my reflection about modular learning

When doing all this, you can use various questions to guide your reflection, as shown in the examples above, and the following are some specific questions that you might benefit from using: Keep in mind that its often more difficult to engage in reflective learning than it is to simply move forward without reflection, especially in the short term. Reflection on Distance Education Created by Schmitz, Carrie A, last modified by Kelly, Bradley P on Nov 02, 2010 From The Viewpoint of Someone That Has Taken Several Distance Learning Courses: After spending the last year taking online classes, I feel that distance learning has a lot to offer. Successful time management brings you more control to your life and it will help you accomplish many task well done. I ended up balancing both of these every week. I found the list of image types and their abbreviations especially useful. This can cause stress and thats why it 's important to plan ahead and have your time manage. It covers an extensive amount: intervals, chords, scales, etc. What any school needs to keep in mind is that no matter what sort of technology exists, teachers should be well-informed in how to effectively use it in their classrooms. To talk about one without the other implies that they are unrelated. Alternatively, in other cases, you might want to engage in slower and deeper reflection, by writing down all the key topics that youve learned about, and going over this list to identify areas that you dont understand well. This site contains a wealth of information for someone just beginning to use technology in the classroom. As we move into what is likely a hybrid learning model this fall and cant check in as easily by noticing a facial expression or posture, I realize that the success of learning depends on consciously building in opportunities for connection, particularly when showing up is literally rolling out of bed and clicking a post. This is called modular approach of teaching and learning (k.Jaya sree,2004) if self learning modules are available on some topics they can b given to the students as assignments for self learning .scientific attitude refers to an individual's outlook The third thing a person should do is check for objectivity and evaluate the quality of the writing on the site, as well as the quality of the links provided. Teachers are under a great deal of stress because of the new implementation of modular distance learning modality. Music teachers usually end up going on school trips, so the trip cost estimator caught my eye. It is a model that other schools should use to improve the quality of education that students receive. Since I taught music, most of the technology I used was with my middle school music appreciation class. Create an environment that is conducive to reflective learning, for example by giving people enough time to engage in reflection. I think it was much more interesting for the students this way. Reflection on the learning and next learning steps . I would love to have online learning integrated into the natural high school environment, seeing as I am getting so much more done in such a shorter time, and I feel like Im actually learning the material and not just grazing over it like I would in a standard classroom. I like this site because a teacher can take data from anything and turn it into a graph. This shows how having study skill is vital. It has a few key tips that could be lifesavers, like giving students a list of web sites for research. It is becoming increasingly obvious that what worked in classrooms 20 years ago is no longer successful, or in some cases, practical. Giving them the sort of programs that were described in the text is awesome and I think all schools should adopt some sort of approach like that. Example Of Essay On My Reflection On E-Learning. I imagine it will take a while for teachers, staff, and students to have enough quiet moments to come to terms with all we have experienced (if we ever do), as Covid-19 spikes and virtual learning stretches on. I have also learned that getting a perfect grade is not the most important thing while at college, but instead it is essential to learn the material; if that means I learn from the mistakes I make on a test or a paper then that is okay because I will develop greater skills in the long, 1.0 Introduction Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable to the learner. This web site described a reading pen, which allowed students to scan words and have them read aloud. I found the article by typing the phrase, pros of word processing into a Bing search engine.This information makes sense and should not be a surprise. They said they liked synchronous online nonvideo instruction, such as simultaneously chatting and answering broad questions in small-group Google Docs, but were most engaged during video discussions. Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what youre learning and how youre learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. The four study strategies that I found to be the most important and helpful to me academically were making a weekly schedule for time management, learning more about the SQ4R reading system for better annotations, learning all the different choices I have for note-taking and which one works best for me (two-column), and learning the SAVE CRIB FOTO acronym and what it means for better studying that is more personalized than just reading notes., Although I have a habit of checking my Facebook and instagram frequently, this week I tried keeping this minimum and prioritized my study first. As a music teacher, the majority of my classes focus on performing in concerts, but I do have a music appreciation class in which I can refine my lesson planning skills and where I have more of a choice of what I want the end results to look like. Module 1 Reflection Despite the advent of numerous technological advances, many educators, parents, and administrators maintain the viewpoint that what worked for them should work for students today. I conclude by sharing the opinion of a student from my class. This site is a clear example of how technology can allow students and teachers to learn at the same time. The various lessons on this page are like gold to a teacher. This site is a nice reference to avoid the research paper/book report blahs. If a teacher wants to truly evaluate a students understanding of a topic, this rubric would be extremely helpful. I was not aware of all of the software available on the internet, especially for music. This is a quick and easy way to make a crossword. I did not see an option to have the test online, but if you wanted a paper test to hand out, this would be the way to go. 2. It is something I want to look into further so that I can teach students the dos and donts, especially when it comes to music. This would help get parents into the school, allow them to network with other parents, and let parents see what their students classroom life looks like. I recommend students should take this assessment because it can help you a lot in so many ways, but it really can help you to limit and schedule your time each day a little better so you can focus more on your goals .I am very determined to make better improvements to both of these sections and focus on my future career and goals., To become truly engaged and to be able to actually learn to a higher level as students we must take a much more serious and active role. I used the classroom overhead projector when I talked about things like musical instruments ( I was able to have their picture and then play a short audio) and to show clips pertaining to the history of rock music. I typed words into the generator, but when the game was displayed all of the tiles were blank??? For instance: There are many potential benefits to reflective learning: Accordingly, many studies have shown that reflective learning can lead to personal growth and improved learning. Modular instruction is an alternative instructional design that uses developed instructional materials which are based on the needs of the students. A Beginners Guide to Integrating Technology. Australian Journal of Adult Learning Volume 53, Number 2, July 2013 Effectively teaching diverse student groups: a reflection on teaching and learning strategies Kathryn Trees Murdoch University This paper discusses facilitating student collegiality within diverse student groups. I dont know if I would want to have more online learning in the future because if Im being truly honest, I like the look and feel of a regular classroom sometimes. Through Kolb's learning style questionnaire used in class by my lecturer, I realized that there are four learning styles which are; Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist (Kolb, 1984). It takes awhile of trying a new study strategy to know if it actually works for you, so do not give up the first time you try it for any reason. Incorporating spreadsheets in a music classroom is difficult, but with a little imagination it is possible. I hope to overcome this weakness of mine by dealing with life one day at a time. This core group of individuals is valuable to a teacher because it gives the teacher a support group and a feeling of support. For example, one study found that encouraging students to reflect on what theyre learning and how they learn had a positive impact on their learning outcomes, and had additional benefits when it came to their critical thinking skills and their ability to organize their thoughts. I found the html code confusing and wasnt quite sure how to use it. It would be possible to do so in band and choir, but it would be much more difficult since we are usually preparing for concerts. Things moved so quickly since mid-March that its been hard to stop and let everything sink in. I am learning to quickscope sniping nowadays and this the clip of my first game after a practice of around 3 hours ..#Quickscoping #Quickscope #dlq33 in Ca. I am a huge fan of templates because they save so much time. I think it is a great idea and I would have loved having a mentor as a student. Other times, especially in my music appreciation class, I move quickly through different topics in order to cover as much material as possible. Giving quizzes online is something I never tried but would like to try in the future, especially if computers and internet access were more readily available. People have been aware on how education is able to lead their future to betterment. It only makes sense that this information would be taught in a music appreciation class.In the text, I was once again jealous that I did not have the preparation and mentor experience that many of the new teachers in the examples had. Secondly I also work generally rather well to deadlines and the pressure of a looming deadline does not often phase me. They would listen to the piece, then invent a story to go along with it. I also paired the text with a chapter from Tommy Oranges There There. I would use laptops in my classroom to have students create projects like power points, do research, compose music online, and play educational music games online. Our last day of the school year, three months and a week after we went virtual, brought a strange sadness. This year, were doing all of our classes via Zoom, and thats greatly impacted my views on online learning. Students will import CD tracks and mix them into the multi-track session to create an audio history of the famous musician. For instance, instead of worrying about my final GPA at the end of a semester, I will start strong at the beginning of the semester by working for the grade I strive to receive one day at a time. Both of these aspects are needed to be an effective instructor in any environment, however, the greatest challenge between these two categories is the ability to continue my own education., Its not surprising to me because growing up I knew I had problems with my learning habits. I was working as a shadow in a kindergarten class at a time when all of the teachers were getting smart boards installed in their rooms. Accordingly, the importance of reflective learning is widely recognized in various fields, and its an important part of many education, training, and work programs. I think it would be difficult to use if I wanted my students to take the quiz online, because from what I read they would have to copy and paste the code for the quiz I have created in order to access it. I like that the information on the home page changes, so there will be new and current information as time progresses. I want to learn in the classroom because I would miss my teacher. These publications would range from discipline in the classroom to effective teaching strategies to music specific strategies. Even though I teach music, this would be a fun site to allow students to visit (probably more on the elementary age) when they are finished with projects and have free time. In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Modular learning can be in printed or digital format. At the end of class, we waved goodbye and said, Thanks, and then one by one, my high school students clicked off, leaving me staring at my own face on the screen. Reading information directed by the course professors is a great start but it is not the whole story and will rarely lead to a compelling case or any growth, it is because of this we must take more responsibility for our own learning and growth, especially with distance learning. To encourage reflective learning in others, you can: There are many ways in which you can do this. Can a virus get on your computer if you have up-to-date virus protection? It would also tell a teacher whether or not they are truly teaching so that the students understand based on students results. I do not like that it doesnt give the correct answer and this may be frustrating for some students. She has used a variety of technologies and loves to apply them with everyday challenges. What Would Motivate Teens to Work Harder in School? What did you like about it? QuizmakerQuizmaker was easy to use until I finished the quiz. The study sought to determine the relationship between students' satisfaction in printed modular learning system and their academic performance in the subject 21st Century Literature. Explain how they specifically can engage in reflective learning, potentially using relevant examples. A 'Covid Journal' allowed students to reflect on their experiences and feelings during the pandemic. Technology cannot replace good teaching, it only enhances it. At the beginning of the class I thought that I am keen on technology since I am in the Generation Y (GEN Y). Ideally, the modules should include sections on motivation and assessment that serve. For example, reflective learning can prompt students to generate helpful feedback that instructors can then use to improve their teaching, for instance by identifying areas where students require more thorough explanations, or by identifying teaching methods that need to be modified. SoftwareThe kinds of software that would work best with my students would be something music-related and something that students of differing levels could use. By Carly Berwick July 24, 2020 Brian Stauffer / The iSpot When I read about the various teacher preparation programs in the textbook, I was impressed and a little jealous. This would greatly help students who are easily distracted while on the computer, especially when doing research for a project or paper. Later on in the day, I enjoy just relaxing and having fun which makes for a well-balanced day. I am always careful to make sure my virus protection is updated because I know that all it takes is one little window of opportunity for a virus to sneak through. I witnessed firsthand how the technically advanced teachers were called into their coworkers rooms for technical advice and instructions. I also could see how, with the right equipment, listening centers or even a class website would allow students to flip through various genres of music over a short period of time, comparing and contrasting what they hear. It is surprising how much money some schools are willing to put into technology, while others are not willing to invest much at all. The Role of a Teacher in Modular Distance Learning. I am also creating a Twitter list including all contributors to this column. By taking this day by day approach, I will put less strain on my, In order for you to get traction on your goals, you 're going to need to take the time to really plan and track the progress of them. An adaptation for these students might be to give them a word block containing answers to reference. I feel that web site evaluation techniques are extremely important for students. An example of reflective learning is a person who starts a new hobby, and asks themself how well theyre learning the new information that comes with the hobby, whether there are any gaps in their knowledge, and which learning strategies they enjoy using the most. Free refreshments could be offered, student work displayed, and even a skit or small performance could be performed. This is a good article that talks about music grants, and the different kinds and organizations that give them. Get started Skolera for FREE. Modular learning gives them an extra strain on the family. After contemplating whether or not to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with my freshmen this year, I decided to stick with the book and instead change how I taught it. Some of these changes or insights I hope to take with me into this coming school year, whatever that may look like. Every month I will read one publication that will help me become a better teacher. I especially liked the music instrument files because I can use them in my music classes. Most of the information on this site I have already learned through experience. Students Reflect on Their Distance Learning Experiences, Distance Learning Reflections From the Students Point Of View, Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching, Twitter list including all contributors to this column, Reflecting on Your Practice? As far as screening websites goes, I have also discovered that sometimes teachers can access web sites in their accounts but students could not access those sites from their student accounts. Despite the advent of numerous technological advances, many educators, parents, and administrators maintain the viewpoint that what worked for them should work for students today. And if you missed any of the highlights from the first eight years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. Some of the tools, such as those for ADD students, would likely benefit students without ADD, especially those who have a ton of energy. Im doing the same things. Larry Ferlazzo is an English and social studies teacher at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, Calif. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. Patrick (Freshman) loves being creative and trying anything new in technology. One of the main things from the text reading that stuck out to me was the example of the community program based on the needs of the community. Concluding from the experience -Theorist Stage 4? Students could then choose a god that interests them to research and find an appropriate sound track that represents that god. The tech and learning site contains all sorts of teaching tools that seem very useful. Beginning with the end in mind is something I have done, but not given much thought. What didnt you like about it? Teachers had to sign up for time slots in advance. The tips on editing photos was also helpful, especially if a teacher is editing class pictures and wants to either print or post them online. Overall, though, access and use of technology was fairly limited. It is my belief that more teacher prep programs should follow the footsteps of these programs. Just because there is filtering software does not mean it is fail proof, and students are always finding ways around it to access their favorite social networking or gaming sites. This will allow you to have 5-6 minute training sessions that employees can use throughout your organization, opposed to being embedded in a larger training course. Explain how people can generally engage in reflective learning, potentially using relevant examples. Unfortunately, because of the time we are living in right now, online learning is becoming more of a necessity if we want to keep on learning the skills that we learn in the classroom, and something tells me that due to updates in technology, online learning is going to be a lot more prevalent even after this pandemic is over. It is always nice to have resources like this to use in the classroom. I spend lots of time at home. What specifically am I struggling with, and why? Today, the first three contributions come from students in Austin Greens 1st grade class in Utah. This will bring you success in your academic, This stress is sometimes carried over as we wait for our pending exam scores. There was nothing wrong with the way the students were learning prior to the smart board, but their learning was enhanced and brought to a higher quality with the help of this piece of technology. Central to this is the principal of reflection as metacognition, where students are aware of and can describe their thinking in a way that allows them to "close the gap . The Chance to Redo Assignments, School Shootings This Year: How Many and Where, The Best Advice for New Teachers, in 5 Words or Less: 2023 Edition. In these sorts of software, students work at their own level, so a larger range of students (from special needs, to gifted, and all those in between) would be able to participate successfully. I can more easily express what accommodations I need. The terms reflective learning and reflective practicerefer to similar concepts, and because their definitions vary and even overlap in some cases, they are sometimes used interchangeably. As the months passed, their journals also became less tethered to the outside world and showed that time had taken on an elastic quality, stretching endlessly in some days or hours, contracting quickly in others. It has been a great moment to develop my knowledge and understanding in each of the different areas within the course. Some have died. You can reflect on various aspects of your learning, including your understanding of the material, your understanding of how to implement what youve learned, your learning process, and your abilities, preferences, thoughts, and goals. Read more from this blog. : At first, it was incredibly difficult transitioning from traditional high school to online learning, but gradually as the months go by I am slowly starting to get used to it. I used it to go over instrument types. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used. Teachers do not have time to invent every worksheet or handout or organizational tool. This would probably be more geared toward elementary-aged students. The instructional methods site allows a teacher to evaluate different teaching methods at a glance, enabling them to add strength and variety to their lesson plans. But both the racial disparities in Covid-19 deaths and the protests and rallies for racial justice reveal that access to basic privilegesto be healthy, to liveremains unequal. As a music teacher, I know that many music programs have a fundraising committee. As a music teacher, I was never really concerned with meeting standards. Overall, you can reflect on various aspects of your learning, including your understanding of the material, your understanding of how to implement what youve learned, your learning process, and your abilities, preferences, thoughts, and goals. Modular . Reflective practice involves actively analyzing your experiences and actions, in order to help yourself improve and develop. These tools were great because we already have many of them, and I didnt know a lot of them existed! Furthermore, in addition to students, instructors can also benefit from the reflective learning that their students engage in. The high school I attended (located in PA) had senior projects instead of testing. Accordingly, people often avoid reflection, particularly when theyre under time pressure. It is definitely a skill they will use for the rest of their lives. However, to avoid procrastination, I need to delete my Netflix account because this is a huge time-waster for me., I am currently sacrificing my grade point average, I know everything wont be a perfect score, because when I start to focus extra time on one subject some other classes might get left behind. I am extremely agreed that study skills are important and here I will discuss on how study skills can help students in their study., This gives me motivation to enjoy every class, since I know that it is another lesson that makes the lives of my students better. I would like to do more online learning. Templates let us get the job done faster and more efficiently. I know that it is possible to beam assignments back and forth, so perhaps there would be a way for students to beam compositions to each other? I especially liked the press conference and board game ideas, pertaining to famous composers. I have thoroughly enjoyed this module and its content. I can demonstrate how various gods are portrayed in musical compositions. This web site was intriguing and something I bookmarked to look over more closely later. All of your modules should be built as small, separate files. Which learning techniques do I feel are unhelpful? For example, it can involve a group of students openly discussing what challenges they faced while studying for a test, or a one-on-one meeting between a student and a tutor, where the tutor asks the student guiding questions about the students learning process. I would use it more in my music appreciation class, but it could be tweaked for use in all of my music classes. I wish my teacher preparation was as thorough as some of the examples! Reflection on the Module. In order to get students to review for a test, I could even have THEM make the games on their computers, which would get them to pick and choose the important topics we have covered. I have picked up lots of ideas that I will most definitely by using in the future, and it has made me very excited . I really try hard not to let my learning disability get in the way because one of my goals is to prove to people that just because you dont process information as quickly as others, and because you have a very specific way of learning things doesnt mean you are a bad person and you can achieve your goals. Experiences and feelings during the pandemic and if you missed any of information... Easy way to make a crossword core group of individuals is my reflection about modular learning to a teacher can take from... 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my reflection about modular learning