how did jochebed die

She is only mentioned twice by name in Scripture, but she is the mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Faith is one of the most frequently used words in the Christians vocabulary, but it may be one of the most misunderstood words. Nile was considered emanation (em uh ney shun) THE SOURCE of the pagan god Osiris( O sigh rus) and the waters had magical properties. (NET). JOCHEBED (Heb. [Amram lived 137 years]. And when the little crib was brought to Pharaohs daughter, she saw that it was a little Hebrew baby. The question of Jochebeds kinship to Amram arises from the statement in Ex. First of all, God began to move upon the heart of the pagan daughter of a pagan king, so that at the exact time the baby Moses lay by the rivers edge, Pharaohs daughter came to this very place to take a swim. Someone has said mothers begin saying good-bye to their children from the moment they are born.1 And we dont want to forget there is also a pain that comes from wanting a child and yet not having one, perhaps even having to give up that possibility. Moses, in the wilderness, instructed them to put away pagan gods. It is our Christian duty to walk by faith in this world, until we come to live by sight in the eternal world. Marriages with aunts and nieces have been common in many countries, and are not forbidden by any natural instinct. Jewish Women's Archive. Some Greek and Latin manuscripts of the Septuagint state that Jochebed was Amram's father's cousin, and others state that she was Amram's cousin. For unknown reasons, Terah never made it to their destination but stopped and settled in Harran instead. It is interesting to consider that, in Leviticus 18:12, such marriages were forbidden, but this was before that injunction. Exodus 6: 20 At any rate, Pharaohs daughter was determined to give protection to the baby. Hebrews 11:23 and Exodus 2:1-2 and 6:20. Devorah was as active an anti-vaxxer as you'll see on this site. I want to be sure to add, even if this sounds like heresy in our health, wealth, prosperity theology culture: When you let go and trust God not all babies in baskets are rescued, not all illnesses are healed, not all jobs are restored, not all relationships are mended but this is True: when you let go and trust Him God is glorified and He will work it out for ultimate good. He ordered all male Hebrew babies to be killed. Would he be treated differently because he was Hebrew? He lived 137 years. Hebrews11:23 they were not afraid of the kings edict. In thanks, Jethro--known as the Priest of Midian--invited him to stay in his camp, and gave him Zipporah to marry. This king observed that the Hebrew people were growing in numbers, and fearing that they might soon outnumber the Egyptians themselves, the new Pharaoh began seeking ways of reducing the number of Hebrews and keeping them subject to Egyptian authority. The midrash describes in detail how she prepared the ark for Moses. She is praised for her faith in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Everything looked hopeless for the Hebrew slaves. She sent one of her attendants, took it. According to Jewish legend, she is buried in the Tomb of the Matriarchs, in Tiberias. Rabbah 1:25; for the identification of Jochebed with Shiphrah, see above). Amram Remarries Jochebed His Name Bringing Heaven Down to Earth Sinless Amram Marries Jochebed Amram married his aunt Jochebed in Egypt. Thats a significant fact. Jochebed is usually lost in the shadow of her famous son, Moses, and although she is many times forgotten when studying Exodus 2:1-10, surely in Heaven Jochebed is well known. Amram and Jochebed committed Moses to the ark, and the ark would come between Moses and death. Have you ever been there? Yocheved was the youngest member of the seventy souls who made up Jacob's household. He became afraid that if an enemy of Egypt waged war against them, the Israelites would side with the enemy against Egypt. In all three explanations, Jochebed immediately comprehended that her son was meant for greatness and she discerned that he possessed unique spiritual qualities. Rabbah 1:26). And in Ephesians 6:16, we read, Above all, (put on) the shield of faith, (by which you) shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. The shield of faith is the piece of armor which we are to use to quench the flaming arrows of the evil one! We have seen now the trial of Jochebeds faith, the foundation of her faith, the exercise of her faith, and the response to her faith. A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules). Can you fill in the blank _____ Lord I hear You saying Let it go and trust Me with it, Women of Influence, women who are affecting their world, their family, their workplace, their friends for good for God have open hands. She had hard problems to face just like you and I have. Text says she went to bathe in the Nile. 2:3), lining the inside with bitumen, and coating it on the outside with pitch, so that Moses would not smell the bad odor given off by the latter. She was only shown onscreen at the time that Moses was exiled and got to meet his biological mother. 2 R. Alan Cole, Exodus, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, ed. This exegesis teaches of Jochebeds longevity, and that she was still alive when Moses died. Meet Miriam: Moses' Sister and Prophetess During the Exodus. Gods providence was seeing to it that Jochebed was being paid from royal funds to look after her own child. Print copies of this booklet may be obtained from: BIBLE HELPS I learned to give injections, to plan meals, to test blood, to watch for highs and lows, and I learned to trust God in a new, powerful way. The next day the Egyptian women would say that I nursed the one who speaks with the Shekhinah [the Divine Presence] (Ex. Jochebed was a daughter of Levi ( Exodus 2:1 ), and the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam ( Exodus 6:20; Numbers 26:59 ). 'YHWH is glory') was a daughter of Levi[1] and mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Ex. Happy Womens History Month! Moses said: The mouth that will speak with God will not nurse something impure [the milk of non-Jews]. Each was a prophet, and each served Israel (provided them physical succor): by merit of Moses, the Israelites were given the manna; by merit of Aaron, clouds of glory surrounded the Israelites and protected them during their journeying in the wilderness; and by merit of Miriam, the well accompanied them wherever they went. Jochebed did not say, Im going to throw the child into the river; if hes Gods man, God will somehow save him. That is not faith; that is fanaticism. Exodus 1:14 concludes by saying, All their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. But even this severe treatment did not serve to decrease the number of the Children of Israel, and so in desperation, the Egyptian king decreed that every male child born to the Hebrews should be cast into the river. The princess adopted Moses eventually but never knew that Jochebed was the little boy's biological mother. What strong faith this woman had, but also what courage. According to Exodus 6:20, Jochebed married her nephew; thus, she was Amram's aunt as well as his wife. Assisted by - Quoted sourceThese are my personal research notes gleaned from over 50 plus years of being a bible student - assisted by the following information which . Or would it be wise to just distance herself from this baby and let someone else throw him in the Nile? In 2433 AM, Jochebed gave birth to . And her influence is felt to this day by the followers of the God of the Bible as we read about the great things that her son did for the people of God of his time. Jochebed and her husband served God and all though we know not a lot about them, their son Moses saved the Israelis from the Egyptians. 2:2). This brings us to the influence one mother had on history - not only the history of her family, but the entire history of the children of Israel. This is a huge part of the story Jewish Study Bible, The verb could be given a more colloquial translation such as she felt sorry for him. But the verb is stronger than that; it means to have compassion, to pity, to spare. What she felt for the baby was strong enough to prompt her to spare the child from the fate decreed for Hebrew boys. Jochebed gave birth to Moses, future Giver of the Law, and cleverly spared him from death as an infant. 18. Then verse 18 shows that Kohath's sons were Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. 3 But when she was no longer able to hide him, she took a papyrus container, coated it with asphalt and pitch, placed the child in it, and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. Jochebed, wife of Amram and mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, is mentioned by name only in Exod 6:20 and Num 26:59, both genealogical listings. If the Pharaoh here is Rameses (RAM uh sees) II, he had over 60 daughters.3 We dont know, but whoever she was, she had enough influence to kill Moses or keep him alive. [5] Jochebed is also called Amram's father's sister in the Masoretic text of Exodus 6:20, but ancient translations differ in this. But this couple worshipped Jehovah God. Not only was Moses spared, but his older sister (later identified as Miriam in Exodus 15:20), who was standing somewhere within sight, offered the Egyptian princess her services. My mother Jochebeds teeth were blunted by [the death of] two of her children in her lifetime; will more of her teeth be blunted by my death? But this argument, too, was of no avail (Deut. T. Moses died. Exodus 2:3 But when she was no longer able to hide him, she took a papyrus basket for him and sealed it with bitumen and pitch. The God of Israel was more real to Amram and Jochebed than was the king of Egypt. Zavada, Jack. She loved all of her children dearly and proved this when she risked her life to save her youngest child, Moses, from Pharaoh Seti I's soldiers. Jochebed's story is the third part of our eight-week Bible study - Ordinary Parents with Extraordinary Faith. Amram and Jochebed had a daughter, Miriam, and two sons, Aaron and Moses. [17][18] Biblical scholars have instead simply proposed that the discrepancy in the enumeration of Leah's children is due to the list not originally having included Dinah, who was added by a later editor to introduce consistency with the story of the Rape of Dinah. In his gracious way, God gives us himself, the most desirable dream we could ever imagine. The Apostle Paul exhorts in Ephesians 6 that the Christian should have on the belt of truth and the coat of righteousness; our feet should be shod with the readiness of the gospel of peace. Jochebed, more commonly referred to as the mom of Moses, is an important biblical character when studying mothers in the Bible. Jochebed showed great trust in God's faithfulness. She breathed air just like you and I do. It took faith to place the child in the river. Jochebed knew as long as she trusted Jehovah, she had nothing to fear. Exodus 2:10 When the child grew older she brought him to Pharaohs daughter, and he became her son. The sage, who wanted to awaken them, said: A single woman in Egypt gave birth to sixty myriads from a single stomach. There was a pupil there named R. Ishmael son of R. Yose, who asked him: Was this really so? He [Rabbi] replied: This is Jochebed, who bore Moses, who is deemed the equivalent of sixty myriads of Israel (Song of Songs Rabbah 1:15:3). Faith and trust in God knows that God often works behind the scenes of our lives. She was the only surviving child of Thutmose I . But once again we see God behind the scenes! = Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Lockyer's All the Women of the Bible - Jochebed. After Pharaohs daughter discovered the baby, Jochebed became his nurse. Some of you have lost children to divorce, some have run-away, and some have even died. Sustaining faith, in simple language, is the assurance that the thing which God has said in His Word is true, and that God will act according to what He has said. Jesus says to us, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32). 1 She was the daughter of a Levite, and she married Amram, another Levite ( Exodus 2:1 ). As Moses grew up Jochebed educated Moses in the religion and history of Israel, ensuring that Moses did not lose his Hebrew identity. How did Jochebed help Moses become a Hebrew? According to another interpretation, Jochebed named her son Tov or Tobiah, which was what his parents called him until Pharaohs daughter renamed him Moses (BT Sotah 12a). Resources Lockyer's All the Women of the Bible Chapter 2. Jochebed was the mother of Moses, one of the major characters in the Old Testament. Jochebed was a daughter of Levi (Exodus 2:1), and the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam (Exodus 6:20; Numbers 26:59). The midrash portrays Jochebed as a wise woman who was righteous and God-fearing. She hid Moses for a period of time, but as the childs lungs developed it became impossible to hide him. The Bible records, "She gave birth to a son, and . She was probably about the same age as Amram or maybe even younger. When not specified, "Talmud" refers to the Babylonian Talmud.Talmud discusses this relationship in the context of the incest prohibitions in Lev. Shiphrah placated him, saying: Do you pay attention to such a one as her? The Torah relates that the midwives did not fulfill Pharaohs command because they feared God, who rewarded them for their actions: He established households [battim] for them (Ex. PO Box 391 When she saw that he was a healthy child, she hid him for three months. Can you imagine trying to hide a newborn baby? Moses was a prophet during biblical times. The Exodus Rabbah argues that when the Pharaoh instructed midwives to throw male children into the Nile, Amram divorced Jochebed, who was three months pregnant with Moses at the time, but Miriam soon persuaded him to marry Jochebed again;[10] it goes on to argue that the Egyptians estimated the date that Moses would be due to be born by counting nine months from the start of this marriage, hence allowing Jochebed to hide him for the three months that were overestimated. She chose bulrushes, a soft and flexible material that is capable of withstanding contact with both soft and hard objects. The only woman who judges, Deborah "used to sit under the palm treeand the sons of Israel came up to her . I imagine he learned about the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the Great Covenantal promises made to the Hebrews. Zavada, Jack. In the Rabbinic exegesis, Jochebed was already pregnant with Moses before Amram divorced her, and the fetus in her womb was three months old when he remarried her. A careful reader of the Bible account can almost picture Miriam (the older sister of Moses) running to her mother and telling her what had happened. They had faith that God had made promises to them through Abraham that they would be a nation, a people with land, their land. Rabbah [ed. United States of America, (Click + to show other publications in this category), (A Study of Acts 18:1-26 and Romans 16:3-5), (Click + to show other publications that have this tag). We must remember that the young woman was the kings daughter, and that the hatred for the Israelites was bred into the very core of her being. Rabbah 1:25). [19], According to traditional rabbinic biblical chronology, Moses was 80 years old when the Exodus occurred, the Israelites had been in Egypt for 210 years in total, and thus in combination with the rabbinical claim that Jochebed was born on the border of Egypt, as her parents had entered it, this would require Jochebed to have been 130 years old when she gave birth to Moses;[20] Rabbinical literature regards this to have been alluded to be the biblical description of the dedication of the Israelite altar, at which 130 shekel weight of silver was offered. Imagine the emotions, the feelings Jochebed had as she placed him down and backed away. His possessions were all gone; his body was racked with pain; his wife added to the pain of his soul by urging him to curse God and cry out for death. According to Jewish legend, Jochebed is buried in the Tomb of the Matriarchs, in Tiberias. And she bore to him Aaron and Moses. Deborah, the only female judge in the Bible, excelled in multiple areas. Her hometown was probably Goshen, in the land of Egypt. His older sister, Miriam (15 years his senior), and his brother 3-year old Aaron were safe from Pharaoh's edict since they were born before it was enacted. Amram and Jochebed had no fear of the kings decree. 4041). And after Jochebed did all that she could, she went back homeundoubtedly with a great sense of trust that God would work things out according to His plan. Miriam fetched her mother, Jochebed -- who was also the baby's mother -- and brought her back. But soon he noticed that the stones were going beyond the boat and forming huge circular waves in the waterand those waves were bringing his boat toward the shore. If you want to read the first two Bible studies check out: Zarephath Widow Bible Study - A lesson in courage and surrender. So when Jochebed gave birth to Moses. If so, then why does Ex. Moses's mother, a Levite, later identified as Jochebed (Numbers 26:59), had married a Levite and given birth to a son. 6:20: Amram took to wife his fathers sister Jochebed. Amram was the son of Kohath and the grandson of Levi, while Jochebed was the daughter of Levi, and therefore his aunt. After all she did have a husband and two other children to consider and take care of. We know from history that all the kings in Pharaohs day had bath houses, such as even the wealthiest do not possess in our day. [10] The Targum Pseudo-Jonathan identifies Jochebed as also having been wife of Elitzaphon Ben Parnach, and the mother of Eldad and Medad;[11] the text is ambiguous as to when this marriage occurred in relation to the marriage(s) to Amram. Then she brought him back to Pharaoh's daughter, who raised him as her own. Perhaps there would be some shade too from the sun in the reeds. JOCHEBED: THE MOTHER OF MOSES. Jochebed lived in a critical time. Answer: As the verse doesn't state what Jochebed's intentions were, the matter is open to speculation. Jochebed which in Hebrew means: The Honor of Jehovah. Numbers 26:58-59 These are the families of the Levitesand Kohath begot Amram. Her name in Hebrew means "bitterness." Miriam was the first woman in the Bible to be given the title prophetess. Hebrew: MSH Mosheh (M. T.), Greek: Mouses, Moses. 2:2) how good [tov] he was. The Rabbis ask what Jochebed saw that was special in her son, on account of which she sought to save him from Pharaohs death decree. Joseph had saved the country from a famine, but eventually, he was forgotten by the Egyptian rulers, the Pharaohs. When a womans heart and a babys tears meet, something happens. In all three explanations, Jochebed immediately comprehended that her son was meant for greatness and she discerned that he possessed unique spiritual qualities. Amram and Jochebed were strong in their faith during a time where many Israelites had become idolatrous. I wonder. With Thy favorloss is gain. A summary of his forty years in Midian is given ( Exodus 2:12-22 ), and the last three verses ( Exodus 2:23-25) set the stage for Exodus 3. How do we know? With tears running down his cheek, he appealed to an older brother for help, and the brother picked up big stones and threw them out toward the boat. This would make Jochebed the aunt of Amram, her husband. The Rabbis say that when the daughter of Pharaoh asked of Jochebed: Take [helikhi] this child and nurse it for me (Ex. That was in the year 2238 after Creation. When Moses, her youngest child, was born, Jochebed hid him for three months until she could hide him no longer. Here there would be less danger from crocodiles than if she just put him down on the beach. "the written Torah." Im curious, how many here are either adopted, have adopted children or someone in your family has been adopted? And the years of the life of Amram were a hundred and thirty seven years. She is a witless baby. Still another notion bases its understanding of the name on Job 26:13: By his wind the heavens were calmed [shifrah]. The verse describes the heavens that were created by God for Israel, and it was Shiphrah who returned Israel to their Father in heaven (Eccl. 26:59). It means "the glory of Jehovah." (Her name is first mentioned in Exodus 6:20.) He went from her arms to the arms of Pharaohs daughter. He said, for example, I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth (Job 19:25). God returned her child to her, thus granting her a part of her reward for keeping alive the Hebrew boys (Ex. [7] In making this identification, the rabbis interpret the houses, with which the Book of Exodus describes God as having compensated the midwives,[8] as having been those of priesthood and of royalty; these houses are interpreted by the Talmudic rabbis as allegorical references to Jochebed's sons Moses and Aaron respectively.[9]. Born into a Levite family, Moses' natural parents, Jochebed (mother) and Amram (father) reared Moses until he was about 3 months old. Jochebed took baby Moses and placed him in an ark of bulrushes. The name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt; and to Amram she bore Aaron and Moses, and their sister Miriam. Even today, I cant tell you how hard it is at times not to want somehow control his diabetes: to make sure hes eating good food, exercising, taking care of himself, but he has a wife and two daughtersI really have to Let it go and trust Godand I do Trust and pray . By faith, Jochebed placed her son, Moses, in a papyrus basket and placed it in the Nile River where the Pharaohs daughter found the basket and child. Trials are of many kinds and they change from day to dayand vary from person to person. He had two mothers who loved him, two mothers who did all they could to save him from a certain death. He said: Master of the Universe! Storms may howl, and clouds may gather, A number of miracles were performed for Jochebed in connection with the birth of Moses: she bore him at the age of one hundred and thirty, and God restored her youth and her beauty. There is nothing immoral in marrying your aunt unless the Torah explicitly forbids it. The Lit. Answering:, "Jochebed couldn't have gone to the Holy land because God killed off the entire generation that left Egypt except for Caleb and Joshua as punishment. Amram married his fathers sister Jochebed, who bore him Aaron and Moses. The story of Moses' mother is found in chapter two of Exodus, Exodus 6:20, and Numbers 26:59. Jochebed was surrounded by grieving mothers. Amram was the Levite man who was Moses father. The baby was discovered by Bithiah, Pharaoh's daughter. Jochebed had such a deep abiding faith in the trustworthiness of Gods Word that it drove her to act. Just so, when we get beyond our depths, and when we get in deep water, we cry out to God for help. She was so scared of losing her son that she placed him in a basket in one of the most dangerous places imaginable. . When you let go, when you released that person or that thing, did you feel like part of you was breaking; now there was some new emptiness in your life? By faith, Jochebed and her husband Amram hid their son Moses even against the king of Egypt's edict that all Hebrew boys should be put to death at birth. The outcome of this brave action of defying the King of Egypt is now known to all. Cain the first human murderer recorded in the Bible, Jephthah the Gileadite the tenth Judge of Israel, Samuel 15th Judge of Israel and also a Prophet, Background Information: For Hebrews Chapter 11. Possible that he was alive during the Exodus, remember Moses was 80 years old then. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. A desperate measure. There is great historical debate on who was Pharaohs daughter? Imagine being her as she left him here alone in the water. So what happens when you trust God, eyewitness account: Miriam is near by, watching and.. Exodus 2:5 Then the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself by the Nile, while her attendants were walking alongside the river, and she saw the basket among the reeds. Conservative scholars date the "Exodus," a landmark in Israel's history, at 1446 B.C. The mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. When she could hide him no longer She either purchased or made a basket out of papyrus and covered it with an asphalt type material that made it watertight. JOCHEBED. How do we know? And this is true; consideration must be given to the years that Jochebed, Moses' mother, was upon the earth after Levi died and before Moses was born. And rides upon the storm. Surely this was a time of great trial for Jochebed, but instead of manifesting fear and despair, she seemed to have confidence and hope. Faith is not testing God by jumping off bridges or having oneself deliberately bitten by rattlesnakes. Those early years, pre-school years, made an indelible impression on Moses. In Ex., ii, 10, a derivation from the Hebrew Mashah (to draw) is implied. Has He brought something to your mind that youve been holding on to and need to let go? "There arose up a new king over Egypt," or rather a new dynasty, "which knew not Joseph" ( Exd 1:8 . Have you ever worked in the baby bed nursery at church? 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Youngest child, she had nothing to fear put him down and backed away non-legal material according to Jewish,!, Pharaoh & # x27 ; s daughter numbers 26:59 newborn baby Levi and! Moses was exiled and got to meet his biological mother just put down... The youngest member of the name on Job 26:13: by his wind the heavens calmed...

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how did jochebed die