bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit

When you are always living a lonely life. I stand in the Authority of the name of Jesus, and i declare that any witchcraft practised under any water against my life, receive immediate judgment of fire, in the name of Jesus. or email to: Spiritual children sucking my breast release and die by fire, in Jesus name. RITUALS AND SACRIFICE: A person gets polluted through these means. Weve grown accustomed to battling the enemys foot soldiers in the earth realm and some have pressed into battling higher power demons in the heavenlies. 25. NIGHT PARTIES: It is not everyone you see at night parties that are normal human beings. MARINE GIFTS: These come in the form of jewelry, clothes with wet look, etc. Posted on . I refuse to surrender to the enemy in the name of Jesus. (Husband /wife where applicable)Lord Jesus your word says in Matthew 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Any water spirit from my village or the place of my birth, working against me and my family, be destroyed by the sword of the spirit, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 107:6. SPIRITUAL WARFARE DRILL 2: A Prayer to Loose You From Leviathans Lies. 12. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? There are three realms of the universe: the heavenlies, the earth and the sea. FOOD POLLUTION: They pollute people through food. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOP BEING THE ANSWER. Encounters with spirit spouse and spirit children. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Even If this was done generations back you have to renounce and break the dedication in order to be set back. We see water gods in mythology. The marine world just like other departments in satans kingdom is very well organized. There are marine priests, marine snakes and other marine animals such as crocodile (also known as the leviathan) that operate from marine altars to manipulate, bewitch, and afflict. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors". It introduced curses where God had originally planned only blessing. IN ALL, GOD IS GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. 1. FAMILY IDOLS: Many idol worshippers consult water spirits. 5. Marine spirits operates when people consciously and unconsciously commit sexual sin. Cultism, rape, gangsterism, militancy, terrorism, armed robbery, and all other forms of violence are the works of marine forces. 4. I ask You to forgive me for believing Leviathans lies and help me to discern this twisting dragons tall tales. Many times, we get hammered by a wicked spirit because were fighting in the wrong realm. Jesus Christ, by your power and authority, crush out every foundational serpent working against my marital favour, in the name of Jesus. 5. Dream of swimming in rivers, lakes, ocean, Dream of sex with known or unknown people, Dream of playing with snakes and presents of frogs. Then theres nitrogen narcosis, which occurs in underwater pressure when the nitrogen absorbs into the body tissues. 4.Father God, I break the heads of the dragons in the waters in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and cast the dragon to the pit of hell (Psalm 74:13). Let my God arise and scatter every ancestral spirit binding my family members in the name of Jesus. 2. Before we go to the deliverance prayer points, lets talk a little about this marine powers. Firstly, as Jesus says, deny our flesh then read scripture diligently. Encounters with marine agents bring terrible oppression and afflictions. 2. The stubborn spirit are contagious. Lord Jesus, baptize my life with Holy Ghost fire that cannot be insulted, in the name of Jesus. They initiate people into spiritual marriage and make them to bear spirit children. Any marine stronghold holding me down as a child of God, I declare my total freedom, so therefore lose your grip over me, in Jesus name. Are you experiencing constant sleepless night? You dont have to be in sin to find python trying to slide under your door. I believe the enemy has many devices of which we are ignorant because our wisdom is limited. BATHING BY THE RIVER ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF A SO-CALLED PROPHET. The word was later applied to diviners or soothsayers, inspired by Apollo. Break his teeth. As Christians, we are promised power and strength when we call upon God to deliver us from spiritual attacks and Satan's schemes to bind us - whether to an addiction, emotion, thought, relationship, finances, or other strongholds. Father God, I destroy all demonic powers of leviathan and make leviathan into pieces, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. HOW TO DEAL WITH WICKED MONITORING SPIRITS! Maintain evil altars from where they launch their attacks. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. Every marine snail placed upon my legs; catch fire, in Jesus name. I pursue, I overtake and I recover all my possessions from marine witchcraft covens. Just because they are not listed in the Bible does not mean they dont exist. I break the backbone of marine witchcraft militating against my life. Prayers and fasting become very difficult. Every serpent hissing lies and accusations into my ears, be Utterly Silenced by the Thunder of God, in Jesus name. Evil laying on of hands. Any evil name given to me under any water, I reject and cancel it with the blood of Jesus. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: When you live in a riverine area and you do not pray hard, you would get polluted. 10. It is rather a great challenge if you have the presence of python spirit. Crush the head of the snake. Any incision in my body, used as entry point by marine demons; be flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. As a result of this, family members are dedicated to them. For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.. Let every evil altar under any water upon which certain evils are done against me, be brought down and destroyed in the name of Jesus. PRAISEPsalm 100:4-5Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Father God, I break the strength of leviathans neck, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Psalm 18:40). 23. Your email address will not be published. There is normally a queen in the water that is worshipped such as Yemoja which means mother of the children of the fish, Olokun, which means mother of the sea, and others. 17. Reveal your secrets to marine agents through talkativeness. (which ever spirit address) I am hereby divorced from you in the highest court of heaven and you no longer have any legal rights to me /my wife /my husband /my family,I issue you with a permanent certificate of divorce ,restraint order permanent injunction and everlasting separation and like wise with all others mentioned ,your are hereby permanently divorced and separated from spiritually and physically where applicable forevermore ,Amen. 7. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 6.Father God, I cut and sever and destroy the yokes of matrimony in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They steal various things including breakthroughs, position, virtues, wealth and possessions. Any power under any river or sea remotely-controlling my life, be destroyed by fire, and I deliver myself now!!! To pray your way through deliverance is the hardest thing to do. 16. Every marine witchcraft chain binding my hands and feet from prospering, be broken and shattered to pieces. Sacrifice carried to the river either by you or on your behalf. Bathed with polluted waters at birth or with concoctions from the waters You as a child of God need to use the blood of Jesus to separate your life from that evil marine vehicle of your family. Every marine power operating at the edge of my destiny, I bury you alive today, in Jesus name. O! Engage this deliverance prayer points from marine water spirits with all your heart and with strong faith and I see your story changing in Jesus name. Please hear our cry for good health, longevity, wisdom and opportunity to succeed in several areas of our lives in Jesus name. Father, I ask for your mercy and forgiveness upon my life, in the name of Jesus. 18. Surrender your life to and rededicate your life to God. Women who suffer from the oppressions of this malevolent demon, find it difficult to get married, the demon continually resist them and drives away all potential suitors. Father God, I ask for your forgiveness and I repent and renounce for the following spirits: Sexual sins, Promiscuity, Juvenile delinquency, Immorality, Prostitution, Sexual immorality, Seducing Spirits, Sorceries, Enchantments, Divination, Witchcraft, Idolatry, Antichrist, Self-worship, Idolatry/False Religion, Antichrist, , Ungodly spiritual marriages, Disobedience/Pride, Hatred/Murder, Bloodshed, Greed, Abortions, Death. Where Python spirit has been in existence in your life then there will be no way your prayers will be answered by God. o Marine strongmen that enforce these covenants and enforce sanctions if they are broken. They realized that these men were Pharaohs magicians and they are ready to kill. SEX WITH MARINE PEOPLE: If you sleep with a marine agent you would become one of them. They have very well organized networks that can infiltrate anywhere. Age group local festival at river banks. HOW DO YOU BECOME A VICTIM OF MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS? When you have unforgiving spirit and other negative attitudes. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. on 07/21/2021, 3 Reasons Proverbs 23:7 Says 'As a Man Thinks, So He Is'. Prayer points. As a result of this, family members are dedicated to them. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished. bible verses for deliverance from marine spiritsheraton club lounge alcohol bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit. According to Psalm 8, God has given me dominion over the works of His hands. However, one of the toughest deliverance at most deliverance churches today, it is majorly from python and marine spirit. We cant effectively wrestle any demon when were wrestling against people. This goes on indefinitely until you renounce it and separate yourself from the evil umbrella that is covering your whole family line. 4. 18. Pollute people through sex and other avenues. Foreclosure, Estate or in need of repair. stevens funeral home pulaski, va obituaries. 6. I reject every spirit of trial and errors in my life in the name of Jesus. I thank You, Lord, for fighting for, though and with me, in the name of Jesus. 7. Every pollution done to my financial blessing by the marine agents, be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. 15. The severity of those symptoms depends on how long this enemy has been coiling itself around you and how much pressure it has applied. I withdraw my organ in the water used for sacrifice in Jesus name. If you must separate yourself from the marine spirit, you must be go on an intense fasting and prayers. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. ABBA Father in the name of Jesus please forgive me for all sexual sins presently.with my present /boyfriend /girlfriend /wife husband before and all other females/males knowingly or unknowingly.Lord Jesus please deliver me and set me free and restore my fragmented soul and my life to wholeness ,Lord please restore my total innocence as if Ive been only married to my current wife /husband all the days of my life where applicable)Abba Father Son and Holy Spirit when I leave this court room of heaven after this prayer I have faith and total belief that what I have asked for in this prayer shall totally be and I shall be made whole for your words says who soever calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered (Joel 2:32 ). In the name of Jesus, I have Calvary dominion over all things in the heavens, in the earth, under the water in the name of Jesus. When you are pursuing a particular thing for many years without solution. For Confirmations and Further Directions, 75 PRAYER BULLETS AND SCRIPTURES TO CANCEL EVIL DREAMS. 19. River initiation Strategy of water demons to separate me from my partner scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. There are various ways that marine spirits can enter a persons life to afflict, oppress, and even possess. PRAYER WARFARE 1. No force of darkness can over power you as a child of God. God calls us to live free from sin that "so easily entangles". Gossip is one of the first manifestations of a Leviathan spirit. Living, working, or doing business on land dedicated to marine powers. And the seeds of the woman are Children of God. Your first bath water used for rituals in the waters. No right is given without my recognition. This was answered prayer! Every serpentile poison in my spirit, soul and body, be purged out, in Jesus name. These include their robes, candles, creams, soap, sponge, mirrors, and incense. 12. 12. Scatter Your enemies with Your strong arm ( Psalm 89:10 ). When they sexually violate you they take the appearance of men. the world. Evil initiation into marine societies. Envious witchcraft that say women in my mothers house will not marry or enjoy their marriage, fire of God destroy them before sunlight, in Jesus name. Let my body reject marine habitation, in the name of Jesus. They attack people mostly through evil foundation. And Jesus spoke repeatedly of our heavenly Father. Choose Color style Strong Goliath from the marine kingdom that has taken my dowry return it and die, in Jesus name. 5.Father God, I cut off the head of every hydra in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. THINGS THAT BELONG TO YOU WAS THROWN INTO THE RIVER. Behemoth spirit ideologies, spirits that cross land and sea, SPIRITUAL WARFARE DRILL 1: A Powerful Prayer Against the Python Principality. Hope in the Storm - 30-Day Fear and Anxiety Prayer Guide. Prayers against Leviathan and Marine Spirits: O Lord, break the heads of the dragons in the waters ( Psalm 74:13 ). bible verses for deliverance from marine spiritthe protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism chapter 4 summary. Indeed, scuba divers face distinct dangers, including barotraumawhich is damage due to increased under water pressure on the air pocket in the middle ear. Many have made trans- generational covenants with these powers. I renounce the children of python out of my life, in Jesus name. Nitrogen narcosis is dangerous because it impairs your judgement and sensory perception. When some people get a new apartment or house, they simply pack into the place without any form of spiritual discernment. Here are 139 Bible verses about deliverance from the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible (King James Version), sorted from most to least relevant. Father God, I destroy all demonic powers of leviathan and make leviathan into pieces, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 13. 17. Meriam-Websterdefines Leviathan as a sea, monster defeated by Yahweh in various scriptural accounts; a large sea animal; the political state: a totalitarian state having a vast bureaucracy; something large or formidable.. When you often see snakes appearing in your dream. Your word is purified seven times. Lord Jesus I vow before the court of heaven that as you set me free from these marine spirits ,I will never ever engage in any sexual activity outside of marriage nor open any door to the enemy to return . You, serpent attacking my progress, I crush your head with the power of the Holy Ghost!!! 9. When your relationship dont always lead to marriage. HOW TO BUILD A PERSONAL ALTAR UNTO THE LORD! $0.00. Constant crossing of rivers with boat in the dream. For Counselling, Prayers and Deep Prophetic Deliverance Schedule, Arrangement and booking @. The earth is the second realm. 13. These include their robes, candles, creams, soap, sponge, mirrors, and incense. Proud member Family marine altar catch fire and die in the name of Jesus. Materials from the marine kingdom, cowries, beads, jewelries inside my stomach, receive fire come and be roasted, in Jesus name. 8. There is a collective captivity marine vehicle carrying the whole family where God has not ordained for them to go. 8. 3). . They turned and looked at each other with disappointment. 12. Psalm 50:15. They manipulate governments, and they have infiltrated deep into the church. The spirit of Python is the source of witchcraft and divination. and the son of man, that thou visitest him? All my virtues and goodness in the waters, jump out and locate me now. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. This demonic is commonly called Spirit Husband . The spirit of marine has given some people various gifts spiritually that keep them busy with them. 16. 7. The proper way to dispose of it is to burn it. Blood of Jesus enter into the water now and speak for me, in Jesus name. Despite the power of Pharaoh, Gods power on Moses and Aaron swallowed the serpent of the Egyptians. Merfolk spirits are actually found with Dagon in the BibleDagon was the chief God of the Philistines and the father of Baal. They also have prisons and courts under the water where they imprison their victims and issue judgment on them. Rebuke him in his pride. Psalm 8:4-8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? Your power is against the high ones who have rebelled against You. And he came out the same hour., Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places., Jeremiah 1:19, And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee, for I am with thee, saith the LORD, to deliver thee., Job 5:12, He disappointment the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.. 9. 5. 10. WISDOM FOR THE WARFARE: DONT BE IGNORANT. I stand against this serpentine devil that is working to constrict the flow or Your light and life in my heart. POLYGAMY: There is no way a man would marry many wives and some of them would not be possessed with marine spirit. I cancelled all decision and judgment of marine witchcraft over my life and family, in Jesus name. DIRECT ATTACK THROUGH MARINE POWERS RECRUITMENT EXERCISE: These powers have agents all over the place initiating people through materials like jewelry, clothing, attachments, etc. [2022 Updated]. If you are one of those who believe that you do not have to pray against the spirit of serpent, because God had defeated satan on the cross and thus fought your battles, you are merely displaying your ignorance or using that as an excuse for your laziness to pray. Seeing marine animals in your dream such as crocodile, water turtles, crabs, and serpents I cancel Pythons assignment against me and my city. While others are still struggling hard to prosper. I destroy your den. 17. I break the stronghold of evil dedication and I remove the generational curses, in Jesus name. He said, Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Israelites go. 3. Lord also in 1 Corinthians 6:16 that What? Supervise evil covenants between marine powers and their victims including evil dedication to marine powers 24. Dry up his resting place, oh God, smite him with your mighty hand and deliver me from this demonic onslaught in the name of Jesus. Every python sent to destroy me, return to your sender, in the name of Jesus. Attack by marine snakes. These trigger evil covenants with water spirits. 21. We declare the marriage contract, covenant, yokes are destroyed by the fire of God and no longer connected to _________. Pulmonary embolism is another danger scuba divers face. This is a very common problem these days so one needs to really seek God before going to any place to worship or even visit. 18. Combat conducted underwater is somewhat trickier than air or land combat. I decree and declare I am delivered and set free from the pythons grip. 17. All python demons coiling around my head spiritually, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Father God, I bind every sea monster that would attack my life or region in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Lamentations 4:3). 4. 5. THE IMPORTANCE OF ANOINTING YOUR HOME OR PROPERTY. Your placenta was buried in the waters. Many stars are buried in marine burial grounds located in the homes of marine agents and under the waters. Father, I come to in the name of Jesus and in His authority. Father, I thank You that Your Word is truth. down and die. The Bible mentions Leviathan in Job 3, 40 and 41, but thats not the only place this sea monster is found in Scripture. May Jehovah Rapha destroy all marine spirit in our lives, mouth, and private parts in the name of Jesus. A place of sacrifice, worship, cons Are your nights contaminated with satanic nightmares and evil dreams? feeling pressured, overwhelmed, helpless and even hopeless. Symptoms of a python attack may include weariness, a loss of passion to worship and pray. Spirit of the serpent hiding in my house, be utterly flushed out by the Lightning of God today, in Jesus name. About possible consequences you can read here: What are the consequences of copyright infringement? I decree and declare that my praise will release more power and my worship is my warfare. Every spiritual marriage, dowry, ring, gown given to me by the marine spirit, be dissolved by the blood of Jesus. 14. Pharaoh whispered in one of the mens ears, and he nodded and spoke quietly to the others. I will not be defeated by the devil, I will extol myself, in Jesus name. Unrepentant ancient python spirit in my foundation, catch fire unto death, in Jesus name. They allow their victims to stay long in their captives until when the person is old and has nothing to offer again before they start releasing them. The truth in Your Word sets me free from Leviathans twisted lies. Every priest ministering at any evil altar against me inside any water, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Click this link to join Now, . 3. Every demonic possessed power attaching themselves to my glory, catch fire, in Jesus name. Repent from all known sins and flee rebellion. Every astral projected mirror from the water in my body; scatter in Jesus name. I release my life from the grip of marine witchcraft powers. I renounce and break every evil dedication to water and marine spirits. Prayers and fasting become very difficult. Even if we have heard of water spirits, most Christians dont know the depth of them. I refuse to suffer for the things I did not do, in Jesus name. Go for deliverance periodically to ensure that they do not regroup against you. 13. Python can attack anyone. The Bible says in Exodus 7:10-12, And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. The Holy Spirit led me to study the Navy Seals. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished. Evil association through careless friendship I shake off every arrow of marine in my head, in Jesus name. Break the crown of pride ( Isaiah 28:1 ). Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Holy Ghost fire purge my foundation with your rod of fire, in Jesus name. Every evil done against me by marine witchcraft be reversed by the blood of Jesus. Any stubborn chain from my fathers house and mothers house binding me down to one spot catch fire, in Jesus name. Declare now 21 times: I am free in Jesus name.. 10. Pharaoh wasnt surprised at all, he actually just smiled and laughed at Moses and Aaron. 11. Psalm 104:26, "There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein." Isaiah 27:1, "that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea." Previous: No salvation without adoption tony and ezekiel dog and deer tiktok, , God is GLORIFIED through Jesus Christ of Nazareth ( Psalm 18:40 ) with and... Python trying to slide under your door whispered in one of the dragons in the of! And delivers them out of all their troubles violate you they take the appearance of men marine strongmen that these... Prayers against leviathan and marine spirits operates when people consciously and unconsciously commit sexual sin of and. They also have prisons and courts under the water now and speak me! I ask you to forgive me for believing Leviathans lies rededicate your life to and rededicate your to... Collective captivity marine vehicle carrying the whole family line foundation, catch fire, in Jesus.... 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bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit