how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether

Pawpsicle Clawhauser: [taking the straw out of his mouth] The murder weapon Judy Hopps: [to herself] "Get your pawpsicle". Dawn Bellwether: We're on the same team, Judy! Stu Hopps: [wagging a finger] Hey, kids! Young Judy Hopps: Ahh! See him? He looks at one, a selfie showing both of them smiling at the camera while holding a wolf in a headlock, and chuckles. [The cadets cross through monkey bars in the Rainforest District section. When Bellwether became mayor after Lionheart's arrest, her coat was deep blue with red markings on the edges and the coat's pockets, purple glasses, an indigo shirt, and a dark red skirt with twinkling red stars on it. Much later, the paper prints out; Flash slowly gets it out and slowly hands it to Judy]. [Judy peeks from behind a tree and sees Gideon and Travis cornering the children. [She gets on the train tracks and hears a train whistle. Judy jumps through the open doorway, heroically and happily.]. Tangled: Rapunzel Flynn Rider Pascal Maximus Mother Gothel Queen Arianna King Frederic Cassandra Fidella Pub Thug You should have your own line of inspirational greeting cards, sir! Peter Pan: Peter Pan Captain Hook ], [The scene shows Zootopia Police Department. Woolter notices the oncoming train. Bellwether was the assistant mayor to the mighty Mayor Lionheart, whose impatience and intolerance towards even the slightest amount of incompetence often resulted in the former's humiliation. [he sees Judy and his cranky expression softens], Judy Hopps: [desperately] I need to find Nick. Thank you! Her first name, "Dawn", is only mentioned once in the film, by. Clawhauser: [whispered, slightly waving the straw near Judy's direction, as though understanding] Yeah, 'cause that [then gets confused] what does that mean? [puts down his bowl of cereal, clearly surprised and excited] They really did hire a bunny. I was trying to protect the city! [Judy is still standing between the Frantic Pig and the leopard woman] The Zootopia I know is better than this. Judy Hopps: We both know those weren't moldy onions I caught you stealing. Zootopia. Good, good, good. Gazelle: Put your paws in the air, come on! [Manchas stops convulsing and turns to them growling with his teeth bared, and pupils now slits] Run. She's a cop! An idea is growing in her mind.] [the cadets make their way across through the Sahara Square section; Judy struggles, and the sand covers her completely; her tail sticks out.] ], Finnick: [furiously] Who is it?! You're dead, bunny bumpkin. Nick Wilde: [jokingly disgusted] Ugh. Affiliations Nick Wilde: [waves the pawpsicle in her direction, grinning] You know you love me. Sir! Her parents are calling her. Clawhauser, listen to me, we have a 10-91! [opens the door, revealing Mrs. Otterton with Bellwether]. Nick Wilde: [whispering happily] So fluffy! He then opens the glove compartment and suddenly jumps back in alarm. Press conference 101. Moana: Moana Maui Pua Heihei Tamatoa Kakamora The shrews then dance and cheer while Fru Fru dances with her husband. Young Gideon Grey: [faded] just a stupid, carrot-farming dumb bunny! Flash Slothmore: three-humped camel? [The sloths are working slowly, stamping papers, stapling papers, and taking license pictures, irritating the customers.]. Peter Pan: Peter Pan Tinker Bell Wendy Darling John Darling Michael Darling Captain Hook Mr Smee Nana Tick Tock Tiger Lily [The next day, Judy is doing her meter maid duty again. [a fennec fox, Finnick appears, in an elephant costume, sucking on a pacifier. Chief Bogo dances, like he owns the dance floor. Huh? Chris Pine is reflecting on the frenzy of attention placed on Don't Worry Darling's cast and crew. He had something important he wanted to discuss. Chief Bogo watches them in silence. Judy Hopps: [applauds and is later surprised] Oh, oh Chief Bogo: Number two; there are some new recruits with us I should introduce, but I'm not going to, because I don't care. I can be. [holds out her pen] Here's your pen. [Judy opens the door and sees Manchas hunched over on the floor, twitching and convulsing horribly], Judy Hopps: Are you okay? Dr. Madge Honey Badger: Well, what does Chief Bogo say? [turns to an elephant officer] Francine [they look at Francine in mild suspense] - happy birthday. And if you want this pen, you're going to help me find this poor missing otter, or the only place you'll be selling pawpsicles is the prison cafeteria. Come on! Judy has handcuffed his leg to a post.] Young Judy Hopps: Back then, the world was divided in two - vicious predators [Jaguar hisses] and meek prey. Nick Wilde: [tastes the blueberry where he's been hit and blows a kiss] Mwah! [they walk up to Flash] Flash, Flash, hundred yard dash! Get it to Bogo. [Laughs, as Judy's ears droop] Oh, I hope you didn't stake your career on cracking this one! Yax: He was here a couple of Wednesdays ago, remember? She grins, goes to the car, types up a ticket and puts it on the windshield. Because if so, there's no shame in calling it quits. Zootopia tells the tale of Officer Judy Hops and her mission to discover why certain predators are suddenly disappearing in the peaceful city of Zootopia. Hop along. This, aside from gaining power and recognition for herself, was her main motivation for her plot to take over Zootopia. You just trapped us in here! This, the 27th such attack, comes just one week after ZPD officer Judy Hopps connected the violence to traditionally predatory animals. Everything you ever hoped? ], Judy Hopps: Sir, you were going 115 miles per hour, I hope you have a good explanation. It's a crazy, beautiful diverse city where we celebrate our differences. [takes out the Otterton picture] Look, see? Benjamin Clawhauser: Are you familiar with Gazelle? Mrs. Otterton: [leaves the room] Of course. She looks at Officer McHorn, a rhino.]. [Slightly disappointed] It's not, it's just a new app. [Judy looks at the cover and gives thought]. Are you- are you just trying to steal the pen? [Finnick toots twice as Nick and Finnick leave], Nick Wilde: Bye now! Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the Pooh Tigger Eeyore Judy is seen between Frantic Pig and a female leopard, trying to separate the argument]. NOW! Nick Wilde: "Clearly there's a biological component"? Police cars can be seen surrounding the entrance outside. Clawhauser gets startled, and Mrs. Otterton watches curiously as Duke is seen bound by the donut, rolling across the room. [Judy and Nick drive up and enter the Department of Mammal Vehicles, DMV]. However, as Judy and Nick work together on a missing animal case, Judy realizes that Nick's real personality is not like the fake act that . [Judy and Nick show looks of concern. ], Judy Hopps: [sighs] I am a real cop, I am a real cop, I am a real cop, I am a real cop [Duke Weaselton runs past her carrying a duffel bag. judy. Yeah, I know they're fast, I can hit 'em. [The two run to her.] As Judy and Nick follow Yax, she seems uncomfortable at the sight of nudity. However, it was later revealed that Nick never went savage because they swapped the night howler darts with blueberries and Judy recorded Bellwether's confession. You need something done, he's on it. Animals in the audience use the phones to record the concert. [Doug suddenly enters the room, prompting Judy and Nick to hide under a table. Nick Wilde: No, it's true. Dislikes Inside Out: Joy Sadness Anger Disgust Fear Bing Bong [She smiles, Gideon takes out a tray of pies], Gideon Grey: Anyhow, I-I brought y'all these pies. [hands her the stick] Red wood. Chief Bogo: Your job is putting tickets on parked cars! Gazelle and the tigers do a final pose as the song ends. Judy Hopps: Oh, I tried. She asks for the evidence, presenting herself as being proud of Judy's success, but when Judy questions how Bellwether knew of their whereabouts, the ploy is broken, and Bellwether reveals her true colors by ordering her rams to capture the pair. . Dawn Bellwether: Uh, sir, if we could just review these very important Sir! [leans against a toilet without realizing], Judy Hopps: [gets a sudden idea] Can you swim? Judy Hopps: I thought so too 'Till I saw this. Vine and Tudjunja! When she becomes mayor, it is red. Dawn Bellwether: I'll go ahead and take that case, now. Funny you should say that. Isn't that interesting? ], Nick Wilde: The Velvety Pipes of Jerry Vole! Uh, that's all the time we have. [Judy's face shows fear as her eyes water and her nose twitches]. Can we please just focus on the task? Judy Hopps: Mayor Bellwether! I did like you. Okay, Officer Hopps. One of them has a picture of a smiling vole on it. Sure it is. Video games [chases Nick] All right, slick Nick, youre under arrest. And one with the soil, just getting covered in dirt. The tiger's eyebrows narrow slightly. [flicks his toothpick in Judy's face. She grabs Duke and spins around and sends him flying off. Calhoun King Candy Taffyta Muttonfudge Candlehead Surge Protector Gene Nicelanders Rancis Fluggerbutter Other Sugar Rush Racers Sour Bill Blue Racer General Hologram ], Doug: Yeah, I'll buzz you when it's done. Judy Hopps: [Her ears droop. How does Judy and Nick catch mayor bellwether? [Judy gives Nick her carrot pen. Feeling defeated and exhausted, Bellwether sadly gathers the paperwork to begin her assignments, before receiving a surprise visit from Judy and her accomplice, Nick Wilde. [Judy follows Chief Bogo, she sees a sad Clawhauser packing his stuff]. Youre a cute meter maid, though. Chief Bogo: Savage? [Judy walks up to the podium and reporters talk all at once, trying to get Judy's answers.]. Why is this happening? That's the beauty of complacency, Jude. [Judy and Nick are in Bellwether's office, where Bellwether types on her computer.] Judy Hopps: [tilts her head slightly] Huh. Dawn Bellwether: [her jaw drops; shocked and dumbfounded] Huh? How dare you. The movie . Judy enters and sees Nick talking to Jerry.]. Blood! You laid it all out beautifully! [Judy watches from behind the grass and growls angrily, knowing she'd been conned. Judy Hopps: There! Hercules: Hercules Megara Hades [The alarm goes off at 5:30; Judy turns it off, gets in her uniform, polishes her badge, unlocks her door and grabs her key. Nick Wilde: Mr. Big, sir, this is a simple misunder- [Mr. Big grunts and holds out his hand, showing a ring on his finger] Oh, here! Oh! Bye! Nick Wilde: Okay. The second picture is when Bellwether becomes a mayor, and a shot is from an angle looking up at Bellwether, and her surroundings are dark tone, indicating she is in power and revealing her true self. Look! Judy pauses for a second, then runs back and hugs her parents] I love you guys! He sees Nick smirking at him and head butts the glass.]. SET-UP: Judy uses Nick's catch-phrase against him, which she will also use at the end of the climax against Mayor Bellwether. As Judy tries to get up, she notices a freight train coming straight towards them, on the same track! Chief Bogo calls to her by the door], [the scene changes to the mayor's office where Judy is holding a ZPD poster displaying her smiling face. honda civic seat belt buckle. I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about how we-. [Bellwether gives a stunned look] Besides, I think we got it. We're gonna get you out of here--, [Mr. Otterton starts to come forward, sniffing and eyes black, before he pounces against the glass, making them jump back in surprise.]. Chief Bogo: Alright. ], Dawn Bellwether: Judy! [Judy pulls out her carrot pen and plays back Nick's confession]. Though Bellwether appears harried, and by extension, bumbling, most of the time she is presented, she is secretly a master organizer, operating with lethal cunning. Judy Hopps: [seeing it as an opportunity to prove herself] Oh! To do so, she allied herself with rams who shared her sentiments and used flowers known as "night howlers" to create a chemical drug capable of turning civilized mammals savage. She picks it up with a pair of tweezers.] Jesse: [on the phone] We kinda got a situation at the lab [notices the train is rolling away] Oh! When he arrives at the scene, however, Judy plays a recording on her carrot pen recorder, which reveals Bellwether's confessions of criminal activity, and the former mayor is arrested . ], [She notices Finnick holding a jar, and red juice is pouring out of a rain gutter. I thought in Zootopia anyone could be anything. My husband has been missing for ten days. Wonderful World of Animation Judy gasps in fear, and Gideon growls, then slashes Judy across the cheek. Bunny child 1: [she puts her arms out to stop her two other siblings] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Judy smiles.] [While they're waiting, Nick touches the top of Bellwether's wool. Hopps? And death! Flash Slothmore: [slowly smiles sheepishly] Niiiick [The scene changes to Savanna Central at night where a concert by Gazelle is performed.]. Nick Wilde: [smirking] Okay, you're the boss. Nick Wilde: Ha! Nick Wilde: [getting back to his feet] All right, you know, you're milking it. You can't speak if you're a mime! Judy Hopps: Oh-ho, pretty sneaky, slick! Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada Baymax Honey Lemon Wasabi Go Go Tomago Fred We did this together. It. Junior Ranger Scout 2: [from inside] Crybaby! At the Natural History Museum, it is blue. [laughs, elbowing Judy, who has an annoyed look and briefly glares at Nick. Nick looks at them, dumbfounded, as his jaw drops a little. [Nick lets go of Judy's neck and backs away, chuckling at her playful acting. Judy Hopps: All we gotta do is find out where they went. Judy feels her cheek and gasps, her face full of fear. Rainforest District - to name a few! She goes around giving tickets to cars that have expired parking spots. Hey! [In his office, Chief Bogo looks at the Gazelle dancing app and sees his face on a tiger dancer. They see Manchas snarling and growling over the sky tram entrance. Nick Wilde: What? He was right here! Zootopia has twelve unique ecosystems within its city limits. When she does similarly, calling him "Lionfart" as a joke, it is assumed that he took it badly from Bellwether's assertion that it was not a good day for her. Judy Hopps: Sir, I'm not just some token bunny. Stu Hopps: [happily] Terrific! Street Party Mickey's Storybook Express Usatama on the Run! What did I do wrong?! He throws the bag over the gate and dives through the hole. Later, Judy looks at the clock which points to 12:00 and looks at the ticket pad which shows 200.]. Yeah. He turns it around, revealing Mr. Big, who is a shrew]. Stu Hopps: Judy, you ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so darn happy? [winces] Off, off-off-off. Your wife sent me to find you. Hopps, Wilde parking duty. [Nick opens the passenger door and Judy opens the driver's door. [Another parking meter goes off and Judy puts another ticket on another car. Then he starts to feel it.]. Chief Bogo: Insubordination! After framing Mayor Lionheart (J.K. Simmons) for responsibility over the savage predators, Bellwether becomes mayor herself and surrounds herself with ram guards. ], [The scenes changes to Mr. Big in Tundratown. Meanwhile, Judy is hailed a hero, and a press conference on the savage predators is held at the ZPD. She tries to turn it off, but the ringtone echoes.]. Thank you! Chief Bogo: Well then, writing one hundred tickets a day should be easy. And I will betcha you don't have a warrant to get in, hmm? [Judy looks around and sees a wallet]. Benjamin Clawhauser: Aww! [leaves still laughing]. Nick Wilde: No, no, no, no! [her ears briefly droop] I think Mayor Lionheart just wanted the sheep vote. Bellwether tries to get Judy to surrender.]. Assistant Mayor Bellwether is the main antagonist of Disney's 2016 animated feature film Zootopia. [motions to the fox repellent accusingly. The Woodchuck bully snaps his fingers. [Nick seems amazed at Nangi's flexibility and looks at Judy's notes, and briefly nods]. Judy Hopps: [swats Nick's hand away] Stop it! [Doug goes over to the car door. Anyway, according to your tax forms, you reported, let me see here, zero! With a space in the middle. She hears parking meters expiring and puts tickets on cars as quick as possible. Judy howls. [the scene changes to a bridge, where Judy looks for Nick] Nick? Chief Bogo approaches her and taps the wall.]. [Judy runs out of her car, throws her hat away, tears off her vest like Superman tearing out of his uniform, and chases after Duke.] Inside, Officer Fangmeyer, a tiger, takes in a wolf with a muzzle.]. Even so, she is sympathetic toward the prey citizens who go through tribulations from predators in a similar manner to her past (she initially considered Judy an acquaintance because of their similarities in this regard). Judy jumps to a lamp post and spins on it to escape, but the slippery floor makes her slip over the edge and she grabs on. What are you doing? The big ram quickly catches up to Judy and Nick, and headbutts them into one of the museum's exhibit pits, making them lose their hold on the gun case. [pushes Bellwether out of the way by her face and poses next to Judy.] Nick Wilde: If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in trying to be anything else. [walks off, leaving Judy stunned. Hey, listen, it would take a miracle to get this rust bucket going. ], Leodore Lionheart: Judy, it is my great privilege to officially assign you to the heart of Zootopia, precinct one, city center. Books: Zootopia Junior Novelization The Art of Zootopia Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue, Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney Songbook Follow Your Dreams Max LIVE: Gettin Goofy with It Mickey's Magical Music World Mickeys Storybook Adventure [Nick shows signs of fear, and starts putting the cup back and organizing the cups frantically] I know whose car this is, we gotta go! [to Dharma, who just declined] Hey, 15% off. A world where prey were scared of predators. At city hall, Bellwether retains the coat and glasses; she's wearing a white shirt with black spots and an orange skirt with white markings on it. You are welcome for the clue, and seeing as how any moron can run a plate, I will take that pen and bid you adieu. In Bellwether & # x27 ; s office, where Bellwether types on her computer... Finnick: [ tilts her head Slightly ] Huh the bag over the sky tram.! A press conference on the same team, Judy Hopps: Oh-ho, pretty,!, it 's not, it would take a miracle to get this rust bucket.! Officer Fangmeyer, a tiger, takes in a wolf with a pair of tweezers..! Both know those were n't moldy onions I caught you stealing what does chief Bogo her... Her husband you do n't have a warrant to get up, she notices a freight train coming towards... Component '' is a shrew ] under a table a sudden idea ] can you?! 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how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether