sharwil avocado vs hass

Make sure that you water the tree every day to retain the moisture, and remove it to an area that still gets sunlight during cold weather moths, but is protected from frosts and freezes (a large sunny room is perfect). They grow great but just dont produce as much fruit. It stops a month earlier than a Reed but the Fuerte starts up the next month. But this is just theory, and I lack experience in so many other aspects of gardening. Whats Reed like? 2) have high-quality fruits, tasty, with a high oil-content. Asking them to prune 3X a year I think is questionable. Hass has done very well on Duke 7 for decades in many locations. It is a heavy regular bearer, with fruit averaging 10 to 18 ounces with skin black when ripe. Your input and knowledge definitely helps. 1 year old Pinkerton on unknown seedling Its significantly bigger than Hass, as seen in the photo above, and. I have a place near my citrus trees. When your Hass avocado tree is newly planted, it will need to be watered every two to three days. I wanted to plant them next to each other. This question is unanswerable in an objective sense. From your experience what avocado tree should I plant? Your email address will not be published. Where I am now (Ramona) gets a little chillier even than there but Lamb does fine in my yard. GEM with a friend is a great idea. Were planting a minimum of 5000 trees using a high density planting design and will foliage spray. This time around I have white washed all my young trees and have placed a shade cover around my Fuerte, which apparently doesnt do well Im the heat. As for the snow, we have had quite a bit of ice the last few weeks, and today it snowed in parts of the mountains, even in the valley (Pasadena/Rancho Cucamonga)! "The trees are also more compact, which means growers have less costs for harvesting and tree maintenance." My son, who ate it with me, called it the bestest avocado ever. (Though only a kindergartener, he has eaten his share of avocado varieties and actually has an opinion worth listening to!). In Europe, I can buy: The Sharwil avocados have a 15-26 percent oil content and are very popular in Hawaii. Hi David, Thin skin but good flavor. Full sun In that case, one Hass tree might suffice. My 15-foot Hass averages roughly 100 avocados per year, and Ive found that we need more than that during the Hass season. However, they often dont have any in stock, which means your only choice is to put in a request and wait for delivery as you noted. So, right now, at the churchs garden we already have a beautiful avocado collection Hass, Lamb, Bacon and Reed. I havent seen you comment on Sirprize. Highlights. Its good no doubt, but being the guy at Clausen told me it is the _best_ avocado, I was a bit surprised that it didnt have the high oil content like a Hass, it reminded me much more of a Fuerte, milder and more water based than oil based. Eli also sells his avocados at farmers markets, and the one closest to you is in Corona Del Mar. Really, grafted avocado trees can kill themselves by fruiting too much too soon. You are going to be in avocado heaven soon. Required fields are marked *. Reed, Thank you so much for your response. I feel like all of them doesnt have a good overlap in terms of flowering season, what can i do to make sure they get polinated enough? (See more about Reed in my post, The Reed avocado tree: a profile.). If its fresh and thick, youll soon notice a lot of fungal growth (hyphae white webby stuff) if you poke inside, but thats never had bad consequences as far as Ive observed. This is so fun! Even when it was 118 back in July 2018 I lost no Pinkerton fruit, and Ive seen a Pinkerton tree in Redlands that carried a massive crop through that same heat wave. Anything you can pass my way will be appreciated. Until then, let me say that every one of the varieties you mentioned has great tasting fruit (except that Ive never eaten Green Gold so cant comment with experience on that one). have you seen any truths to that? I can go into the reasons for this if youre interested. Sharwil Avocado B flower type. I have to do that with my avocados here in Sunset Zone 20 too. You found an avocado tree in Nice! Thank you so much. Thanks. Greg The Reed is only two years old and have not harvested any fruit yet. Gwens downfall as a commercial variety was primarily its green skin; it doesnt turn black as it ripens like Hass. In fact, Hass also produces more reliably than Fuerte in most places. As I recall, the Tijuana River valley is where they were first noticed some years back. When you put a thick layer of tree trimmings down, do you turn them to allow air to circulate? They have plenty of space, but Im leaning towards the GEM, since its so easy to get a hold of Hass at the markets. But keep this in mind: each of these three varieties is capable of producing a hundred avocados on a tree thats less than 15-feet tall even if its not close to an opposite-type tree. I am still waiting for an answer about my order, which, I hope, will be possible. I live against the mountains in Pasadena so it can get pretty chilly in the winter will these verities do well in my climate? Then, I found out that none of the French nurseries provided any information about the rootstocks. The Nabals I know are a bit of both, and not small trees if left unpruned. There are other varieties that taste as good or possibly slightly better than Hass. Phoenix Avocado (Mendez No.1) Aravaipa Avocado Palo D'Oro Avocado Hellen Avocado Sharwil (Kona Sharwil) Ardith. Just got some bee hives in this year and a decent fruit set, just hope the heat stays mild this summer. My third choice would be Hass and Lamb. Maybe I should dig a 5th hole. Guacamole heaven! For example, Ive got some avocado trees planted at 7.5 feet apart, and thats a spacing that some commercial growers use. Yet the tree is smaller in that it is an upright instead of a large spreading type, the fruit are small but turn black when ripe (about the size of tiny hass found 8 in a bag), and the tree is a heavy producer (at least it was this time). For anyone counting net carbs, avocados are simply amazing. I think Ill pick a few avocados that you mentioned (knowing me Ill get to the store and come back with seven) Call me crazy but I just ordered 10 thermometers that record the max/min temp on my property. I think youre absolutely right not to share more about this tree. Its season should complement the GEM well, and the growing pattern shouldnt be too intrusive. The owners are nice and said I welcomed to the tree. Craig. Thanks for everything. I wish I had time to make more videos. The fruit is tasty, but not that tasty. I feel really enthusiastic about it, and grateful for your advice. For your milder location though, this might not be important. Also I love Fuertes, but only if you have a big yard. Im glad you have shared how things are doing at your place so others nearby are clued in. However, I did a lot of research, and read dozens of artciles in English, mostly about growing avocados in the US and all the different varieties (when it come to planting something new, I pay a lot of attention to the variety choice) Thank you so much. Ive been told that landfills in other counties offer similar products. The Sir Prize avocado is defined primarily by a distinctive ridge along one side which becomes less noticeable when the fruit ripens. ), (See more about Fuerte in my post, The Fuerte avocado tree: a profile.). By black sand I meant sandy loom. Theres no rush. We do not have a lot of wind problems where we are located, either. Should be interesting to see how it works out. Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. Mites like a dusty leaf surface. On the other hand, if a tree doesnt have a heavy set and you want to try to prevent the few fruitlets that it has set from dropping, the best thing you can do is make sure it doesnt become stressed from heat or thirst. I dont want to overstep my welcome to the tree. Wish Id read something like this a few years ago. The soil holds water for long though Riverside to Really it's the type A Guatemalans that far and away perform best in the cool temps. Option 3: Lamb Hass, others? The purpose behind the mass flowering is to encourage visits by pollen vectors. I am thinking Dusa for Hass (everyone says that Hass avocado grafted on Dusa is more productive than on Duke 7) But I have no idea about Reed, because no scientific study mentions Reed (I guess this is because it is not a commercial variety anymore). I do know MacArthur avocados. Black on trunk and brown leaves suggest sunburn and lack of water. If I eat some Fuerte fruit blindfolded, its so easy to identify it as Fuerte. Aside from their physical differences, the main difference between Hass and Fuerte avocados is their textures. 1. Ive never had a tree-matured Sir Prize. Thought you and others might be interested in knowing that Gwen avocados are currently available at Elis Farmstand in Fallbrook. Its been since May since I communicated with you. With a single Hass tree you can have good avocados at hand for at least seven months out of every year. Flower Type: Type A. We got a Hass today, and were planning to plant it tomorrow in the sunniest spot in our yard, which usually stays pretty warm, even when its chilly. Oops! Im in a hot area of Bay Area northern Ca. And Gwen was developed just as Hass became king of the world avocado industry and growers and consumers alike began preferring black-skinned avocados. It doesnt make great guacamole, but its excellent on sandwiches and in smoothies. (Theyll both produce some without a pollenizer.) If youre planting trees at six feet apart, you might find it necessary to remove every other tree after a handful of years. The Hass has a lot on it and both the other trees have some as well. Its important information. Thank you for your reply, After doing some research and asking question in my neighborhood the last couple of days, I found out that Im not the only one with this problem. A whole avocado contains around 11.8 grams of carbs ( 1 ). We should be able to figure out how to make one work. I also planted a Queen avocado tree in the spot where the Holiday was. Theyre similar to Reed in both taste and appearance (round and green skin), except that the Nabals I know have a thicker, shell-like skin. One concern I have about fresh trimmings is the build up of spores and what not from it just being piled up (6 inches or so thick). In my yard, Reeds start to taste good as early as May, and can go through September. The heat was overwhelming (60 consecutive tropical nights, hosepipe ban, more than 100 towns in France had no drinking water). (I have to confess this is a real problem of our nation.. No information whatsoever about rootstocks in the nurseries And then people are surprised that their cherry or apricot trees dont fruit). I also like Maddock. Actually, I have tasted someone elses Kahaluu fruit that was grown in California so I can use that for reference in comparing to the others. We have tried to plant Hass avocados about four times and despite every best effort with location change in the yard and switching up irrigation they all eventually turned black on the trunk, browned leaf tips, and given up, to our dismay. I would plant a Hass and a Reed if I were you. I dont have extensive room for so many trees through which is why I want to graft (actually its that my wife will kill me if I try to plant more than 3 avocado trees). These trees had a bit more shade and sprinklers watering. Its nearly impossible, unfortunately. We had a hass 4 years back that sun burned to death. But, most of those carbs come from fiber. Elizabeth, 27. I live on the southern hemisphere so can you please take this into account. Even in warm-winter locations it doesnt always bear as well as some A types. Option 2: Sir Prize. Sharwil avocados are the only Hawaiian avocado authorized for shipment to the mainland of the United States. Sharwil Avocados from Hawaii. Elizabeth. Results and timelines of grafted avocados. SOLD OUT FOR 2022. while studying all this, it really feels like I am from another planet)))))): temperatures are in Fahrenheit, not in Celsius, you have feet, not meters. Warm regards, Yulia. I watered it every day, but the young tree literally burnt alive and became all black in just one month. Greg, this is a great thread, thank you. (See more about Lamb in my post, The Lamb/Hass avocado tree: a profile.). Pinkerton, Heres a link to Miramars offerings: Thanks so much in advance In the meantime, well work on protecting it from sunburn when it hits 100 F or 110 F in a few months! Hard to say. The color of a Sharwil avocado stays green when ripe, and has a cold grayish-blue tinge to it. It is simply an awesome fruit. Is there another tree of comparable size that complements the GEM in season that could happily share this space? I finally managed to buy 1 Hass (on Duke 7) in a local nursery in June 2022 (they sell avocado trees only in May-June). What is the next most oil-based Avo after the Hass? Do you have any recommendations for which trees/rootstock combinations have the best chance of survival out here? Now I have all three. I would eliminate the Wertz on the basis of the others tasting better. Thanks for allowing me to announce it here. 2. I enjoy your videos! So, I want versions that handle topping well or are naturally small. I have no idea if it was a great one or a terrible one. That was very encouraging. But I think its going to be a more common variety for Southern California in the future. But its good to keep in mind that the trees are small so you cant expect them to produce as much as fast as a vigorous variety like Hass especially when the Holiday fruit are much larger than Hass. I have been watching this tree for years since I work in the area, had some fruit once they turned black and they taste exactly like Fuerte! I saw a fruiting avocado tree for the first time in my life. Good problems. You might have to wait a bit before one is available. And dont worry about the distance. But at least it was grown in Southern California. Step 5. But Ill definitely write profiles of them when I feel like I know them well enough. Recently I moved to the cusp of Zones 9a and 9b. See his website for details: 2 years old Fuerte on unknown seedling Thanks again. Terrific! So Im only guessing here. I have two questions for you: I sure am no botanist)))). Oval-shaped and dark-green in color, the Choquette avocado originated in Florida and is a mix of two different types - Guatemalan and West Indian. Hi Thomas, I have downscaled a bit.and now I have just 20 trees and 16 varieties. No matter your choice, Im excited for you to get a tree or a couple going in your yard. In the meantime, there are heaps of other varieties that are already publicly available to explore. Elizabeth. Im also wondering if I might be happier going with a pair of smaller trees that let me enjoy avocados closer to year-round. I read about GEM, and it sounds like it would fit easily in our space and produce great fruit. (Compare that to many peaches, which cant hold their mature fruit for more than a couple weeks!). You saved my sanity! In my garden, I have only one Reed. The problem is that theres so much to say. Hi David, Gwen has sensitivity to dry soil and heat. After watching your wonderful Fuerte tree video I was inspired and replaced my young Ettinger for the real thing besides Fuerte might be my personal favorite flavor probably because I remember the taste of Fuerte guacamole as a kid. Type B is a plus, but also read that it is not as great of a producer. After some pool renovations which sent torrents of pool water into the avo area two of the trees are completely dead. impossible (or almost impossible) to ship American varieties from the US to Europe. The funny thing is that when I have given people some wood I didnt give them fruit because it is identical to Fuerte so there is no need. Im guessing youre referring to Van Nuys as being slightly cooler in winter (compared to spots closer to the beach). I concluded that it was worth growing. Im going for it! Also, there is nothing written about growing avocados in France. Fuerte would work here since its bloom season is long and overlaps well with these two varieties. But a couple are right on the cusp of that top tier. My trees are young now, but Im a few years I will ask for your location and send you a barrel of all my varieties. For example, GEM (and some other varieties) on Dusa is a poor performer if the soil pH is high. The Reed avocado variety is a chance seedling of Nabal, selected by James Reed in California in 1948. In case you didnt know, Im also in Ramona. When you talk to them they are totally clueless. The best months for planting are typically March through June, depending on where you live. Hello- Love your site- what a treasure trove! But the intention is to have overlapping seasons for both A and B type so there is always cross pollination available (I know that doesnt guarantee it will work, but I like the idea of having that potential). Come to think of it, Id say Nabal fruits taste a tad richer than Reed, actually. The challenge is that many of them have similar harvest seasons, which are spring into summer: Hass, Sharwil, GEM, Gwen. I have a Reed on Dusa that is doing very well. Its single disadvantage is its black color, which has been associated in the minds of the public with poor quality fruits, wrote H.B. The tree is supposedly over 40 and is a seedling with both Fuerte and Hass characteristics yet again the flavor has that tanginess only Fuerte has. Once budwood is available without using the mother tree I will share more on the Lamorinda. On your south-facing slope it might not be as happy. come up with some heat resistant varieties. Avocado Reed. Hi, i was gifted a Nabal Avocado tree for xmas and before i plant it in the ground, i was wondering what its growing habits are? I also have a Bacon way in the back yard mostly for pollinating. It makes me more confident that I can keep an avocado alive and healthy enough to bear fruit someday. Do you have any neighbors with avocado trees in their yard? While Dusa is the global standard today, it does not perform best in all conditions with all scion varieties. I appreciate all the documentation! Although I enjoy the diversity of tastes in most all avocado varieties, theres something about Fuerte fruits that hit the target for me. Very happy with my Zutano. Green gold can not compete with shawil but makes good quac. Funny thing is that Hass was once an outsider. Ill ask and post an update here as I learn. But I have seen Holiday and Pinkerton. i have small seedlings of sir prize, stewart, lamb hass, and some hybrid unknown from home depot. I also started hearing about a lunchbox avocado that is being developed for high density planting. Of the more than 275,000 acres that nurture Mexican avocados, the hands-down favorite is the Hass avocado, with is creamy, nutty flavor. At best, carrying a super heavy crop load usually means that the following years crop will be very light. Spacing six feet apart with ten feet between rows is very workable, depending on a few factors. North American market for . Thank you so much for your answer. Finally, Ill say that if I had to have two avocado trees of any one variety, it would definitely be Hass. Trees are medium growing and yield nearly year round. Maybe that would work. 7 years ago. See my post, Can you grow an avocado in a small yard?. Thank you. Averages are higher in the winter, when I would be at a shortage if I were to get a Reed. Hello Greg from Cyprus in Europe! The other two are not doing well. Im glad you found your Reed there! As good as some other avocados are, nothing pleases me quite as much as eating a high quality Fuerte. Thanks, Keith. GEM trees are a bit hard to come by, unfortunately. Medium thickness of skin - Sharwil and Hass - handles shipping better than thin-skinned varieties (Kahaluu); easier for consumer to determine ripeness than thick-skinned varieties (Murashige, Yamagata). But its good to remember that any trees shape can be affected somewhat by whats growing around it and where its getting sun. Do you think I should remove the one tree which has a few new green shoots? Its a challenge to choose a single avocado variety to plant. Old mexicana only a few a year, sometimes none. Nevertheless, even compared to other trees the same size, Holiday is usually later and lighter in production. (GEMs harvest season is basically spring into summer.) SUPPORTERS (we thank you! I read a few older stories about it that led me to believe its a great fit for a small yard in the Downtown LA area and that its fruit are amongst the best tasting even better than Hass. Fruit Weight: 7-14 oz. All these years I couldnt figure what it was. Thanks really enjoy your posts! Incidentally, similar spacings can often be used in a yard as on a farm. It has excellent flavor with two distinct crops a year. I am looking for something to pair with Hass for extended season and help in pollination. It is medium in size with rough green skin and yellowish-green flesh. Your message is very fun for me to read. Both varieties are a rich source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, also known as "healthy fats," which means it's not a bad idea to eat an avocado every day. First, there is no best rootstock. If I couldnt find a Reed, Id substitute with a Lamb. Griswold in a 1945 article titled, The Hass Avocado. This was written when the green Fuerte was king of a young California avocado industry. Daily 11 Avocado. The trees were 15 gal and difficult to keep hydrated the first summer(you forget all the roots are contained in the pot size). Thank you for sharing this. Like all the Mexican avos, it has a thin skin you can eat like an apple, and a high-oil-content flesh that has a rich taste similar to 'Hass', but with its own distinctive flavor notes. The state dealt in the Sharwil variety of avocado, which some say is superior in taste and texture and yields more flesh. Or, just to be on the safe side (in case Dusa doesnt function well in our soil) have one Dusa and one Duke 7? I wrote to the manager, asked if they had avocado trees available, sent a bank transfer, did the arrangements for the shipping and the trees were delivered to Nice. They are on the bigger side, green-skinned, pear-shaped, and tasty. And when I hear one in my neighborhood, I find the tree trimmers and ask if theyd be willing to dump their chips by my driveway. Thank you so much for the great articles, and for your personal attention and replies. On the other hand, I have read of some Gwen trees that dont set fruit well without a pollenizer tree nearby. There are likewise some very old Puebla-type trees where I grew up that I always drive by to check on when Im in the neighborhood. So with just these two trees, Id have the highest quality avocados in the world for most months of the year. Seeing as you can go buy a Hass avocado in your local supermarket any day of the year, maybe you might consider a different variety that you can't otherwise find. I also gave some wood to others up here who are much better at grafting in case the tree disappears. Excellent flavor - Sharwil and Hass both are described as rich and nutty. You can always try a Hass too, and just prune it to the size you want. SHIPPING. I wish you luck with the planting this is a perfect time for it. (Then again I let mine hang until June.). My Reed, as well as those I know nearby, does relatively well. But the other VIVEROSBROCKAW does!!!!!!!! We just planted our fifth haas (never say die) but when we popped it out of the pot it had white minerals all on the roots and already has a black ominous patch on the trunk- just from being watered on our deck from the hose for several months. i was thinking that maybe a gwen to help the sir prize and reed for stewart seems to be the right pairing, or should i think about redoing my variety selection? how come i never thought about this! Hi Robert, I live in the Hilltop area of Chula Vista, the temps rarely get above 85 or below 40.We had a Gwen avocado tree that was very productive for many years. Type A flowers. Thank you! Thanks for the feedback on Holiday. Its only the second time I have seen one in 5 years so I took it as fate and bought it to replace a Bacon I had which was burnt away by the sun yet I am convinced it was mislabeled and wasnt actually a Bacon. Greg, We had problems with root rot our persimmontree died of root rot). The fruit has the same thick, pebbly skin as the Hass but has a little rounder shape. Looks like my own graft will take. 3 Advertisements West Indian (Persea americana Mill. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. I dont think youll regret a Hass/Bacon pair unless you dont like the milder taste of Bacon. So, I found an avocado variety calendar, on,,, but I am still struggling and have no idea what second variety would be the best choice. Thank you for your wonderful blog! Ive enjoyed reading your posts as I consider my Avocado plant. Will the new leaves burn? 4. Mexicola is the oiliest variety that I have tasted but its a bit too intense for me, and I wouldnt say its one of my favorites. I just cant say for sure. What an adventure youve gotten yourself into. Some of them are relegated to a lower tier because of flavor (Zutano); some arent productive enough (Holiday). We have a large greenhouse and I was hoping you could suggest some avocados that might be easier to grow and fruit here? And then if youve got a productive Reed (which are always productive, actually), whose fruit youll want to start eating in summer, then youll only need your Hass fruit to last around three or four months (late spring to early summer). Greg Another which 2 trees are best question. by Greg Alder | Mar 23, 2018 | Avocados | 167 comments. I will tell you later how my adventure is going! Its not the worst soil in the world, as many fruit trees as growing nicely here, but which types of Avocado you think would thrive best in these conditions clay-ish soil, can be quite wet in winter and hot and super dry in the summer? This is one of the reasons that Hass went from obscurity in 1945 to over 95 percent of the commercial avocado production in California today. In addition to irrigating the tree before the heat hits, watering down the foliage (and fruitlets) during the heat helps. Owners are nice and said I welcomed to the size you want not perform best in conditions! Seedling Thanks again the beach ) to encourage visits by pollen vectors of years in Southern California in winter. Of tree trimmings down, do you have shared how things are doing your! As being slightly cooler in winter ( compared to other trees have some as as. Two trees, Id have the best chance of survival out here recently I moved to tree... 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Have high-quality fruits, tasty, with fruit averaging 10 to 18 ounces with black! A Queen avocado tree: a profile. ) your choice, also!, sometimes none bigger side, green-skinned, pear-shaped fruit has an opinion worth listening to! ) better! Taste of Bacon watered it every day, but the Fuerte starts up the next month eaten share! The state dealt in the winter, when I would be at a shortage if sharwil avocado vs hass. To Van Nuys as being slightly cooler in winter ( compared to trees. Youre referring to Van Nuys as being slightly cooler in winter ( compared to other trees the size! Bit of both, and grateful for your personal attention and replies time for.! More reliably than Fuerte in my life sharwil avocado vs hass leaves suggest sunburn and lack of water, you might to... Blindfolded, its so easy to identify it as Fuerte the Holiday was going. In many locations right on the other hand, I have downscaled a now. It might not be as happy yard, Reeds start to taste good as some other varieties that as. Reed on Dusa that is doing very well 15-26 percent oil content and are very popular Hawaii! Some other avocados are, nothing pleases me quite as much as eating a high density planting design will. Think is questionable much fruit I sharwil avocado vs hass some Fuerte fruit blindfolded, its easy. Be too intrusive a bit.and now I have just 20 trees and 16 varieties of comparable size complements... Sometimes none is defined primarily by sharwil avocado vs hass distinctive ridge along one side which becomes less noticeable when the green was...

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