texas abortion law ectopic pregnancy

The associations say these women should be given the option of termination if they become pregnant. Researchers with the Texas Policy Evaluation Project at the University of Texas at Austin documented several cases in which doctors waited to treat pregnancy complications until a patients health had deteriorated to the point that their life was in danger. As a result, she was checked into a hospital and underwent a D&C. However, after the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, abortion laws and restrictions are now implemented by state, resulting in trigger laws or complete bans. There is no treatment to stop a miscarriage once it has started, and miscarriages can become life-threatening to the pregnant patient if complications are untreated. Dr. Ingrid Skop, a San Antonio obstetrician and member of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, during a House Oversight Committee hearing in September. Her water had broken midway through the pregnancy, but her doctors, fearing prosecution if they violated the abortion ban, did not begin treating her until the fetuss heart stopped on its own. I couldn't give you life. An oncologist urged the woman to start treatment immediately, but the chemotherapy regimen would have been toxic to the fetus. Thankfully, I think theres still plenty of pharmacies that understand the proper utilization of some of the medications we use for nonelective [pregnancy] terminations.. Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is not prohibited by Texas' abortion laws. Texas abortion laws make no exception for these cases, which are not as rare as people would like to imagine, said Dr. John Thoppil, an Austin OB-GYN and president of the Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 678, Sec. Many offer no exemptions for rape, incest or fetal anomolies. Elizabeth and James look at clothes that were meant for their baby, whom they lost in the second trimester of pregnancy. But when membranes rupture earlier in pregnancy, particularly before 24 weeks, the chance of a fetus surviving plummets. Such testing is done late in pregnancy, beyond the six-week limit, noted Crescenda Uhles, a genetic counselor in Dallas. Her discharge had to be darker. ", And at this particular point in her life, pregnant for the first time at age 26, it was still somewhat abstract: "I had not been put in a position to where I had to weigh the real nuances that went into this situation. No one really knows what the legislature means by that, and they are afraid of overstepping. But now were forcing someone to continue the pregnancy and go through all the risks of a potentially term delivery and all those potential complications for a pregnancy that has no chance of surviving. In the meantime, Grossman said the delay and denial of care will likely become more common. Dr. John Thoppil, an obstetrician in Austin, doesnt perform abortions, providing prenatal care and delivering babies. But it is also affecting women who have no desire for termination but are experiencing medically risky pregnancies. 9:42 AM on Jul 1, 2022 CDT. Very young rape victims tend to seek prenatal care late, and they are more likely to have small babies that score poorly on tests of heart rate and muscle tone given immediately after birth. Abortion bans in Mississippi, North Dakota and Wyoming go into effect after the attorney . For the women, expectant management after premature rupture of membranes comes with its own health risks. "The penalties are quite draconian," he said, noting that someone could be convicted of a felony. New, untested abortion bans have made doctors unsure about treating some pregnancy complications, which has led to life-threatening delays and trapped families in a limbo of grief and helplessness. How Every State Pro-Life Law Handles Ectopic Pregnancy and Miscarriage Texas police separate anti-abortion protestors from abortion supporters during the nationwide Women's March in Austin, Texas . In a joint statement, Maureen G. Phipps, MD, MPH, FACOG, ACOG chief executive officer and Eugene Toy, MD, FACOG, chair of ACOG District XI (Texas), stated, "By allowing third . Recently passed laws make abortion illegal after about six weeks into a pregnancy. The new law in Texas bans abortion at 6 weeks when a fetal "heartbeat" can be detected. Elizabeth could not receive the medical care she needed until several days later because of a Texas law that banned abortion after six weeks. All too often, Cavazos says, patients are told to get over it, move on, try again. I looked at her little hands and I just cried. When they called the doctor's office back, they were told to go straight to the emergency room. Maybe they could get the abortion in Denver or Albuquerque. Starting last September, when the [ban on abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy] went into effect, we started getting calling from Texas and it hasnt stopped.. hide caption. Even with the slim chance of survival to 24 weeks, the newborn would face intense physical challenges and aggressive medical interventions. If she had any physical ailments, I would never abort her for that issue. And surprisingly, both of their families sent money to help pay for the trip, despite their anti-abortion sentiments. A miscarriage is generally defined as the loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy typically because of complications outside of a patients control. For doctors treating such patients, the Texas law creates quite a conundrum, Dr. Snyder said. It was just a matter of time before the baby died, or maybe Id have to go through the trauma of carrying to term knowing I wasnt bringing a baby home, said 27-year-old Lauren Hall. Or you wait till your baby's heartbeat stops.'". We want to keep you safe.. At the office, her ob-gyn turned down the ultrasound volume so they wouldn't have to hear. At the same time, she was searching for abortion clinics. Thats why Crawford said its important for patients to quickly seek medical care if they notice their pregnancy isnt progressing normally or they are bleeding. That's when she felt something "shift" in her uterus, down low, and then "this burst of water just falls out of my body. Julia Robinson for NPR CONROE, Texas (KTRK) -- A Conroe woman who suffered a miscarriage says the state's restrictive abortion laws forced her into a dangerous health situation. by Mara Mndez If youre having severe pain, if youre getting a fever, you need to keep your medical team in the loop, Crawford said. It went into effect on Sept. 1. More than ever, I think people, patients really need to be extremely well-informed and really aggressive about advocating for their own health because the system right now is basically designed to fail, she said. To Elizabeth, termination also felt like the most merciful option for her fetus. Not only will the fetus not survive long-term, but "eventually, it ruptures the tube and the tube doesn't have the ability to contract like the uterus does to shut off the flow of blood, and so it keeps bleeding and bleeding," says Dr. Ingrid Skop, an OB-GYN in Texas . The women who will be forced to carry these babies are the women with less resources, he said. "You know they paint this woman into being this individual that doesn't care about her life, doesn't care about the life of the children she creates or whatever. ", "Because that doesn't really exist right now," he added. A few weeks after Texas adopted the most restrictive abortion law in the nation, Dr. Andrea Palmer delivered terrible news to a Fort Worth patient who was midway through her pregnancy. "And if you leave it up to individuals, you're going to get uncertainty and people unwilling to make decisions. The Supreme Court is expected to rule soon on whether abortion providers and the Biden administration may challenge the law notwithstanding its novel structure. She considered Colorado and New Mexico, the nearest states without a total ban, but both states are being inundated with patients from Texas and elsewhere. The measure deputizes private citizens even those with no connection to the patient, doctor or health center to sue anyone who performs an abortion once cardiac activity can be detected in the embryo. I was losing my mind, Hall said. Elizabeth and James look at clothes that were meant for their baby, whom they lost in the second trimester of pregnancy. But the hospital staff told her that those weren't the right symptoms, yet, of a growing infection in her uterus. Question women in America now have to ask. She recalls looking at her baby's little hands and crying. AUSTIN (KXAN) Amanda and Josh Zurawski have been trying to have a baby for more than a year now. Halls fetus was diagnosed with anencephaly, a neural tube defect in which the brain, skull and scalp do not develop properly in the womb. Right there in the office, James pulled out his cell phone, and started looking for flights to states with less restrictive abortion laws. At least several OB-GYNs in the Austin area received a letter from a pharmacy in late 2021 saying it would no longer fill the drug methotrexate in the case of ectopic pregnancy, citing the recent Texas laws, said Dr. Charlie Brown, an Austin-based obstetrician-gynecologist who provided a copy to KHN. Ilana Panich-Linsman for The New York Times. Hall shelled out thousands of dollars to abruptly travel out of state while grieving a lost pregnancy. Because the alternative was hell.". Anyone who aids and abets the procedure can also be sued, and the law promises plaintiffs $10,000 and legal fees if they win the lawsuit. Or in cases of rape or incest? So I'm here to call you to register for your delivery on October 5th, so I can collect all your insurance information. The near-total ban on abortion in Texas meant that the doctors couldn't do anything to remove the unviable fetus unless Amanda's life was at risk. ", "Let's say I do have to go through this situation again. Find a complete list of them here. How do they follow the latest guidelines when numerous other people from other medical professionals to friends and family members can question their intent: Are they helping care for a miscarriage or facilitating an abortion? Cheng did not treat Hall, but has counseled patients facing similar situations. Because the providers have a choice whether to provide and the patients are the ones who need the care. The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association, for example, advise women with certain congenital heart conditions to avoid pregnancy altogether, as they are at higher risk of illness or death shortly after giving birth. Double your gift when you give by 6 p.m. Thursday. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus, most commonly in a fallopian tube. But the lack of clarity accompanying the threat of jail time and six-figure fines for medical professionals has led some hospitals and doctors in the state to deny or delay care for pregnancy complications, according to multiple reports. For some, that's too difficult, given the emotions surrounding the pregnancy loss, she said. The case spurred a movement that led to the overturning of Ireland's abortion ban in 2018. An IUD can make menstruation irregular, and she did not realize she had conceived until after the six-week mark. That is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. Hall was outraged about the world that her daughter was going to be born into, but she didnt worry too much about how this would affect her pregnancy. Hall has struggled with depression, and as the weekend wore on, her mental health deteriorated. They also had an anatomy scan, which revealed no problems. Misoprostol is used to help prevent stomach ulcers, but it can induce abortions, particularly if taken along with mifepristone. We see patients from many different religions and cultures, and how they grieve is unique to each patient, Sanchez said. It is the Cedar River Clinics in Renton, Washington, not the Cedar River Clinic in Seattle. The law does not make an exception for pregnant women who learn that the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities or anomalies that will cause the baby to die soon after birth. When the couple moved from Washington state to Texas in 2021, they were trying to . We do what we can to honor each of those cases.. Treatments for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies are still legal under Texas abortion ban. If the lawsuit is successful, plaintiffs can receive up to $10,000. But as has been true in Texas and in many of the 12 other states where abortion is banned . They're not allowed to do that in Texas. Double your gift when you give by 6 p.m. Thursday. The one exception is a medical emergency, but the law requires doctors to document the reasons for the exception with great specificity. (1) the immediate abortion of her pregnancy without the delay necessary to determine the probable post-fertilization age of the unborn child; (2) the abortion of her pregnancy even though the post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 or more weeks; or (3) the use of a method of abortion other than a method described by Section 171.045(b). But the womans condition can quickly deteriorate, which is why physicians often prefer to offer an abortion. But that comes with the same significant risks that accompany a viable pregnancy, said Dr. CeCe Cheng, a high-risk OB-GYN in San Antonio. "And they decide to sue for malpractice," she said. July 20, 20225 PM Central. Since pharmacists rotate through that Walmart, Liedtke decided to send those prescriptions to other pharmacies rather than attempt to sort out the misunderstanding anew each time. All the changes your body faces in pregnancy are going to be very similar, no matter if your fetus is viable or whether the baby wont survive on the outside, said Cheng, who is also a fellow at Physicians for Reproductive Health. Hall was in her second trimester when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional protection for abortion and allowing states to set their own laws governing abortion access. And that was always the scenario I used to explain what a ban would do, and I never met a self-proclaimed conservative that doesnt think those exceptions should be in place.. The ob-gyn, who said she could not speak to the media, laid out two options, according to Elizabeth. An ultrasound confirmed that she had suffered premature rupture of membranes, which affects about 3% of pregnancies. Sec. I'm so sorry,'" Elizabeth says. Thats what recently caused Dr. Jessian Munoz, an OB-GYN in San Antonio, to wait a day to treat a patient who had started to miscarry and developed a womb infection, according to the Associated Press. In one case, a central Texas hospital reportedly told a physician not to treat an ectopic pregnancy until it ruptured, the letter said. She had cramps, and was passing clots of blood. She took a swipe of the new discharge, and placed the toilet paper in a Ziploc bag to carry with her. Before they drove off, Elizabeth paused to do something. And it's this stupid, like, distinction that you're just making in this grief. Hall went on to become a nurse and, together with her husband, created a life in the same town where they both grew up. That's not a good thing. It includes laws about. Because at this point, I'm in survival mode. In retrospect, Elizabeth says their initial joy felt a little naive: "If it was so easy for us to get pregnant, then to us it was almost like a sign that this pregnancy was going to be easy for us.". 1, eff. Greg Abbott signed a heartbeat bill into law in May, barring abortions in the state as early as six weeks. I think most people would give tremendously leeway to that. Under Texas' Senate Bill 8, abortions are banned after six weeks of pregnancy, and the only exception is if a doctor determines a patient will face a "medical emergency" if the procedure isn't . Elizabeth was 18 weeks pregnant. Hall was 18 weeks along when she went in for hers on a Friday afternoon. "It's not just the fear that it could happen again, but also the added fear of what if it happens again and I can't get help? "'I'm just using this because this is not a viable pregnancy.'". But the language is ambiguous, and travel can be expensive and onerous for pregnant women, especially if they are unwell. Doctors can clearly legally save a woman's . John Seago, legislative director for Texas Right to Life, described this type of hesitation as "an awful misunderstanding of the law." (Texas Hospital Licensing Law); (3) an institution required to be licensed under . "It's going to take a while before the medical community comes to some kind of consensus on where you draw this line, and where you say enough is enough. Even before the passage of the two bills, existing Texas law stated that the act is not an abortion if it involves the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy which most commonly occurs when the pregnancy grows in the fallopian tube or to "remove a dead, unborn child whose death was caused by spontaneous abortion," he said, pointing to the statute. On Friday, when she woke up, she was still passing blood and discharge, still feeling sick, and feeling strange things in her uterus. They also have abortion is permitted to protect the life of the mother or her from serious bodily harm that would result if an abortion is not performed. Since September 1, 2021, Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB8) has prohibited abortions after the detection of embryonic cardiac activity, which occurs around 6 weeks after a person's last menstrual period . Consider the patient whose miscarriage care is delayed and develops a serious infection and other complications, Prager said. The pink-sheeted crib is still set up in the nursery, filled with all the baby supplies theyd bought or been gifted that they now have no use for. There they found themselves pinned down, clinically and emotionally, victims of a collision between standard obstetrical practice and the rigid new demands of Texas law. As the Supreme Court appears poised to return abortion regulation to the states, recent experience in Texas illustrates that medical care for miscarriages and dangerous ectopic pregnancies would also be threatened if restrictions become more widespread. I want to see legislation come out that will both do more as well as clarify the ways that we are protecting the life of the mother.. ", State abortion laws are complicating other types of obstetric care. Were going to take care of you, and youre going to be OK, Hall remembers. Texas law reflects this important distinction. The next day, a Thursday, she started throwing up. Elizabeth and James keep remembrances of their baby in a picture frame at home. KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. . As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. It is an editorially independent operating program of KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). Because once they reached Methodist, while they were still checking in at the emergency room, her doctor called. But Im still so angry I had to leave.. First she said, I cant, I want this baby so badly, Dr. Gunby recalled. But its not just the physical changes, but the emotional toll of knowing their baby is not going to survive and just waiting for something to happen so they can get the care they need.. Elizabeth and James Weller at their home in Houston two months after losing their baby girl due to a premature rupture of membranes. It is a horrible gamble that we are making Texas women go through.". It was just the most tender moment, she said. Instead, the patient may choose medication or a surgical evacuation procedure, which Briggs said may prove necessary anyway to avoid a patient becoming septic if some of the tissue remains in the uterus. Seventeen weeks into the pregnancy, they learned they were expecting a girl. Many of these lethal fetal abnormalities come to light at an anatomy scan performed later in pregnancy. Or what if the pregnancy wasnt viable? she said. If patients run into trouble filling prescriptions, Thoppil and Crawford say they should try to find another pharmacy or talk to their health care provider. And that 'you can either stay here and wait to get sick where we can monitor you, or we discharge you and you monitor yourself. Her discharge was yellow and smelled weird. Cheng, in San Antonio, said that even as she cautiously points her patients to their options out-of-state, shes well aware that many of them struggle to even make it to their appointments in-state. Eventually, she laid out their options: Keep carrying the pregnancy or leave Texas to get an abortion. Missouri legislators held a hearing on a bill that, if signed into law, would make it a felony to "perform or induce an abortion" to treat ectopic pregnancy. "Ectopic pregnancies can kill people," said Brown, a district chair for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, representing Texas. This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Here's what current Texas abortion laws say, plus birth control info A doctor sat down and told her: "There's very little amniotic fluid left. Crescenda Uhles, a genetic counselor in Dallas, said the Texas law puts people like her in a bind when advising patients. She would either have to get sick enough for . When they learned they were having a girl, Hall and her husband even picked out a name: Amelia. "Most women would find it extremely difficult and emotionally very challenging. Since the Texas laws include a stipulation that there must be intent to induce an abortion, Mayo said that he'd advise physicians and other clinicians to closely document the rationale for medical care, whether it's to treat a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. She was through with being dismissed, being told to wait. We both have good jobs, weve got a house and we were at a place where if it happens, it happens, she said. These provisions are in Chapter 170A of the Texas Health & Safety Code, which was enacted by House Bill 1280 in 2021. The Texas Tribune Festival is almost here! Many physicians disagree, pointing out that the law can disrupt care for pregnant women who have underlying health problems that are not immediately life-threatening, such as pulmonary hypertension or certain types of cancer. How theyd told their families, picked out a name, built a crib and bought pink sheets. After holding it together all morning, Hall burst into tears. The New Texas Abortion Law Is Putting Some Patients In Danger, A Michigan law from 1931 would make abortion a felony if Roe falls. But for patients facing a medical emergency, or low-income or uninsured Texans, seeking a second opinion may not be possible. The earliest time that any genetic testing could be done would be at seven weeks, Dr. Palmer said, so the patient decided to terminate her pregnancy before the six-week mark, in Texas. They now had some of the symptoms they needed to show the infection was getting worse. It is just possible that chemical abortions more than half of all U.S. abortions soon could be outlawed nationwide. "To them my life was not in danger enough.". These dismissals only increase the sense of isolation, stigma and shame. But there is no definition for that term in the statute. tex. They have jobs and multiple children to take care of and they dont have the finances to take four or five days to go to a different state. She just put her arms around me and took my hand and she was like, I know you dont want to be here, but youre in good hands. She wished she could make them answer for the states near-total ban on abortions after the overturning of Roe v. Wade just a few weeks prior. To the extent anybody is delaying or denying care for ectopic pregnancy, they are simply misunderstanding the law, Grossman said. And she just recklessly and negligently goes out and gets abortions all willy-nilly, left and right," she says. hide caption. You dont get a lot of time to respond, and if you dont respond quickly enough, your patient expires.. A clinical battle begins behind the scenes. But she was barely out the door, still in the parking lot, when her phone rang. Time is of the essence. Those can be acute life-threatening emergencies, she said. Disclosure: Texas Medical Association and University of Texas at Austin have been financial supporters of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Elizabeth's experience amounts to a kind of medical trauma, which is layered on top of the grief of pregnancy loss, says Elaine Cavazos, a psychotherapist specializing in the perinatal period, and the chief clinical officer of Reproductive Psychiatry and Counseling in Austin. But pregnancy care isnt as clear cut as the law makes it out to be, doctors say, and fear of criminal prosecution has led medical professionals to delay or deny care they otherwise would have provided. They were just all shocked, like, Surely, theres an exception for this, Hall said. hide caption. "You have to ask yourself, would I put any living thing through the pain, and the horrors, of having to try to fight for their life the minute that they're born?". "I told her 'Look, Doctor, people around me are telling me to keep hope. I had not been put in the crossroads of this issue.". Restrictive abortion laws in more states are likely to lead to more cases of patients with ectopic pregnancy being unable to secure timely, and life-saving, care. Just a few months before the Texas legislature passed the new law, Dr. Robert Gunby Jr., an obstetrician in Dallas, was caring for a pregnant newlywed who suddenly started losing weight. the U.S. that have trigger laws in place banning abortion in the . She never had to use that bag. But now "your medical provider says that it's illegal and they can't provide it. Its our 10th year participating in Amplify, and to celebrate, weve got $15,000 in matching funds from four generous Tribune supporters. And that's a big part of this problem, when we as physicians are trying to relieve patients' suffering. Since the Supreme Court ruling of June 24, 2022 that overturned Roe v. Wade, many states have banned abortion, or severely restricted abortion access. [1/2] Pro-choice and anti-abortion both demonstrate outside the United States Supreme Court as the court hears arguments over a challenge to a Texas law that bans abortion after six weeks in . Sept. 20, 2022 "At first I was really enraged at the hospital and administration," she says. It's an emotional and legal dilemma that potentially faces not just obstetricians and midwives, but also family physicians, emergency physicians, pharmacists, and anyone else who might become involved with pregnancy care. Anyone can read what you share. She took a pregnancy test soon after she missed her period and found out that she had conceived. For example, last year's Texas Heartbeat Law incorporated Texas' Health & Safety Code 245.002, which states (emphasis added): Julia Robinson for NPR After her initial miscarriage in 2018, Stell and her husband had their first child, a daughter, in April 2020. According to a letter from the Texas Medical Association, a physician in Central Texas was instructed not to treat an ectopic pregnancy until it ruptured, which can cause serious medical complications. But the statutes dont account for complicated miscarriages, and confusion has led some providers to delay or deny care for patients in Texas. In Texas' anti-abortion . She and her husband immediately jumped into planning mode, scheduling an appointment at one of the only OB-GYN practices in town. Amplify your impact and donate now. "Ectopic pregnancy" means the implantation of a fertilized egg or embryo outside of the uterus. This chapter contains a variety of laws related to abortion. Notably, under Texas' law, at least one patient was told to wait until her ectopic pregnancy ruptured her fallopian tubewhich would have put her at immediate risk of death from hemorrhage . The next day, Elizabeth's ob-gyn came to the hospital to arrange the procedure. Right away, she ran into obstacles because of the Texas law. pursuant to the preliminary injunction in texas v. becerra, no. Treatments for certain pregnancy complications are distinct from abortions under Texas laws, experts say, but confusion has already limited some patients access to life-saving procedures and medicines. Put in the meantime, Grossman said until several days later because a! Obstacles because of a Texas law that banned abortion after six weeks occurs when fertilized. Straight to the hospital and administration, '' he added, built a crib and pink... And Josh Zurawski have been toxic to the extent anybody is delaying or denying for! Law requires doctors to document the reasons for the women with less resources, he said noting... Going to take care of you, and she did not treat Hall, but it can induce,. While grieving a lost pregnancy. ' '' Elizabeth says because that does really. 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texas abortion law ectopic pregnancy