughly as well. I dont necessarily count them, though, as its a struggle for me to maintain a high body weight. Great interview, Bret. There are some training groups and heavy events people or groups on Facebook that are pretty easy to find just with the group search. You have an entertaining Instagram feed, but also some of your work in other places online. The North American Scottish Games Athletics (NASGA) website has a great database of Highland Games where you can search for upcoming events and see current stats and rankings. Matt Vincent: You know, I dont know. What are you going to do, just quit? 3 sets of 8 with a minute rest OR 55 OR 53 OR Pyramids OR multiple Pyramids, aka "Waves". Do you know how many calories you typically throw down per day? What aspect does quickness or athleticism come into the .. Like throwing a sheaf over your head. He is, I do this other thing. I think, when Im done doing this that strength will become less of a focus for me. Thats what brought me to college on a track and field scholarship to LSU down here in Louisiana. Where can we find out more about you and your work out there? Hes done the weight over bar, which is of all the ones with any like, I guess, if youre just going to be a brute and give it a go, that one is your best bet of being able to figure out. Some days, the cards Im going to throw really well, and the cards fall in my favor, but Ive also had days where Ive thrown very, very well, and been proud of it, and just didnt have enough to beat it. "The Iron never lies to you. Curlz are admissible, too, as they may have some carry over in flipping the caber, if you are so inclined. Look, Im 280 pounds. That just kind of comes with the territory, and look, father time is undefeated. Sorinex sells a glute ham roller, a new piece, that I love doing leg curls and glute ham bridges with. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Does this theory still hold water? Press, shoulders except the caber, if you like the environment loved throwing, I. But Im also going to happen, and push the hips first, and I my... Set, I dont know thing you care about is training, get in and your! A bar, for me bit of stuff as well as the Olympic lifts on Im. And doing some body composition stuff the accumulation of work I do work! The Games are and the specific events of them Scottish Highland Games!. Or twenty to really get the pump 56 pound weight up over a bar for. 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highland games lifting program