nigeria resistance to colonial rule

It is not a unitary state with local government areas but with one Central Executive and one Legislature. "John Beecroft, 17901854: Her Brittanic Majesty's Consul to the Bights of Benin and Biafra 18491854". British soap and cosmetics manufacturers tried to obtain land concessions for growing oil palms, but these were refused. The policy of indirect rule used in Northern Nigeria became a model for British colonies elsewhere in Africa. Because of the spread of mission schools and wealth derived from export crops, the southern parties were committed to policies that would benefit the south of the country. After 1900, Europe began to introduce changes to colonial rule in an effort to increase revenues from the colonies. The Resident also oversaw a Provincial Court at the region's capital. The transfer of responsibility for budgetary management from the central to the regional governments in 1954 accelerated the pace of public spending on services and on development projects. Play off ethnic and social divisions . Although his own ambitions were limited to the Northern Region, Bello backed the NPC's successful efforts to mobilize the north's large voting strength so as to win control of the national government. Village Heads were paid 10 shillings for conscripts, and fined 50 if they failed to supply. Colonial Nigeria was the area of West Africa that became the modern day Nigeria, during the time of British rule in the 19th and 20th centuries. [22] Many locals remained unconvinced of the Crown's authority to completely reverse the legal and moral attributes of a social institution through fiat. It backed Yoruba irredentism in the Fulani-ruled emirate of Ilorin in the Northern Region, and separatist movements among non-Igbo in the Eastern Region. The most important innovations in the new charter reinforced the dual course of constitutional evolution, allowing for both regional autonomy and federal union. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1719. Africans also were represented on the Lagos Legislative Council, a largely appointed assembly. Some of the treaties contained prohibitions on diplomacy conducted without British permission, or other promises to abide by British rule. There was virtually no pressure for greater unity among the regions until after the end of World War II. Divide and rule policy: This was mainly applied in areas where African societies or population had poor relations as a result of differences between their leaders or divisions created by Christian religious sects to easily defeat Africans in case of impending resistance against colonial rule. In pursuance of the above general principles the chief civil officers of the provinces are to be called Residents which implies one who carries on diplomatic relations rather than Commissioners or Administrators. Recovery came quickly and improvements in port facilities and the transportation infrastructure during World War I furthered economic development. The Lander brothers were seized by slave traders in the interior and sold down the river to a waiting European ship. Portuguese Roman Catholic priests who accompanied traders and officials to the West African coast introduced Christianity to the Edo Empire in the fifteenth century. According to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Voyage Database, 308,800 were sold across the Atlantic from Lagos in 17761850. Three constitutions were enacted from 1946 to 1954. Local leaders, cognizant of the situation in the West Indies, India, and elsewhere, recognised the risks of British expansion. It is not a personal union of separate colonies under the same Governor like the Windwards, it is not a Confederation of States. Britain withdrew from the slave trade when it was the major transporter of slaves to the Americas. Afeadie, Philip Atsu. [12] Trade was also conducted through a mechanism of barter and credit. [27] To produce all this oil, the economy of the southern region crossed over from mostly subsistence to the production of palm oil as a cash crop.[28]. Mordi, Emmanuel Nwafor. B. In the south, by contrast, traditional rulers were employed as vehicles of indirect rule in Edoland and Yorubaland, but Christianity and Western education undermined their sacerdotal functions. Both Africans and Europeans found illegal supplies such as secret stills, obtaining colonial liquor permits, and smuggling. Public works, such as harbour dredging and road and railway construction, opened Nigeria to economic development. [72] In line with this attitude, he rejected Lugard's proposal for moving the capital from Lagos, the stronghold of the elite in whom he placed so much confidence for the future. From 1790 to 1807, predominantly British slave traders purchased 1,0002,000 slaves each year in Lagos alone. Webster, Boahen and Idowu are of the opinion that the conquest of Africa was very simple and that it was carried out with ease. The influx of cowrie led to inflation. Vice consuls were assigned to ports that already had concluded treaties of cooperation with the Foreign Office. Although there was strong resistance from natives against the British, it was all crushed by the British. At first, the trade centered around West Central Africa, now the Congo. He used for the first time in Nigeria modern, sometimes flamboyant, electioneering techniques. The seven men who governed Northern Nigeria, Southern Nigeria and Lagos through 1914 were Henry McCallum, William MacGregor, Walter Egerton, Ralph Moor, Percy Girouard, Hesketh Bell and Frederick Lugard. Between them, the French and the British had purchased a majority of the slaves sold from the ports of Edo. By the end of World War I, most of Africa had been effectively colonized. He said that he did "not consider that their past traditions and their present backward cultural conditions afford to any such experiment a reasonable chance of success". If the emirs accepted British authority, abandoned the slave trade, and cooperated with British officials in modernizing their administrations, the colonial power was willing to confirm them in office. The most powerful figure in the party was Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto. The slave trade was heaviest in the period 17001850, with an average of 76,000 people taken from Africa each year between 1783 and 1792. Non-violent Resistance - In the Year of African Independence, 1961, 17 countries declared themselves independent of colonial powers, most of them non-violently, through protest and/or negotiation . The . Author. [35] However, the company did accept that local kings could act as partners in governance and trade. You are right my brother. They later discovered that the demand for . As the emirs settled more and more into their role as reliable agents of indirect rule, colonial authorities were content to maintain the status quo, particularly in religious matters. By the 1950s, there were organized nationalist parties that demanded political independence in almost every colony in Africa. Samori Ture 7. Direct taxation on men was introduced in 1928 without major incidents. In 1920, portions of former German Cameroon were mandated to Britain by the League of Nations and were administered as part of Nigeria. Beecroft was the British representative to Fernando Po, where the African Slave Trade Patrol of the Royal Navy was stationed. His mission failed, but Park and his party covered more than 1,500 kilometres (930mi), passing through the western portions of the Sokoto Caliphate, before drowning when their boats overturned in rapids near Bussa. In 1900, the Southern Nigeria Protectorate and Northern Nigeria Protectorate passed from company hands to the Crown. After 1940, political activities were broadened to include more people. These courts contained majorities British members and represented a new level of presumptive British sovereignty in the Bight of Biafra. The Governor-General represented the British monarch as head of state and was appointed by the Crown on the advice of the Nigerian prime minister in consultation with the regional premiers. Christian missionaries were barred, and the limited government efforts in education were harmonized with Islamic institutions.[67]. The officers of the RWAFF were British. In the 1850s, quinine had been found to combat malaria, and aided by the medicine, a Liverpool merchant, Macgregor Laird, opened the river. Lagos was annexed as a Crown Colony in 1861 via the Lagos Treaty of Cession.[30]. Armed resistance decreased in the 1920s but protest continued, "characterised by civil rights and civil . It was a relatively simple adjustment for many Igbo families to transport the oil to rivers and streams that led to the Niger Delta for sale to European merchants. The militias and RWAFF battalions were reorganized into the RWAFF Nigeria Regiment.[62]. Like in other countries under imperialist rule, colonialism in Nigeria resulted in numerous positive and negative impacts. [56], Walter Egerton's sixfold agenda for 1908, as detailed on 29 November 1907, in a telegram to the Colonial Office, is representative of British priorities. The British answered this activity by attempting to create a more representational colonial system. Alienated by the anonymity of the urban environment and drawn together by ties to their ethnic homelandsas well as by the need for mutual aidthe new city dwellers formed local clubs that later expanded into federations covering whole regions. took careful account of Islam and avoided any appearance of a challenge to traditional values that might incite resistance to British rule. Its activist membership was drawn from local government and emirate officials who had access to means of communication and to repressive traditional authority that could keep the opposition in line. The Deputy Governor served as political administrator for company territory and appointed three officials in Nigeria to carry out the work of administration. In the 1870s, therefore, George Taubman Goldie began amalgamating companies into the United African Company, soon renamed the National African Company. Under Goldie's direction, the Royal Niger Company was instrumental in depriving France and Germany of access to the region. Slaves formerly had been traded for European goods, especially guns and gunpowder, but now the British encouraged trade in palm oil in the Niger delta states, ostensibly to replace the trade in slaves. Although colonial rule appeared secure in the first two decades of the 20th century, the British struggled to keep control of their Nigerian colony and continued to do so until Nigeria became independent in 1960. The most striking departure was in the Northern Region, where special provisions brought the regional constitution into consonance with Islamic law and custom. The British entry into World War I saw the confiscation of Nigerian palm oil firms operated by expatriates from the Central Powers. Strategic Theory, Dynamics, Methods and Movements ), contains accounts of the role of nonviolent action in anti-colonial struggles in Africa - Algeria, Ghana, Mozambique, and Zambia - and also in Bangladesh. Even before gaining its charter, the Company signed treaties with local leaders which granted it broad sovereign powers. Although this trade grew to significant proportionspalm oil exports alone were worth 1 billion a year by 1840it was concentrated near the coast, where palm trees grew in abundance. Earlier elements related to this were its founding of the Sierra Leone Colony in 1787 as a refuge for freed slaves, the independent missionary movement intended to bring Christianity to the Edo Kingdom, and programs of exploration sponsored by learned societies and scientific groups, such as the London-based African Association. Davies and Nnamdi Azikiwe. The Colonial Civil Service used intermediaries, as the Royal Niger Company had, in an expanded role which included diplomacy, propaganda and espionage. The High Commissioner will be guided by all the usual laws of succession and the wishes of the people and chief but will set them aside if he desires for good cause to do so. The protest began in the Lugard bequeathed to his successor a prosperous colony when his term as Governor-General expired. The similarity between the federal and regional constitutions was deceptive, however, and the conduct of public affairs reflected wide differences among the regions. [19] Although the Ijebu had some weapons they were wiped out by British Maxims, the earliest machine gun. In 1886, Taubman secured a royal charter and his company became the Royal Niger Company. Clifford also believed that indirect rule encouraged centripetal tendencies. Examples of passive resistance include complex and/or costly application processes, a failure to provide guidance on how to request information, or enforcement mechanisms that are difficult to use. In the name of liberating the Igbos from the Aro Confederacy, the British launched the Anglo-Aro War of 19011902. Elliot J. Berg, "The Development of a Labour Force in Sub-Saharan Africa"; France sold Louisiana to the United States, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Military history of Nigeria during World War II, National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons, discovery and exploitation of petroleum deposits, "The Nigeria (Constitution) Order in Council, 1954", "Gombe-Abba: Historic emirs' town ruined by the British", A Very Bloody Transaction: Old Calabar and the Massacre of 1767, The Impact of the Slave Trade on African Economies, "Managing Epidemic: The British Approach to 19181919 Influenza in Lagos", "The Nigerian Victory Against The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and 1897 Smallpox Epidemic", "African Pentecostalism and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: The Supernatural Amid the Fearful and Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic", "The influenza pandemic of 191819 and the spread of cassava cultivation on the lower Niger: a study in historical linkages", Google Cultural Institute: Birth of the Nigerian Colony, 18511914, Lugard's campaign systematically subdued local resistance, using armed force when diplomatic measures failed. It was a resistance movement whereby women in the Eastern Provinces of the British colony of Nigeria intended to reverse colonial policies that intruded on their political, economic, and social participation in local communities. Traditional authorities were co-opted in the north, where the spread of Western education by Christian missionaries was strongly resisted by Muslim leaders. As a result, the trading post at the Niger River is created and the British economic rule is maintained over the colonies, exploiting Nigerians (Graham, 2009). Regional administrations also varied widely in the quality of local personnel and in the scope of the operations they were willing to undertake. The pace of constitutional change accelerated after the promulgation of the Richards Constitution. nigeria resistance to colonial rule. The NPC federal parliamentary leader, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, was appointed Prime Minister of Nigeria. Throughout this period of reign, many changes were made to their . The council was promoted as a device for allowing the expression of opinions that could instruct the Governor-General. One continues to wonder how a national history could be attained In the Bight of Biafra, the major ports were Old Calabar (Akwa Akpa), Bonny and New Calabar. Algeria fought back and eventually was granted self rule and nigeria was put down and never got independance. [31], In 1891, the consulate established the Niger Coast Protectorate Force or "Oil Rivers Irregulars".[32]. [65], Half of all taxes went to the colonial government and half went to the Native Treasury. British influence in the Niger area increased gradually over the . The impact of colonialism in Nigeria could be discussed under political, economic, social, educational and religious aspects. At the same time it is feasible by degrees to bring them gradually into approximation with our ideas of justice and humanity. This line was extended to Oshogbo, 100 kilometres (62mi) away, in 19051907, and to Zungeru and Minna in 19081911. [43][44] The British forces began annual pacification missions to convince the locals of British supremacy. Gandhi. This primary resistance was not unified and centered, yet it allowed understanding that the colonial rule and the presence of Europeans in Africa were negative (Chamberlain 89). The southern nationalists were inspired by a variety of sources, including such prominent American-based activists as Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. [29] His servant, Richard Lander, and Lander's brother John were the ones to demonstrate that the Niger flowed into the sea. Colonialism is defined as "control by one power over a dependent area or people.". The goal of activists initially was not self-determination, but increased participation on a regional level in the governmental process. Two tiers of government emerged, central and local. This was because; education in Southern Nigeria was already leading to a level of awareness and militancy or resistance to colonial rule. Crowther was succeeded as bishop by a British cleric. While initially organised for professional and fraternal reasons, these were centres of educated people who had chances to develop their leadership skills in the organisations, as well as form broad social networks. In response to Azikiwe and other nationalists, the Lyttelton constitution of 1954 created a fully federal system, comprising the three geographic regions of Nigeria, the Southern Cameroons, and the Federal Territory of Lagos. The delegation was led by Balewa of the NPC and included party leaders Awolowo of the Action Group, Azikiwe of the NCNC, and Bello of the NPC; they were also the premiers of the Western, Eastern and Northern regions, respectively. Balewa was called on to head an NPC-NCNC coalition government, and Awolowo became the official leader of the opposition. Initially, most palm oil (and later kernels) came from Igboland, where palm trees formed a canopy over the densely inhabited areas of the Ngwa, Nri Kingdom, Awka and other Igbo peoples. Adam Smith wrote in 1776 that the African societies were better established and more populous than those of the Americas, thus creating a more formidable barrier to European expansion. To be sure, there were widespread resistances against colonial rule, which include the 'Abd al-Qadir led resistance against the French in Algeria, the Asante King (Prempeh I) led revolt against British colonialists in Ghana, the Maji Maji revolt in Tanganyika, the Ndebele rebellions in Rhodasia, the Ijebu Kingdom and the Opobo resistances in . [8] British influence in the region began with the prohibition of slave trade to British subjects in 1807. Selected petitions and written correspondence between Igbo women and British officials between 1892 and 1960 shed fresh light on how women navigated . Harding, director of Nigerian affairs at the Colonial Office, defined the official position of the British Government in support of indirect rule when he said that "direct government by impartial and honest men of alien race [] never yet satisfied a nation long and [] under such a form of government, as wealth and education increase, so do political discontent and sedition". Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1991. Introduction. The discussion of pragmatic resistance in Africa comes full circle with the former Portuguese colonies, South Africa, and Kenya. vestigation of the forms of primary resistance by Africans to the impo-sition of colonial rule in the classic period of European imperialism, say from 1880 to 1914. . In May of this year, Herbert J. Until he stepped down as Governor-General in 1918, Lugard primarily was concerned with consolidating British sovereignty and with assuring local administration through traditional rulers. 57-100 discuss issues of resistance and collaboration. British and French traders did a large share of this business until 1807 when they were replaced by the Portuguese and the Spaniards. Indigenous responses to imperialism during the period of 1750-1900 varied widely depending on the specific group of people and the imperial power they were interacting with. The colonial period proper in Nigeria lasted from 1900 to 1960, after which Nigeria gained its independence. In the meantime, public sector spending increased even more dramatically than export earnings. By extending the elective principle and by providing for a central government with a Council of Ministers, the Macpherson Constitution gave renewed impetus to party activity and to political participation at the national level. The Sokoto jihad and the Yoruba wars stimulated the slave trade at a time when the British were actively trying to stop it. He definitely laid the basis for British claims. To some extent, competition amongst these companies undermined their collective position vis--vis, local merchants. ", Tamuno, T. N. (1970). In some instances, however, a double allegianceto the idea of sacred monarchy for its symbolic value and to modern concepts of law and administrationwas maintained. The receding British presence enabled local officials and politicians to gain access to patronage over government jobs, funds for local development, market permits, trade licenses, government contracts, and even scholarships for higher education. Works, such as harbour dredging and road and railway construction, opened Nigeria to economic development Consul to colonial... Region began with the prohibition of slave trade to British subjects in 1807 the policy of indirect rule centripetal! 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nigeria resistance to colonial rule